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Created May 17, 2023 06:23
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Pokémon Go Shiny Luck Simulator
<div id="catch_screen">
<div id="encounter">
<img id="pokemon"/>
<img id="shiny"/>
<canvas id="sparkles" width="256" height="256"></canvas>
<img src="" id="sparkle"/>
<select id="pokemons"></select>
<table id="stats">
<td id="encounters_stat"></td>
<td id="shinies_stat"></td>
<td>Current streak:</td>
<td id="streak_stat"></td>
<td>Best streak:</td>
<td id="best_streak_stat"></td>
<td>Worst streak:</td>
<td id="worst_streak_stat"></td>
<label><input type="checkbox" id="noflash"> No flash
<div id="flash"></div>

Pokémon Go Shiny Luck Simulator

"If you're lucky, you might encounter a shiny Pokémon".

Try yourself and see how your next stroll could go!

Tap to check, hold to fast-forward.

Odds are based on rough estimates.

A Pen by Maxime on CodePen.


var pokemon_selector = document.getElementById("pokemons");
var catch_screen = document.getElementById("catch_screen");
var pokemon = document.getElementById("pokemon");
var shiny = document.getElementById("shiny");
var stats = document.getElementById("stats");
var encounters_stat = document.getElementById("encounters_stat");
var shinies_stat = document.getElementById("shinies_stat");
var streak_stat = document.getElementById("streak_stat");
var worst_streak_stat = document.getElementById("worst_streak_stat");
var best_streak_stat = document.getElementById("best_streak_stat");
var flash = document.getElementById("flash");
// Odds are based on reports from and
// They're instinctively rounded to the nearest power of 2
var pokemons = {
1: ["Bulbasaur", 512],
4: ["Charmander", 512],
7: ["Squirtle", 512],
10: ["Caterpie", 512],
16: ["Pidgey", 512],
19: ["Rattata", 512],
23: ["Ekans", 512],
25: ["Pikachu", 512],
27: ["Sandshrew", 512],
29: ["Nidoran ♀", 512],
32: ["Nidoran ♂", 512],
41: ["Zubat", 512],
43: ["Oddish", 512],
48: ["Venonat", 512],
50: ["Diglett", 512],
52: ["Meowth", 512],
54: ["Psyduck", 512],
56: ["Mankey", 512],
58: ["Growlithe", 512],
60: ["Poliwag", 512],
63: ["Abra", 512],
66: ["Machop", 512],
72: ["Tentacool", 512],
74: ["Geodude", 512],
77: ["Ponyta", 512],
81: ["Magnemite", 512],
83: ["Farfetch'd", 256],
86: ["Seel", 512],
88: ["Grimer", 512],
90: ["Shellder", 512],
92: ["Gastly", 512],
95: ["Onix", 64],
96: ["Drowzee", 512],
98: ["Krabby", 512],
100: ["Voltorb", 512],
102: ["Exeggcute", 512],
104: ["Cubone", 512],
108: ["Lickitung", 64],
109: ["Koffing", 512],
111: ["Rhyhorn", 512],
113: ["Chansey", 64],
115: ["Kangaskhan", 256],
116: ["Horsea", 512],
122: ["Mr. Mime", 256],
123: ["Scyther", 64],
126: ["Magmar", 512],
127: ["Pinsir", 512],
128: ["Tauros", 256],
129: ["Magikarp", 512],
131: ["Lapras", 64],
133: ["Eevee", 512],
138: ["Omanyte", 512],
140: ["Kabuto", 512],
142: ["Aerodactyl", 64],
144: ["Articuno", 16],
145: ["Zapdos", 16],
146: ["Moltres", 16],
147: ["Dratini", 512],
150: ["Mewtwo", 16],
152: ["Chikorita", 512],
155: ["Cyndaquil", 512],
158: ["Totodile", 512],
161: ["Sentret", 512],
170: ["Chinchou", 512],
172: ["Pichu", 64],
173: ["Cleffa", 64],
174: ["Igglybuff", 64],
175: ["Togepi", 64],
177: ["Natu", 512],
179: ["Mareep", 512],
183: ["Marill", 512],
185: ["Sudowoodo", 512],
190: ["Aipom", 512],
191: ["Sunkern", 512],
193: ["Yanma", 512],
198: ["Murkrow", 512],
