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Last active September 13, 2024 22:31
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  • Save 33mhz/179ea1278fe2e7bfe068a7d5734accd0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 33mhz/179ea1278fe2e7bfe068a7d5734accd0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This has modified texnut (texapp for to fix search, include chat rooms, move to API v1.
#!/usr/bin/perl -s
# Texnut v0.1 (c)2012-8 cameron kaiser (and contributors).
# all rights reserved.
# distributed under the floodgap free software license
# Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again. -- Creedence Clearwater Revival
require 5.005;
# @INC = (); # wreck intentionally for testing
# dynamically changing PERL_SIGNALS doesn't work in Perl 5.14+ (bug
# 92246). we deal with this by forcing -signals_use_posix if the
# environment variable wasn't already set.
if ($] >= 5.014000 && $ENV{'PERL_SIGNALS'} ne 'unsafe') {
$signals_use_posix = 1;
} else {
$ENV{'PERL_SIGNALS'} = 'unsafe';
$command_line = $0; $0 = "Texnut";
$Texnut_VERSION = "0.1";
$Texnut_PATCH_VERSION = 1;
$Texnut_RC_NUMBER = 0; # non-zero for release candidate
$current_rc_version = 2;
# this is kludgy, yes.
$LANG = $ENV{'LANG'} || $ENV{'GDM_LANG'} || $ENV{'LC_CTYPE'} ||
$my_version_string = "${Texnut_VERSION}.${Texnut_PATCH_VERSION}";
(warn ("$my_version_string\n"), exit) if ($version);
$space_pad = " " x 8192;
$background_is_ready = 0;
# for multi-module extension handling
$multi_module_mode = 0;
$multi_module_context = 0;
$muffle_server_messages = 0;
undef $master_store;
undef %push_stack;
$filtered = $last_filtered = 0;
$padded_patch_version = substr($Texnut_PATCH_VERSION . " ", 0, 2);
%opts_boolean = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
ansi noansi verbose superverbose texnutistas noprompt
seven silent hold daemon script readline ssl manualalsopost
newline vcheck verify noratelimit notrack nonewrps notimeline
synch exception_is_maskable mentions simplestart
location readlinerepaint nocounter notifyquiet
signals_use_posix dostream nostreamreplies streamallreplies
nofilter personal allats savequit openappnettoo multiline
); %opts_sync = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
ansi pause pmpause texnutistas verbose superverbose
globalurl homeurl notco noifttt chanurl chanbyidurl
chansubbyidurl msbyidurl msbycidurl filtercountmin
chanmsbyidurl url rlurl newline wrap notimeline lists
queryurl track colourprompt colourme notrack neverfilter
colourpm colourreply colourwarn coloursearch colourlist idurl
notifies filter colourdefault backload backtrack searchhits
nostreamreplies mentions wtrendurl atrendurl filterusers
filterats filterrps filteratonly filterflags filterclients
nofilter colourfollow colouralien allats threads filterthreads
); %opts_urls = map {$_ => 1} qw(
url chanurl uurl rurl wurl uidurl rlurl update shorturl
globalurl homeurl chanbyidurl chanmsbyidurl
chansubbyidurl msbyidurl msbycidurl streamurl streamsuburl
apibase queryurl idurl delurl favsurl
favurl favdelurl followurl leaveurl blockedurl
credurl muteurl mutedelurl friendsurl blockurl blockdelurl
modifyliurl adduliurl delliurl getliurl getlisurl getfliurl
creliurl delliurl deluliurl crefliurl delfliurl
getuliurl getufliurl rturl rpsofidurl
statusliurl followliurl leaveliurl followersurl mutedurl
oauthurl oauthauthurl oauthaccurl wtrendurl
atrendurl favsofidurl intsofmeurl fridurl
); %opts_secret = map { $_ => 1} qw(
superverbose texnutistas
); %opts_comma_delimit = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
lists notifytype notifies filterflags filterrps filterats
filterusers filteratonly filterthreads threads dontautoreply
); %opts_space_delimit = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
%opts_can_set = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
url pause chanurl pmpause superverbose ansi verbose
globalurl homeurl notco noifttt chanbyidurl chanmsbyidurl
chansubbyidurl msbyidurl msbycidurl
update uurl rurl wurl avatar texnutistas track
rlurl noprompt shorturl newline wrap verify autosplit
notimeline queryurl colourprompt colourme
colourpm colourreply colourwarn coloursearch colourlist idurl
urlopen delurl notrack favsurl openappnettoo
favurl favdelurl slowpost notifies filter colourdefault
colourfollow colouralien intsofmeurl blockedurl
followurl leaveurl mentions backload blockurl blockdelurl
lat long location searchhits muteurl mutedelurl woeid backtrack
nocounter linelength friendsurl followersurl lists mutedurl
modifyliurl adduliurl delliurl getliurl getlisurl getfliurl
creliurl delliurl deluliurl crefliurl delfliurl atrendurl
getuliurl getufliurl rturl rpsofidurl wtrendurl fridurl
statusliurl followliurl leaveliurl nostreamreplies
filterusers filterats filterrps filterflags alsopost
manualalsopost neverfilter filtercountmin
filteratonly nofilter favsofidurl allats threads savequit
filterclients filterthreads pmlength dontautoreply
); %opts_others = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
curl seven silent maxhist noansi hold status
daemon timestamp user anonymous script readline
leader ssl rc norc rc_version vcheck apibase notifytype exts
nonewrps synch runcommand bearertoken vcheckinterval
credurl keyf readlinerepaint personal
simplestart exception_is_maskable oldperl
notify_tool_path oauthurl oauthauthurl oauthaccurl
signals_use_posix dostream eventbuf streamallreplies
); %valid = (%opts_can_set, %opts_others);
$rc = (defined($rc) && length($rc)) ? $rc : "";
$rcf = '';
$using_rc_file = 0;
unless ($norc) {
$rcf = # make this global, savestate will use it.
($rc =~ m#^/#) ? $rc : "$ENV{'HOME'}/.texnutrc${rc}";
if (open(W, $rcf)) {
while(<W>) {
next if (/^\s*$/ || /^#/);
($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $_, 2);
if ($key eq 'rc') {
warn "** that's stupid, setting rc in an rc file\n";
} elsif ($key eq 'norc') {
warn "** that's dumb, using norc in an rc file\n";
} elsif (length $$key) {
; # carry on
} elsif ($valid{$key} && !length($$key)) {
$$key = $value;
} elsif ($key =~ /^extpref_/) {
$$key = $value;
} elsif (!$valid{$key}) {
warn "** setting $key not supported in this version\n";
$using_rc_file = 1;
} elsif (length($rc)) {
die("couldn't access rc file $rcf: $!\n".
"to use defaults, use -norc or don't specify the -rc option.\n\n");
$seven ||= 0;
$oldperl ||= 0;
$parent = $$;
$script = 1 if (length($runcommand));
$supreturnto = $verbose + 0;
$postbreak_time = 0;
$postbreak_count = 0;
# our minimum official support is now 5.8.6.
if ($] < 5.008006 && !$oldperl) {
*** you are using a version of Perl in "extended" support: $] ***
the minimum tested version of Perl now required by Texnut is 5.8.6.
Perl 5.005 thru 5.8.5 probably can still run Texnut, but they are not
tested with it. if you want to suppress this warning, specify -oldperl on
the command line, or put oldperl=1 in your .texnutrc. bug patches will
still be accepted for older Perls; see the Texnut home page for info.
for Perl 5.005, remember to also specify -seven.
# defaults that our extensions can override. these can be passed on
# the command line, but we do NOT want them in .texnutrc.
$last_id ||= 0;
$last_pm ||= 0;
# a correct fix for -daemon would make this unlimited, but this
# is good enough for now.
$print_max ||= ($daemon) ? 999999 : 250; # shiver
$suspend_output = -1;
# try to find an OAuth keyfile if we haven't specified key+secret
# no worries if this fails; we could be Basic Auth, after all
$whine = (length($keyf)) ? 1 : 0;
$keyf ||= "$ENV{'HOME'}/.texnutkey";
$keyf = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.texnutkey${keyf}" if ($keyf !~ m#/#);
$attempted_keyf = $keyf;
if (!length($bearertoken) && !$oauthwizard) {
my $keybuf = '';
if(open(W, $keyf)) {
while(<W>) {
$bearertoken .= $_;
} else {
die("** couldn't open keyfile $keyf: $!\n".
"if you want to run the OAuth wizard to create this file, add ".
if ($whine);
$keyf = ''; # i.e., we loaded nothing from a key file
# try to init Term::ReadLine if it was requested
# (shakes fist at T@br3nda, it's all her fault)
%readline_completion = ();
if ($readline && !$silent && !$script) {
$ENV{"PERL_RL"} = "TTYtter" if (!length($ENV{'PERL_RL'}));
'use Term::ReadLine; $termrl = new Term::ReadLine ("Texnut", \*STDIN, \*STDOUT)'
|| die(
"$@\nthis perl doesn't have ReadLine. don't use -readline.\n");
$stdout = $termrl->OUT || \*STDOUT;
$stdin = $termrl->IN || \*STDIN;
$readline = '' if ($readline eq '1');
$readline =~ s/^"//; # for optimizer
$readline =~ s/"$//;
#$termrl->Attribs()->{'autohistory'} = undef; # not yet
(%readline_completion) = map {$_ => 1} split(/\s+/, $readline);
%original_readline = %readline_completion;
# readline repaint can't be tested here. we cache our
# result later.
} else {
$stdout = \*STDOUT;
$stdin = \*STDIN;
$wrapseq = 0;
$lastlinelength = -1;
print $stdout "$leader\n" if (length($leader));
# state information
$lastposted = '';
$lastpostid = 0;
# stub namespace for multimodules and (eventually) state saving
undef %store;
$store = \%store;
$pack_magic = ($] < 5.006) ? '' : "U0";
$utf8_encode = sub { ; };
$utf8_decode = sub { ; };
unless ($seven) {
'use utf8;binmode($stdin,":utf8");binmode($stdout,":utf8");return 1' ||
die("$@\nthis perl doesn't fully support UTF-8. use -seven.\n");
# this is for the prinput utf8 validator.
# adapted from
# eventually this will be removed when 5.6.x support is removed,
# and Perl will do the UTF-8 validation for us.
'\xfc[\x80-\x83][\x80-\xbf]{4}'; # gah!
eval <<'EOF';
$utf8_encode = sub { utf8::encode(shift); };
$utf8_decode = sub { utf8::decode(shift); };
$wraptime = sub { my $x = shift; return ($x, $x); };
if ($timestamp) {
my $fail = "-- can't use custom timestamps.\nspecify -timestamp by itself to use pnut's without module.\n";
if (length($timestamp) > 1) { # pattern specified
eval 'use Date::Parse;return 1' ||
die("$@\nno Date::Parse $fail");
eval 'use Date::Format;return 1' ||
die("$@\nno Date::Format $fail");
$timestamp = "%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S"
if ($timestamp eq "default" ||
$timestamp eq "def");
$wraptime = sub {
my $time = str2time(shift);
my $stime = time2str($timestamp, $time);
return ($time, $stime);
&killkid unless ($in_backticks || $in_buffer); # this is disgusting
# if we requested POSIX signals, or we NEED posix signals (5.14+), we
# must check if we have POSIX signals actually
if ($signals_use_posix) {
eval 'use POSIX';
# God help the system that doesn't have SIGTERM
$j = eval 'return POSIX::SIGTERM' ;
die(<<"EOF") if (!(0+$j));
*** death permeates me ***
your configuration requires using POSIX signalling (either Perl 5.14+ or
you specifically asked with -signals_use_posix). however, either you don't
have, or it doesn't work.
Texnut requires 'unsafe' Perl signals (which are of course for its
purposes perfectly safe). unfortunately, due to Perl bug 92246 5.14+ must
use, or have the switch set before starting Texnut. run one of
export PERL_SIGNALS=unsafe # sh, bash, ksh, etc.
setenv PERL_SIGNALS unsafe # csh, tcsh, etc.
and restart Texnut, or use Perl 5.12 or earlier (without specifying
# do we have POSIX::Termios? (usually we do)
eval 'use POSIX; $termios = new POSIX::Termios;';
print $stdout "-- termios test: $termios\n" if ($verbose);
# check the TRLT version. versions < 1.3 won't work with 2.0.
if ($termrl && $termrl->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::TTYtter') {
eval '$trlv = $termrl->Version;';
die (<<"EOF") if (length($trlv) && 0+$trlv < 1.3);
*** death permeates me ***
you need to upgrade your Term::ReadLine::TTYtter to at least version 1.3
to use Texnut, or bad things will happen such as signal mismatches,
unexpected quits, and dogs and cats living peacefully in the same house.
# try to get signal numbers for SIG* from POSIX. use internals if failed.
# from <sys/signal.h>
$SIGHUP ||= 1;
$SIGTERM ||= 15;
$SIGUSR1 ||= 30;
$SIGUSR2 ||= 31;
# wrap warning
"** dude, what the hell kind of terminal can't handle a 5 character line?\n")
if ($wrap > 1 && $wrap < 5);
print $stdout "** warning: prompts not wrapped for wrap < 70\n"
if ($wrap > 1 && $wrap < 70);
# reject stupid combinations
die("you can't use automatic ratelimits with -noratelimit.\nuse -pause=#sec\n")
if ($noratelimit && $pause eq 'auto');
die("you can't use -synch with -script or -daemon.\n")
if ($synch && ($script || $daemon));
die("-script and -daemon cannot be used together.\n")
if ($script && $daemon);
# set up menu codes and caches
$is_background = 0;
$alphabet = "abcdefghijkLmnopqrstuvwxyz";
%store_hash = ();
$mini_split = 250; # i.e., 10 posts for the mini-menu (/th, foreground /pm)
# leaving 50 posts for the foreground temporary menus
$post_counter = 0;
%pm_store_hash = ();
%pm_context_hash = ();
%pm_context_cache = ();
$pm_counter = 0;
%id_cache = ();
%filter_next = ();
# set up threading management
$in_reply_to = 0;
$expected_post_ref = undef;
# interpret -script at this level
if ($script) {
$noansi = $noprompt = 1;
$silent = ($verbose) ? 0 : 1;
$pause = $vcheck = $slowpost = $verify = 0;
$savequit = 0;
### now instantiate the Texnut dynamic API ###
### based off the defaults later in script ###
# first we need to load any extensions specified by -exts.
if (length($exts) && $exts ne '0') {
$multi_module_mode = -1; # mark as loader stage
print "** attempting to load extensions\n" unless ($silent);
# unescape \,
$j=0; $xstring = "ESCAPED_STRING";
while($exts =~ /$xstring$j/) { $j++; }
$xstring .= $j;
$exts =~ s/\\,/$xstring/g;
foreach $file (split(/,/, $exts)) {
# wildcards?
$file =~ s/$xstring/,/g;
print "** loading $file\n" unless ($silent);
die("** sorry, you cannot load the same extension twice.\n")
if ($master_store->{$file}->{'loaded'});
# prepare its working space in $store and load the module
$master_store->{$file} = { 'loaded' => 1 };
$store = \%{ $master_store->{$file} };
$extension_mode = $EM_DONT_CARE;
die("** $file not found: $!\n") if (! -r "$file");
require $file; # and die if bad
die("** $file failed to load: $@\n") if ($@);
die("** consistency failure: reference failure on $file\n")
if (!$store->{'loaded'});
# check type of extension (interactive or non-interactive). if
# we are in the wrong mode, bail out.
if ($extension_mode) {
"** this extension requires -script. this may conflict with other extensions\n".
" you are loading, which may have their own requirements.\n")
if ($extension_mode == $EM_SCRIPT_ON && !$script);
"** this extension cannot work with -script. this may conflict with other\n".
" extensions you are loading, which may have their own requirements.\n")
if ($extension_mode == $EM_SCRIPT_OFF && $script);
# pick off all the subroutine references it makes for storage
# in an array to iterate and chain over later.
# these methods are multi-module safe
foreach $arry (qw(
handle exception posttype conclude pmhandle pmconclude
heartbeat precommand prepost postpost addaction
eventhandle listhandle userhandle shutdown collectsave
)) {
if (defined($$arry)) {
$aarry = "m_$arry";
push(@$aarry, [ $file, $$arry ]);
undef $$arry;
# these methods are NOT multi-module safe
# if a extension already hooked one of
# these and another extension tries to hook it, fatal error.
foreach $arry (qw(
getpassword prompt main autocompletion)) {
if (defined($$arry)) {
$sarry = "l_$arry";
if (defined($$sarry)) {
"** double hook of unsafe method \"$arry\" -- you cannot use this extension\n".
" with the other extensions you are loading. see the documentation.\n");
$$sarry = $$arry;
undef $$arry;
# success! enable multi-module support in the Texnut API and then
# dispatch calls through the multi-module system instead.
$multi_module_mode = 1; # mark as completed loader
$handle = \&multihandle;
$exception = \&multiexception;
$posttype = \&multiposttype;
$conclude = \&multiconclude;
$pmhandle = \&multipmhandle;
$pmconclude = \&multipmconclude;
$heartbeat = \&multiheartbeat;
$precommand = \&multiprecommand;
$prepost = \&multiprepost;
$postpost = \&multipostpost;
$addaction = \&multiaddaction;
$shutdown = \&multishutdown;
$userhandle = \&multiuserhandle;
$listhandle = \&multilisthandle;
$eventhandle = \&multieventhandle;
$collectsave = \&multicollectsave;
} else {
# the old API single-end-point system
$multi_module_mode = 0; # not executing multi module endpoints
$handle = \&defaulthandle;
$exception = \&defaultexception;
$posttype = \&defaultposttype;
$conclude = \&defaultconclude;
$pmhandle = \&defaultpmhandle;
$pmconclude = \&defaultpmconclude;
$heartbeat = \&defaultheartbeat;
$precommand = \&defaultprecommand;
$prepost = \&defaultprepost;
$postpost = \&defaultpostpost;
$addaction = \&defaultaddaction;
$shutdown = \&defaultshutdown;
$userhandle = \&defaultuserhandle;
$listhandle = \&defaultlisthandle;
$eventhandle = \&defaulteventhandle;
$collectsave = \&defaultcollectsave;
# unsafe methods use the single-end-point
$prompt = $l_prompt || \&defaultprompt;
$main = $l_main || \&defaultmain;
$getpassword = $l_getpassword || \&defaultgetpassword;
# $autocompletion is special:
if ($termrl) {
$termrl->Attribs()->{'completion_function'} =
$l_autocompletion || \&defaultautocompletion;
### update the configuration file for the user *iff* ALL of the following: ###
# - savequit is on
# - there is no version key in the conf file or the version key is < current
# issue a warning if there is a version key in the conf file < current
# if neither case is true, nothing happens
# this has to occur after the API is loaded so that extensions can intervene
if ($using_rc_file) {
unless ($savequit) {
if (defined($rc_version) && $rc_version < $current_rc_version){
$bad_rc = "\n".
"** your .texnutrc is version $rc_version, current is $current_rc_version\n".
"** some default settings or internal URLs may have changed\n".
"** new features in this version of Texnut may not behave correctly\n".
"** not automatically modifying it because you aren't using -savequit\n" .
"** (restart with -savequit if you want this)\n"
print $bad_rc unless ($silent);
} elsif (0+$rc_version < $current_rc_version) {
$rc_version += 0;
$bad_rc =
"** your .texnutrc is version $rc_version, automatically updating\n";
# cascade through the versions
if ($rc_version < 1) {
$bad_rc .= "** updating to version 1\n";
print $bad_rc unless ($silent);
# fix track, force bearertoken out of rc file
$queryurl = "${apibase}/posts/search"
if ($queryurl eq "${apibase}/search/posts.json");
$rc_version = 1;
if ($rc_version < 2) {
$bad_rc .= "** updating to version 2\n";
print $bad_rc unless ($silent);
# remove oauthbase
undef $oauthbase;
# merge URLs
foreach $k (keys %opts_urls) {
my $w = $$k;
next if (!length($w));
$w =~
$$k = $w;
$rc_version = 2;
$bad_rc .= "** update completed successfully\n";
# done with cascade
# fetch_id is based off last_id, if an extension set it
$fetch_id = $last_id || 0;
# validate the notify method the user chose, if any.
# we can't do this in BEGIN, because it may not be instantiated yet,
# and we have to do it after loading modules because it might be in one.
@notifytypes = ();
if (length($notifytype) && $notifytype ne '0' &&
$notifytype ne '1' && !length($status)) {
# NOT $script! scripts have a use case for notifiers!
%dupenet = ();
foreach $nt (split(/\s*,\s*/, $notifytype)) {
$fnt = ($nt =~ /^notifier_/) ? $nt : "notifier_${nt}";
(warn("** duplicate notification $nt was ignored\n"), next)
if ($dupenet{$fnt});
eval 'return &$fnt(undef)' ||
die("** invalid notification framework $nt: $@\n");
@notifytypes = keys %dupenet;
$notifytype = join(',', @notifytypes);
# warning if someone didn't tell us what notifies they wanted.
warn "-- warning: you specified -notifytype, but no -notifies\n"
if (!$silent && !length($notifies));
# set up track tags
if (length($tquery) && $tquery ne '0') {
my $xtquery = &tracktags_tqueryurlify($tquery);
@trackstrings = ($xtquery);
} else {
# backtrack is dynamically set based on trackstrings
$backtrack ||= &max(int(20 / &max(1, scalar(@tracktags))), 5)
if (!defined($backtrack)); # zero is valid!
# compile filterflags
$filtercountmin ||= 5;
# compile dontautoreply
# compile filters
exit(1) if (!&filter_compile);
$filterusers_sub = &filterlist_compile(undef, $filterusers);
$filterrps_sub = &filterlist_compile(undef, $filterrps);
$filteratonly_sub = &filterlist_compile(undef, $filteratonly);
$filterthreads_sub = &filterlist_compile(undef, $filterthreads);
$neverfilter_sub = &filterlist_compile(undef, $neverfilter);
exit(1) if (!&filterats_compile);
exit(1) if (!&filterclients_compile);
# compile lists
exit(1) if (!&list_compile);
# compile threads
&threads_compile($threads, 0);
# finally, compile notifies. we do this regardless of notifytype, so that
# an extension can look at it if it wants to.
if ($termrl) {
$streamout = $stdout; # this is just simpler instead of dupping
warn(<<"EOF") if ($] < 5.006);
** -readline may not function correctly on Perls < 5.6.0 **
print $stdout "-- readline using ".$termrl->ReadLine."\n";
} else {
# dup $stdout for benefit of various other scripts
open(DUPSTDOUT, ">&STDOUT") ||
warn("** warning: could not dup $stdout: $!\n");
binmode(DUPSTDOUT, ":utf8") unless ($seven);
$streamout = \*DUPSTDOUT;
if ($silent) {
open($stdout, ">>/dev/null"); # KLUUUUUUUDGE
# after this point, die() may cause problems
# initialize our route back out so background can talk to foreground
pipe(W, P) || die("pipe() error [or your Perl doesn't support it]: $!\n");
select(P); $|++;
# default command line options
# PNUT only supports ssl
$http_proto = 'https';
$savequit ||= 0;
$vcheck ||= 0;
$vcheckinterval ||= 0;
if ($vcheckinterval && $vcheckinterval < 20) {
warn("-- vcheckinterval too short; using default 86400s\n");
$vcheckinterval = 86400;
$lat ||= undef;
$long ||= undef;
$location ||= 0;
$linelength ||= 256;
$pmlength ||= 2048;
$apibase ||= "${http_proto}://";
# special case: if we explicitly refuse backload, don't load initially.
$backload = 30 if (!defined($backload)); # zero is valid!
