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Learning Javascript and algorithm

Aaron Conlon AaronConlon

Learning Javascript and algorithm
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slikts /
Last active March 6, 2022 20:41
Up to date answer about when to use React context or Redux (Redux Toolkit)

React context vs Redux in 2020

The [React docs][condoc] give some example use cases for context:

Context is designed to share data that can be considered “global” for a tree of React components, such as the current authenticated user, theme, or preferred language.

The common property of these use cases is that data like the current theme doesn't change often and needs to be shared deep down the component tree, which would be cumbersome with "[prop drilling][drill]". Something else that needs to be shared everywhere is the application state when using a "single source of truth" pattern, so it would follow that the context API would help with that as well, but there's a catch: components that use context will rerender every time that the provided value changes, so sharing the whole application state through context would cause excessive render lifecycles.

Venryx / Example.tsx
Last active February 9, 2023 22:36
Using "useImperativeHandle" in a React functional component, with automatic TypeScript typing
import {forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, ForwardRefExoticComponent, RefAttributes, Ref} from "react";
export type Handle<T> = T extends ForwardRefExoticComponent<RefAttributes<infer T2>> ? T2 : never;
export const Parent = (props: {})=> {
let childHandle: Handle<typeof Child>;
return (
<div onClick={()=>childHandle.SayHi()}>
<Child name="Bob" ref={c=>childHandle = c}/>
titenkov /
Last active September 3, 2024 11:29
Use Vim visual blocks during interactive git rebase

Sometimes, when rebasing interactively with git, we need to squash a sequence of commits in a branch.

For example, we need to transform this:

pick 0253dc894f bumped
pick 5a1e86933c remove dependency
pick bffoffb395 memberships rpc resource
pick 222fabf5e0 rpc membership service
pick 726a2f9a10 remove crypto logic
hackjutsu / example.js
Last active November 16, 2022 14:16
[Highlight.js + line number] This snippet adds line number support to Highlight.js. Besides, special css trick is applied to stop the line numbers from being selected and copied. #tags: highlight, lepton
import HighlightJS from 'highlight.js'
createHighlightedCodeBlock (content, language) {
let lineNumber = 0
const highlightedContent = HighlightJS.highlightAuto(content, [language]).value
/* Highlight.js wraps comment blocks inside <span class="hljs-comment"></span>.
However, when the multi-line comment block is broken down into diffirent
table rows, only the first row, which is appended by the <span> tag, is
highlighted. The following code fixes it by appending <span> to each line
Jaykul / Get-MsdnKeys.ps1
Last active August 3, 2022 20:28
PowerShell + Selenium Demo: Getting Started, and reusing cookies with Invoke-Request
# It might work in 4, but I'm not testing there. Lower you'll have to tweak code
#requires -Version 5.0
# Your Live ID for MSDN login
# Pick a browser to use. Defaults to Firefox (which doesn't seem to require an external Driver file)
JerryC8080 / RexChainesPhone.js
Created March 21, 2016 08:08
4G号段 177
parmentf /
Last active September 19, 2024 17:12
Git Commit message Emoji
jcouyang / contribution-svg.rb
Last active February 11, 2023 22:32
SVG image for your github contributions calendar
require "nokogiri"
require "open-uri"
url = "{params['username']}"
document = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
contrib_boxes = document.css('svg.js-calendar-graph-svg')[0]
width = (params['width']||54*13-2).to_i
height = (params['height']||89).to_i
kevinkindom / Python Socket 编程详细介绍.md
Last active September 15, 2024 14:52
Python Socket 编程详细介绍

Python Socket 编程详细介绍

Python 提供了两个基本的 socket 模块:

  • Socket 它提供了标准的BSD Socket API。
  • SocketServer 它提供了服务器重心,可以简化网络服务器的开发。

下面讲解下 Socket模块功能。

Socket 类型

bluejava / Soon
Last active December 22, 2022 06:27
A Very Fast Javascript thread yield (see blog posting)
// See
// This is a very fast "asynchronous" flow control - i.e. it yields the thread and executes later,
// but not much later. It is far faster and lighter than using setTimeout(fn,0) for yielding threads.
// Its also faster than other setImmediate shims, as it uses Mutation Observer and "mainlines" successive
// calls internally.
// WARNING: This does not yield to the browser UI loop, so by using this repeatedly
// you can starve the UI and be unresponsive to the user.
// Note: For an even faster version, see
var soon = (function() {