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Last active July 27, 2017 16:48
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import stdout
from pwn import *
target = ("", 9393)
def determine_length():
for i in range(1, 5000):
stdout.write("Trying {0}\n".format(i))
x = remote(*target)
stdout.write(x.recvuntil("Enter shared secret mask you want to try:\n"))
x.sendline("1" * i)
result = x.recvline()
if "Mask too short. Bye." not in result:
stdout.write("Found length: {0}\n".format(i))
return i
def part_1(length):
x = remote(*target)
stdout.write(x.recvuntil("Enter shared secret mask you want to try:\n"))
mask = "00000001" * (length // 8)
stdout.write(x.recvuntil("Alright, now send in the bits:\n"))
bits = "0" * (length // 8)
stdout.write(x.recvuntil("End of messages.\n"))
def part_2(length):
guessed = str()
mask_padding = "00000001" * (length // 8)
for i in range(1, length+1):
x = remote(*target)
mask = "1" * i + mask_padding[i:]
secret = guessed + "1" + "0" * ((length // 8) - (i // 8))
for _ in range(3): answer = x.recvline()
guessed += "1" if "Access Granted" in answer else "0"
guessed = guessed[::-1]
solution = ''.join( (map(lambda x: chr(int(x, 2)), [guessed[i:i+8] for i in range(0, len(guessed), 8)])) )[::-1]
stdout.write( solution + "\n" )
length = determine_length() # 560
part_1(length) # Just Another Secret Message
part_2(length) # This Crypto Is Absolutely Secure And There Will Be No Problem With It.
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