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Created September 9, 2012 19:30
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# smallest positive t such that s+t*ds is an integer
intbound = (s, ds) ->
if ds < 0
intbound -s, -ds
s = mod s, 1
return (1 - s) / ds
signum = (x) -> if x > 0 then 1 else (if x < 0 then -1 else 0)
mod = (value, modulus) -> (value % modulus + modulus) % modulus
wx = wy = wz = 128
module.exports = raycast = (origin, direction, callback, radius = 30) ->
x = Math.floor origin[0]
y = Math.floor origin[1]
z = Math.floor origin[2]
[dx, dy, dz] = direction
stepX = signum dx
stepY = signum dy
stepZ = signum dz
tMaxX = intbound origin[0], dx
tMaxY = intbound origin[1], dy
tMaxZ = intbound origin[2], dz
tDeltaX = stepX / dx
tDeltaY = stepY / dy
tDeltaZ = stepZ / dz
face = vec3.create()
if dx is 0 and dy is 0 and dz is 0
throw new Error 'Raycast in zero direction!'
radius /= Math.sqrt (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz)
while true # ((if stepX > 0 then x < wx else x >= 0)) and ((if stepY > 0 then y < wy else y >= 0)) and ((if stepZ > 0 then z < wz else z >= 0))
# check inside world
# unless x < 0 or y < 0 or z < 0 or x >= wx or y >= wy or z >= wz
break if callback x, y, z, face
if tMaxX < tMaxY
if tMaxX < tMaxZ
break if tMaxX > radius
x += stepX
tMaxX += tDeltaX
face[0] = -stepX
face[1] = 0
face[2] = 0
break if tMaxZ > radius
z += stepZ
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ
face[0] = 0
face[1] = 0
face[2] = -stepZ
if tMaxY < tMaxZ
break if tMaxY > radius
y += stepY
tMaxY += tDeltaY
face[0] = 0
face[1] = -stepY
face[2] = 0
break if tMaxZ > radius
z += stepZ
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ
face[0] = 0
face[1] = 0
face[2] = -stepZ
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