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Last active March 14, 2016 01:49
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Save 7interactivestudio/7987260 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bitmap Chars for Genome2D Font created with Littera ( ) GBitmapFont Topic and Demo:
* Created by rodrigo on 12/14/13.
package rodrigolopezpeker.genome2d.text {
import com.genome2d.textures.GTexture;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
public class BitmapChar {
public var texture:GTexture;
private var _charId:int;
private var _xOffset:int;
private var _yOffset:int;
private var _xAdvance:int;
private var _kernings:Dictionary;
public function BitmapChar(pId:int, pTexture:GTexture, pxOffset:Number, pyOffset:Number, pxAdvance:Number) {
_charId = pId;
texture = pTexture ;
_xOffset = pxOffset;
_yOffset = pyOffset;
_xAdvance = pxAdvance;
public function addKerning(pCharId:int, pKerning:Number):void {
if (_kernings == null) _kernings = new Dictionary(true);
_kernings[pCharId] = pKerning;
public function getKerning(pCharId:int):Number {
if (!_kernings || !_kernings[pCharId]) return 0;
return _kernings[pCharId];
public function get xOffset():int {
return _xOffset;
public function get yOffset():int {
return _yOffset;
public function get xAdvance():int {
return _xAdvance;
public function get charId():int {
return _charId;
* Created by rodrigo on 12/14/13.
package rodrigolopezpeker.genome2d.text {
import com.genome2d.textures.GTexture;
import com.genome2d.textures.GTextureAtlas;
import com.genome2d.textures.GTextureSourceType;
import com.genome2d.textures.GTextureUtils;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
public class BitmapFont {
public static const NATIVE_SIZE:int = -1;
public static const CHAR_SPACE:int = 32;
public static const CHAR_TAB:int = 9;
public static const CHAR_NEWLINE:int = 10;
public static const CHAR_RETURN:int = 13;
public static const UKNOWN_NAME:String = 'uknown';
private var _atlas:GTextureAtlas;
private var _bitmap:BitmapData;
private var _fontData:XML;
private var _chars:Dictionary;
private var _name:String;
private var _size:Number;
private var _lineHeight:Number;
* Constructor.
* @param pAtlas
* @param pFontData
public function BitmapFont(pBitmap:BitmapData, pFontData:XML) {
_bitmap = pBitmap;
_fontData = pFontData;
_name = UKNOWN_NAME;
_lineHeight = _size = 14;
_chars = new Dictionary(true);
private function parseFontXML(pFontData:XML):void {
_name =;
_size = parseFloat(;
_lineHeight = parseFloat(;
if (isNaN(_lineHeight)) {
_lineHeight = parseFloat(pFontData.common.@lineHeight);
if (_size <= 0) {
trace('[Genome2D] Warning: invalid font size in "' + _name + '" font.');
_size = _size == 0 ? 16 : _size *= -1;
var region:Rectangle;
var atlasId:String = _name.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('-') + '-' + size;
_atlas = new GTextureAtlas(atlasId, GTextureSourceType.BITMAPDATA, _bitmap.width, _bitmap.height, _bitmap, GTextureUtils.isBitmapDataTransparent(_bitmap), null);
for each(var node:XML in pFontData.chars.char) {
var id:int = node.@id;
var xOffset:Number = node.@xoffset;
var yOffset:Number = node.@yoffset;
var xAdvance:Number = node.@xadvance;
region = new Rectangle(int(node.@x), int(node.@y), int(node.@width), int(node.@height));
var pivotX:Number = -region.width / 2;
var pivotY:Number = -region.height / 2;
var charTexture:GTexture = _atlas.addSubTexture(String(id), region, pivotX, pivotY);
addChar(id, new BitmapChar(id, charTexture, xOffset, yOffset, xAdvance));
// add kernings.
for each(node in pFontData.kernings.kerning) {
var first:int = int(node.@first);
var second:int = int(node.@second);
var amount:int = int(node.@amount);
if (second in _chars) getChar(second).addKerning(first, amount);
public function getChar(pCharId:int):BitmapChar {
return _chars[pCharId];
public function addChar(pId:int, pBitmapChar:BitmapChar):void {
_chars[pId] = pBitmapChar;
public function get atlas():GTextureAtlas {
return _atlas;
public function get fontData():XML {
return _fontData;
public function get name():String {
return _name;
public function get size():Number {
return _size;
public function get lineHeight():Number {
return _lineHeight;
* Created by rodrigo on 12/14/13.
