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Last active August 28, 2024 23:18
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Create and connect VPN with powershell script
# Author: ALiangLiang <>
# Replace VPN_NAME, ADDRESS and ACCOUNT first!!
# Ref:
$ACCOUNT = 'user1'
function Connect {
# Get password from prompt
$pass = Read-Host 'What is your password?' -AsSecureString
$pass = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pass))
# Establish VPN configuration
# Ref:
Add-VpnConnection -Name "$VPN_NAME" -ServerAddress "$ADDRESS" -TunnelType PPTP -EncryptionLevel Required -RememberCredential -PassThru
# Connect the VPN configuration
$code = (Start-Process rasdial -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "$VPN_NAME $ACCOUNT $pass" -PassThru -Wait).ExitCode
if ("$code" -eq "0") {
Write-Host "Create and connect to VPN server success" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
return $true
} else {
# Error codes:
if ("$code" -eq "691") {
Write-Host "Create and connect to VPN server failed with wrong username or password" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
return $false # return and try againg
} else {
Write-Host "Create and connect to VPN server failed with error code: $($code)" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
throw "$code"
function Disconnect {
# Disconnect
# Remove it
Remove-VpnConnection -Name "$VPN_NAME" -Force
Write-Host "Disconnect and remove VPN connection success" -ForegroundColor Magenta
function Pause {
write-host "$text"
# If no connection created before...
if (-Not [bool] (Get-VpnConnection -Name "$VPN_NAME")){
while (Connect) {}
# Pause the progress
Pause -text "Press any key to stop VPN..."
# Pause the progress
Pause -text "Press any key to close window..."
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