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Last active March 1, 2018 01:15
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// Vect.h
// Chess
// Created by Adam James Leuer on 11/3/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Adam James Leuer. All rights reserved.
#ifndef Chess_Position_h
#define Chess_Position_h
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
typedef unsigned long UniqueNumericIdentifier;
constexpr unsigned lowerCaseA {97} ;
template <typename NumericType>
using simd_vector_2 = NumericType __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))) ;
template <typename NumericType>
struct vec2 {
simd_vector_2<NumericType> value ;
inline constexpr vec2(NumericType n) : value(simd_vector_2<NumericType> {n, n}) {}
inline constexpr vec2(NumericType x, NumericType y) : value(simd_vector_2<NumericType> {x, y}) {}
template <typename OtherNumericType>
inline constexpr vec2(OtherNumericType x, OtherNumericType y) : value {static_cast<NumericType>(x), static_cast<NumericType>(y)} {}
inline constexpr vec2(const vec2 & other) : value(other.value) {}
inline constexpr vec2(const simd_vector_2<NumericType> val) : value(val) {}
template <typename OtherNumericType>
inline constexpr vec2(const vec2<OtherNumericType> val) : value {static_cast<NumericType>(val.x()), static_cast<NumericType>(val.y())} {}
template <typename OtherNumericType>
inline constexpr vec2(const simd_vector_2<OtherNumericType> val) : value {static_cast<NumericType>(val.x), static_cast<NumericType>(val.y)} {}
template<typename OtherVectorType>
inline constexpr vec2(const OtherVectorType & val) : vec2 (val.position) {}
template<typename OtherNumericType, template<typename> typename OtherVectorType>
inline constexpr vec2(const OtherVectorType<OtherNumericType> & val) : value {static_cast<NumericType>(val.x), static_cast<NumericType>(val.y)} {}
inline constexpr vec2(std::initializer_list<NumericType> & init) : value(init) {}
inline constexpr operator simd_vector_2<NumericType>() const { return this->value ; }
template <typename OtherNumericType>
inline constexpr operator simd_vector_2<OtherNumericType>() const {
return simd_vector_2<OtherNumericType> {
} ;
template<typename OtherNumericType, template<typename> typename OtherVectorType>
inline operator OtherVectorType<OtherNumericType>() const {
return OtherVectorType<OtherNumericType> {
} ;
inline constexpr NumericType operator [] (size_t i) const { return value[i] ; }
inline constexpr bool operator == (vec2 other) const { return ((this->value.x == other.value.x) && (this->value.y == other.value.y)) ; }
inline constexpr bool operator != (vec2 other) const { return (!(*this == other)) ; }
inline constexpr vec2 & operator += (vec2 other) { this->value += other.value ; return * this ;}
inline constexpr vec2 & operator -= (vec2 other) {this->value -= other.value ; return * this ;}
inline constexpr vec2 & operator *= (vec2 other) {this->value *= other.value ; return * this ;}
inline constexpr vec2 & operator /= (vec2 other) {this->value /= other.value ; return * this ;}
inline constexpr vec2 & operator += (NumericType n) {this->value += n ; return * this ;}
inline constexpr vec2 & operator -= (NumericType n) {this->value -= n ; return * this ;}
template <typename NumericType0>
inline constexpr vec2<NumericType> & operator *= (NumericType0 n) {this->value *= n ; return * this ;}
template <typename NumericType0>
inline constexpr vec2<NumericType> & operator /= (NumericType0 n) {this->value /= n ; return * this ;}
inline constexpr NumericType x() const { return value.x; };
inline constexpr NumericType y() const { return value.y; };
* Compiler seems to provide these operator overloads implicitly, retaining for reference and/or the possibility
* we run into problem later
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator + (const vec2 v0, const vec2 v1) { return vec2<NumericType> { (v0.value + v1.value) } ; }
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator - (const vec2 v0, const vec2 v1) { return vec2<NumericType> { (v0.value - v1.value) } ; }
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator * (const vec2 v0, const vec2 v1) { return vec2<NumericType> { (v0.value * v1.value) } ; }
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator / (const vec2 v0, const vec2 v1) { return vec2<NumericType> { (v0.value / v1.value) } ; }
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator + (const vec2 v, const NumericType n) { return vec2 {(v.value.x + n), (v.value.y + n)} ; }
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator - (const vec2 v, const NumericType n) { return vec2 {(v.value.x - n), (v.value.y - n)} ; }
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator * (const vec2 v, const NumericType n) { return vec2 {(v.value.x * n), (v.value.y * n)} ; }
inline friend constexpr vec2 operator / (const vec2 v, const NumericType n) { return vec2 {(v.value.x / n), (v.value.y / n)} ; }
} ;
struct Direction {
const simd_vector_2<int> value ;
constexpr Direction(const simd_vector_2<int> val) : value(val) {}
constexpr Direction(const int h, const int v) : value(simd_vector_2<int> {h, v}) {}
constexpr operator simd_vector_2<int>() const { return this->value ; }
template <typename NumericType>
friend simd_vector_2<NumericType> operator * (const Direction &, const NumericType) ;
template <typename NumericType>
friend simd_vector_2<NumericType> operator + (const Direction &, const simd_vector_2<NumericType>) ;
} ;
namespace Directions {
static constexpr Direction up { simd_vector_2<int>{ 0, -1} } ;
static constexpr Direction down { simd_vector_2<int>{ 0, 1} } ;
static constexpr Direction left { simd_vector_2<int>{-1, 0} } ;
static constexpr Direction right { simd_vector_2<int>{ 1, 0} } ;
static constexpr Direction upLeft { simd_vector_2<int>{-1, -1} } ;
static constexpr Direction upRight { simd_vector_2<int>{ 1, -1} } ;
static constexpr Direction downLeft { simd_vector_2<int>{-1, 1} } ;
static constexpr Direction downRight { simd_vector_2<int>{ 1, 1} } ;
template <typename NumericType>
simd_vector_2<NumericType> operator * (const Direction & direction, const NumericType n) {
simd_vector_2<NumericType> ret ;
ret.x = direction.value.x * n ;
ret.y = direction.value.y * n ;
return ret ;
template <typename NumericType>
simd_vector_2<NumericType> operator + (const Direction & direction, const simd_vector_2<NumericType> vec) {
simd_vector_2<NumericType> ret ;
ret.x = direction.value.x + vec.x ;
ret.y = direction.value.y + vec.y ;
return ret ;
template <typename Character, typename NumericType>
std::basic_ostream<Character> & operator << (std::basic_ostream<Character> & out, const simd_vector_2<NumericType> & vect) {
out << "x = " << vect[0] << " y = " << vect[1] ;
return out ;
* Code partial credit StackOverflow:
* @link
template <typename VectorType>
inline UniqueNumericIdentifier hashVector(const VectorType & vect, size_t vectorSize) {
unsigned long seed = 0;
for (auto i = 0 ; i < vectorSize ; i++) {
seed ^= vect[i] + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
return seed;
template <typename VectorType>
inline UniqueNumericIdentifier hashTwoVector(const VectorType twoVect) {
auto hash = hashVector(twoVect, 2) ;
return hash ;
* Allows creating a unique identifying value for simd_vector_2, which isn't
* a class and can't store a UniqueNumericIdentifier as a member variable
template <typename NumericType>
inline UniqueNumericIdentifier generateID(simd_vector_2<NumericType> vect) {
return hashTwoVector<simd_vector_2<NumericType>>(vect) ;
template <typename NumericType>
NumericType calculateDistance(const simd_vector_2<int> startingPosition) {
return NumericType() ;
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