package rodrigolopezpeker.genome2d.text {
import com.genome2d.components.GComponent;
import com.genome2d.components.renderables.GSprite;
import com.genome2d.context.GBlendMode;
import com.genome2d.core.GNode;
import com.genome2d.core.GNodeFactory;
import com.genome2d.textures.GTexture;
import com.genome2d.textures.GTextureAlignType;
import com.genome2d.textures.factories.GTextureFactory;
import org.osflash.signals.Signal;
public class GBitmapText extends GComponent {
private var _font:BitmapFont;
private var _w:int;
private var _h:int;
private static var _boxBorderTexture:GTexture;
private var _borderContainer:GNode ;
private var _backgroundSprite:GSprite;
private var _borders:Vector.<GSprite>;
private var _background:Boolean = false ;
private var _border:Boolean = false ;
private var _borderThickness:int = 1 ;
private var _borderColor:uint = 0xFFFFFF ;
private var _backgroundColor: uint = 0x0 ;
private var _invalidateBorder:Boolean;
private var _invalidateBackground:Boolean;
private var _invalidateText:Boolean;
private var _textNode:GNode;
private var _text:String;
private var _fontSize:Number;
private var _fontColor:uint;
private var _hAlign:String = 'center';
private var _vAlign:String = 'center';
private var _autoScale:Boolean;
private var _kerning:Boolean;
private var _letterSpacing:Number = 0 ;
private var _leading:Number = 0;
private var _invalidateAlign:Boolean;
public var onTextDrawn:Signal;
public function GBitmapText(pNode:GNode) {
onTextDrawn = new Signal();
_textNode = GNodeFactory.createNode();
public function setBitmapFont(pBitmapFont:BitmapFont):void {
_font = pBitmapFont;
// invalidate.
public function setup(pWidth:int, pHeight:int, pText:String, fontSize:int=-1,
color:uint=0xFFFFFF, hAlign:String='center', vAlign:String='center',
autoScale:Boolean=true, kerning:Boolean=true):void {
_w = pWidth ;
_h = pHeight;
_text = pText ;
_fontColor = color ;
_fontSize = fontSize ;
_hAlign = hAlign ;
_vAlign = vAlign ;
_autoScale = autoScale;
_kerning = kerning;
// redraw text.
drawText() ;
private function drawText():void {
if( _fontSize == BitmapFont.NATIVE_SIZE ) _fontSize = _font.size ;
var finished:Boolean = false ;
var lineNode:GNode;
var lastCharNode:GNode;
var lineHeight:int = _leading + _font.lineHeight ;
if(_text=='') return ;
var scale:Number = _fontSize/_font.size;
var containerLineNode:GNode = GNodeFactory.createNode();
if( lineHeight * scale <=_h){
var containerWidth:Number = _w/scale;
var containerHeight:Number = _h/scale;
var lastWhitespace:int = -1;
var lastCharId:int = -1;
var currentX:Number = 0 ;
var currentLineNode:GNode = GNodeFactory.createNode();
var numChars:int = _text.length ;
for (var i:int = 0; i < numChars; i++) {
var lineFull:Boolean = false ;
var charId:int = _text.charCodeAt(i);
var charSprite:GSprite = GNodeFactory.createNodeWithComponent(GSprite) as GSprite ;
lineFull = true ;
} else {
var bitmapChar:BitmapChar = _font.getChar(charId);
trace('[Genome2D] Missing character:' + charId);
if(charId==BitmapFont.CHAR_SPACE || charId == BitmapFont.CHAR_TAB) lastWhitespace = i ;
if(_kerning) currentX += bitmapChar.getKerning(lastCharId);
currentX += _letterSpacing ;
charSprite.node.transform.setPosition(currentX+bitmapChar.xOffset, bitmapChar.yOffset);
charSprite.node.transform.color = _fontColor ;
currentX += bitmapChar.xAdvance;
lastCharId = charId;
// remove characters and add them to the next line.
