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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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ALPHAC text encrypter that I'm attacking for fun, reimplemented cleanly in Python. Source:
from random import randint
# ALPHAC encryption method
# From
# This a much cleaner Python reimplementation for Cryptanalysis.
class Alphac:
c64 = list("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")
# s = input string (only characters in c64)
# k = key string (only characters in c64)
# r = md5(k) string (32-digit hexadecimal, originally lowercase)
# crypt_mode = True for encrypt, False for decrypt
def alphac(self, s, k, r, crypt_mode):
if len(s) == 0 or len(k) == 0 or len(r) == 0:
return s
k = self.c64_indexes(k)
r = self.c64_indexes(r)
# N.B. Loops lift out because a 2-block mode using a | divider is never used.
if crypt_mode: # Encrypt
# Pick a pseudorandom c64 using Mersenne Twister, use it as the acraw seed
# and append to the crypttext for decryption use.
dn = randint(0, 63)
s = self.acraw(s, k, r, dn) + self.c64[dn]
else: # Decrypt
# Use the final character of the crypttext (as appended during encryption)
# as the acraw seed.
s = self.acraw(s[:-1], k, r, self.c64.index(s[i][-1]))
return "".join(s)
# alphar: Strip non-base64, convert array of c64 to array of 0..63
def c64_indexes(self, s):
# eliminate all non-base64 chars from s
s = list(s)
for i in range(0, len(s)):
s[i] = self.c64.index(s[i])
return s
# Own inverse, acraw(acraw(s, [R]), [R]) = s
def acraw(self, s, k, r, seed):
s = list(s)
for i in range(0, len(s)):
s[i] = c64[self.c64.index(s[i]) ^ k[i % len(k)] ^ r[i % len(r)] ^ seed]
return "".join(s)
# encryption process.
# s = (i64, i64, ..., i64)
# k = key string = (i64, i64, ..., i64)
# r = md5(key string) = (i64, i64, ..., i64) # note actually 0-15
# seed = pseudorandom i64 revealed in the crypttext
# s2[i] = s[i] ^ k[i % len(k)] ^ r[i % len(r)] ^ seed
# s3[i] = c64[s2[i]]
# result = (s3[0], s3[1], ... s3[n-1], c64[seed])
# ALPHAC Encryption process.
# plaintext D U C K O F T H E D A Y
# ^ key P R A I S E H A S K E L
# ^ md5(key) 4 d 6 f 5 9 7 f 7 2 8 b
# = crypttext 0 Y 4 D l 8 v Y t / 4 I
# plaintext 03 20 02 10 14 05 19 07 04 03 00 24
# ^ key 15 17 00 08 18 04 07 00 18 10 04 11
# ^ md5(key) 56 29 58 31 57 61 59 31 59 54 60 27
# = crypttext 52 24 56 29 37 60 47 24 45 63 56 08
# N.B. As the seed (appended final letter of crypttext) can be XORed against
# every character of the crypttext to remove, I ignore it here.
# Thoughts on Crypto:
# - seed has no strength whatsoever (can remove from the crypttext independently)
# - i64(plaintext) ^ i64(key) ^ i64(md5(key)) looks to depend on md5 for strength
# - md5 can be computed en masse, but how much entropy is it adding?
# - each i64(md5(key)) comes from a 0..15 character, so 4 bits of entropy
# - the key adds 6 bits of entropy per character, the md5 another 4
# - md5 entropy irremovable without relating key chars to md5(key) chars
# - md5 characters are evenly distributed across 0..15
# - key characters would ideally be evenly distributed across i64
# - key characters will be similar to language frequency distributions for using words
# - plaintext characters will have language frequency distribution
# IDEA: break like the Vigniere Cipher.
# XOR Key is periodic with length LCM(key length, 32 = md5 length).
# Find key length by finding the most popular trigrams, taking the LCFs of the
# average distances between those trigrams as the key length.
# Then frequency analyse between nth characters in each segment.
# I've done this all before.
# This requires a lot of text to work for Vigniere, and as the md5 adds 4 bits
# of entropy (16 possibilities) I figure we'll need 16 times as much text to get
# good results - but only for trigrams. Once we've discovered the key length,
# we can treat (nth character key ^ nth character of md5(key)) as a single key.
# If trigrams are rare enough, we might not be able to detect them - if the
# md5(key) noise outweighs the trigram signal.
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