200: ["Misdreavus", 512],
202: ["Wobbuffet", 512],
204: ["Pineco", 64],
206: ["Dunsparce", 512],
207: ["Gligar", 64],
209: ["Snubull", 512],
213: ["Shuckle", 512],
215: ["Sneasel", 64],
216: ["Teddiursa", 512],
220: ["Swinub", 512],
225: ["Delibird", 512],
227: ["Skarmory", 64],
228: ["Houndour", 512],
234: ["Stantler", 512],
238: ["Smoochum", 64],
239: ["Elekid", 64],
240: ["Magby", 64],
246: ["Larvitar", 512],
249: ["Lugia", 16],
250: ["Ho-Oh", 16],
252: ["Treecko", 512],
255: ["Torchic", 512],
258: ["Mudkip", 512],
261: ["Poochyena", 512],
263: ["Zigzagoon", 512],
265: ["Wurmple", 512],
270: ["Lotad", 512],
276: ["Tailow", 512],
278: ["Wingull", 512],
280: ["Ralts", 512],
287: ["Slakoth", 512],
290: ["Nincada", 64],
296: ["Makuhita", 512],
298: ["Azurill", 64],
300: ["Skitty", 512],
302: ["Sableye", 512],
303: ["Mawile", 64],
304: ["Aron", 512],
307: ["Meditite", 512],
309: ["Electrike", 512],
311: ["Plusle", 512],
312: ["Minun", 512],
313: ["Volbeat", 512],
314: ["Illumise", 512],
315: ["Roselia", 512],
318: ["Carvahna", 512],
320: ["Wailmer", 512],
325: ["Spoink", 512],
327: ["Spinda", 64],
328: ["Trapinch", 512],
333: ["Swablu", 512],
335: ["Zangoose", 512],
336: ["Seviper", 512],
337: ["Lunatone", 512],
338: ["Solrock", 512],
339: ["Barboach", 512],
343: ["Baltoy", 512],
345: ["Lileep", 512],
347: ["Anorith", 512],
349: ["Feebas", 64],
351: ["Castform", 512],
353: ["Shuppet", 512],
355: ["Duskull", 512],
359: ["Absol", 64],
360: ["Wynaut", 64],
361: ["Snorunt", 512],
366: ["Clamperl", 64],
370: ["Luvdisc", 512],
371: ["Bagon", 512],
374: ["Beldum", 512],
377: ["Regirock", 16],
378: ["Regice", 16],
379: ["Registeel", 16],
380: ["Latias", 16],
381: ["Latios", 16],
382: ["Kyogre", 16],
383: ["Groudon", 16],
384: ["Rayquaza", 16],
387: ["Turtwig", 512],
390: ["Chimchar", 512],
393: ["Piplup", 512],
403: ["Shinx", 64],
406: ["Budew", 64],
412: ["Burmy", 512],
425: ["Drifloon", 512],
427: ["Buneary", 512],
431: ["Glameow", 512],
436: ["Bronzor", 64],
438: ["Bonsly", 64],
439: ["Mime Jr.", 64],
440: ["Happiny", 64],
443: ["Gible", 128],
447: ["Riolu", 16],
449: ["Hippopotas", 512],
451: ["Skorupi", 512],
453: ["Croagunk", 512],
459: ["Snover", 512],
485: ["Heatran", 16],
487: ["Giratina", 16],
488: ["Cresselia", 16],
491: ["Darkrai", 16],
504: ["Patrat", 512],
506: ["Lillipup", 512],
532: ["Timburr", 64],
572: ["Mincino", 512],
599: ["Klink", 64],
638: ["Cobalion", 16],
639: ["Terrakium", 16],
640: ["Virizion", 16],
for (var p in pokemons){
var option = document.createElement("option");
var number = p;
if (number < 10) number = "00" + number;
else if (number < 100) number = "0" + number;
option.textContent = number + " " + pokemons[p][0];
option.value = p;
var current, odds, encounters, shinies, streak, worst_streak, best_streak;
var autochecking = false;
var autostarter = null;
var autochecker = null;
var sparkling = false;
var noflash = false;
pokemon.onmousedown = pokemon.ontouchstart = shiny.onmousedown = shiny.ontouchstart = function(e){
if (autostarter == null) autostarter = setTimeout(autocheck, 500);
pokemon.onmouseup = pokemon.ontouchend = shiny.onmouseup = shiny.ontouchend = function(){
if (!autochecking && !sparkling){ = "none";
if (!noflash) = 0.4;
setTimeout(reveal, 5);
autochecking = false;
autostarter = null;
pokemon_selector.onchange = function(){
current = this.value;
odds = pokemons[current][1];