$dont_refresh_first_time = 1 if (!$backload);
$searchhits ||= 20;
# backtrack is set after tracked terms are compiled
$globalurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/streams/global";
$homeurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/streams/me";
$url ||= (($personal) ? $homeurl : $globalurl);
$credurl ||= "${apibase}/token";
$update ||= "${apibase}/posts";
$thurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/%I/thread";
$rurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/mentions";
$uurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/posts";
$idurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/%I";
$delurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/%I"; # using wdnd
$wurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U";
$uidurl ||= "${apibase}/users/"; # see get_user
$followurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/follow"; # using wpnd
$leaveurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/follow"; # using wdnd
$blockurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/block"; # using wpnd
$blockdelurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/block"; # using wdnd
$blockedurl = "${apibase}/users/me/blocked";
$muteurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/mute"; # using wpnd
$mutedelurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/mute"; # using wdnd
$mutedurl ||= "${apibase}/users/me/muted";
$friendsurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/following";
$followersurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/followers";
$fridurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/following/ids";
$favsurl ||= "${apibase}/users/%U/bookmarks";
$favurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/%I/bookmark";
$favdelurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/%I/bookmark"; # with wdnd
$stuffwithidurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/%I/actions"; # with ?filters=...
# not supported yet #
$rlurl ||= "${apibase}/application/rate_limit_status.json";
# not supported yet #
$rpurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/%I/repost"; # with wpnd
$intsofmeurl ||= "${apibase}/users/me/actions";
# channels, channel messages and pms/PMs
$chanurl ||= "${apibase}/users/me/channels/subscribed";
$chanbyidurl ||= "${apibase}/channels/%I";
$chanmsbyidurl ||= "${apibase}/channels/%I/messages"; # also POST, also DELETE
$chansubbyidurl ||= "${apibase}/channels/%I/subscribe"; # also DELETE
$msbyidurl ||= "${apibase}/channels/messages";
$msbycidurl ||= "${apibase}/channels/%U/messages/%I"; # also POST, also DELETE
# %U in this case is the cid
# not supported yet #
$getlisurl ||= "${apibase}/lists.json";
$creliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/create.json";
$delliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/destroy.json";
$modifyliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/update.json";
$deluliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/members/destroy_all.json";
$adduliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/members/create_all.json";
$getuliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/memberships.json";
$getufliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/subscriptions.json";
$delfliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/subscribers/destroy.json";
$crefliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/subscribers/create.json";
$getfliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/subscribers.json";
$getliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/members.json";
$statusliurl ||= "${apibase}/lists/statuses.json";
# not supported yet #
$streamurl ||= ($anonymous)
# this doesn't actually work yet.
: "";
$streamsuburl ||= "${apibase}/posts/stream/unified";
$dostream ||= 0;
$eventbuf ||= 0;
$queryurl ||= "${apibase}/posts/search";
# not supported yet #
$wtrendurl ||= "${apibase}/trends/";
$atrendurl ||= "${apibase}/trends/available.json";
# not supported yet #
# pick ONE!
#$shorturl ||= "";
$shorturl ||= "";
# figure out the domain to stop shortener loops
$pause = (($anonymous) ? 120 : "auto") if (!defined $pause);
# NOT ||= ... zero is a VALID value!
$superverbose ||= 0;
$avatar ||= "";
$urlopen ||= 'echo %U';
$openappnettoo ||= 0;
$alsopost ||= "";
$manualalsopost ||= 0;
$hold ||= 0;
$holdhold ||= 0;
$daemon ||= 0;
$maxhist ||= 19;
$maxhold ||= 500;
undef $shadow_history;
$timestamp ||= 0;
$noprompt ||= 0;
$slowpost ||= 0;
$twarg ||= undef;
$verbose ||= $superverbose;
$pmpause = 3 if (!defined $pmpause); # NOT ||= ... zero is a VALID value!
$pmpause = 0 if ($anonymous);
$pmpause = 0 if ($pause eq '0');
$ansi = ($noansi) ? 0 :
(($ansi || $ENV{'TERM'} eq 'ansi' || $ENV{'TERM'} eq 'xterm-color')
? 1 : 0);
# synch overrides these options.
if ($synch) {
$pause = 0;
$pmpause = ($pmpause) ? 1 : 0;
$pmcount = $pmpause;
$lastshort = undef;
# ANSI sequences
$colourprompt ||= "CYAN";
$colourme ||= "YELLOW";
$colourpm ||= "GREEN";
$colourreply ||= "RED";
$colourwarn ||= "MAGENTA";
$coloursearch ||= "CYAN";
$colourfollow ||= "OFF";
$colouralien ||= "CYAN";
$colourlist ||= "OFF";
$colourdefault ||= "OFF";
$ESC = pack("C", 27);
$BEL = pack("C", 7);
# to force unambiguous bareword interpretation
$true = 'true';
sub true { return 'true'; }
$false = 'false';
sub false { return 'false'; }
$null = undef;
sub null { return undef; }
select($stdout); $|++;
# figure out our user agent
if (length($curl) > 1 && -x "/$curl") {
$wend = $curl;
print $stdout "cURL forced to $wend\n";
} else {
$wend = &wherecheck("trying to find cURL", "curl",
"you must have cURL installed to use Texnut.\n");
$baseagent = $wend;
# these overrides set options we know will work/force options off that don't
$pause = 20 if ($pause eq 'auto');
$nostream = 1;
# these overrides set options we know will work/force options off that don't
# streaming API has multiple prereqs. not fatal; we just fall back on the
# REST API if not there.
# not yet supported
if(0) {
unless($status) {
if (!$dostream || $script || $anonymous || $synch) {
$reason = (!$dostream) ? "(no -dostream)"
: ($script) ? "(-script)"
: ($anonymous) ? "(-anonymous)"
: ($synch) ? "(-synch)"
: "(it's funkatron's fault)";
print $stdout
"-- User Streams disabled $reason (Texnut will use JSON API only)\n";
$dostream = 0;
} else {
print $stdout "-- User Streams enabled\n";
# streams change mentions behaviour; we get them automatically.
# warn the user if the current settings are suboptimal.
# evaluate this
if ($mentions) {
if ($nostreamreplies) {
print $stdout
"** warning: -mentions and -nostreamreplies are very inefficient together\n";
} else {
print $stdout
"** warning: -mentions not generally needed in Streaming mode\n";
} else { $dostream = 0; } # -status suppresses streaming
if (!$dostream && $streamallreplies) {
print $stdout
"** warning: -streamallreplies only works in Streaming mode\n";
# create and cache the logic for our selected user agent
$simple_agent = "$baseagent -s -m 20";
@wend = ('-s', '-m', '20', '-A', "Texnut/$Texnut_VERSION",
'-H', 'Expect:');
@wind = @wend;
@wdnd = (@wend, '-X', 'DELETE');
@wend = (@wend, '-X', 'POST');
@wpnd = (@wend, '-X', 'PUT');
@wjnd = (@wend, '-H', '"Content-Type: application/json"');
$stringify_args = sub {
my $basecom = shift;
my $resource = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $dont_do_auth = shift;
my $p;
my $l = '';
foreach $p (@_) {
if ($p =~ /^-/) {
$l .= "\n" if (length($l));
$l .= "$p ";
$l .= $p;
$l .= "\n";
# sign our request
unless ($dont_do_auth) {
$l .= "-H \"Authorization: Bearer $bearertoken\"\n";
# if resource is an arrayref, then it's a GET with URL
# and args (mostly generated by &grabjadn)
$resource = join('?', @{ $resource })
if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY');
$l .= "url = \"$resource\"\n";
$l .= "data = \"$data\"\n" if length($data);
return ("$basecom -K -", $l, undef);
# update check
if ($vcheck && !length($status)) {
$vs = &updatecheck(0, 1);
} else {
$vs =
"-- no version check performed (use /vcheck, or -vcheck to check on startup)\n"
unless ($script || $status);
print $stdout $vs; # and then again when client starts up
if (!length($bearertoken)) {
# we don't have the user token
# but we can't get that with -script
if ($script) {
print $streamout <<"EOF";
(run Texnut without -script or -runcommand for help)
# run the wizard, which writes a keyfile for us
$keyf ||= $attempted_keyf;
print $stdout <<"EOF";
|||| WELCOME TO Texnut: Authorize Texnut by signing into PNUT with OAuth ||||
Looks like you're starting Texnut for the first time, and/or creating a
keyfile. Welcome to the most user-hostile, highly obfuscated, spaghetti code
infested and obscenely obscure client that's out there. You'll love it.
Texnut generates a keyfile that contains credentials for you, including your
access token. This needs to be done JUST ONCE. You can take this keyfile with
you to other systems. If you revoke Texnut's access, you must remove the
keyfile and start again with a new token. You need to do this once per account
you use with Texnut; only one account token can be stored per keyfile. If you
have multiple accounts, use -keyf=... to specify different keyfiles. KEEP THESE
** This wizard will overwrite $keyf
Press RETURN/ENTER to continue or CTRL-C NOW! to abort.
$j = <STDIN>;
print $stdout <<"EOF";
1. Visit, in your browser, ALL ON ONE LINE,
2. If you are not already signed in, fill in your username and password.
3. Verify that Texnut is the requesting application, and that its permissions
are as you expect (see basic information, read your stream, send and
receive private messages, create posts, add and remove follows, and see
4. Click Yes to authorize.
5. A bearer token will appear. Paste it below:
$j = '';
print $stdout "Token> ";
chomp($j = <STDIN>);
open(W, ">$keyf") ||
die("Failed to write keyfile $keyf: $!\n");
print W "$j\n";
chmod(0600, $keyf) || print $stdout
"Warning: could not change permissions on $keyf : $!\n";
print $stdout <<"EOF";
Written keyfile $keyf
Now, restart Texnut to use this keyfile.
(To choose between multiple keyfiles other than the default .texnutkey,
tell Texnut where the key is using -keyf=... .)
# if we are testing the stream, this is where we split
if ($streamtest) {
print $stdout ">>> STREAMING CONNECT TEST <<< (kill process to end)\n";
&start_streaming; } # this never returns in this mode
# initial login tests and command line controls
if ($statusurl) {
$shorstatusturl = &urlshorten($statusurl);
$status = ((length($status)) ? "$status " : "") . $shorstatusturl;
$phase = 0;
$didhold = $hold;
$hold = -1 if ($hold == 1 && !$script);
$credentials = '';
$status = pack("U0C*", unpack("C*", $status))
unless ($seven || !length($status) || $LANG =~ /8859/); # kludgy also
if ($status eq '-') {
my @status;
if ($multiline) {
while(<STDIN>) {
push(@status, $_);
$status = join('', @status);
} else {
chomp(@status = <STDIN>);
$status = join("\n", @status);
for(;;) {
$rv = 0;
"sorry, you can't post anonymously. use an authenticated username.\n")
if ($anonymous && length($status));
$error = ($multiline) ? "or don't use -multiline.\n"
: "or use -autosplit={word,char,cut}.\n";
$autosplit = 0 if ($multiline);
"sorry, status too long: reduce by @{[ length($status)-$linelength ]} chars, ".
if (length($status) > $linelength && !$autosplit);
unless ($multiline) {
($status, $next) = &csplit($status, ($autosplit eq 'char' ||
$autosplit eq 'cut') ? 1 : 0, $linelength)
if (!length($next));
} else {
$next = '';
if ($autosplit eq 'cut' && length($next)) {
print "-- warning: input autotrimmed to $linelength bytes\n";
$next = "";
if (!length($whoami) && !length($status)) {
# we must be using OAuth tokens. we'll need
# to get our screen name from PNUT. we DON'T need this
# if we're just posting with -status.
print "(checking credentials) "; $data =
$credentials = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef,
$credurl, undef, $anonymous, @wind);
$rv = $? || &is_fail_whale($data) || &is_json_error($data);
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
if (!$rv && length($status) && $phase) {
print "post attempt "; $rv = &updatest($status, 0);
} else {
# no longer a way to test anonymous logins
unless ($rv || $anonymous) {
print "test-login ";
$data = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef,
$url, undef, $anonymous, @wind);
$rv = $?;
if ($rv || &is_fail_whale($data) || &is_json_error($data)) {
if ($rv == 96 || $rv == 97 || $rv == 99) {
print "post CANCELLED!\n";
} elsif (&is_fail_whale($data)) {
print "FAILED -- Fail Whale detected\n";
} elsif ($x = &is_json_error($data)) {
print "FAILED!\n*** server reports: \"$x\"\n";
print "check your password or configuration.\n";
} else {
$x = $rv >> 8;
"FAILED. ($x) bad password, login or URL? server down?\n";
print "access failure on: ";
print (($phase) ? $update : $url);
print "\n";
"--- data received ($hold) ---\n$data\n--- data received ($hold) ---\n"
if ($superverbose);
if ($hold && --$hold) {
"trying again in 1 minute, or kill process now.\n\n";
sleep 60;
if ($didhold) {
print "giving up after $didhold tries.\n";
} else {
"to automatically wait for a connect, use -hold.\n";
if ($status && !$phase) {
print "SUCCEEDED!\n";
if (length($next)) {
print "SUCCEEDED!\n(autosplit) ";
$status = $next;
$next = "";
print "SUCCEEDED!\n";
exit(0) if (length($status));
&sigify('IGNORE', qw(USR1 PWR XCPU));
if (length($credentials)) {
print "-- processing credentials: ";
$my_json_ref = &parsejson($credentials);
$whoami = lc($my_json_ref->{'data'}->{'user'}->{'username'});
$whoamid = $my_json_ref->{'data'}->{'user'}->{'id'};
if (!length($whoami)) {
print "FAILED!\nis your account suspended, or wrong token?\n";
print "logged in as $whoami\n";
$credlog = "-- you are logged in as ${EM}$whoami${OFF}\n";
$connection_id = "${whoami}-${whoamid}-$$";
$feedwhere = ($url eq $homeurl) ?
"-- you are viewing your ${EM}personal stream${OFF} (${EM}/global${OFF} for global)\n" :
"-- you are viewing the ${EM}global feed${OFF} (${EM}/personal${OFF} for personal stream)\n";
$last_rate_limit = undef;
$rate_limit_left = undef;
$rate_limit_rate = undef;
$rate_limit_next = 0;
$effpause = 0; # for both daemon and background
if ($daemon) {
if (!$pause) {
print $stdout "*** kind of stupid to run daemon with pause=0\n";
exit 1;
if ($child = fork()) {
print $stdout "*** detached daemon released. pid = $child\n";
kill 15, $$;
exit 0;
} elsif (!defined($child)) {
print $stdout "*** fork() failed: $!\n";
exit 1;
} else {
$bufferpid = 0;
if ($dostream) {
&sigify(sub {
kill $SIGHUP, $nursepid if ($nursepid);
kill $SIGHUP, $bufferpid if ($bufferpid);
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid);
sleep 1;
# send myself a shutdown
kill 9, $nursepid if ($nursepid);
kill 9, $bufferpid if ($bufferpid);
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid);
kill 9, $$;
}, qw(TERM HUP PIPE));
&sigify("IGNORE", qw(INT));
$bufferpid = &start_streaming;
$rin = '';
vec($rin, fileno(STBUF), 1) = 1;
$parent = 0;
$pmcount = 1 if ($pmpause); # force fetch
$is_background = 1;
DAEMONLOOP: for(;;) {
my $snooze;
my $nfound;
my $wake;
$dont_refresh_first_time = 0;
if ($pmpause) {
if (!--$pmcount) {
$pmcount = $pmpause;
# service events on the streaming socket, if
# we have one.
$snooze = ($effpause || 0+$pause || 60);
$wake = time() + $snooze;
if (!$bufferpid) {
sleep $snooze;
} else {
my $read_failure = 0;
SLEEP_AGAIN: for(;;) {
$nfound = select($rout = $rin,
undef, undef, $snooze);
if ($nfound &&
vec($rout, fileno(STBUF), 1)==1) {
my $buf = '';
my $rbuf = '';
my $len;
read(STBUF, $buf, 1);
if (!length($buf)) {
# a stuck ready FH says
# our buffer is dead;
# see MONITOR: below.
if ($read_failure>100){
print $stdout "*** unrecoverable failure of buffer process, aborting\n";
$read_failure = 0;
if ($buf !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) {
print $stdout
"-- warning: bogus character(s) ".unpack("H*", $buf)."\n"
if ($superverbose);
while (length($buf) < 8) {
# don't read 8 -- read 1. that means we can
# skip trailing garbage without a window.
if ($rbuf =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]/) {
$buf .= $rbuf;
} else {
print $stdout
"-- warning: bogus character(s) ".unpack("H*", $rbuf)."\n"
if ($superverbose);
$buf = ''
print $stdout "-- length packet: $buf\n"
if ($superverbose);
$len = hex($buf);
$buf = '';
while (length($buf) < $len) {
read(STBUF, $rbuf,
$buf .= $rbuf;
&parsejson($buf) );
$snooze = $wake - time();
($snooze > 0);
die("uncaught fork() exception\n");
unless ($simplestart) {
$V = "${Texnut_VERSION}.${padded_patch_version}";
$e = <<'EOF';
${RED} /\ /\${OFF} ${CYAN}################################################################${OFF}
${RED}/ ${YELLOW}M${RED}\ /${YELLOW}M${RED} \ ${CYAN}#${OFF} ${CYAN}#${OFF}
${RED}\ ${YELLOW}MM${RED}\ /${YELLOW}MM${RED} / ${CYAN}#${OFF} ${EM}texnut ${V} (c)2018 cameron kaiser${OFF} ${CYAN}#${OFF}
${RED} \ ${YELLOW}MMMM${RED} / ${CYAN}#${OFF} freeware under the Floodgap Free Software License ${CYAN}#${OFF}
${RED} \ ${YELLOW}MM${RED} / ${CYAN}#${OFF} post comments to ${EM}@doctorlinguist${OFF} -or- ${EM}${OFF} ${CYAN}#${OFF}
${RED} \ / ${CYAN}#${OFF} ${CYAN}#${OFF}
${RED}\/ ${CYAN}###########${OFF} ${EM}${OFF} ${CYAN}###########${OFF}
# when ready, hit RETURN/ENTER for a prompt.
# type /help for commands or /quit to quit.
# starting background monitoring process.
$e =~ s/\$\{([A-Z]+)\}/${$1}/eg; print $stdout $e;
} else {
print <<"EOF";
Texnut ${Texnut_VERSION}.${padded_patch_version} (c)2018 cameron kaiser
all rights reserved. freeware under the floodgap free software license.
post me: \@doctorlinguist * tell me: ckaiser\
type /help for commands or /quit to quit.
starting background monitoring process.
if ($superverbose) {
print $stdout "-- OMGSUPERVERBOSITYSPAM enabled.\n\n";
} else {
print $stdout "-- verbosity enabled.\n\n" if ($verbose);
# XXX: consider forking this
$pmchecked = 0;
$last_pm_req = &pmscan(-1);
#sleep 3 unless ($silent);
# these three functions are outside of the usual API assertions for clarity.
# they represent the main loop, which by default is the interactive console.
# the main loop can be redefined.
sub defaultprompt {
my $rv = ($noprompt) ? "" : "Texnut> ";
my $rvl = ($noprompt) ? 0 : 8;
return ($rv, $rvl) if (shift);
$wrapseq = 0;
print $stdout "${CCprompt}$rv${OFF}" unless ($termrl);
sub defaultaddaction { return 0; }
sub defaultmain {
if (length($runcommand)) {
@history = ();
print C "rsga---------------\n";
$dont_use_counter = $nocounter;
eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter';
if ($termrl) {
# only have the repaint handler on while we're in readline.
&sigify(\&repaint, qw(USR1 PWR XCPU));
while(defined ($_ = $termrl->readline((&$prompt(1))[0]))) {
# ignore repaints now
&sigify("IGNORE", qw(USR1 PWR XCPU));
kill $SIGUSR1, $child; # suppress output
$rv = &prinput($_);
kill $SIGUSR2, $child; # resume output
last if ($rv < 0);
&sync_console unless (!$rv || !$synch);
if ($dont_use_counter ne $nocounter) {
# only if we have to -- this is expensive
$dont_use_counter = $nocounter;
eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter'
# reenable them before we go back to readline
&sigify(\&repaint, qw(USR1 PWR XCPU));
# done with input from readline, no more repainting
&sigify("IGNORE", qw(USR1 PWR XCPU));
} else {
while(<>) { #not stdin so we can read from script files
kill $SIGUSR1, $child; # suppress output
$rv = &prinput(&uforcemulti($_));
kill $SIGUSR2, $child; # resume output
last if ($rv < 0);
&sync_console unless (!$rv || !$synch);
&sync_n_quit if ($script);
if ($savequit) {
print $stdout "** autosaving ";
# SIGPIPE in particular must be trapped in case someone kills the background
# or, in streaming mode, buffer processes. we can't recover from that.
# the streamer MUST have been initialized before we start these signal
# handlers, or the streamer will try to run them too. eeek!
# DO NOT trap SIGCHLD: we generate child processes that die normally.
&sigify(\&end_me, qw(PIPE INT));
# temporarily ignore these signals
sub sigify {
# this routine abstracts setting signals to a subroutine reference.
# check and see if we have to use (Perl 5.14+) or we can
# still use $SIG for proper signalling. We prefer the latter, but
# must support the former.
my $subref = shift;
my $k;
if ($signals_use_posix) {
my @w;
my $sigaction = POSIX::SigAction->new($subref);
while ($k = shift) {
my $e = &posix_signal_of($k);
# some signals may not exist on all systems.
next if (!(0+$e));
POSIX::sigaction($e, $sigaction)
|| die("sigaction failure: $! $@\n");
} else {
while ($k = shift) { $SIG{$k} = $subref; }
sub posix_signal_of {
die("never call posix_signal_of if signals_use_posix is false\n")
if (!$signals_use_posix);
# this assumes that POSIX::SIG* returns a scalar int value.
# not all signals exist on all systems. this ensures zeroes are
# returned for locally bogus ones.
return 0+(eval("return POSIX::SIG".shift));
sub send_repaint {
unless ($wrapseq){
$wrapseq = 0;
return if ($daemon);
if ($child) {
# we are the parent, call our repaint
} else {
# we are not the parent, call the parent to repaint itself
kill $SIGUSR1, $parent; # send SIGUSR1
sub repaint {
# try to speed this up, since we do it a lot.
$wrapseq = 0;
return &$repaintcache if ($repaintcache) ;
# cache our repaint function (no-op or redisplay)
$repaintcache = sub { ; }; # no-op
return unless ($termrl &&
($termrl->Features()->{'canRepaint'} || $readlinerepaint));
return if ($daemon);
$termrl->redisplay; $repaintcache = sub { $termrl->redisplay; };
sub send_removereadline {
# this just stubs into its own removereadline
return &$removereadlinecache if ($removereadlinecache);
$removereadlinecache = sub { ; };
return unless ($termrl && $termrl->Features()->{'canRemoveReadline'});
return if ($daemon);
$removereadlinecache = sub { $termrl->removereadline; };
sub s {
if ($is_background) {
push(@stream_buf, [ @_ ]);
} else {
my $aa = $_[0];
print $aa "$_[1]";
sub std { &s($stdout, @_); }
sub sto { &s($streamout, @_); }
# start the background process
# this has to be last or the background process can't see the full API
&sigify(sub { $background_is_ready++ }, qw(USR2 SYS UNUSED XFSZ));
if ($child = open(C, "|-")) {
} else {
eval'$termrl->hook_background_control' if ($termrl);
select(C); $|++; select($stdout);
# handshake for synchronicity mode, if we want it.
if ($synch) {
# we will get two replies for this.
print C "synm---------------\n";
# the second will be cleared by the console
# wait for background to become ready
sleep 1 until ($background_is_ready);
# disengage the signal handler, we don't need it anymore
&sigify("IGNORE", qw(USR2 SYS UNUSED XFSZ));
# start the
# loop until we quit and then we'll
&sync_n_quit if ($script);
# else
#### command processor ####
sub prinput {
my $i;
local($_) = shift; # bleh
# validate this string if we are in UTF-8 mode
unless ($seven) {
$probe = $_;
die("utf8 doesn't work right in this perl. run with -seven.\n")
if (&ulength($probe) < length($_));
# should be at least as big
if ($probe =~ /($badutf8)/) {
print $stdout "*** invalid UTF-8: partial delete of a wide character?\n";
print $stdout "*** ignoring this string\n";
return 0;
$in_reply_to = 0;
$_ = &$precommand($_);
my $cfc = 0;
$cfc++ while (s/\033\[[0-9]?[ABCD]// || s/.[\177]// || s/.[\010]//
|| s/[\000-\037\177]//);
if ($cfc) {
$history[0] = $_;
print $stdout "*** filtered control characters; now \"$_\"\n";
print $stdout "*** use %% for truncated version, or append to %%.\n";
return 0;
if (/^$/) {
return 1;
if (!$slowpost && !$verify && # we assume you know what you're doing!