var numCharsToRemove:int = lastWhitespace == -1 ? 1 : i-lastWhitespace;
for (var r:int=0; r<numCharsToRemove; ++r)
if(currentLineNode.numChildren==0) break ;
lastCharNode = currentLineNode.lastChild;
currentX = lastCharNode.transform.x + (lastCharNode.getComponent(GSprite) as GSprite).getTexture().width;
i -= numCharsToRemove;
lineFull = true ;
if( i ==numChars-1){
finished = true ;
} else if( lineFull ){
var nextLineY:Number = currentLineNode.transform.y + lineHeight ;
if( nextLineY + lineHeight <= containerHeight ){
currentLineNode = GNodeFactory.createNode();
currentLineNode.transform.y = nextLineY;
currentX = 0 ;
lastWhitespace = -1;
lastCharId = -1 ;
} else {
break ;
} // for each char
if(_autoScale && !finished){
_fontSize -= 1;
} else {
finished = true ;
}// while finished
drawAlign() ;
private function drawAlign():void {
var containerLineNode:GNode = _textNode.lastChild ;
var lineNode:GNode ;
var lineHeight: Number = _leading + _font.lineHeight ;
var scale:Number = _fontSize/_font.size;
// h align
var containerWidth:Number = _w / scale;
for (lineNode = containerLineNode.firstChild; lineNode != null; lineNode = {
var lastCharNode:GNode = lineNode.lastChild;
var lineWidth:Number = lastCharNode.transform.x + (lastCharNode.getComponent(GSprite) as GSprite).getTexture().width;
var widthDiff:Number = containerWidth - lineWidth;
lineNode.transform.x = int(_hAlign == 'right' ? widthDiff : _hAlign == 'center' ? widthDiff / 2 : 0);
// v align
var contentHeight:Number = containerLineNode.numChildren * lineHeight * scale;
var heightDiff:Number = _h - contentHeight;
containerLineNode.transform.y = int(_vAlign == 'bottom' ? heightDiff : _vAlign == 'center' ? heightDiff / 2 : 0);
//// ---- STYLE THINGS ------
private function drawBorder():void {
_borders[1].node.transform.scaleX = _borders[3].node.transform.scaleX = _borders[0].node.transform.scaleY = _borders[2].node.transform.scaleY = _borderThickness/2;
_borders[0].node.transform.scaleX = _borders[2].node.transform.scaleX = _w/2;
_borders[1].node.transform.scaleY = _borders[3].node.transform.scaleY = _h/2;
_borders[1].node.transform.x = _w - _borderThickness ;
_borders[2].node.transform.y = _h - _borderThickness ;
override public function update(p_deltaTime:Number):void {
if( _invalidateBackground ) {
_invalidateBackground = false;
if( _invalidateText && _font ) {
_invalidateText = false ;
} else if( _invalidateAlign ){
_invalidateAlign = false ;
if( _invalidateBorder ){
_invalidateBorder = false;
public function get borderThickness():int {return _borderThickness;}
public function set borderThickness(value:int):void {
if(_borderThickness== value) return ;
_borderThickness = value;
if(_borderContainer)_invalidateBorder = true ;
public function get borderColor():uint {return _borderColor;}
public function set borderColor(value:uint):void {
if(_borderColor == value) return ;
_borderColor = value;
if( _borderContainer ) _borderContainer.transform.color = value ;
public function get border():Boolean {return _border;}
public function set border(value:Boolean):void {
if( _border == value ) return ;
_border = value;
if(!_border && _borderContainer ){
_borderContainer = null ;
} else {
initBorder() ;
if( _borderColor != 0xffffff ) _borderContainer.transform.color = _borderColor ;
_invalidateBorder = true ;
private function initBorder():void {
_boxBorderTexture = GTextureFactory.createFromColor('box_border_outline', 0xFFFFFF, 2, 2);
_borderContainer = GNodeFactory.createNode();
_borders = new Vector.<GSprite>() ;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var b:GSprite = GNodeFactory.createNodeWithComponent(GSprite) as GSprite ;
b.blendMode = GBlendMode.NONE ;
_borders[i] = b ;
public function get background():Boolean {return _background;}
public function set background(value:Boolean):void {
if( _background == value ) return ;
_background = value;
if(!_background && _backgroundSprite ){
_backgroundSprite = null ;
} else {
_backgroundSprite = GNodeFactory.createNodeWithComponent(GSprite) as GSprite ;
_backgroundSprite.node.transform.color = _backgroundColor ;
_backgroundSprite.blendMode = GBlendMode.NONE ;
_invalidateBackground = true ;
public function get backgroundColor():uint {return _backgroundColor;}
public function set backgroundColor(value:uint):void {
if( _backgroundColor == value ) return ;
_backgroundColor = value;
if(_backgroundSprite) _backgroundSprite.node.transform.color = _backgroundColor ;
public function get fontSize():Number {return _fontSize;}
public function set fontSize(value:Number):void {
if( _fontSize == value ) return ;
_fontSize = value;
_invalidateText = true ;
public function get text():String {return _text;}
public function set text(value:String):void {
if( _text == value ) return ;
_text = value;
_invalidateText = true ;
public function get autoScale():Boolean {return _autoScale;}
public function set autoScale(value:Boolean):void {
if( _autoScale == value ) return ;
_autoScale = value;
_invalidateText = true ;
public function get kerning():Boolean {return _kerning;}
public function set kerning(value:Boolean):void {
if( _kerning == value ) return ;
_kerning = value;
_invalidateText = true ;
public function get letterSpacing():Number {return _letterSpacing;}
public function set letterSpacing(value:Number):void {
if( _letterSpacing == value ) return ;
_letterSpacing = value;
_invalidateText = true ;
public function get leading():Number {return _leading;}
public function set leading(value:Number):void {
if( _leading == value ) return ;
_leading = value;
_invalidateText = true ;
public function get hAlign():String {return _hAlign;}
public function set hAlign(value:String):void {
if( _hAlign == value ) return ;
_hAlign = value;
_invalidateAlign = true ;
public function get vAlign():String {return _vAlign;}
public function set vAlign(value:String):void {
if( _vAlign == value ) return ;
_vAlign = value;
_invalidateAlign = true ;
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