if (current < 10) current = "00" + current;
else if (current < 100) current = "0" + current;
pokemon.onload = function(){ pokemon.onmouseup(); };
if (current != "412"){
pokemon.src = "" + current + "_00.png?raw=true";
shiny.src = "" + current + "_00_shiny.png?raw=true";
} else { // Burmy
pokemon.src = "" + current + "_11.png?raw=true";
shiny.src = "" + current + "_11_shiny.png?raw=true";
encounters = shinies = streak = worst_streak = 0;
best_streak = "-";
function autocheck(){
autochecking = true;
autochecker = setInterval(reveal, 5);
function reveal(){
if ( == "block") streak = 0;
if (streak > worst_streak) worst_streak = streak;
if (Math.ceil(Math.random() * odds) == odds){
sparkling = true;
if (best_streak > streak || best_streak == "-") best_streak = streak; = "none"; = "block";
setTimeout(shine, 400);
} else { = "block"; = "none";
encounters_stat.textContent = encounters;
shinies_stat.textContent = shinies;
streak_stat.textContent = streak;
worst_streak_stat.textContent = worst_streak;
best_streak_stat.textContent = best_streak; = "opacity 0.4s"; = 0;
var sparkle = document.getElementById("sparkle");
var sparkles = document.getElementById("sparkles");
var ctx = sparkles.getContext("2d");
var particles = [];
var drawer;
function addSparkles(){
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) particles.push({ "scale": 1, "radius": 60, "angle": 45 * i });
function drawSparkles(){
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 256, 256);
for (p of particles){
var x = 128 + p.radius * Math.cos(p.angle * Math.PI / 180);
var y = 128 + p.radius * Math.sin(p.angle * Math.PI / 180);
var scaled = Math.max(32 * p.scale, 0);
ctx.drawImage(sparkle, x - scaled / 2, y - scaled / 2, scaled, scaled);
if (p.scale > 0.6) p.scale -= 0.2;
else p.scale -= 0.05;
p.angle -= 5;
p.radius += 5;
function stopDrawing(){
particles = [];
sparkling = false;
function shine(){
if (!particles.length){
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) setTimeout(addSparkles, i * 100);
drawer = setInterval(drawSparkles, 50);
setTimeout(stopDrawing, 1000);
document.getElementById("noflash").onchange = function(){
noflash = this.checked;
document.body.onkeydown = function(e){
if (e.keyCode == 32 && !sparkling) reveal();
pokemon.oncontextmenu = shiny.oncontextmenu = function(e){
return false;
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#encounter { position:relative; }
#sparkles {
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width: 256px;
height: 256px;
left:calc(50% - 128px);
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#pokemons {
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border-radius: 20px;
color: white;
background: url("") no-repeat center right 16px / 12px 12px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
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margin-bottom: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
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font-family: Sans-serif;
font-weight: 100;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 22px;
margin: auto;
text-align: right;
label, input[type="checkbox"] { cursor: pointer; }
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#stats td[colspan="2"] { text-align: center; }
#flash {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
background: white;
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