($_ eq 'h' || $_ eq 'help' || $_ eq 'quit' || $_ eq 'q' ||
/^Texnut>/ || $_ eq 'ls' || $_ eq '?' ||
m#^help /# || $_ eq 'exit')) {
unless ($_ eq 'exit' || /^Texnut>/ || $_ eq 'ls') {
print $stdout "*** did you mean /$_ ?\n";
print $stdout
"*** to send this as a command, type /%%\n";
} else {
print $stdout
"*** did you really mean to post \"$_\"?\n";
print $stdout "*** to post it anyway, type %%\n";
return 0;
if (/^\%(\%|-\d+):p$/) {
my $x = $1;
if ($x eq '%') {
print $stdout "=> \"$history[0]\"\n";
} else {
$x += 0;
if (!$x || $x < -(scalar(@history))) {
print $stdout "*** illegal index\n";
} else {
print $stdout "=> \"$history[-($x + 1)]\"\n";
return 0;
# handle history substitution (including /%%, %%--, %%*, etc.)
$i = 0; # flag
if (/^\%(\%|-\d+)(--|-\d+|\*)?/) {
($i, $proband, $r, $s) = &sub_helper($1, $2, $_);
return 0 if (!$i);
$s = quotemeta($s);
if (/[^\\]\%(\%|-\d+)(--|-\d+|\*)?$/) {
($i, $proband, $r, $s) = &sub_helper($1, $2, $_);
return 0 if (!$i);
$s = quotemeta($s);
# handle variables second, in case they got in history somehow ...
$i = 1 if (s/^\%URL\%/$urlshort/ || s/\%URL\%$/$urlshort/);
$i = 1 if (s/^\%RP\%/$repost/ || s/\%RP\%$/$repost/);
# (%ED% and %EDRP% are handled by updatest)
# and escaped history
if ($i) {
print $stdout "(expanded to \"$_\")\n" ;
$in_reply_to = $expected_post_ref->{'id'} || 0
if (defined $expected_post_ref &&
ref($expected_post_ref) eq 'HASH');
} else {
$expected_post_ref = undef;
return 0 unless length; # actually possible to happen
# with control char filters and history.
$shadow_history = $_;
# handle history display
if ($_ eq '/history' || $_ eq '/h') {
for ($i = scalar(@history); $i >= 1; $i--) {
print $stdout "\t$i\t$history[($i-1)]\n";
return 0;
my $slash_first = ($_ =~ m#^/#);
return -1 if ($_ eq '/quit' || $_ eq '/q' || $_ eq '/bye' ||
$_ eq '/exit');
return 0 if (scalar(&$addaction($_)));
# generically extract < parameters for leadpost/before, but not
# for commands where they may be valid
$lead_id = 0;
$lead_kind = '';
$lead_code = '';
if (m#^/# && !m#^//# && !m#^/me\s+#i &&
# /re <za0 *is* valid as long as it's just that.
(!m#^/v?re#i || m#^/re(plies)?\s+\<z?[a-z][0-9]$#i) &&
!m#^/v?r[agh]#i && # /replyall caught above
!m#^/pmm? #i && !m#^/list#i) {
if (s#\s+\<(p?z?[a-z][0-9])(\s|$)#\2#i) {
# length == 3 with /^p/ or length == 4: PM
my $code = lc($1);
if (length($code) == 4 || (length($code) == 3 &&
$code =~ /^p/)) {
my $leadpm = &get_pm($code);
if (defined($leadpm) && ref($leadpm)
eq 'HASH') {
$lead_id = $leadpm->{'id'};
$lead_kind = 'pm';
$lead_code = $code;
print $stdout
"-- before (pm): $lead_id\n"
if ($verbose);
} else {
print $stdout
"*** no PM with that ID (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
} else {
my $leadpost = &get_post($code);
if (defined($leadpost) && ref($leadpost)
eq 'HASH') {
$lead_id = $leadpost->{'id'};
$lead_kind = 'post';
$lead_code = $code;
print $stdout
"-- before (post): $lead_id\n"
if ($verbose);
} else {
print $stdout
"*** no post with that ID (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
} elsif (s#\s+\<([pP]?)([0-9]+)(\s|$)#\3#i) {
# don't use get_post on IDs; wasteful and slow. just
# use the raw code.
my $id = 0+$2;
my $lk = ($1 eq 'p' || $1 eq 'P') ? 'pm' : 'post';
my $co = "$1$2";
if ($id) {
$lead_id = $id;
$lead_code = $co;
$lead_kind = $lk;
} else {
print $stdout "*** nonsense ID passed\n";
return 0;
# countmaybe should work like this too
# add commands here
# manual alsopost
if (length($alsopost) && s#^/(alsopost|also|ap)\s+## && length) {
if (!$manualalsopost) {
&std("*** you already automatically alsopost\n");
&std("*** to change that, /set manualalsopost\n");
return 0;
$manualalsopost = 0;
$rv = &updatest($_, 1);
$manualalsopost = 1;
return 0;
# dumper
if (m#^/du(mp)?(f?) ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $mode = lc($2);
my $code = lc($3);
unless ($code =~ /^[pP][zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+$/ # this is a PM.
&& $code !~ /^p[0-9]$/) { # this is legal.
$oldsuperverbose = $superverbose;
$oldverbose = $verbose;
$superverbose = $verbose = 1 if ($mode eq 'f');
my $post = &get_post($code);
$superverbose = $oldsuperverbose;
$verbose = $oldverbose;
my $k;
my $sn;
my $id;
my @superfields = (
[ "user", "username" ], # must always be first
[ "repost_of", "id" ],
[ "repost_of", "thread_id" ],
[ "_texnut_tag", "type" ],
[ "_texnut_tag", "payload" ],
[ "source", "name" ],
my $superfield;
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
foreach $superfield (@superfields) {
my $sfn = join('->', @{ $superfield });
my $sfk = "{'" .
join("'}->{'", @{ $superfield }) .
my $sfv;
eval "\$sfv = &descape(\$post->$sfk);";
print $streamout
substr("$sfn ", 0, 25).
" $sfv\n";
$sn = $sfv if (!length($sn) && length($sfv));
foreach $k (sort keys %{ $post }) {
next if (ref($post->{$k}));
print $streamout
substr("$k ", 0, 25) .
" " . &descape($post->{$k}) . "\n";
# include a URL to the post per T@augmentedfourth
$urlshort =
print $stdout
"-- %URL% is now $urlshort (/short to shorten)\n";
return 0;
} # if Pxxxx, fall through to the below.
# PM dumper
if (m#^/du(mp)?(f?) ([pP][zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $mode = lc($2);
my $code = lc($3);
$oldsuperverbose = $superverbose;
$oldverbose = $verbose;
$superverbose = $verbose = 1 if ($mode eq 'f');
my $pm = &get_pm($code);
$superverbose = $oldsuperverbose;
$verbose = $oldverbose;
my $k;
my $sn;
my $id;
my @superfields = (
[ "user", "username" ], # must always be first
[ "source", "name" ],
my $superfield;
if (!defined($pm) || ref($pm) ne 'HASH') {
print $stdout "-- no such PM (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
my $context = undef;
# only fetch the context if we know we generated this,
# because otherwise we start doing ugly dereferencing.
$oldsuperverbose = $superverbose;
$oldverbose = $verbose;
$superverbose = $verbose = 1 if ($mode eq 'f');
$context = &get_pm_context($code)
unless (!defined($pm->{'_texnut_menu_select'}));
$superverbose = $oldsuperverbose;
$verbose = $oldverbose;
foreach $superfield (@superfields) {
my $sfn = join('->', @{ $superfield });
my $sfk = "{'" . join("'}->{'", @{ $superfield }) .
my $sfv;
eval "\$sfv = &descape(\$pm->$sfk);";
print $streamout
substr("$sfn ", 0, 25).
" $sfv\n";
$sn = $sfv if (!length($sn) && length($sfv));
foreach $k (sort keys %{ $pm }) {
next if (ref($pm->{$k}));
print $streamout
substr("$k ", 0, 25) .
" " . &descape($pm->{$k}) . "\n";
# if we didn't generate this, there is no context to iterate.
return 0 if (!defined($context));
print $streamout "\n_texnut_context\n---------------\n";
# this is a synthetic object we generate, so we don't need to
# be quite so paranoid.
foreach $k (sort keys %{ $context }) {
$m = $context->{$k};
print $streamout
substr("$k ", 0, 25)
. " ";
if (ref($m) eq 'ARRAY') {
print $streamout join(" ", @{ $m }), "\n";
} else {
print $streamout "$m\n";
return 0;
# evaluator
if (m#^/ev(al)?(f?) (.+)$#) {
my $exp = $3;
my $mode = lc($2);
$oldsuperverbose = $superverbose;
$oldverbose = $verbose;
$superverbose = $verbose = 1 if ($mode eq 'f');
$k = eval $exp;
$superverbose = $oldsuperverbose;
$verbose = $oldverbose;
print $stdout "==> ";
print $streamout "$k $@\n";
return 0;
# save state
if ($_ eq '/save') {
return 0;
# toggle background
if ($_ eq '/hold') {
if ($synch) {
&std("-- huh? you're already in -synch mode\n");
} else {
return 0;
# flush tab completer. if a parameter is given, flush back to
# totally empty, otherwise loaded default.
if (s#^/flushtab\s*##) {
if (!$termrl) {
&std("-- readline is not enabled\n");
return 0;
%readline_completion = (!length) ? %original_readline : ();
&std("-- flushed user name TAB completion to ".
((!length) ? "originally specified" : "totally blank").
&std("-- to print current contents: /p tabcomp\n");
return 0;
# swap timelines
if ($_ eq '/global') {
if (&getvariable('url') eq $globalurl) {
print $stdout "-- already viewing global feed\n";
return 0;
print $stdout "-- switching to global timeline\n";
&setvariable('url', $globalurl);
print $stdout "-- flushing cache\n";
$_ = "/again"; # and fall through
if ($_ eq '/personal') {
if (&getvariable('url') eq $homeurl) {
print $stdout "-- already viewing personal feed\n";
return 0;
print $stdout "-- switching to personal timeline\n";
&setvariable('url', $homeurl);
print $stdout "-- flushing cache\n";
$_ = "/again"; # and fall through
# version check
if (m#^/v(ersion)?check$# || m#^/u(pdate)?check$#) {
print $stdout &updatecheck(1, 1);
return 0;
# url shortener routine
if (($_ eq '/sh' || $_ eq '/short') && length($urlshort)) {
$_ = "/short $urlshort";
print $stdout "*** assuming you meant %URL%: $_\n";
# and fall through to ...
if (m#^/sh(ort)? (https?|gopher)(://[^ ]+)#) {
my $url = $2 . $3;
my $answer = (&urlshorten($url) || 'FAILED -- %% to retry');
print $stdout "*** shortened to: ";
print $streamout ($answer . "\n");
return 0;
# getter for internal value settings
if (/^\/r(ate)?l(imit)?$/) {
$_ = '/print rate_limit_rate';
# and fall through to ...
if ($_ eq '/p' || $_ eq '/print') {
foreach $key (sort keys %opts_can_set) {
print $stdout "*** $key => $$key\n"
if (!$opts_secret{$key});
return 0;
if (/^\/p(rint)?\s+([^ ]+)/) {
my $key = $2;
if ($valid{$key} ||
$key eq 'effpause' ||
$key eq 'rate_limit_rate' ||
$key eq 'rate_limit_left') {
my $value = &getvariable($key);
print $stdout "*** ";
print $stdout "(read-only value) "
if (!$opts_can_set{$key});
print $stdout "$key => $value\n";
# I don't see a need for these in &getvariable, so they are
# not currently supported. whine if you disagree.
} elsif ($key eq 'tabcomp') {
if ($termrl) {
print $stdout "*** current TAB-comp entries: ";
$did_print = 0;
foreach(keys %readline_completion) {
$did_print = 1;
print $stdout "$_ ";
print $stdout "(none)" if (!$did_print);
print $stdout "\n";
} else {
print $stdout "*** readline isn't on\n";
} elsif ($key eq 'otabcomp') {
if ($termrl) {
} else {
print $stdout "*** readline isn't on\n";
} elsif ($key eq 'ntabcomp') { # sigh
if ($termrl) {
print $stdout "*** new TAB-comp entries: ";
$did_print = 0;
foreach(keys %readline_completion) {
next if ($original_readline{$_});
$did_print = 1;
print $stdout "$_ ";
print $stdout "(none)" if (!$did_print);
print $stdout "\n";
} else {
print $stdout "*** readline isn't on\n";
} else {
print "*** not a valid option or setting: $key\n";
return 0;
if ($_ eq '/verbose' || $_ eq '/ve') {
$verbose ^= 1;
$_ = "/set verbose $verbose";
print $stdout "-- verbosity.\n" if ($verbose);
# and fall through to set
# search api integration
if (/^\/se(arch)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?(.+)\s*$/) {
my $countmaybe = $2;
my $kw = $3;
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
$countmaybe ||= $searchhits;
$kw = &url_oauth_sub($kw);
$kw = "q=$kw" if ($kw !~ /^q=/);
my $r = &grabjadn("$queryurl?$kw&order=id", 0, 0, $countmaybe, {
"type" => "search",
"payload" => $kw
}, 1, $lead_id);
if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $r })) {
&dt_tdisplay($r, 'search');
} else {
print $stdout "-- sorry, no results were found.\n";
return 0;
if ($_ eq '/notrack') { # special case
print $stdout "*** all tracking keywords cancelled\n";
$track = '';
&setvariable('track', $track, 1);
return 0;
if (s/^\/troff\s+// && s/\s*// && length) {
# remove it from array, regenerate $track, call tracktags_makearray
# and then sync
my $k;
my $l = '';
my $q = 0;
my %w;
$_ = lc($_);
my (@ptags) = split(/\s+/, $_);
# filter duplicates and merge quoted strings (again)
# but this time we're building up a hash for fast searches
foreach $k (@ptags) {
if ($q && $k =~ /"$/) { # this has to be first
$l .= " $k";
$q = 0;
} elsif ($k =~ /^"/ || $q) {
$l .= (length($l)) ? " $k" : $k;
$q = 1;
} else {
$l = $k;
next if ($w{$l}); # ignore silently here
$w{$l} = 1;
$l = '';
print $stdout "-- warning: syntax error, missing quote?\n"
if ($q);
# now filter out of @tracktags
@ptags = ();
foreach $k (@tracktags) {
push (@ptags, $k) unless ($w{$k});
unless (scalar(@ptags) < scalar(@tracktags)) {
print $stdout "-- sorry, no track terms matched.\n";
print $stdout (length($track) ?
"-- you are tracking: $track\n" :
"-- (maybe because you're not tracking anything?)\n");
return 0;
print $stdout "*** ok, filtered @{[ keys(%w) ]}\n";
$track = join(' ', @ptags);
&setvariable('track', $track, 1);
return 0;
# trends
if(0) {
if (s#^/tre(nds)?\s*##) {
my $t;
my $wwoeid = (length) ? $_ : $woeid;
$wwoeid ||= "1";
my $r = &grabjadn("${wtrendurl}${wwoeid}.json",
0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
my $fr = ($wwoeid && $wwoeid ne '1') ?
" FOR WOEID $wwoeid" : ' GLOBALLY';
if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'HASH') {
$t = $r->{'trends'};
} elsif (defined($r) && ref ($r) eq 'ARRAY') {
$t = $r->[0]->{'trends'};
if (defined($t) && (ref($t) eq 'HASH' || ref($t) eq 'ARRAY')) {
my $i;
my $j;
print $stdout "${EM}<<< TRENDING TOPICS${fr} >>>${OFF}\n";
# this is moderate paranoia
if (ref($r) eq 'HASH') {
# this is the old behaviour. it will be removed.
foreach $i (sort { $b cmp $a } keys %{ $t }) {
foreach $j (@{ $t->{$i} }) {
my $k = &descape($j->{'query'});
my $l = ($k =~ /\sOR\s/) ? $k :
($k =~ /^"/) ? $k :
('"' . $k . '"');
print $streamout "/search $l\n";
$k =~ s/\sOR\s/ /g;
$k = '"' . $k . '"' if ($k =~ /\s/
&& $k !~ /^"/);
print $streamout "/tron $k\n";
last; # emulate old trends/current behaviour
} else {
foreach $j (@{ $t }) {
my $k = &descape($j->{'name'});
my $l = ($k =~ /\sOR\s/) ? $k :
($k =~ /^"/) ? $k :
('"' . $k . '"');
print $streamout "/search $l\n";
$k =~ s/\sOR\s/ /g;
$k = '"' . $k . '"' if ($k =~ /\s/
&& $k !~ /^"/);
print $streamout "/tron $k\n";
print $stdout "${EM}<<< TRENDING TOPICS >>>${OFF}\n";
} else {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, trends not available for WOEID $wwoeid.\n";
return 0;
# woeid finder based on lat/long
if ($_ eq '/woeids') {
my $max = 10;
if (!$lat && !$long) {
print $stdout
"-- set your location with lat/long first.\n";
return 0;
my $r = &grabjadn("$atrendurl?lat=$lat&long=$long", 0, 0, 0,
undef, 1);
if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'ARRAY') {
my $i;
foreach $i (@{ $r }) {
my $woeid = &descape($i->{'woeid'});
my $nm = &descape($i->{'name'}) . ' (' .
&descape($i->{'countryCode'}) .')';
print $streamout "$nm\n/set woeid $woeid\n";
last unless ($max--);
} else {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, couldn't get a supported WOEID for your location.\n";
return 0;
1 if (s/^\/#([^\s]+)/\/tron #\1/);
# /# command falls through to tron
if (s/^\/tron\s+// && s/\s*$// && length) {
$_ = lc($_);
$track .= " " if (length($track));
$_ = "/set track ${track}$_";
# fall through to set
if (/^\/track ([^ ]+)/) {
s#^/#/set #;
# and fall through to set
# /listoff
if (s/^\/list?off\s+// && s/\s*$// && length) {
if (/,/ || /\s+/) {
print $stdout "-- one list at a time please\n";
return 0;
if (!scalar(@listlist)) {
print $stdout
"-- ok! that was easy! (you don't have any lists in your timeline)\n";
return 0;
my $w;
my $newlists = '';
my $didfilter = 0;
foreach $w (@listlist) {
my $x = join('/', @{ $w });
if ($x eq $_ || "$whoami$_" eq $x ||
"$whoami/$_" eq $x) {
print $stdout "*** ok, filtered $x\n";
$didfilter = 1;
} else {
$newlists .= (length($newlists)) ? ",$x"
: $x;
if ($didfilter) {
&setvariable('lists', $newlists, 1);
} else {
print $stdout "*** hmm, no such list? current value:\n";
print $stdout "*** lists => ",
&getvariable('lists'), "\n";
return 0;
# /liston
if (s/^\/list?on\s+// && s/\s*$// && length) {
if (/,/ || /\s+/) {
print $stdout "-- one list at a time please\n";
return 0;
my $uname;
my $lname;
if (m#/#) {
($uname, $lname) = split(m#/#, $_, 2);
} else {
$lname = $_;
$uname = '';
if (!length($uname) && $anonymous) {
print $stdout
"-- you must specify a username for a list when anonymous.\n";
return 0;
$uname ||= $whoami;
# check the list validity
my $my_json_ref = &grabjadn(
0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
if (!$my_json_ref || ref($my_json_ref) ne 'ARRAY') {
print $stdout
"*** list $uname/$lname seems bogus; not added\n";
return 0;
$_ = "/add lists $uname/$lname";
# fall through to add
if (s/^\/a(uto)?lists?\s+// && s/\s*$// && length) {
s/\s+/,/g if (!/,/);
print $stdout
"--- warning: lists aren't checked en masse; make sure they exist\n";
$_ = "/set lists $_";
# and fall through to set
# reply-to based threading
if (m#^/re(ply)?th(read)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
print $stdout "-- < parameter meaningless for /replythread\n"
if ($lead_id);
my $countmaybe = $3;
my $code = lc($4);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
my $array_ref = [ ];
my $id = $post->{'id'};
if (!defined($post) || !length($id)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
$countmaybe = (0+$countmaybe) || 10;
# follow reply links back until we get to countmaybe
while ($countmaybe-- && length($id)) {
push(@{ $array_ref }, $post = &get_original_post($id));
$id = $post->{'reply_to'};
&dt_tdisplay($array_ref, 'thread', 0, $id);
return 0;
# thread-id based threading
# /th <pa0 is understood as /th <pa0 pa0
if (($lead_id) && (m#^/th(read)?(m|af|maf|afollow|mafollow)?$#)) {
$_ .= " $lead_code"; # lead_id is already set
# and fall through
# generic form
if (m#^/th(read)?(m|af|maf|afollow|mafollow)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $moded = $2;
my $countmaybe = $3;
my $code = $4;
unless ($code =~ /^P/) {
if ($lead_kind eq 'pm') {
print $stdout "-- illogical: <PMID on a post thread\n";
return 0;
$code = lc($code);
my $post = &get_post($code);
if (!defined($post) || !$post->{'id'}) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
my $id;
my $insert;
if ($post->{'repost_of'}->{'id'}) {
# stick this into the thread as if it were threaded,
# but fetch the reposted post instead.
$id = $post->{'repost_of'}->{'id'};
$insert = $post;
} else {
$id = $post->{'id'};
$insert = undef;
my $json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp(
($thurl . (($moded =~ /m/) ? "?include_muted=1&include_post_raw=1" : '?include_post_raw=1'))
,,$id),0,0,$countmaybe, {
"type" => "thread",
"payload" => $id
}, 1, $lead_id);
if ($json_ref && ref($json_ref) eq 'ARRAY') {
unshift(@{ $json_ref }, $insert) if ($insert);
&dt_tdisplay($json_ref, 'thread', 0, $id);
if ($moded =~ /af/) {
# /thaf or /thmaf
$_ = "/thf $code";
# and fall through
} else {
return 0;
if (m#^/th(read)?unb(lock)?\s*all$#) {
$_ = "/unset filterthreads";
# and fall through
if (m#^/th(read)?(un)?b(lock)?\s+([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $mode = lc($2);
my $code = lc($4);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
if (!defined($post) || !$post->{'id'}) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
my $id = $post->{'thread_id'} || $post->{'id'};
$_ = ($mode eq 'un') ? "/del" : "/add";
$_ .= " filterthreads $id";
# and fall through
if (m#^/th(read)?f(ollow)?\s+([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $code = lc($3);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
if (!defined($post) || !$post->{'id'}) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
&add_thread($post->{'thread_id'} || $post->{'id'}, 1);
return 0;
if (m#^/th(read)?unf(ollow)?\s*all$#) {
$_ = "/unset threads";
# and fall through
if (m#^/th(read)?unf(ollow)?\s+([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $code = lc($3);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
if (!defined($post) || !$post->{'id'}) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
$_ = "/del threads ".($post->{'thread_id'} || $post->{'id'});
# and fall through
# PM threading (alias /th on a PM to /pma)
if (m#^/th(read)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?([pP][zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
$_ = "/pma $2$3";
# and fall through
# setter for internal value settings
# shortcut for boolean settings
if (/^\/s(et)? ([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
my $key = $2;
$_ = "/set $key 1"
if($opts_boolean{$key} && $opts_can_set{$key});
# fall through to three argument version
if (/^\/uns(et)? ([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
my $key = $2;
if ($opts_can_set{$key} && $opts_boolean{$key}) {
&setvariable($key, 0, 1);
return 0;
&setvariable($key, undef, 1);
return 0;
# stubs out to set variable
if (/^\/s(et)? ([^ ]+) (.+)\s*$/) {
my $key = $2;
my $value = $3;
&setvariable($key, $value, 1);
return 0;
# append to a variable (if not boolean)
if (/^\/ad(d)? ([^ ]+) (.+)\s*$/) {
my $key = $2;
my $value = $3;
if ($opts_boolean{$key}) {
print $stdout
"*** why are you appending to a boolean?\n";
return 0;
if (length(&getvariable($key))) {
$value = " $value" if ($opts_space_delimit{$key});
$value = ",$value" if ($opts_comma_delimit{$key});
&setvariable($key, &getvariable($key).$value, 1);
return 0;
# delete from a variable (if not boolean)
if (/^\/del ([^ ]+) (.+)\s*$/) {
my $key = $1;
my $value = $2;
my $old;
if ($opts_boolean{$key}) {
print $stdout
"*** why are you deleting from a boolean?\n";
return 0;
if (!length($old = &getvariable($key))) {
print $stdout "*** $key is already empty\n";
return 0;
my $del =
($opts_space_delimit{$key}) ? '\s+' :
($opts_comma_delimit{$key}) ? '\s*,\s*' :
if (!defined($del)) {
# simple substitution
1 while ($old =~ s/$value//g);
} else {
1 while ($old =~ s/$del$value($del)/\1/g);
1 while ($old =~ s/^$value$del//);
1 while ($old =~ s/$del$value//);
$old = '' if ($old eq $value);
&setvariable($key, $old, 1);
return 0;
# I thought about implementing a /pdel but besides being ugly
# I don't think most people will push a truncated setting. tell me
# if I'm wrong.
# stackable settings
if (/^\/pu(sh)? ([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
my $key = $2;
if ($opts_can_set{$key}) {
if ($opts_boolean{$key}) {
$_ = "/push $key 1";
# fall through to three argument version
} else {
if (!$opts_can_set{$key}) {
print $stdout
"*** setting is not stackable: $key\n";
return 0;
my $old = &getvariable($key);
push(@{ $push_stack{$key} }, $old);
print $stdout
"--- saved on stack for $key: $old\n";
return 0;
# common code for set and append
if (/^\/(pu|push|pad|padd) ([^ ]+) (.+)\s*$/) {
my $comm = $1;
my $key = $2;
my $value = $3;
$comm = ($comm =~ /^pu/) ? "push" : "padd";
if ($opts_boolean{$key} && $comm eq 'padd') {
print $stdout
"*** why are you appending to a boolean?\n";
return 0;
if (!$opts_can_set{$key}) {
print $stdout
"*** setting is not stackable: $key\n";
return 0;
my $old = &getvariable($key);
$old += 0 if ($opts_boolean{$key});
push(@{ $push_stack{$key} }, $old);
print $stdout "--- saved on stack for $key: $old\n";
if ($comm eq 'padd' && length($old)) {
$value = " $value" if ($opts_space_delimit{$key});
$value = ",$value" if ($opts_comma_delimit{$key});
$old .= $value;
} else {
$old = $value;
&setvariable($key, $old, 1);
return 0;
# we assume that if the setting is in the push stack, it's valid
if (/^\/pop ([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
my $key = $1;
if (!scalar(@{ $push_stack{$key} })) {
print $stdout
"*** setting is not stacked: $key\n";
return 0;
&setvariable($key, pop(@{ $push_stack{$key} }), 1);
return 0;
# shell escape
if (s/^\/\!// && s/\s*$// && length) {
$x = $? >> 8;
print $stdout "*** exited with $x\n" if ($x);
return 0;
if ($_ eq '/help' || $_ eq '/?') {
print <<'EOF';
/refresh =@B HELP!!! HELP!!! B@= A LEADING / IS
grabs the newest :a$Ao oA$a, SENT AS A POST!!
posts right ;AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO; ==================
away (or tells JUST TYPE TO TALK!
you if there
is nothing new) MOST TTYtter COMMANDS DO WORK! ============
by thumping ============================== REMEMBER
the background /re menucode: reply ============
process. example: /re a5 excellent MANY COMMANDS AND
/url menucode: open URLs ALL POSTS ARE
/again /th menucode: thread ASYNCHRONOUS!
displays most recent /rp menucode: repost They might not
posts, both old and /whois: query a user respond
new. /mute: mute a user immediately!
/replies ==================
shows replies and mentions. USE + FOR A COUNT:
/re +30 => last 30 replies
/quit resumes your boring life. ==========================
print $stdout <<"EOF";
Use /set to turn on options or set them at runtime. There is a BIG LIST!
>> EXAMPLE: WANT ANSI? /set ansi
or use the -ansi command line option.
or use the -verify command line option.
For more, like readline support, UTF-8, SSL, proxies, etc., see the docs.
Texnut $Texnut_VERSION is (c)2015 cameron kaiser + contributors.
all rights reserved. this software is offered AS IS, with no guarantees. it
is not endorsed by or their executive staff or operators.
send your suggestions to me at ckaiser\
return 0;
if ($_ eq '/ruler' || $_ eq '/ru') {
my ($prompt, $prolen) = (&$prompt(1));
$prolen = " " x $prolen;
print $stdout <<"EOF";
${prolen} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5....XX
return 0;
if ($_ eq '/cls' || $_ eq '/clear') {
if ($ansi) {
print $stdout "${ESC}[H${ESC}[2J\n";
} else {
print $stdout ("\n" x ($ENV{'ROWS'} || 50));
return 0;
if ($_ eq '/refresh' || $_ eq '/thump' || $_ eq '/r') {
print $stdout "-- /refresh in streaming mode is pretty impatient\n"
if ($dostream);
return 0;
if (m#^/a(gain)?(\s+\+\d+)?$#) { # the asynchronous form
my $countmaybe = $2;
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
if ($lead_kind eq 'pm') {
print $stdout "-- illogical: <PMID on a post stream\n";
return 0;
if ($countmaybe > 999) {
print $stdout "-- greedy bastard, try +fewer.\n";
return 0;
print $stdout "-- background request sent\n" unless ($synch);
print C substr("R${countmaybe},${lead_id}------------------",
0, 19)."\n";
return 0;
# this is for users -- list form is below
if ($_ =~ m#^/(w)?a(gain)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?([^\s/]+)$#) { #synchronous form
my $mode = $1;
my $uname = lc($4);
if ($lead_kind eq 'pm') {
print $stdout "-- illogical: <PMID on a post stream\n";
return 0;
my $countmaybe = $3;
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
$uname =~ s/^\@//;
$readline_completion{'@'.$uname}++ if ($termrl);
print $stdout
"-- synchronous /again command for $uname ($countmaybe)\n"
if ($verbose);
my $uid = &get_user($uname);
if (!length($uid)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $uname\n";
return 0;
my $my_json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp("$uurl?include_post_raw=1",
$uid), 0, 0, $countmaybe, undef, 1, $lead_id);
&std("-- this user has not posted yet\n")
if (&dt_tdisplay($my_json_ref, 'again') == -1);
unless ($mode eq 'w' || $mode eq 'wf') {
return 0;
} # else fallthrough
if ($_ =~ m#^/w(hois|a|again)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?\@?([^\s]+)#) {
my $uname = lc($3);
$uname =~ s/^\@//;
$readline_completion{'@'.$uname}++ if ($termrl);
print $stdout "-- synchronous /whois command for $uname\n"
if ($verbose);
my $uid = &get_user($uname);
if (!length($uid)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $uname\n";
return 0;
my $my_json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp($wurl, $uid),
0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'HASH' &&
length($my_json_ref->{'username'})) {
my $sturl = undef;
my $purl =
if ($avatar && length($purl)) {
my $exec = $avatar;
my $fext;
($purl =~ /\.([a-z0-9A-Z]+)$/) &&
($fext = $1);
if ($purl !~ /['\\]/) { # careful!
$exec =~ s/\%U/'$purl'/g;
$exec =~ s/\%N/$uname/g;
$exec =~ s/\%E/$fext/g;
print $stdout "\n";
print $stdout "($exec)\n"
if ($verbose);
print $streamout "\n";
&userline($my_json_ref, $streamout);
print $streamout &wwrap(
"\"@{[ &strim(&descape($my_json_ref->{'content'}->{'text'})) ]}\"\n")
if (length(&strim($my_json_ref->{'content'}->{'text'})));
print $streamout "\n";
unless ($whoami eq $uname) {
print $streamout &wwrap(
"${EM}Do you follow${OFF} this user? ... ${EM}$my_json_ref->{'you_follow'}${OFF}\n");
print $streamout &wwrap(
"${EM}Does this user follow${OFF} you? ... ${EM}$my_json_ref->{'follows_you'}${OFF}\n");
print $streamout "\n";
return 0;
# two-argument doesfollow
if (m#^/(df|doesfollow)\s+\@?([^\s]+)$#) {
if ($anonymous) {
print $stdout "-- who follows anonymous anyway?\n";
return 0;
my $uname = $2;
$_ = "/doesfollow $2 $whoami";
print $stdout "*** assuming you meant: $_\n";
# fetch the user object and ask it for follows_you
print $stdout "-- synchronous /doesfollow command for $uname\n"
if ($verbose);
my $uid = &get_user($uname);
if (!length($uid)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $uname\n";
return 0;
$readline_completion{'@'.$uname}++ if ($termrl);
my $my_json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp($wurl, $uid),
0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'HASH' &&
length($my_json_ref->{'username'})) {
print $stdout "--- does $uname follow you? => ";
print $streamout $my_json_ref->{'follows_you'}, "\n";
} else {
print $stdout "-- failure getting info for $uname\n";
return 0;
# three-argument doesfollow (slower)
if (m#^/(df|doesfollow)\s+\@?([^\s]+)\s+\@?([^\s]+)$#) {
my $user_a = $2;
my $user_b = $3;
if ($user_a =~ m#/# || $user_b =~ m#/#) {
print $stdout "--- sorry, this won't work on lists.\n";
return 0;
print $stdout
"-- synchronous /doesfollow command for $user_a $user_b\n"
if ($verbose);
# get the uid for both users so that we can use the non-paged
# endpoint, or this gets too complicated.
my $ua = &get_user($user_a);
if (!length($ua)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $user_a\n";
return 0;
my $ub = &get_user($user_b);
if (!length($ub)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $user_b\n";
return 0;
$readline_completion{'@'.$user_a}++ if ($termrl);
$readline_completion{'@'.$user_b}++ if ($termrl);
my $g = &grabjadn(&urlp($fridurl, $ua), 0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
if ($g && ref($g) eq 'ARRAY') {
&std("--- does $user_a follow ${user_b}? => ");
&sto((&in($ub, @{ $g })) ? "true\n" : "false\n");
return 0;
# this handles lists too. (or it will when pnut supports that)
if(s#^/(frs|friends|following|fos|followers|muted|blocked)(\s+\+\d+)?\s*##) {
my $countmaybe = $2;
my $mode = $1;
my $arg = lc($_);
my $lname = '';
my $user = '';
my $what = '';
my $uid;
$arg =~ s/^@//;
$who = $arg;
$mode = "friends" if ($mode eq 'following');
($who, $lname) = split(m#/#, $arg, 2) if (m#/#);
if (length($lname)) {
print $stdout "-- lists not yet supported\n";
return 0;
if (!length($lname)) {
if (($mode eq 'muted' || $mode eq 'blocked')
&& length($who)) {
print $stdout
"-- you can only see your own $mode list\n";
return 0;
$uid = &get_user((length($who)) ? $who : $whoami);
if (!$uid) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $who\n";
return 0;
$what = ($mode eq 'frs' || $mode eq 'friends')
? "friends" :
($mode eq 'muted') ? "muted users" :
($mode eq 'blocked') ? "blocked users" :
$mode = ($mode eq 'frs' || $mode eq 'friends')
? $friendsurl :
($mode eq 'muted') ? $mutedurl :
($mode eq 'blocked') ? $blockedurl :
$who = "user $whoami";
} else {
$who ||= $whoami;
$what = ($mode eq 'frs' || $mode eq 'friends')
? "friends/members" : "followers/subscribers";
$mode = ($mode eq 'frs' || $mode eq 'friends')
? $getliurl : $getfliurl;
$user = "&owner_username=${who}&slug=${lname}";
$who = "list $who/$lname";
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
$countmaybe ||= 20;
# loop through using the cursor until desired number.
my $cursor = 0; # initial value
my $printed = 0;
my $nofetch = 0;
my $json_ref = undef;
my @usarray = undef; shift(@usarray); # force underflow
FABIO: while($countmaybe--) {
if(!scalar(@usarray)) {
print $stdout "-- paging users -- cursor: $cursor nofetch: $nofetch left: $countmaybe\n"
if ($verbose);
last FABIO if ($nofetch);
my $jcursor = ($cursor) ?
"?before_id=${cursor}" : '';
# use grabjson here, not grabjadn.
$json_ref = &grabjson(&urlp("${mode}${jcursor}",
$uid), 0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
@usarray = @{ $json_ref->{'data'} };
last FABIO if (!scalar(@usarray));
$cursor = $json_ref->{'meta'}->{'min_id'} || 0;
$nofetch = ($cursor) ? 0 : 1;
print $stdout "-- sorry, no $what found for $who.\n"
if (!$printed);
print $stdout "-- (more, use +xx for a longer list)\n"
if ($json_ref->{'meta'}->{'more'} eq 'true');
return 0;
# pull out entities. this works for PMs and posts. this also needs to
# check for oembed raw because those may also be links.
if (m#^/ent?(ities)? ([pP]?[zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $v;
my $w;
my $thing;
my $genurl;
my $code = lc($2);
my $hash;
if ($code !~ /[a-z]/) {
# this is an optimization: we don't need to get
# the old post since we're going to fetch it anyway.
$hash = { "id" => $code };
$thing = "post";
$genurl = $idurl;
} elsif ($code =~ /^P[0-9]+$/ || $code =~ /^[pP][a-zA-Z]/) {
# we can't use that optimization here because we need
# the CID for PMs.
$hash = &get_pm($code);
$thing = "PM";
$genurl = $msbycidurl;
} else {
$hash = &get_original_post($code);
$thing = "post";
$genurl = $idurl;
if (!defined($hash) || ref($hash) ne 'HASH') {
print $stdout "-- no such $thing (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
my $id = $hash->{'id'};
my $cid = $hash->{'channel_id'}; # this may be null
$hash = &grabjadn(&urlp("$genurl?include_post_raw=1",$cid,$id),
0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
if (!defined($hash) || ref($hash) ne 'HASH') {
print $stdout "-- failed to get entities from server, sorry\n";
return 0;
my $didprint = 0;
my %urls;
# iterate over entities
foreach $w (qw(links)) {
my $p = $hash->{'content'}->{'entities'}->{$w};
next if (!defined($p) || ref($p) ne 'ARRAY');
foreach $v (@{ $p }) {
next if (!defined($v) || ref($v) ne 'HASH');
next if (!length($v->{'url'}) ||
my $u1 = &descape($v->{'text'});
my $u2 = &descape($v->{'url'});
print $streamout "$u1 => $u2\n";
$urlshort = $u2;
# iterate over oembed raw
my $haz_annos = $hash->{'raw'};
if (scalar(@{ $haz_annos->{'io.pnut.core.oembed'} })) {
my $a;
foreach $a (@{ $haz_annos->{'io.pnut.core.oembed'} }) {
my $u1 = &descape(
$u1 ||= &descape($a->{'url'});
&std("-- oembed URL found: $u1\n")
if ($verbose);
next if (!length($u1) ||
print $streamout "[oembed] => $u1\n";
$urlshort = $u1;
if ($didprint) {
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- %URL% is now $urlshort (/url opens)\n");
} else {
print $stdout "-- no entity or embedded URLs found\n";
return 0;
if (($_ eq '/url' || $_ eq '/open') && length($urlshort)) {
$_ = "/url $urlshort";
print $stdout "*** assuming you meant %URL%: $_\n";
# and fall through to ...
if (m#^/(url|open)\s+(http|gopher|https|ftp)://.+# &&
s#^/(url|open)\s+##) {
return 0;
if (m#^/(url|open) ([pP]?[zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $code = lc($2);
my $post;
my $genurl = undef;
$urlshort = undef;
if ($code =~ /^P[0-9]+$/ ||
$code =~ /^[pP][zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9]$/) {
$post = &get_pm($code);
if (!defined($post) || ref($post) ne 'HASH') {
print $stdout
"-- no such PM (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
$genurl = $msbycidurl;
} else {
$post = &get_post($code);
if (!defined($post) || ref($post) ne 'HASH') {
print $stdout
"-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
$genurl = $idurl;
# if there are entities in the post, then let's see if we
# can open those too. this is a tiny version of /entities.
if($post->{'_texnut_has_entity_links'}) {
my $id = $post->{'id'};
my $cid = $post->{'channel_id'}; # may be null
my $hash;
# only fetch if we have to. if we already fetched
# because we were given a direct id instead of a
# menu code, then we already have the entities.
if ($code !~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $code !~ /^P[0-9]+$/) {
$hash = &grabjadn(
0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
} else {
$hash = $post;
if (defined($hash) && ref($hash) eq 'HASH') {
my $w;
my $v;
my $didprint = 0;
my %urls;
# entities or oembed can be link sources.
# don't duplicate.
foreach $w (qw(links)) {
my $p = $hash->{'content'}->{'entities'}->{$w};
next if (!defined($p) ||
ref($p) ne 'ARRAY');
foreach $v (@{ $p }) {
next if (!defined($v) ||
ref($v) ne 'HASH');
next if (!length($v->{'url'}));
my $u1 = &descape($v->{'url'});
next if ($urls{
my $haz_annos = $hash->{'raw'};
if (scalar(@{ $haz_annos->{'io.pnut.core.oembed'} })) {
my $a;
foreach $a (@{ $haz_annos->{'io.pnut.core.oembed'} }) {
my $u1 = &descape(
$u1 ||= &descape($a->{'url'});
&std("-- oembed URL found: $u1\n")
if ($verbose);
next if (!length($u1) ||
return 0 if ($didprint);
# that failed, so fall back on the old method.
my $text = &descape($post->{'content'}->{'text'});
# findallurls
while ($text
=~ s#(h?ttp|h?ttps|ftp|gopher)://([a-zA-Z0-9_~/:%\-\+\.\=\&\?\#,]+)##){
# eventually we will have to put a punycode implementation into openurl
# to handle things like Mac OS X's open which don't understand UTF-8 URLs.
# when we do, uncomment this again
# =~ s#(http|https|ftp|gopher)://([^'\\]+?)('|\\|\s|$)##) {
my $url = $1 . "://$2";
$url = "h$url" if ($url =~ /^ttps?:/);
$url =~ s/[\.\?]$//;
print $stdout "-- sorry, couldn't find any URL.\n"
if (!defined($urlshort));
return 0;
if (s/^\/(stars|favourites|favorites|faves|favs|fl)(\s+\+\d+)?\s*//) {
my $my_json_ref;
my $countmaybe = $2;
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
print $stdout "-- < parameter meaningless for /stars\n"
if ($lead_id);
if (length) {
my $uid = &get_user($_);
if (!length($uid)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $_\n";
return 0;
$my_json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp("$favsurl?include_post_raw=1", $uid), 0, 0,
$countmaybe, undef, 1);
} else {
if ($anonymous) {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, you can't haz favourites if you're anonymous.\n";
} else {
print $stdout
"-- synchronous /favourites user command\n"
if ($verbose);
$my_json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp("$favsurl?include_post_raw=1"),
0, 0, $countmaybe, undef, 1);
if (defined($my_json_ref)
&& ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY') {
if (scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) {
my $w = "-==- favourites " x 10;
$w = $EM . substr($w, 0, $wrap || 79) . $OFF;
print $stdout "$w\n";
&tdisplay($my_json_ref, "favourites");
print $stdout "$w\n";
} else {
print $stdout
"-- no favourites found, boring impartiality concluded.\n";
return 0;
# if we have a /save, it must come before this (see regex)
if (
m#^/(un)?[fs](rt|rp|repost|tar|a|av|ave|avorite|avourite)? ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $mode = $1;
my $secondmode = $2;
my $code = lc($3);
$secondmode = ($secondmode eq 'repost' || $secondmode eq 'rp')
? 'rt' : $secondmode;
if ($mode eq 'un' && $secondmode eq 'rt') {
print $stdout
"-- hmm. seems contradictory. no dice.\n";
return 0;
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
&cordfav($post->{'id'}, 1, $mode,
(($mode eq 'un') ? $favdelurl : $favurl),
(($mode eq 'un') ? 'removed' : 'created'));
if ($secondmode eq 'rt') {
$_ = "/rt $code";
# and fall through
} else {
return 0;
# Repost API and manual RTs (/erp, /orp, etc.)
if (s#^/([oe]?)r(epost|t|p) ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)\s*##) {
my $mode = $1;
my $code = lc($3);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
# use a native repost unless we can't (or user used /ort /ert)
unless ($nonewrps || length || length($mode)) {
# we don't always get rs->text, so we simulate it.
my $text = &descape($post->{'content'}->{'text'});
$text =~ s/^(>>|RP) \@[^\s]+:\s+//
if ($post->{'repost_of'}->{'id'});
print $stdout "-- status reposted\n"
unless(&updatest($text, 1, 0, undef,
|| $post->{'id'}));
return 0;
# we can't or user requested /ert /ort
$repost = ">> @" .
&descape($post->{'user'}->{'username'}) .
": " . &descape($post->{'content'}->{'text'});
$in_reply_to = $post->{'id'};
$expected_post_ref = $post;
if ($mode eq 'e') {
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- ok, %RP% and %% are now \"$repost\"\n");
return 0;
$_ = (length) ? "$repost $_" : $repost;
print $stdout &wwrap("(expanded to \"$_\")");
print $stdout "\n";
goto BOTTOMSUP; # fugly! FUGLY!
# /events (subsumes /rtom /stom) from Interactions API
if (s#^/ev(ent)?s\s*##) {
my $countmaybe;
(s#^\+##) && ($countmaybe = ($_ + 0));
print $stdout "-- < parameter meaningless for /events\n"
if ($lead_id);
my ($ref, $metaref) = &grabjadn($intsofmeurl, 0, 0,
$countmaybe, {
'type' => 'timeline',
'payload' => 'events'
}, 1);
my $lref = [];
my $didprint = 0;
if (ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY') {
my $s_ref;
foreach $s_ref (reverse @{ $ref }) {
# standardevent?
my $action_jackson = &descape(
my $string =
"${EM}${action_jackson}${OFF} from ";
my $u_ref;
foreach $u_ref (@{ $s_ref->{'users'} }) {
$string .= $EM .'@' .
.$OFF. ' ' ;
if ($action_jackson eq 'follow') {
&sto(&wwrap(">>>> $string\n"));
# this is a post object, so load it into the
# foreground so we can manipulate it.
my $post_ref = $s_ref->{'objects'}->[0];
my $key = &assign_key($post_ref);
$string .='on "';
$string .= &descape($post_ref->{'content'}->{'text'});
&sto(&wwrap("${EM}${key}>${OFF} $string\"\n"));
&std("** no events yet (or could not be retrieved)\n")
unless ($didprint);
return 0;
# /rtsof (/rpsof)
if (m#^/r[pt]s?of\s+([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $code = lc($1);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
my $id;
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
if ($lead_kind eq 'pm') {
print $stdout "-- illogical: <PMID on a post\n";
return 0;
$id = $post->{'repost_of'}->{'id'} ||
if (!$id) {
print $stdout "-- hmmm, that post is major bogus.\n";
return 0;
my $users_ref = &grabjadn(
&urlp($stuffwithidurl."?filters=repost",, $id), 0, 0,
0, undef, 1);
return if (!defined($users_ref) || ref($users_ref) ne 'ARRAY');
my $k = scalar(@{ $users_ref });
if (!$k) {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, a careful review of ADN reveals this post sucks (no reposts).\n";
return 0;
my $j;
foreach $j (@{ $users_ref }) {
return 0;
# /starred (synonym for bookmark)
if (m#^/sta?r?r?ed\s+([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $code = lc($1);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
my $id;
print $stdout "-- < parameter meaningless for /starred\n"
if ($lead_id);
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
$id = $post->{'repost_of'}->{'id'} ||
if (!$id) {
print $stdout "-- hmmm, that post is major bogus.\n";
return 0;
my $users_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp(
$stuffwithidurl."?filters=bookmark",, $id), 0, 0,
0, undef, 1);
return if (!defined($users_ref) || ref($users_ref) ne 'ARRAY');
my $k = scalar(@{ $users_ref });
if (!$k) {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, a careful review of ADN reveals this post sucks (no stars).\n";
return 0;
my $j;
foreach $j (@{ $users_ref }) {
return 0;
# enable and disable NewRTs from users
# we allow this even if newRTs are off from -nonewrps
if(0) {
if (s#^/rts(on|off)\s+## && length) {
&rtsonoffuser($_, 1, ($1 eq 'on'));
return 0;
if (m#^/del(ete)?\s+([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $code = $2;
unless ($code =~ /^p[0-9][0-9]+$/ || $code =~/^P/) { # is a PM
$code = lc($code);
my $post = &get_post($code);
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
if (lc(&descape($post->{'user'}->{'username'}))
ne lc($whoami)) {
print $stdout
"-- not allowed to delete somebody's else's posts\n";
return 0;
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- verify you want to delete: \"@{[ &descape($post->{'content'}->{'text'}) ]}\"");
print $stdout "\n";
$answer = lc(&linein(
"-- sure you want to delete? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, post is NOT deleted.\n";
return 0;
$lastpostid = -1 if ($post->{'id'} == $lastpostid);
&deletest($post->{'id'}, 1);
return 0;
} # Pxxx falls through to ...
# PM delete version
if (m#^/del(ete)? ([pP][zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $code = lc($2);
my $pm = &get_pm($code);
if (!defined($pm)) {
print $stdout "-- no such PM (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
if (lc(&descape($pm->{'user'}->{'username'})) ne $whoami) {
print $stdout
"-- you can't delete that, it's not your PM!\n";
return 0;
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- verify you want to delete: " .
"\"@{[ &descape($pm->{'content'}->{'text'}) ]}\"");
print $stdout "\n";
$answer = lc(&linein(
"-- sure you want to delete? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, PM is NOT deleted.\n";
return 0;
&deletepm($pm->{'id'}, $pm->{'channel_id'}, 1);
return 0;
# /deletelast
if (m#^/de?l?e?t?e?last$#) {
if (!$lastpostid) {
print $stdout "-- you haven't posted yet this time!\n";
return 0;
if ($lastpostid == -1) {
print $stdout "-- you already deleted it!\n";
return 0;
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- verify you want to delete: \"$lastposted\"");
print $stdout "\n";
$answer = lc(&linein(
"-- sure you want to delete? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, post is NOT deleted.\n";
return 0;
&deletest($lastpostid, 1);
$lastpostid = -1;
return 0;
# /rg is a /reply with no @ information (thus no /v-ariant) "global"
if (s#^/re?p?l?y?g(f)? ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+) ## && length) {
my $dof = ($1 eq 'f') ? 1 : 0;
my $code = lc($2);
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
&add_thread($post->{'thread_id'}) if ($dof);
$in_reply_to = $post->{'id'};
$expected_post_ref = $post;
goto BOTTOMSUP; # fugly! FUGLY!
# /vreply and PM and regular /reply
if (s#^/(v)?re(ply)?(f)? ([pP]?[zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9]) ## && length) {
my $mode = $1;
my $dof = ($3 eq 'f') ? 1 : 0;
my $code = lc($4);
unless (($code =~ /^P/) || # this is a PM
($code =~ /^p/ && length($code) > 2)) {
my $post = &get_original_post($code);
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
my $target = &descape($post->{'user'}->{'username'});
$_ = '@' . $target . " $_";
unless ($mode eq 'v') {
$in_reply_to = $post->{'id'};
$expected_post_ref = $post;
} else {
$_ = ".$_";
$readline_completion{'@'.lc($target)}++ if ($termrl);
&add_thread($post->{'thread_id'}) if ($dof);
print $stdout &wwrap("(expanded to \"$_\")");
print $stdout "\n";
goto BOTTOMSUP; # fugly! FUGLY!
} else {
# this is a PM. unlike TTYtter, which fell through to
# /dm, this actually gets the channel context and does
# the post itself.
my $context = &get_pm_context($code);
if (!defined($context)) {
print $stdout "-- no such PM (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
if ($mode eq 'v') {
print $stdout "-- can't /vreply to PMs\n";
return 0;
# tag with the menu code so that splitting works.
my $new_context = {
'menu_code', $code,
'context', $context
$rv = &common_split_post($_, undef, $new_context);
&pmthump if ($rv && $pmpause);
return $rv;
# replyall (based on @FunnelFiasco's extension) and replyhighlight
# (uses all logic, but puts direct referent in first position and
# remainder at rear)
if (s#^/(v)?r(eply)?(to)?(al?l?|hi?l?i?t?e?)(f)? ([pP]?[zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+) ## &&length){
my $mode = $1;
my $appendtype = (substr($4, 0, 1) eq 'a') ? 'a' : 'h';
my $dof = ($5 eq 'f') ? 1 : 0;
my $code = lc($6);
# add reply-all logic for PMs, since this is technically valid
if (($code =~ /^P/) || ($code =~ /^p/ && length($code) > 2)) {
my $context = &get_pm_context($code);
if (!defined($context)) {
print $stdout "-- no such PM (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
if ($mode eq 'v') {
print $stdout "-- can't /vreply to PMs\n";
return 0;
print $stdout "-- note: /ra /rh irrelevant on PMs\n";
# tag with the menu code so that splitting works.
my $new_context = {
'menu_code', $code,
'context', $context
$rv = &common_split_post($_, undef, $new_context);
&pmthump if ($rv && $pmpause);
return $rv;
# if the post is to be edited, treat as /ra
$appendtype = 'a' if (/%ED(RP)?%$/);
# common code from /vreply
# we use get_post here, though, so we can include reposters
# in the reply-all.
my $post = &get_post($code);
if (!defined($post)) {
print $stdout "-- no such post (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
my $target = &descape($post->{'user'}->{'username'});
my $original = $target;
if ($post->{'repost_of'}->{'id'}) {
$post = &get_original_post($code);
$target = &descape($post->{'user'}->{'username'});
my $text = $_;
$_ = '@' . $target;
unless ($mode eq 'v') {
$in_reply_to = $post->{'id'};
$expected_post_ref = $post;
} else {
$_ = ".$_";
# don't repeat the target or myself; track other mentions
# that aren't in dontautoreply
my %did_mentions = map { $_ => 1 }
(lc($target), keys %dontautoreply_);
my $reply_post = &descape($post->{'content'}->{'text'}) . ' @' . $original;
#while($reply_post =~ s/\@(\w+)//) {
# use the same regex as standardpost so that the behaviour
# is consistent.
while($reply_post =~ s/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|\\[rn])\@([a-zA-Z0-9_\/]+)/\1/) {
my $name = $2;
my $mame = lc($name); # preserve camel case
next if ($mame eq $whoami || $did_mentions{$mame}++);
if ($appendtype eq 'a') {
$_ .= " \@$name";
} else {
$text .= " \@$name";
$_ .= " $text";
# add everyone in did_mentions to readline_completion who is
# not in %dontautoreply_
grep {
if (!$dontautoreply_{$_} &&
} (keys %did_mentions) if ($termrl);
&add_thread($post->{'thread_id'}) if ($dof);
# and fall through to post
print $stdout &wwrap("(expanded to \"$_\")");
print $stdout "\n";
goto BOTTOMSUP; # fugly! FUGLY!
if (m#^/re(plies)?(\s+\+\d+)?$#) {
my $countmaybe = $2;
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
if ($lead_kind eq 'pm') {
print $stdout "-- illogical: <PMID on a post stream\n";
return 0;
if ($anonymous) {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, how can anyone reply to you if you're anonymous?\n";
} else {
# we are intentionally not keeping track of "last_re"
# in this version because it is not automatically
# updated and may not act as we expect.
print $stdout "-- synchronous /replies command\n"
if ($verbose);
my $my_json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp(
0, 0, $countmaybe, undef, 1, $lead_id);
&dt_tdisplay($my_json_ref, "replies");
return 0;
# PMs
if ($_ eq '/dm' || $_ eq '/pmrefresh' || $_ eq '/dmrefresh' ||
$_ eq '/pm' || $_ eq '/dmr') {
return 0;
if (s#^/pmscan\s*##) { &pmscan(0+$_); return 0; }
if ($_ eq '/pmcheck') {
unless ($pmchecked) {
"-- checking for PM activity since Texnut started up\n");
if (!$last_pm_req) { # this can only occur the 1st time
$last_pm_req = &pmscan(-1);
unless ($last_pm_req) {
"** having trouble checking PMs\n");
return 0;
} else {
"-- checking for PM activity since the last /pmcheck or /pmscan command\n");
$last_pm_req = &pmrefresh(1, $last_pm_req);
return 0;
# /pmagain
if (m#^/pmag?a?i?n?(\s+\+\d+)?\s+([pP][zZ]?[a-zA-Z]?[0-9]+)$#) {
my $countmaybe = 0+$1 || 20;
my $code = lc($2);
my $context;
if ($lead_id && $lead_kind ne 'pm') {
print $stdout "-- illogical: <postid on a PM channel\n";
return 0;
if ($code =~ /^p[0-9]+$/) {
# we have to get the PM and the channel first.
my $pm_ref = &get_pm($code);
if (!$pm_ref || ref($pm_ref) ne 'HASH' ||
!defined($pm_ref->{'channel_id'})) {
print $stdout "-- no such PM (yet?): $code\n";
return 0;
# get the channel and turn it into a context.
my $cid = $pm_ref->{'channel_id'};
my $json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp($chanbyidurl,,$cid),
0, 0, 0);
if (!$json_ref || ref($json_ref) ne 'HASH' ||
!defined($json_ref->{'id'})) {
print $stdout
"-- failed to get channel for $code\n";
return 0;
$context = &pmchanneltocontext($json_ref);
if (!$context) {
print $stdout
"-- failed to get channel for $code\n";
return 0;
} else {
$context = &get_pm_context($code);
if (!defined($context->{'id'})) {
print $stdout "-- invalid channel (deleted?)\n";
return 0;
my $cid = $context->{'id'};
my $json_ref = &grabjadn(&urlp($chanmsbyidurl,,$cid),
0, 0, $countmaybe, undef, 1, $lead_id);
return if (ref($json_ref) ne 'ARRAY');
foreach $k (sort { $a->{'id'} <=> $b->{'id'} } @{ $json_ref }) {
&assign_pm_key($k, $context);
&pmoutstack($k, $context);
return 0;
# PM multiple users
if (s#^/pmm\s+(.+)\s+--\s+## && length) {
my @targets = grep { length($_) } split(/\s+/, $1);
if (!scalar(@targets)) {
print $stdout "-- couldn't find valid recipients\n";
return 0;
$rv = &common_split_post($_, undef, \@targets);
&pmthump if ($rv);
return $rv;
# PM just one user
if (s#^/pm \@?([^\s]+)\s+## && length) {
$rv = &common_split_post($_, undef, $1);
&pmthump if ($rv);
return $rv;
# /pmclose
# we don't support PM IDs here. give me a reason why.
if (m#^/pmclose\s+([pP][zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9])$#) {
my $code = lc($1);
my $context = &get_pm_context($code);
if (!$context || ref($context) ne 'HASH' ||
!defined($context->{'id'})) {
print $stdout "-- can't find channel for PM $code\n";
return 0;
my $pm = &get_pm($code);
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- verify you want to close this channel: \"@{[ &descape($pm->{'content'}->{'text'}) ]}\"");
print $stdout "\n";
$answer = lc(&linein(
"-- sure you want to close channel? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, channel is STILL ACTIVE.\n";
return 0;
&uorschannel($context->{'id'}, 1, 'un'); # XXXX
return 0;
# follow and leave users
if (m#^/(follow|leave|unfollow) \@?([^\s/]+)$#) {
my $m = $1;
my $u = lc($2);
my $uid = &get_user($u);
if (!length($uid)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $uname\n";
return 0;
my $n = ($m eq 'follow') ? '' : 'un';
&foruuser($u, 1, $n, $uid,
(($m eq 'follow') ? $followurl : $leaveurl),
(($m eq 'follow') ? 'started' : 'stopped'));
return 0;
# follow and leave lists. this is, frankly, pointless; it does
# nothing other than to mark you. otherwise, /liston and /listoff
# actually add lists to your timeline.
if (m#^/(l?follow|l?leave|l?unfollow) \@?([^\s/]*)/([^\s/]+)$#) {
my $m = $1;
my $uname = lc($2);
my $lname = lc($3);
if (!length($uname) || $uname eq $whoami) {
print $stdout &wwrap(
"** you can't mark/unmark yourself as a follower of your own lists!\n");
print $stdout &wwrap(
"** to add/remove your own lists from your timeline, use /liston /listoff\n");
return 0;
if ($m !~ /^l/) {
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- to mark/unmark you as a follower of a list, use /lfollow /lleave\n");
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- to add/remove your own lists from your timeline, use /liston /listoff\n");
return 0;
my $r = &postjson(
($m ne 'lfollow') ? $delfliurl : $crefliurl,
if ($r) {
my $t = ($m eq 'lfollow') ? "" : "un";
print $stdout &wwrap(
"*** ok, you are now ${t}marked as a follower of $uname/${lname}.\n");
my $c = ($t eq 'un') ? "off" : "on";
$t = ($t eq 'un') ? "remove from" : "add to";
print $stdout &wwrap(
"--- to also $t your timeline, use /list${c}\n");
return 0;
# block and unblock users
if (m#^/(block|unblock) \@?([^\s/]+)$#) {
my $m = $1;
my $u = lc($2);
if ($m eq 'block') {
$answer = lc(&linein(
"-- BLOCK $u? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, $u is NOT blocked.\n";
return 0;
my $uid = &get_user($u);
if (!length($uid)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $uname\n";
return 0;
&boruuser($u, 1, $m, $uid,
(($m eq 'block') ? $blockurl : $blockdelurl),
(($m eq 'block') ? 'started' : 'stopped'));
return 0;
# mute and unmute users
if (m#^/(mute|unmute) \@?([^\s/]+)$#) {
my $m = $1;
my $u = lc($2);
if ($m eq 'mute') {
$answer = lc(&linein(
"-- mute $u? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, $u is NOT muted.\n";
return 0;
my $uid = &get_user($u);
if (!length($uid)) {
print $stdout "-- could not find user $uname\n";
return 0;
&boruuser($u, 1, $m, $uid,
(($m eq 'mute') ? $muteurl : $mutedelurl),
(($m eq 'mute') ? 'started' : 'stopped'),
return 0;
# list support
# /withlist (/withlis, /with, /wl)
if (s#^/(withlist|withlis|withl|with|wl)\s+([^/\s]+)\s+## &&
($lname=lc($2)) && s/\s*$// && length) {
my $comm = '';
my $args = '';
my $dont_return = 0;
if ($anonymous) {
print $stdout "-- no list love for anonymous\n";
return 0;
if (/\s+/) {
($comm, $args) = split(/\s+/, $_, 2);
} else {
$comm = $_;
my $return;
# this is a ADN bug -- it will not give you the
# new slug in the returned hash.
my $state = "modified list $lname (WAIT! then /lists to see new slug)";
if ($comm eq 'create') {
my $desc;
($args, $desc) = split(/\s+/, $args, 2)
if ($args =~ /\s+/);
if ($args ne 'public' && $args ne 'private') {
print $stdout
"-- must specify public or private\n";
return 0;
$state = "created new list $lname (mode $args)";
$desc = "description=".&url_oauth_sub($desc)."&"
if (length($desc));
$return = &postjson($creliurl,
} elsif ($comm eq 'private' || $comm eq 'public') {
$return = &postjson($modifyliurl,
} elsif ($comm eq 'desc' || $comm eq 'description') {
if (!length($args)) {
print $stdout "-- $comm needs an argument\n";
return 0;
$return = &postjson($modifyliurl,
} elsif ($comm eq 'name') {
if (!length($args)) {
print $stdout "-- $comm needs an argument\n";
return 0;
$return = &postjson($modifyliurl,
$state = "RENAMED list $lname (WAIT! then /lists to see new slug)";
} elsif ($comm eq 'add' || $comm eq 'adduser' ||
($comm eq 'delete' && length($args))) {
my $u = ($comm eq 'delete') ? $deluliurl : $adduliurl;
$state = ($comm eq 'delete')
? "user(s) deleted from list $lname"
: "user(s) added to list $lname";
if ($args !~ /,/ || $args =~ /\s+/) {
1 while ($args =~ s/\s+/,/);
if ($args =~ /\s*,\s+/ || $args =~ /\s+,\s*/) {
1 while ($args =~ s/\s+//);
if (!length($args)) {
print $stdout "-- illegal/missing argument\n";
return 0;
print $stdout "--- warning: user list not checked\n";
$return = &postjson($u,
} elsif ($comm eq 'delete' && !length($args)) {
$state = "deleted list $lname";
print $stdout
"-- verify you want to delete list $lname\n";
my $answer = lc(&linein(
"-- sure you want to delete? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, list is NOT deleted.\n";
return 0;
$return = &postjson($delliurl,
if ($return) {
# check and see if this is in our autolists.
# if it is, delete it there too.
my $value = &getvariable('lists');
&setvariable('lists', $value, 1)
if ($value=~s#(^|,)${whoami}/${lname}($|,)##);
} elsif ($comm eq 'list') { # synonym for /list
$_ = "/list /$lname";
$dont_return = 1; # and fall through
} else {
print $stdout "*** illegal list operation $comm\n";
if ($return) {
print $stdout "*** ok, $state\n";
return 0 unless ($dont_return);
# /a to show statuses in a list
if (m#^/a(gain)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?\@?([^\s/]*)/([^\s/]+)#) {
my $uname = lc($3);
if ($anonymous && !length($uname)) {
print $stdout "-- you must specify a username when anonymous.\n";
return 0;
my $lname = lc($4);
my $countmaybe = $2;
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
$uname ||= $whoami;
my $my_json_ref = &grabjadn(
0, 0, $countmaybe, undef, 1);
&dt_tdisplay($my_json_ref, "again");
return 0;
# /lists command: if @, show their lists. if @?../... show that list.
# trivially duplicates /frs and /fos for lists
# also handles /listfos and /listfrs
if (length($whoami) &&
(m#^/list?s?$# || m#^/list?f[ro](llower|iend)?s$#)) {
$_ .= " $whoami";
if (m#^/lis(t|ts|t?fos|tfollowers|t?frs|tfriends)?\s+(\+\d+\s+)?(\@?[^\s]+)$#) {
my $mode = $1;
my $countmaybe = $2;
my $uname = lc($3);
my $lname = '';
$mode = ($mode =~ /^t?fo/) ? 'fo' :
($mode =~ /^t?fr/) ? 'fr' :
$uname =~ s/^\@//;
($uname, $lname) = split(m#/#, $uname, 2) if ($uname =~ m#/#);
if ($anonymous && !length($uname) && length($mode)) {
print $stdout "-- you must specify a username when anonymous.\n";
return 0;
$uname ||= $whoami;
if (length($lname) && length($mode)) {
print $stdout "-- specify username only\n";
return 0;
$countmaybe =~ s/[^\d]//g if (length($countmaybe));
$countmaybe += 0;
$countmaybe ||= 20;
# check this code
# this is copied from /friends and /followers (q.v.)
my $countper = ($countmaybe < 100) ? $countmaybe : 100;
my $cursor = -1; # initial value
my $nofetch = 0;
my $printed = 0;
my $json_ref = undef;
my @usarray = undef; shift(@usarray); # force underflow
my $furl = (length($lname)) ? ($getliurl."?owner_")
: ($mode eq '') ? ($getlisurl."?")
: ($mode eq 'fo') ? ($getuliurl."?")
: ($getufliurl."?");
$furl .= "username=${uname}";
$furl .= "&slug=${lname}" if (length($lname));
LABIO: while($countmaybe--) {
if(!scalar(@usarray)) {
last LABIO if ($nofetch);
$json_ref = &grabjadn(
"${furl}&count=${countper}&cursor=${cursor}", 0, 0, 0,
undef, 1);
@usarray = @{ $json_ref->{
((length($lname)) ? 'users' : 'lists')
} };
last LABIO if (!scalar(@usarray));
$cursor = $json_ref->{'next_cursor_str'} ||
$json_ref->{'next_cursor'} || -1;
$nofetch = ($cursor < 1) ? 1 : 0;
my $list_ref = shift(@usarray);
if (length($lname)) {
} else {
# listhandle?
my $list_name =
"\@$list_ref->{'user'}->{'username'}/@{[ &descape($list_ref->{'slug'}) ]}";
my $list_full_name =
(length($list_ref->{'name'})) ?
&descape($list_ref->{'name'})."${OFF} ($list_name)" : $list_name;
my $list_mode =
(lc(&descape($list_ref->{'mode'})) ne 'public') ?
" ${EM}(@{[ ucfirst(&descape($list_ref->{'mode'})) ]})${OFF}" : "";
print $streamout <<"EOF";
${CCprompt}$list_full_name${OFF} (f:$list_ref->{'member_count'}/$list_ref->{'subscriber_count'})$list_mode
my $desc = &strim(&descape($list_ref->{'content'}));
my $klen = ($wrap || 79) - 9;
$klen = 10 if ($klen < 0);
$desc = substr($desc, 0, $klen)."..."
if (length($desc) > $klen);
print $streamout (' "' . $desc . '"' . "\n")
if (length($desc));
if (!$printed) {
print $stdout ((length($lname))
? "-- list $uname/$lname does not follow anyone.\n"
: ($mode eq 'fr')
? "-- user $uname doesn't follow any lists.\n"
: ($mode eq 'fo')
? "-- user $uname isn't followed by any lists.\n"
: "-- no lists found for user $uname.\n");
print $stdout "-- (more, use +xx for a longer list)\n"
if ($json_ref->{'meta'}->{'more'} eq 'true');
return 0;
&sync_n_quit if ($_ eq '/end' || $_ eq '/e');
# below this point, we are posting
if (m#^/me\s#) {
$slash_first = 0; # kludge!
if ($slash_first) {
if (!m#^//#) {
print $stdout "*** invalid command\n";
print $stdout "*** to pass as a post, type /%%\n";
return 0;
s#^/##; # leave the second slash on
$rv = &common_split_post($_, $in_reply_to, undef);
&sthump if ($rv);
return $rv;
# this is the common code used by standard updates and by the /pm command.
sub common_split_post {
my $k = shift;
my $in_reply_to = shift;
my $pm_user = shift;
my $pm_lead = '';
my $pm_context = $pm_user;
my $maxlength = $linelength;
# if pm_user is a hashref, it's probably an annotated context from
# the /reply command. try to unwrap it.
if (ref($pm_user) eq 'HASH') {
if (length($pm_user->{'menu_code'})) {
# it's annotated with a menu code. use that and then
# extract the context to feed to &updatest.
$pm_lead = "/re $pm_user->{'menu_code'} ";
$pm_context = $pm_user->{'context'};
} else {
# it's a naked context. if a single user, use /pm; if a
# multiuser channel, use /pmm.
my @unames = &users_not_me(@{ $pm_user->{'users'} });
if (!scalar(@unames)) {
# uh ... just guess it was us talking to us?
$pm_lead = "/pm $whoami ";
} elsif (scalar(@unames) == 1) {
$pm_lead = "/pm $unames[0] ";
} else {
$pm_lead = "/pmm " . join(' ', @unames) .
" -- ";
} elsif(ref($pm_user) eq 'ARRAY') {
# it's a list of names from /pmm
$pm_lead = "/pmm " . join(' ', @{ $pm_user }) . " -- ";
} elsif(length($pm_user)) {
# it's not a context or arrayref, just a user name.
$pm_lead = "/pm $pm_user ";
$maxlength = (length($pm_lead)) ? $pmlength : $linelength;
my $ol = "$pm_lead$k";
my (@poststack) = &csplit($k, ($autosplit eq 'char' ||
$autosplit eq 'cut') ? 1 : 0, $maxlength);
my $m = shift(@poststack);
if (scalar(@poststack)) {
$l = "$pm_lead$m";
$history[0] = $l;
if (!$autosplit) {
print $stdout &wwrap(
"*** sorry, too long to send; ".
"truncated to \"$l\" (@{[ length($m) ]} chars)\n");
print $stdout "*** use %% for truncated version, or append to %%.\n";
return 0;
print $stdout &wwrap(
"*** over $maxlength; autosplitting to \"$l\"\n");
# there was an error; stop autosplit, restore original command
if (&updatest($m, 1, $in_reply_to, $pm_context)) {
$history[0] = $ol;
return 0;
if (scalar(@poststack)) {
$k = shift(@poststack);
$l = "$pm_lead$k";
print $stdout &wwrap("*** next part is ready: \"$l\"\n");
print $stdout "*** (this will also be automatically split)\n"
if (length($k) > $maxlength);
print $stdout
"*** to send this next portion, use %%.\n";
return 1;
# helper functions for the command line processor.
sub add_thread {
# assistant to add a thread id in a user-friendly way (usually from
# /ref /rgf /raf and like commands; /thf and /thunf use /add and /del).
my $tid = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
if ($tid =~ /[^0-9]/) {
print $stdout "** bogus thread ID\n" if ($interactive);
if ($threads_match{$tid}) {
if ($interactive) {
&std("** you are already following thread ID #$tid\n");
&std("** (/p threads to list what threads you follow)\n");
print $stdout "-- following this thread as requested (#$tid)\n";
my $nthreads = (length($threads)) ? "$threads,$tid" : $tid;
&setvariable('threads', $nthreads, 0);
sub add_history {
my $h = shift;
@history = (($h, @history)[0..&min(scalar(@history), $maxhist)]);
if ($termrl) {
if ($termrl->Features()->{'canSetTopHistory'}) {
} else {
sub sub_helper {
my $r = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $g = shift;
my $x;
my $q = 0;
my $proband;
if ($r eq '%') {
$x = -1;
} else {
$x = $r + 0;
if (!$x || $x < -(scalar(@history))) {
print $stdout "*** illegal history index\n";
return (0, $_, undef, undef, undef);
$proband = $history[-($x + 1)];
if ($s eq '--') {
$q = 1;
} elsif ($s eq '*') {
if ($x != -1 || !length($shadow_history)) {
print $stdout
"*** can only %%* on most recent command\n";
return (0, $_, undef, undef, undef);
# we assume it's at the end; it's only relevant there
$proband = substr($shadow_history, length($g)-(2+length($r)));
} else {
$q = -(0+$s);
if ($q) {
my $j;
my $c;
for($j=0; $j<$q; $j++) {
$c++ if ($proband =~ s/\s+[^\s]+$//);
if ($j != $c) {
print $stdout "*** illegal word index\n";
return (0, $_, undef, undef, undef);
return (1, $proband, $r, $s);
# this is used for synchronicity mode to make sure we receive the
# GA semaphore from the background before printing another prompt.
sub sync_console {
&pmthump unless (!$pmpause);
sub sync_semaphore {
if ($synch) {
my $k = '';
while(!length($k)) {
sysread(W, $k, 1);
} # wait for semaphore
# wrapper function to get a line from the terminal.
sub linein {
my $prompt = shift;
my $return;
return 'y' if ($script);
$prompt .= " ";
if ($termrl) {
$dont_use_counter = 1;
eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter';
$return = $termrl->readline($prompt);
$dont_use_counter = $nocounter;
eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter';
} else {
print $stdout $prompt;
chomp($return = lc(<$stdin>));
return $return;
sub output_signals {
$suspend_output = -1;
&sigify(sub {
$suspend_output ^= 1 if ($suspend_output != -1);
}, qw(USR1 PWR XCPU));
&sigify( sub {
$suspend_output = -1;
sub suppress_signals {
$suspend_output = -1;
#### this is the background part of the process ####
$0 = "Texnut (background init)";
%store_hash = ();
$is_background = 1;
$first_synch = $synchronous_mode = 0;
$rout = '';
$rin = '';
vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1;
# paranoia
binmode($stdout, ":crlf") if ($termrl);
unless ($seven) {
binmode($stdout, ":utf8");
# allow foreground process to squelch us
# we have to cover all the various versions of 30/31 signals on various
# systems just in case we are on a system without this set should
# cover Linux 2.x/3.x, AIX, Mac OS X, *BSD and Solaris. we have to assert
# these signals before starting streaming, or we may "kill" ourselves by
# accident because it is possible to process a post before these are
# operational.
&suppress_signals; # default state
&sigify("IGNORE", qw(INT)); # don't let slowpost kill us
# now we can safely initialize streaming
if ($dostream) {
@events = ();
$lasteventtime = time();
&sigify(sub {
print $stdout "-- killing processes $nursepid $bufferpid\n"
if ($verbose);
kill $SIGHUP, $nursepid if ($nursepid);
kill $SIGHUP, $bufferpid if ($bufferpid);
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid);
sleep 1;
# send myself a shutdown
kill 9, $nursepid if ($nursepid);
kill 9, $bufferpid if ($bufferpid);
kill $SIGTERM, $$;
}, qw(HUP)); # use SIGHUP etc. from parent process to signal end
$bufferpid = &start_streaming;
vec($rin, fileno(STBUF), 1) = 1;
} else {
&sigify("IGNORE", qw(HUP)); # we only respond to SIGKILL/SIGTERM
$interactive = $previous_last_id = 0;
$hold = 0;
$suspend_output = -1;
$stream_failure = 0;
$pm_first_time = ($pmpause) ? 1 : 0;
$stuck_stdin = 0;
$vcheck_timer = time()+$vcheckinterval;
# tell the foreground we are ready
kill $SIGUSR2, $parent;
# loop until we are killed or told to stop.
# we receive instructions on stdin, and send data back on our pipe().
for(;;) {
$0 = "Texnut (background running)";
$wrapseq = 0; # remember, we don't know when commands are sent.
&refresh($interactive, $previous_last_id) unless
(!$effpause && !$interactive);
$dont_refresh_first_time = 0;
$previous_last_id = $last_id;
if ($pmpause && ($effpause || $synch)) {
if ($pm_first_time) {
$pmcount = $pmpause;
} elsif (!$interactive) {
if (!--$pmcount) {
&pmrefresh($interactive); # using pm_first_time
$pmcount = $pmpause;
# nrvs is tricky with synchronicity
if (!$synch || ($synch && $synchronous_mode && !$pm_first_time)) {
$k = length($notify_rate) + length($vs) + length($credlog)
+ length($feedwhere) + length($bad_rc);
if ($k) {
$wrapseq = 1;
$notify_rate = "";
$vs = "";
$credlog = "";
$feedwhere = "";
$bad_rc = "";
# send semaphore
print P "0" if ($synchronous_mode); # && $interactive);
# wrap the flush in signal handlers. THIS IS THE ONLY PART THAT
# NEEDS IT. do not allow signal handlers to execute once we have
# emitted data and are waiting for a command, or we can crash in
# later versions of Perl. finally, only even bother if we actually
# have stuff to print, and if the background isn't being held.
if (scalar(@stream_buf) && !$holdhold) {
&sflush; # this needs to know
} else {
# make sure stream_buf does not overflow.
@stream_buf = @stream_buf[-$maxhold..-1]
if (scalar(@stream_buf) > $maxhold);
# this core loop is tricky. most signals will not restart the call.
# -- respond to alarms if we are ignoring our timeout.
# -- do not respond to bogus packets if a signal handler triggered it.
# -- clear our flag when we detect a signal handler has been called.
# if our master select is interrupted, we must restart with the
# appropriate time taken from effpause. however, most implementations
# don't report timeleft, so we must.
$restarttime = time() + $effpause;
&send_repaint if ($termrl);
$interactive = 0;
if ($effpause == undef) { # -script and anonymous have no effpause.
print $stdout "-- select() loops forever\n" if ($verbose);
$0 = "Texnut (select forever; $stuck_stdin re-reads)";
$nfound = select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, undef);
} else {
$restarttime = (time() + $effpause) if ($holdhold) ;
$actualtime = $restarttime - time();
print $stdout "-- select pending ($actualtime sec left)\n"
if ($superverbose);
$0 = "Texnut (select pending; $actualtime sec timeout; $stuck_stdin re-reads, hold=$holdhold)";
$nfound = 0;
if ($actualtime > 0) {
$nfound = select($rout = $rin,
undef, undef, $actualtime);
# this loops at the bottom.
if ($nfound > 0) {
my $len;
# service the streaming socket first, if we have one.
if ($dostream) {
if (vec($rout, fileno(STBUF), 1) == 1) {
my $json_ref;
my $buf = '';
my $rbuf;
my $reads = 0;
print $stdout "-- data on streaming socket\n"
if ($superverbose);
$0 = "Texnut (servicing streaming events)";
# read until we get eight hex digits. this forces the
# data stream to synchronize.
# first, however, make sure we actually have valid
# data, or we sit here and slow down the user.
read(STBUF, $buf, 1);
if (!length($buf)) {
# if we get a "ready" but there's actually
# no data, that means either 1) a signal
# occurred on the buffer, which we need to
# ignore, or 2) something killed the
# buffer, which is unrecoverable. if we keep
# getting repeated ready-no data situations,
# it's probably the latter.
&screech(<<"EOF") if ($stream_failure > 100);
*** fatal error ***
something killed the streaming buffer process. I can't recover from this.
please restart Texnut.
$stream_failure = 0;
if ($buf !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) {
print $stdout
"-- warning: bogus character(s) ".unpack("H*", $buf)."\n"
if ($superverbose);
while (length($buf) < 8) {
# don't read 8 -- read 1. that means we can
# skip trailing garbage without a window.
read(STBUF, $rbuf, 1);
if ($rbuf =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]/) {
$buf .= $rbuf;
$reads = 0;
} else {
print $stdout
"-- warning: bogus character(s) ".unpack("H*", $rbuf)."\n"
if ($superverbose);
$buf = ''
if (length($rbuf)); # bogus data
print $stdout
"-- master, I am stuck: $reads reads on stream and no valid data\n"
if ($reads > 0 && ($reads % 1000) == 0);
print $stdout "-- length packet: $buf\n"
if ($superverbose);
$len = hex($buf);
$buf = '';
while (length($buf) < $len) {
read(STBUF, $rbuf, ($len-length($buf)));
$buf .= $rbuf;
print $stdout
"-- streaming data ($len) --\n$buf\n-- streaming data --\n\n"
if ($superverbose);
$json_ref = &parsejson($buf);
push(@events, $json_ref);
# XXX have this emit to the stack
if (scalar(@events) > $eventbuf || (scalar(@events) &&
(time()-$lasteventtime) > $effpause)){
sleep 5 while ($suspend_output > 0);
&send_repaint if ($termrl);
@events = ();
$lasteventtime = time();
DONESTREAM: print $stdout "-- done with streaming events\n"
if ($superverbose);
# then, check if there is data on our control socket.
# command packets should always be (initially) 20 characters.
# if we come up short, it's either a bug, signal or timeout.
# signals should have been suppressed by this point.
$0 = "Texnut (receiving IPC)";
goto RESTART_SELECT if(vec($rout, fileno(STDIN), 1) != 1);
print $stdout "-- waiting for data ", scalar localtime, "\n"
if ($superverbose);
if(sysread(STDIN, $rout, 20) != 20) {
# like with streaming, if we constantly get null
# packets on STDIN, but it always appears to be
# "ready," then the foreground probably died and we
# should kill ourselves off to avoid pulling a tight
# polling loop.
if ($stuck_stdin > 100) {
print $stdout "parent is dead; so will we\n";
kill 9, $$;
$stuck_stdin = 0;
# background communications central command code
# we received a command from the console, so let's look at it.
$0 = "Texnut (received IPC)";
print $stdout "-- command received ", scalar
localtime, " $rout" if ($verbose);
if ($rout =~ /^hold/) {
$holdhold ^= 1; # toggle hold flag
} elsif ($rout =~ /^rsga/) {
$suspend_output = -1; # reset our status
} elsif ($rout =~ /^pipet (..)/) {
my $key = &get_post($1);
my $ms = $key->{'_texnut_menu_select'} || 'XX';
my $ds = $key->{'created_at'} || 'argh, no created_at';
$ds =~ s/\s/_/g;
my $src = $key->{'source'}->{'name'} || 'unknown';
$src =~ s/\|//g; # shouldn't be any anyway.
$key = substr(( "$ms ".($key->{'id'})." ".
($key->{'reply_to'})." ".
($key->{'repost_of'}->{'id'})." ".
($key->{'repost_of'}->{'thread_id'})." ".
($key->{'_texnut_has_entity_links'})." ".
($key->{'_texnut_latitude'})." ".
($key->{'_texnut_longitude'})." ".
$key->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'type'}. " ". # NO SPACES!
unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $key->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'payload'}). " ".
$key->{'_texnut_classes'}. " ". # NO SPACES!
($key->{'counts'}->{'replies'} || "0"). " " .
($key->{'counts'}->{'bookmarks'} || "0") . " " .
($key->{'thread_id'} || "0") . " " .
($key->{'repost_of'}->{'counts'}->{'reposts'} ||
$key->{'counts'}->{'reposts'} ||
"0") . " " .
$key->{'user'}->{'username'}." $ds $src|".
unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $key->{'content'}->{'text'}).
$space_pad), 0, 8192);
print P $key;
} elsif ($rout =~ /^piped (..)/) {
my $key = $pm_context_hash{$1};
$key = substr(( $key->{'id'}." ".
$key->{'user'}. " ".
join('|',@{ $key->{'users'} }).
$space_pad), 0, 8192);
print P $key;
} elsif ($rout =~ /^pipep (..)/) {
my $key = $pm_store_hash{$1};
my $ms = $key->{'_texnut_menu_select'} || "XX";
my $source = $key->{'source'}->{'name'} || "unknown";
$source =~ s/\s/\|/g; # for consistency
$key = substr(( $ms." ".
$key->{'id'}." ".
$key->{'channel_id'}." ".
($key->{'_texnut_has_entity_links'}) . " ".
($key->{'_texnut_latitude'})." ".
($key->{'_texnut_longitude'})." ".
lc($key->{'user'}->{'username'})." ".
$key->{'created_at'}." ".
$source." ".
unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $key->{'content'}->{'text'}).
