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Evgeny Safronov 3Hren

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ole1986 /
Last active May 14, 2024 11:08
Traffic control script for incoming and outgoing packages using TC (on a specific ip address)
# Interface connect to out lan
# Interface virtual for incomming traffic
# set the direction (1 = outgoing only, 2 = incoming only 3 = both)
# Speed
nrollr / nginx.conf
Last active September 16, 2024 18:07
NGINX config for SSL with Let's Encrypt certs
# UPDATED 17 February 2019
# Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
# SSL configuration
niflostancu / wkhtmltopdf.tablesplit.js
Last active February 1, 2024 17:28
WkHtmlToPdf Table Splitting Hack
* WkHtmlToPdf table splitting hack.
* Script to automatically split multiple-pages-spanning HTML tables for PDF
* generation using webkit.
* To use, you must adjust pdfPage object's contents to reflect your PDF's
* page format.
* The tables you want to be automatically splitted when the page ends must
* have a class name of "splitForPrint" (can be changed).
jordansissel /
Last active February 6, 2021 22:08
logstash message format

logstash json format

  "message"    => "hello world",
  "@version"   => "1",
  "@timestamp" => "2014-04-22T23:03:14.111Z",
  "type"       => "stdin",
  "host"       => "hello.local"
mtigas / gist:952344
Last active August 15, 2024 15:18
Mini tutorial for configuring client-side SSL certificates.

Client-side SSL

For excessively paranoid client authentication.

Updated Apr 5 2019:

because this is a gist from 2011 that people stumble into and maybe you should AES instead of 3DES in the year of our lord 2019.

some other notes: