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Last active August 27, 2024 15:50
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Access LimitedAccessFeatures from UWP
//Thanks to @thebookisclosed for the code. I just rearranged in a way so you can access without having to use the registry
//HINT about compatibility: they CANNOT change feature keys otherwise existing apps would break
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Windows.ApplicationModel;
namespace GlorifiedTitlebarlessExample
static class FeatureTokenGenerator
static readonly Dictionary<string, string> LimitedAccessFeaturesMap = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "", "425261a8-7f73-4319-8a53-fc13f87e1717" },
{ "", "20C662033A4007A55375BF00D986C280B41A418F" },
{ "", "01B2AEA8-7DD5-4066-A081-1E4CD1479CCA" },
{ "", "04c19204-10d9-450a-95c4-2910c8f72be3" },
{ "", "58AA36EF-7C1A-4A56-9308-FC882F56465A" },
{ "", "036EFF74-8BF2-4249-82AF-92235C6E1A10" },
{ "", "527f4968-f193-419a-b91f-46b9106e1129" },
{ "", "FE676B8B-E396-4A80-9573-B67542840E5C" },
{ "", "6e7e52aa-cddb-4e57-9f1c-7dd511ad7d01" },
{ "", "e5a85131-319b-4a56-9577-1c1d9c781218" },
{ "", "cb9WIvVfhp+8lFhaSrB6V6zUBGqctteKi/f/9AIeoZ4" },
{ "", "hhrovbOc/z8TgeoWheL4RF5vLLJrKNAQpdyvhlTee6I" },
{ "", "nEVyyzytE6ankNk1CIAu6sZsh8vKLw3Q7glTOHB11po=" }
public static string GenerateTokenFromFeatureId(string featureId)
=> GenerateFeatureToken(featureId, LimitedAccessFeaturesMap[featureId], AppInfo.Current.PackageFamilyName);
public static string GenerateAttestation(string featureId)
=> $"{AppInfo.Current.PackageFamilyName.Split('_').Last()} has registered their use of {featureId} with Microsoft and agrees to the terms of use.";
private static string GenerateFeatureToken(string featureId, string featureKey, string packageIdentity)
var fullBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{featureId}!{featureKey}!{packageIdentity}");
var tokenBytes = new byte[16];
using (var shaCsp = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider())
shaCsp.TransformFinalBlock(fullBytes, 0, fullBytes.Length);
Array.Copy(shaCsp.Hash, tokenBytes, tokenBytes.Length);
return Convert.ToBase64String(tokenBytes);
//EXAMPLE USAGE (e.g. this will let you use (instance of AppWindow.AppWindowTitleBar).TitleBar.SetPreferredVisibility API):
var featureId = "";
var token = FeatureTokenGenerator.GenerateTokenFromFeatureId(featureId);
var attestation = FeatureTokenGenerator.GenerateAttestation(featureId);
var accessResult = LimitedAccessFeatures.TryUnlockFeature(featureId, token, attestation);
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