$space_pad), 0, 8192);
print P $key;
} elsif ($rout =~ /^ki ([^\s]+) /) {
my $key = $1;
my $module = '';
my $buf = '';
while(length($module) < 8192) {
read(STDIN, $buf, 8192);
$module .= $buf;
$module =~ s/\s+$//;
$module = pack("H*", $module);
print $stdout "-- fetch for module $module key $key\n"
if ($verbose);
print P substr(unpack("${pack_magic}H*",
0, 8192);
} elsif ($rout =~ /^kn ([^\s]+) /) {
my $key = $1;
my $module = '';
my $buf = '';
while(length($module) < 8192) {
read(STDIN, $buf, 8192);
$module .= $buf;
$module =~ s/\s+$//;
$module = pack("H*", $module);
print $stdout "-- nulled module $module key $key\n"
if ($verbose);
$master_store->{$module}->{$key} = undef;
} elsif ($rout =~ /^ko ([^\s]+) /) {
my $key = $1;
my $value = '';
my $module = '';
my $buf = '';
while(length($module) < 8192) {
read(STDIN, $buf, 8192);
$module .= $buf;
$module =~ s/\s+$//;
$module = pack("H*", $module);
$buf = '';
while(length($value) < 8192) {
read(STDIN, $buf, 8192);
$value .= $buf;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
print $stdout
"-- set module $module key $key = $value\n"
if ($verbose);
$master_store->{$module}->{$key} = pack("H*", $value);
} elsif ($rout =~ /^sync/) {
print $stdout "-- synced; exiting at ",
scalar localtime, "\n"
if ($verbose);
exit $laststatus;
} elsif ($rout =~ /^synm/) {
$first_synch = $synchronous_mode = 1;
print $stdout "-- background is now synchronous\n"
if ($verbose);
} elsif ($rout =~ /([\=\?\+])([^ ]+)/) {
$comm = $1;
$key =$2;
if ($comm eq '?') {
print P substr("${$key}$space_pad", 0, 8192);
} else {
$value = $buf = '';
while (length($value) < 8192) {
read(STDIN, $buf, 8192);
$value .= $buf;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$interactive = ($comm eq '+') ? 0 : 1;
&send_removereadline if
($termrl &&
($interactive || $verbose));
$wrapseq = 1;
if ($key eq 'tquery') {
print $stdout
"*** custom query installed\n"
if ($interactive || $verbose);
print $stdout
"$value" if ($verbose);
@trackstrings = ();
# already URL encoded
push(@trackstrings, $value);
} else {
$$key = $value;
print $stdout
"*** changed: $key => $$key\n"
if ($interactive || $verbose);
&generate_ansi if ($key eq 'ansi' ||
$key =~ /^colour/);
$rate_limit_next = 0
if ($key eq 'pause' &&
$value eq 'auto');
if ($key eq 'track');
&threads_compile($value, 0)
if ($key eq 'threads');
if ($key eq 'filter');
if ($key eq 'filterclients');
if ($key eq 'notifies');
if ($key eq 'lists');
if ($key eq 'filterflags');
$filterrps_sub =
$filterrps_sub, $value)
if ($key eq 'filterrps');
$filterusers_sub =
if ($key eq 'filterusers');
$filteratonly_sub =
if ($key eq 'filteratonly');
$filterthreads_sub =
if ($key eq 'filterthreads');
$neverfilter_sub =
if ($key eq 'neverfilter');
if ($key eq 'filterats');
&send_repaint if ($termrl &&
($interactive || $verbose));
} else {
$interactive = 1 unless ($rout =~ /no/);
if ($rout =~ /^R(\d+),(\d+)/) {
$fetchwanted = 0+$1;
$lead_id = 0+$2;
$fetch_id = $last_id = 0 if (!$lead_id);
$filtered = $last_filtered = 0
if (!$last_id);
if ($rout =~ /^pm/) {
# &send_repaint if ($termrl);
$pmcount = $pmpause;
} else {
if ($nfound == -1 || $holdhold) {
# we need to restart the call. we might be waiting
# longer, but this is unavoidable.
print $stdout
"-- routine refresh (effpause = $effpause, vchecktimer = $vcheck_timer, $pmcount to next pm) ",
scalar localtime, "\n" if ($verbose);
# Periodic update check (unless disabled)
if ($vcheck && $vcheckinterval > 1 && time() > $vcheck_timer) {
print $stdout "-- Checking for updated version...\n"
if ($verbose);
print $stdout &updatecheck(1, 0);
$vcheck_timer = time()+$vcheckinterval;
#### internal implementation functions for the ADN API. DON'T ALTER ####
# manage automatic rate limiting by checking our max.
# autoslowdown as we run out of requests, then speed up when hour
# has passed.
sub update_effpause {
return ($effpause = undef) if ($script); # for select()
if ($pause ne 'auto' && $noratelimit) {
$effpause = (0+$pause) || undef;
$effpause = (0+$pause) || undef
if ($anonymous || (!$pause && $pause ne 'auto'));
return ($effpause = undef) if ($pause ne 'auto' && $pause < 1);
return ($effpause = (0+$pause)) if ($pause ne 'auto');
# not executed right now
if (!$rate_limit_next && !$anonymous && ($pause > 0 ||
$pause eq 'auto')) {
# ADN 1.0 used a simple remaining_hits and
# hourly_limit. 1.1 uses multiple rate endpoints. we
# are only interested in certain specific ones, though
# we currently fetch them all and we might use more later.
$rate_limit_next = 5;
$rate_limit_ref = &grabjadn($rlurl, 0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
if (defined $rate_limit_ref &&
ref($rate_limit_ref) eq 'HASH') {
# of mentions_timeline, home_timeline and search/posts,
# choose the MOST restrictive and normalize that.
$rate_limit_left = &min(
$rate_limit_rate = &min(
if ($rate_limit_left < 3 && $rate_limit_rate) {
$estring =
"*** warning: API rate limit imminent";
if ($pause eq 'auto') {
$estring .=
"; temporarily halting autofetch";
$effpause = 0;
&$exception(5, "$estring\n");
} else {
if ($pause eq 'auto') {
# the new rate limits do not require us to reduce our fetching for mentions,
# direct messages or search, because they pull from different buckets, and
# their rate limits are roughly the same.
$effpause = 5*$rate_limit_rate;
# this will usually be 75s
# for lists, however, we have to drain the list bucket faster, so for every
# list AFTER THE FIRST ONE we subscribe to, add rate_limit_rate to slow.
# for search, it has 180 requests, so we don't care so much. if this
# changes later, we will probably need something similar to this for
# cases where the search array is > 1.
$effpause += ((scalar(@listlist)-1)*
if (scalar(@listlist) > 1);
print $stdout
"-- rate limit rate failure: using 180 second fallback\n"
if (!$effpause);
# we don't go under sixty.
$effpause = 60 if ($effpause < 60);
} else {
$effpause = 0+$pause;
print $stdout
"-- rate limit check: $rate_limit_left/$rate_limit_rate (rate is $effpause sec)\n"
if ($verbose);
$adverb = (!$last_rate_limit) ? ' currently' :
($last_rate_limit < $rate_limit_rate) ? ' INCREASED to':
($last_rate_limit > $rate_limit_rate) ? ' REDUCED to':
$notify_rate =
"-- notification: API rate limit is${adverb} ${rate_limit_rate} req/15min\n"
if ($last_rate_limit != $rate_limit_rate);
$last_rate_limit = $rate_limit_rate;
} else {
$rate_limit_next = 0;
$effpause = ($pause eq 'auto') ? 180 : 0+$pause;
print $stdout
"-- failed to fetch rate limit (rate is $effpause sec)\n"
if ($verbose);
} else {
$rate_limit_next-- unless ($anonymous);
# streaming API support routines
### spin off a nurse process to proxy data from curl, and a buffer process
### to protect the background process from signals curl may generate.
sub start_streaming {
$bufferpid = 0;
unless ($streamtest) {
if($bufferpid = open(STBUF, "-|")) {
# streaming processes initialized
return $bufferpid;
# now within buffer process
# verbosity does not work here, so force both off.
$verbose = 0;
$superverbose = 0;
$0 = "Texnut (streaming buffer thread)";
$in_buffer = 1;
# set up signal handlers
$streampid = 0;
&sigify(sub {
# in an earlier version we wrote a disconnect packet to the
# pipe in this handler. THIS IS NOT SAFE on certain OS/Perl
# combinations. I moved this down to the HELLOAGAINNURSE loop,
# or otherwise you get random seg faults.
$i = $streampid;
$streampid = 0;
waitpid $i, 0 if ($i);
}, qw(CHLD PIPE));
&sigify(sub {
$i = $streampid;
$streampid = 0; # suppress handler above
kill ($SIGHUP, $i) if ($i);
waitpid $i, 0 if ($i);
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid && !$i);
kill 9, $$;
}, qw(HUP TERM));
&sigify("IGNORE", qw(INT));
$packets_read = 0; # part of exponential backoff
$wait_time = 0;
# open the nurse process
HELLOAGAINNURSE: $w = "{\"packet\" : \"connect\", \"payload\" : {} }";
select(STDOUT); $|++;
printf STDOUT ("%08x%s", length($w), $w);
if (!$packets_read) { $wait_time += (($wait_time) ? $wait_time : 1) }
else { $wait_time = 0; }
$packets_read = 0;
$wait_time = ($wait_time > 60) ? 60 : $wait_time;
if ($streampid = open(NURSE, "-|")) {
# within the buffer process
select(NURSE); $|++; select(STDOUT);
my $rin = '';
vec($rin,fileno(NURSE),1) = 1;
my $datasize = 0;
my $buf = '';
my $cuf = '';
my $duf = '';
# read the curlpid from the stream
read(NURSE, $curlpax, 8);
$curlpid = hex($curlpax);
# if we are testing the socket, just emit data.
if ($streamtest) {
my $c;
print STDOUT "\n\ncurl PID = $curlpid\n\n";
$superverbose = 1;
$superverbose = 0;
for(;;) {
read(NURSE, $c, 1);
print STDOUT $c;
# start the subscription
HELLONURSE: while(1) {
# restart nurse process if it/curl died
goto HELLOAGAINNURSE if(!$streampid);
# read a line of text (hopefully numbers)
chomp($buf = <NURSE>);
# should be nothing but digits and whitespace.
# if anything else, we're getting garbage, and we
# should reconnect.
if ($buf =~ /[^0-9\r\l\n\s]+/s) {
kill 9, $streampid if ($streampid);
# and SIGCHLD will reap
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid);
$datasize = 0+$buf;
next HELLONURSE if (!$datasize);
read(NURSE, $duf, $datasize);
# don't send broken entries
next HELLONURSE if (length($duf) < $datasize);
# yank out all \r\n
1 while $duf =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
$duf = "{ \"packet\" : \"data\", \"pid\" : \"$streampid\", \"curlpid\" : \"$curlpid\", \"payload\" : $duf }";
printf STDOUT ("%08x%s", length($duf), $duf);
} else {
# within the nurse process
$0 = "Texnut (waiting $wait_time sec to connect to stream)";
sleep $wait_time;
$curlpid = 0;
# fix
$replarg = ($streamallreplies) ? '&replies=all' : '';
&sigify(sub {
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid);
waitpid $curlpid, 0 unless (!$curlpid);
$curlpid = 0;
kill 9, $$;
}, qw(CHLD PIPE));
&sigify(sub {
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid);
}, qw(INT HUP TERM)); # which will cascade into SIGCHLD
($comm, $args, $data) = &$stringify_args($baseagent,
# needs replarg
[ $streamurl, "&connection_id=$connection_id" ],
undef, undef,
'-A', "Texnut_Streaming/$Texnut_VERSION",
'-H', 'Expect:');
($curlpid = open(K, "|$comm")) || die("failed curl: $!\n");
printf STDOUT ("%08x", $curlpid);
$0 = "Texnut (streaming socket nurse thread to ${curlpid})";
select(K); $|++; select(STDOUT); $|++;
print K "$args\n";
waitpid $curlpid, 0;
$curlpid = 0;
kill 9, $$;
# handle a set of events acquired from the streaming socket.
# ordinarily only the background is calling this.
sub streamevents {
my (@events) = (@_);
my $w;
my @x;
my %k; # need temporary dedupe
foreach $w (@events) {
my $tmp;
# don't send non-data events (yet).
next if ($w->{'packet'} ne 'data');
# try to get PID information if available for faster shutdown
$nnursepid = 0+($w->{'pid'});
if ($nnursepid != $nursepid) {
$nursepid = $nnursepid;
print $stdout
"-- got new pid of streaming nurse socket process: $nursepid\n"
if ($verbose);
$ncurlpid = 0+($w->{'curlpid'});
if ($ncurlpid != $curlpid) {
$curlpid = $ncurlpid;
print $stdout
"-- got new pid of streaming curl process: $ncurlpid\n"
if ($verbose);
# we don't use this (yet).
next if ($w->{'payload'}->{'friends'});
sleep 5 while ($suspend_output > 0);
# dispatch posts
if ($w->{'payload'}->{'content'}->{'text'} && !$notimeline) {
# normalize the post first.
# needs to be tagged at this level
my $payload = &normalizejson($w->{'payload'});
my $sid = $payload->{'id'};
$payload->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'type'} = 'timeline';
$payload->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'payload'} = 'stream';
$payload->{'_texnut_classes'} =
&$posttype($payload, $sn, $text);
# filter replies from streaming socket if the
# user requested it. use $posttype to determine
# this so the user can interpose custom logic.
if ($nostreamreplies) {
my $sn = &descape(
my $text = &descape($payload->{'content'}->{'text'});
next if (&$posttype($payload, $sn, $text) =~
# finally, filter everything else and dedupe.
unless (length($id_cache{$sid}) ||
$filter_next{$sid} ||
$k{$sid}) {
&tdisplay([ $payload ]);
# roll *_id so that we don't do unnecessary work
# testing the API. don't roll fetch_id, search uses
# it. don't roll if last_id was zero, because that
# means we are streaming *before* the API backfetch.
$last_id = $sid unless (!$last_id);
# dispatch PMs
elsif (($tmp = $w->{'payload'}->{'direct_message'}) &&
$pmpause) {
# this needs to pass a context and channel to pmrefresh somehow
&pmrefresh(0, [ $tmp ]);
# don't roll last_pm yet.
# must be an event. see if standardevent can make sense of it.
elsif (!$notimeline) {
$w = $w->{'payload'};
my $sou_sn =
if (!length($sou_sn) || !$filterusers_sub ||
!&$filterusers_sub($sou_sn)) {
$wrapseq = 1;
# the output stack controllers. these slot in between &$*handle and the actual
# handler so that extensions need less boilerplate code in Texnut.
sub outstack {
my $post_ref = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $rv = &$handle($post_ref, $class);
# don't send notifies if filtered.
&sendnotifies($post_ref, $class) unless (!$rv);
return $rv;
sub pmoutstack {
my $pm_ref = shift;
my $pm_context = shift;
my $sns = lc($pm_ref->{'user'}->{'username'});
my $rv = &$pmhandle($pm_ref, $pm_context);
# don't send notifies if filtered.
&sendpmnotifies($pm_ref, $pm_context) if ($rv && $sns ne $whoami
&& $is_background); # don't do this in the foreground!
return $rv;
sub evoutstack { # future expansion
my $event_ref = shift;
return &$eventhandle($event_ref);
# REST API support
# thump for timeline
sub refresh {
my $interactive = shift;
my $relative_last_id = shift;
my $k;
my $my_json_ref = undef;
my $i;
my @streams = ();
my $dont_roll_back_too_far = 0;
my $prior_last_id = $last_id;
my $prior_fetch_id = $fetch_id;
my $did_print = 0;
$last_id = $fetch_id = 0 if ($lead_id);
# this mixes all the post streams (timeline, hashtags, threads, replies
# and lists) into a single unified data river.
# backload can be zero, but this will still work since &grabjadn
# sees a count of zero as "default."
# first, get my own timeline
# this could be both personal and global mixed together, unless
# -noaugmentglobal
my @urls = ($noaugmentglobal || $url ne $globalurl)
? ($url) : ($url, $homeurl);
my $augurl;
unless ($notimeline || $anonymous) {
# in streaming mode, use $last_id
# in API mode, use $fetch_id
AUGMENT: foreach $augurl (@urls) {
my $base_json_ref = &grabjadn(
? "${augurl}?include_directed_posts=1&include_post_raw=1" : "$augurl?include_post_raw=1",
($dostream) ? $last_id : $fetch_id,
(($last_id) ? 250 : $fetchwanted || $backload), {
"type" => "timeline",
"payload" => "api"
}, 1, $lead_id);
# if I can't get my own timeline, ABORT! highest priority!
if (defined($my_json_ref)) {
push(@streams, $base_json_ref)
if (defined($base_json_ref) &&
ref($base_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY' &&
scalar(@{ $base_json_ref }));
} else {
return if (!defined($base_json_ref) ||
ref($base_json_ref) ne 'ARRAY');
$my_json_ref = [];
# we have to filter against the ID cache right now, because
# we might not have any other streams!
if ($fetch_id && $last_id) {
my $l;
my %k; # need temporary dedupe
foreach $l (@{ $base_json_ref }) {
unless (length($id_cache{$l->{'id'}}) ||
$filter_next{$l->{'id'}} ||
$k{$l->{'id'}}) {
push(@{ $my_json_ref }, $l);
} else {
push(@{ $my_json_ref }, @{ $base_json_ref });
# add stream for replies, if requested
if ($mentions) {
# same thing
my $r = &grabjadn(&urlp("$rurl?include_post_raw=1"),
($dostream && !$nostreamreplies) ? $last_id : $fetch_id,
(($last_id) ? 250
: $fetchwanted || $backload), {
"type" => "reply",
"payload" => ""
}, 1, $lead_id);
push(@streams, $r)
if (defined($r) &&
ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' &&
scalar(@{ $r }));
# next handle threads we are subscribed to
if (scalar(@subscribed_threads)) {
my $w;
foreach $w (@subscribed_threads) {
my $r = &grabjadn(&urlp("$thurl?include_post_raw=1",,$w),
($dostream) ? $last_id : $fetch_id,
(($last_id) ? 250 :
$fetchwanted || $backload), {
"type" => "subthread",
"payload" => $w
}, 1, $lead_id);
push(@streams, $r)
if (defined($r) &&
ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' &&
scalar(@{ $r }));
# next handle hashtags and tracktags
# failure here does not abort, because search may be down independently
# of the main timeline.
if (!$notrack && scalar(@trackstrings)) {
my $r;
my $k;
my $l;
if (!$last_id) {
$l = &min($backload, $backtrack);
} else {
$l = (($fetchwanted) ? $fetchwanted :
&max(250, $searchhits));
unless (!$l) { foreach $k (@trackstrings) {
$r = &grabjadn("$queryurl?${k}", $fetch_id, 0, $l, {
"type" => "search",
"payload" => $k
}, 1, $lead_id);
push(@streams, $r)
if (defined($r) &&
ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' &&
scalar(@{ $r }));
} }
if(0) {
# add stream for lists we have on with /set lists, and tag it with
# the list.
if (scalar(@listlist)) {
foreach $k (@listlist) {
# always use fetch_id
my $r = &grabjadn(
$fetch_id, 0,
(($last_id) ? 250 : $fetchwanted), {
"type" => "list",
"payload" => ($k->[0] ne $whoami) ?
"$k->[0]/$k->[1]" :
}, 1, $lead_id);
push(@streams, $r)
if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' &&
scalar(@{ $r }));
$fetchwanted = 0; # done with that.
# now, streamix all the streams into my_json_ref, discarding duplicates
# a simple hash lookup is no good; it has to be iterative. because of
# that, we might as well just splice it in here and save a sort later.
# the streammix logic is unnecessarily complex, probably.
# remember, the most recent posts are FIRST.
if (scalar(@streams)) {
my $j;
my $k;
my $l = scalar(@{ $my_json_ref });
my $m;
my $n;
foreach $n (@streams) {
SMIX0: foreach $j (@{ $n }) {
my $id = $j->{'id'}; # for ease of use
# possible to happen if search tryhard is on
next SMIX0 if ($id < $fetch_id);
# filter this lot against the id cache
# and any posts we just filtered.
next SMIX0 if (length($id_cache{$id}) &&
next SMIX0 if ($filter_next{$id} &&
if (!$l) { # degenerate case
push (@{ $my_json_ref }, $j);
next SMIX0;
# find the same ID, or one just before,
# and splice in
$m = -1;
SMIX1: for($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) {
if($my_json_ref->[$i]->{'id'} == $id) {
# it's a duplicate.
next SMIX0;
if($my_json_ref->[$i]->{'id'} < $id) {
$m = $i;
last SMIX1; # got it
if ($m == -1) { # didn't find
push (@{ $my_json_ref }, $j);
} elsif ($m == 0) { # degenerate case
unshift (@{ $my_json_ref }, $j);
} else { # did find, so splice
splice(@{ $my_json_ref }, $m, 0,
%filter_next = ();
# fetch_id gyration. initially start with last_id, then roll. we
# want to keep a window, though, so we try to pick a sensible value
# that doesn't fetch too much but includes some overlap. we can't
# do computations on the ID itself, because it's "opaque."
$fetch_id = 0 if ($last_id == 0);
if ($dont_refresh_first_time) {
$last_id = &max($my_json_ref->[0]->{'id'}, $last_id);
} else {
($last_id, $crap, $crap, $did_print) =
&tdisplay($my_json_ref, undef, $relative_last_id);
unless ($lead_id) {
my $new_fi = (scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) ?
$my_json_ref->[(scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })-1)]->{'id'} :
# try to widen the window to a "reasonable amount"
$fetch_id = ($fetch_id == 0) ? $last_id :
(length($new_fi) && $new_fi ne $last_id
&& $new_fi > $fetch_id) ? $new_fi :
($relative_last_id > 0 && $relative_last_id ne $last_id &&
$relative_last_id > $fetch_id) ?
$relative_last_id : $fetch_id;
} else {
&sto("== // " . ("=" x 73) . "\n");
$fetch_id = $prior_fetch_id;
$last_id = $prior_last_id;
$lead_id = 0; # done with that.
print $stdout
"-- last_id $last_id, fetch_id $fetch_id, rollback $relative_last_id\n".
"-- (@{[ scalar(keys %id_cache) ]} cached)\n"
if ($verbose);
$wrapseq = 1;
# convenience function for filters (see below)
sub killtw { my $j = shift;
$filtered++ if (!$is_background ||
$j->{'id'} > $last_id);
$filter_next{$j->{'id'}}++ if ($is_background);
# asynchronous output flush
# this must only be run by the background
sub sflush {
return unless ($is_background);
return if ($suspend_output > 0);
return if (!scalar(@stream_buf));
my @buf = @stream_buf; @stream_buf = ();
&send_removereadline if ($termrl);
map { $aa = $_->[0]; print $aa "$_->[1]" } @buf;
$wrapseq = 1;
&send_repaint if ($termrl);
# handle (i.e., display) an array of posts in standard format
sub tdisplay { # used by both synchronous /again and asynchronous refreshes
my $my_json_ref = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $relative_last_id = shift;
my $flag_id = shift;
my $printed = 0;
my $disp_max = &min($print_max, scalar(@{ $my_json_ref }));
my $save_counter = -1;
my $i;
my $j;
my $k;
if ($disp_max) { # null list may be valid if we get code 304
unless ($is_background) { # reset store hash each console
if ($mini_id) {
# is this needed anymore?
$save_counter = $post_counter;
$post_counter = $mini_split;
for(0..9) {
undef $store_hash{"zz$_"};
}# else {
# $post_counter = $back_split;
# %store_hash = ();
$k = $my_json_ref->[($disp_max)-1];
for($i = $disp_max; $i > 0; $i--) {
my $g = ($i-1);
$j = $my_json_ref->[$g];
my $id = $j->{'id'};
my $sn = $j->{'user'}->{'username'};
next if (!length($sn));
$sn = lc(&descape($sn));
# if this is NOT the background, add sns and uids as
# we discover them to the user_cache.
unless ($is_background) {
$user_cache{$sn} = $j->{'user'}->{'id'};
$user_id_cache{$user_cache{$sn}} = $sn;
# implement filter stages:
# do so in such a way that we can toss posts out
# quickly, because multiple layers eat CPU!
# zeroth: if this is us or a user we do not
# filter otherwise, do not filter.
if (($anonymous || ($sn ne $whoami &&
(!$neverfilter_sub || !&$neverfilter_sub($sn)))
) && !($nofilter)) {
# first, filterusers. this is very fast.
# do for the post
(&killtw($j), next) if
($filterusers_sub &&
# and if the post has a reposted status, do for
# that.
(&killtw($j), next) if
($j->{'repost_of'} &&
$filterusers_sub &&
# first-a, filterthreads. this is also very fast, but
# we need to look at several possible IDs.
my $thread = &descape($j->{'thread_id'});
(&killtw($j), next) if
($thread &&
$filterthreads_sub &&
if ($j->{'repost_of'} && $filterthreads_sub) {
(&killtw($j), next) if
(&killtw($j), next) if
# second, filterrps. this is almost as fast.
(&killtw($j), next) if
($filterrps_sub &&
# second-a. get the source, see if this is a blocked
# source (-noifttt).
my $source = &descape($j->{'source'}->{'name'});
(&killtw($j), next) if
($noifttt &&
$source eq 'IFTTT');
# third, filteratonly. this has a fast case and a
# slow case.
my $tex = &descape($j->{'content'}->{'text'});
(&killtw($j), next) if
($filteratonly_sub &&
&$filteratonly_sub($sn) && # fast test
$tex !~ /\@$whoami\b/i); # slow test
# fourth, notco. this is pretty quick.
(&killtw($j), next) if
($notco && # fast test
$tex =~ m#https?://; # slow test
(&killtw($j), next) if
($notco &&
$tex =~ m#^RT \@#);
# fifth, filterats. this is somewhat expensive.
(&killtw($j), next) if ($filterats_c &&
# sixth, filterclients. this is very expensive.
(&killtw($j), next) if ($filterc_c &&
# finally, classic -filter. this is the most expensive.
(&killtw($j), next) if ($filter_c && &$filter_c($tex));
# damn it, user may actually want this post.
# assign menu codes and place into caches
my $key = &assign_key($j);
# handle flag_id here
$printed += scalar(&outstack($j,
($class || (($id <= $relative_last_id) ? 'again' :
$post_counter = $save_counter if ($save_counter > -1);
&$exception(6,"*** warning: more posts than menu codes; truncated\n")
if (scalar(@{ $my_json_ref }) > $print_max);
if (($interactive || $verbose) && !$printed) {
&std("-- sorry, nothing to display.\n");
$wrapseq = 1;
return (&max($my_json_ref->[0]->{'id'}, $last_id), $j, $k, $printed);
sub assign_key {
my $post_ref = shift;
my $id = $post_ref->{'id'};
my $key = (($is_background) ? '' : 'z' ).
substr($alphabet, $post_counter/10, 1) .
$post_counter % 10;
$post_counter =
($post_counter == 259) ? $mini_split :
($post_counter == ($mini_split - 1))
? 0 : ($post_counter+1);
$post_ref->{'_texnut_menu_select'} = $key;
$key = lc($key);
# recover ID cache memory: find the old ID with this
# menu code and remove it, then add the new one
# except if this is the foreground. we don't use this
# in the foreground.
if ($is_background) {
delete $id_cache{$store_hash{$key}->{'id'}};
$id_cache{$id} = $key;
$store_hash{$key} = $post_ref;
return $key;
sub assign_pm_key {
my $pm_ref = shift;
my $pm_context = shift;
# given a PM and its context (derived from &pmchanneltocontext),
# assign a key and cache the context just as we did with assign_key.
my $key = (($is_background) ? '' : 'z').
substr($alphabet, $pm_counter/10, 1) .
$pm_counter % 10;
$pm_counter =
($pm_counter == 259) ? $mini_split :
($pm_counter == ($mini_split - 1))
? 0 : ($pm_counter+1);
$pm_ref->{'_texnut_menu_select'} = 'p'.$key;
$key = lc($key);
$pm_store_hash{$key} = $pm_ref;
# recover context cache memory. we do this in both foreground and
# background since many functions are moved into the foreground in
# Texnut.
delete $pm_context_cache{$pm_context_hash{$key}->{'id'}};
$pm_context_cache{$pm_context->{'id'}} = $key;
$pm_context_hash{$key} = $pm_context;
return $key;
sub dt_tdisplay {
my $my_json_ref = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $flag_id = shift;
if (defined($my_json_ref)
&& ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY'
&& scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) {
my ($crap, $art, $fr, $crap) =
&tdisplay($my_json_ref, $class, $flag_id);
unless ($timestamp) {
my ($time, $ts1) = &$wraptime(
$my_json_ref->[(&min($print_max,scalar(@{ $my_json_ref }))-1)]->{'created_at'});
my ($time, $ts2) = &$wraptime($art->{'created_at'});
my $menu1 = $fr->{'_texnut_menu_select'};
my $menu2 = $art->{'_texnut_menu_select'};
if (!length($menu1) || !length($menu2)) {
"-- update covers $ts1 thru $ts2\n"));
} else {
"-- update covers $ts1 thru $ts2 (${menu1}-${menu2})\n"));
"-- warning: no posts passed filters (/set nofilter? /unset noifttt?)\n"))
if (!$crap);
return $crap; # printed, may be zero
# array was empty or bogus, indicate that
return -1;
sub pmscan {
my $top = shift;
my $topfetch = ($top > 0) ? $top : ($top == 0) ? 200 : 1;
my $k;
my $max;
my @outarray;
if ($anonymous) {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, you can't read PMs if you're anonymous.\n"
if ($interactive);
# get all the channels. do not fetch deleted posts here.
my $ref = &grabjadn(
return if (ref($ref) ne 'ARRAY');
$pm_first_time = 0; # assume the fetch was successful
return if (!scalar(@{ $ref }));
# sort them so that the most recent are at the top, but then descending
# order of the ones we select.
@outarray = ($top) ?
sort { $b->{'recent_message'}->{'id'}
<=> $a->{'recent_message'}->{'id'} } @{ $ref }
sort { $a->{'id'} <=> $b->{'id'} } @{ $ref }
if ($top == -1) {
# find and return the highest ID of PMs available (so that
# the foreground can find out).
# XXX more efficient to just ask the background??
@outarray =
sort { $b->{'recent_message'}->{'id'}
<=> $a->{'recent_message'}->{'id'} } @{ $ref };
return $outarray[0]->{'recent_message'}->{'id'};
&std(($top) ?
"-- most recent $top channels with activity (/pmscan for all channels)\n"
: "-- all channels (/pmagain on a PM to view thread)\n");
@outarray = @outarray[0..($top-1)] if ($top);
@outarray =# ($top) ?
sort { $a->{'recent_message'}->{'id'}
<=> $b->{'recent_message'}->{'id'} } @outarray
#sort { $a->{'id'} <=> $b->{'id'} } @outarray
foreach $k (@outarray) {
my $j = $k->{'recent_message'};
my $l = &pmchanneltocontext($k);
if (!$l) {
&std("** transient error getting channel\n");
&assign_pm_key($j, $l);
&pmoutstack($j, $l);
$max = &max($max, $j->{'id'});
$last_pm = &max($max, $last_pm);
$last_pm_req = $last_pm;
$pmchecked = 1;
# thump for PMs
# this can be called by the foreground, too.
sub pmrefresh {
my $interactive = shift;
my $relative_last_pm = shift;
# for streaming API to inject PMs it receives
# XXXX: we need to have this figure out how to pass it a context
my $my_json_ref = shift;
my %context_cache;
my $m;
my $max;
my $x_last_pm = $relative_last_pm || $last_pm;
if ($anonymous) {
print $stdout
"-- sorry, you can't read PMs if you're anonymous.\n"
if ($interactive);
$wrapseq = 1;
# no point in doing this if we can't even get to our own timeline
# (unless user specifically requested it, or our timeline is off)
return if (!$interactive && !$last_id && !$notimeline); # NOT last_pm
# do a brief /pmscan for first time start up
return &pmscan(2) if (!$x_last_pm);
unless ($my_json_ref) {
my @messages = ();
my $c;
# quickly check if we have *any* messages (count=1).
my $ref = &grabjadn(
return if (ref($ref) ne 'ARRAY' || !scalar(@{ $ref }));
if ($ref->[0]->{'recent_message'}->{'id'} > $x_last_pm) {
# the most recent message is newer. check for older;
# get all channels with their most recent messages.
my $ref = &grabjadn(
return if (ref($ref) ne 'ARRAY' || !scalar(@{ $ref }));
# go through the channels. if the most recent message in each
# is greater than last_pm, fetch all messages and add all
# messages to the arrayref that are more recent than last_pm
# (use since_id and a count of 200 for maximum goodness).
foreach $c (@{ $ref }) {
my $cid = $c->{'id'};
my $cmid = $c->{'recent_message'}->{'id'};
print $stdout
"-- background pmscan: channel = $cid mrm_id = $cmid\n" if ($verbose);
next unless ($cmid > $x_last_pm);
my $ms_ref = &grabjadn(
$x_last_pm, 0, 200);
next if (ref($ms_ref) ne 'ARRAY' ||
!scalar(@{ $ms_ref })); # hmmm ....
my $ct = &pmchanneltocontext($c);
if (!$ct) { print $stdout
"-- transient failure converting to context; skipping channel\n"
if ($verbose); next; }
$context_cache{$cid} = $ct;
print $stdout
"-- fetched @{[ scalar(@{ $ms_ref }) ]} new messages for channel $cid\n"
if ($verbose);
push(@messages, @{ $ms_ref });
} else {
print $stdout
"-- quick check: nothing newer than $x_last_pm\n"
if ($verbose);
if (!scalar(@messages)) {
if ($interactive) {
&std("-- sorry, no new PMs found.\n");
$wrapseq = 1;
$pmchecked = 1;
return $x_last_pm;
} else {
$my_json_ref = \@messages;
} else {
# populate the context cache from the provided hashref
return if (!defined($my_json_ref) || ref($my_json_ref) ne 'ARRAY');
# now, display PMs
foreach $m (sort { $a->{'id'} <=> $b->{'id'} } @{ $my_json_ref }) {
my $context = $context_cache{$m->{'channel_id'}};
print $stdout
"** problem: could not find a context for PMID $m->{'id'}; skipping\n"
if (!defined($context));
&assign_pm_key($m, $context);
&pmoutstack($m, $context);
$max = $m->{'id'};
$x_last_pm = &max($last_pm, $max);
unless ($relative_last_pm) {
$last_pm = $x_last_pm;
print $stdout "-- pm bookmark is $last_pm.\n" if ($verbose);
$pmchecked = 1;
return $x_last_pm;
# post an update
# this is a general API function that handles status updates and sending PMs.
sub updatest {
my $string = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $in_reply_to = shift;
my $pm_object = shift;
my $rp_id = shift; # even if this is set, string should also be set.
my $urle = '';
my $i;
my $subpid;
my $istring;
my $user_name_pm;
my $json_user_pm;
my $cid;
my @method = ($rp_id) ? @wpnd : @wend;
my $maxlength = $linelength;
my $needs_editor = 0;
# pm_object can either be a string (the username) or a context ref.
# if it's a string, that becomes user_name_pm, and the channel ID
# becomes "pm" (
# if it's a context, then the user_name_pm list is taken from there
# and the channel ID as well.
if(ref($pm_object) eq 'HASH') {
# it's a context
$user_name_pm = join(' ',
&users_not_me(@{ $pm_object->{'users'} }));
$json_user_pm = join('\", \"@',
&users_not_me(@{ $pm_object->{'users'} }));
$cid = $pm_object->{'id'};
$maxlength = $pmlength;
} elsif(ref($pm_object) eq 'ARRAY') {
# it's a list of names
$user_name_pm = join(' ', @{ $pm_object });
$json_user_pm = join('\", \"@',
&users_not_me(@{ $pm_object }));
$cid = 'pm';
$maxlength = $pmlength;
} else {
# it's a user name
$user_name_pm = $json_user_pm = $pm_object;
$cid = 'pm';
$maxlength = $pmlength if (length($user_name_pm));
my $verb = (length($user_name_pm)) ? "PM $user_name_pm" :
($rp_id) ? 'RE-post' :
# trigger the editor if $string ends in %ED(RP)%
if ($string =~ s/%ED(R?P?)%$//) {
my $is_rp = $1;
my $fn = "/tmp/texnut-".$$.time().".txt";
my $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'} || "/usr/bin/vi";
my $ostring;
my $ibuf = $string;
my $can_fail = 1;
$needs_editor = 1;
# try to validate, if it's not too complicated
if (! -x $editor) {
my $binname = $editor;
if ($binname !~ /\\/) {
($binname, $crap) = split(/\s+/, $binname, 2)
if ($binname =~ /\s/);
if (! -x $binname) {
"-- editor $binname seems invalid; set full path to EDITOR\n");
return 96;
"-- warning: user likes emacs and probably has poor hygiene\n")
if ($editor =~ /emacs/);
if(!open(K, ">$fn")) {
&std("-- unable to create $fn: $!\n");
return 96;
$ibuf .= (length($ibuf)) ? " $repost" : "$repost"
if ($is_rp eq 'RP');
$ibuf .= "\n" if (length($ibuf) && $ibuf !~ /\n$/s);
print K $ibuf if (length($ibuf));
$ostring = $ibuf;
while ($can_fail) {
# hold the background during editing
system("$editor $fn");
if(!open(K, "$fn")) {
&std("-- unable to read back $fn: $!\n");
return 96;
$string = '';
while(<K>) {
$string .= $_;
$can_fail = 0;
# the editor has to enforce line length
if (length($string) > $maxlength) {
"-- too long: @{[ length($string) ]} characters, max $maxlength\n");
$string = '';
$can_fail = 1;
if ($can_fail) {
my $answer = lc(&linein(
"-- edit again? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
$can_fail = 0 unless ($answer eq 'y');
unlink($fn) || &std("-- warning: couldn't remove $fn: $!\n");
if ($ostring eq $string) {
&std("-- no change detected, not posting\n");
return 97;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
if (!length($string)) {
&std("-- editor returned nothing, not posting\n");
return 97;
# "the pastebrake"
if (!$slowpost && !$verify && !$script && !$needs_editor) {
if ((time() - $postbreak_time) < 5) {
if ($postbreak_count == 3) {
print $stdout
"-- you're posting pretty fast. did you mean to do that?\n".
"-- waiting three seconds before taking the next set of posts\n".
"-- hit CTRL-C NOW! to kill Texnut if you accidentally pasted in this window\n";
sleep 3;
$postbreak_count = 0;
} else {
$postbreak_count = 0;
$postbreak_time = time();
my $payload = 'text';
$string = &$prepost($string) unless ($user_name_pm || $rp_id);
unless ($rp_id) {
$urle = '';
foreach $i (unpack("${pack_magic}C*", $string)) {
my $k = chr($i);
if ($k =~ /[-._~a-zA-Z0-9]/) {
$urle .= $k;
} else {
$k = sprintf("%02X", $i);
$urle .= "%$k";
my $i = '';
$i .= "reply_to=${in_reply_to}&" if ($in_reply_to > 0);
my $geo_anno = '';
if (!$rp_id && defined $lat && defined $long && $location) {
print $stdout "-- using lat/long: ($lat, $long)\n";
$geo_anno = ", \\\"raw\\\":[{ \\\"type\\\": \\\"io.pnut.core.geolocation\\\", \\\"value\\\": { \\\"latitude\\\": $lat, \\\"longitude\\\": $long }}]";
} elsif ((defined $lat || defined $long) && $location && !$rp_id) {
print $stdout
"-- warning: incomplete location ($lat, $long) ignored\n";
$i .= "${payload}=${urle}" unless ($rp_id);
$i .= "id=$rp_id" if ($rp_id);
# YES, you *can* verify and slowpost. I thought about this and I
# think I want to allow it.
if ($verify && !length($status)) {
my $answer;
print $stdout
&wwrap("-- verify you want to $verb: \"$string\"\n");
$answer = lc(&linein(
"-- send to server? (only y or Y is affirmative):"));
if ($answer ne 'y') {
print $stdout "-- ok, NOT sent to server.\n";
return 97;
if ($user_name_pm) {
@method = @wjnd;
my $ustring = &encodejson($string);
if ($cid eq 'pm') {
# this is already in the right format.
chomp($i = <<"EOF");
{ \\\"text\\\" : \\\"$ustring\\\", \\\"destinations\\\" : [\\\"\@${json_user_pm}\\\"]${geo_anno}}
} else {
chomp($i = <<"EOF");
{ \\\"text\\\" : \\\"$ustring\\\" ${geo_anno}}
} elsif (length($geo_anno)) {
@method = @wjnd;
my $ustring = &encodejson($string);
chomp($i = <<"EOF");
{ \\\"text\\\" : \\\"$ustring\\\" ${geo_anno}}
$slowpost += 0;
if ($slowpost && !$script && !length($status) && !$silent) {
if($pid = open(SLOWPOST, '-|')) {
# pause background so that it doesn't kill itself
# when this signal occurs.
kill $SIGUSR1, $child;
print $stdout &wwrap(
"-- waiting $slowpost seconds to $verb, ^C cancels: \"$string\"\n");
close(SLOWPOST); # this should wait for us
if ($? > 256) {
print $stdout
"\n-- not sent, cancelled by user\n";
return 97;
print $stdout "-- sending to server\n";
kill $SIGUSR2, $child;
&send_removereadline if ($termrl && $dostream);
} else {
$in_backticks = 1; # defeat END sub
&sigify(sub { exit 254; }, qw(BREAK INT TERM PIPE));
sleep $slowpost;
exit 0;
my $return = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef,
(length($user_name_pm)) ? &urlp($chanmsbyidurl,,$cid) :
($rp_id) ? &urlp($rpurl, $whoamid, $rp_id) : $update,
$i, 0, @method);
print $stdout "-- return --\n$return\n-- return --\n"
if ($superverbose);
if ($? > 0) {
$x = $? >> 8;
print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive);
${MAGENTA}*** warning: connect timeout or no confirmation received ($x)
*** to attempt a resend, type %%${OFF}
return $?;
my $ec;
if ($ec = &is_json_error($return)) {
print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive);
${MAGENTA}*** warning: server error message received
*** "$ec"${OFF}
return 98;
if ($ec = &is_fail_whale($return) ||
$return =~ /^\[?\]?<!DOCTYPE\s+html/i ||
$return =~ /^(Status:\s*)?50[0-9]\s/ ||
$return =~ /^<html>/i ||
$return =~ /^<\??xml\s+/) {
print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive);
${MAGENTA}*** warning: ADN Fail Whale${OFF}
return 98;
$lastpostid = &parsejson($return)->{'data'}->{'id'};
unless ($user_name_pm || $rp_id) {
$lastposted = $string;
if (length($alsopost) && !$manualalsopost) {
unless ($in_reply_to > 0 || $rp_id || $string =~ /(^|\s|,)\@/) {
if(open(AP, "|$alsopost")) {
print AP "$string\n";
} else {
print $stdout "-- failed to alsopost: $!\n";
} else {
my $reason = ($rp_id) ? "local repost" :
($in_reply_to > 0) ? "threaded reply" :
"references to local users";
print $stdout
"-- alsopost suppressed for $reason\n";
return 0;
# this dispatch routine replaces the common logic of deletest, deletepm,
# follow, leave and the favourites system.
# this is a modified, abridged version of &updatest.
sub central_cd_dispatch {
my ($payload, $interactive, $update, @method) = (@_);
my $return = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef,
$update, $payload, 0, @method);
print $stdout "-- return --\n$return\n-- return --\n"
if ($superverbose);
if ($? > 0) {
$x = $? >> 8;
print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive);
${MAGENTA}*** warning: connect timeout or no confirmation received ($x)
*** to attempt again, type %%${OFF}
return ($?, '');
my $ec;
if ($ec = &is_json_error($return)) {
print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive);
${MAGENTA}*** warning: server error message received
*** "$ec"${OFF}
return (98, $return);
return (0, $return);
# the following functions may be user-exposed in a future version of
# Texnut, but are officially still "private interfaces."
# save internal state to .texnutrc
sub savestate {
if ($is_background) {
print $stdout "*** can't save state from background\n";
# call all extensions with collectsave
# set RC version
$rc_version ||= $current_rc_version;
# copy to backup, but only if it already exists
if (-e "$rcf") {
if(!open(B, ">${rcf}~") || !open(BB, "${rcf}\n")) {
print $stdout "*** can't save backup copy to ${rcf}~\n";
print $stdout "*** aborting safely: $!\n";
while(<BB>) { print B $_; }
close(B); close(BB);
if (!open(B, ">$rcf")) {
print $stdout "*** can't save new copy to ${rcf}\n";
print $stdout "*** aborting safely: $!\n";
# enumerate all variables and -extpref_* variables
foreach $key (sort keys %valid) { # not just can_set
print B "${key}=$$key\n" if (length($$key) &&
$key ne 'bearertoken' && # safety
$key ne 'readline'); # some users may set this
foreach $key (keys %main::) {
print B "${key}=${$key}\n" if (length($key) &&
$key =~ /^extpref_/);
# readline is handled specially. we set readline to '' if it == 1
if (scalar(@j = keys(%readline_completion))) {
print B "readline=" . join(' ', @j) . "\n";
} elsif ($termrl) { # readline_completion empty, but there's readline
print B "readline=1\n";
print $stdout "-- settings saved to $rcf\n";
# delete a status
sub deletest {
my $id = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $update = &urlp($delurl, $whoamid, $id);
my ($en, $em) = &central_cd_dispatch("", $interactive, $update,
print $stdout "-- post id #${id} has been removed\n"
if ($interactive && !$en);
print $stdout "*** (was the post already deleted?)\n"
if ($interactive && $en);
return 0;
# delete a PM (needs id *and* channel id)
sub deletepm {
my $id = shift;
my $cid = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $update = &urlp($msbycidurl, $cid, $id);
my ($en, $em) = &central_cd_dispatch("", $interactive, $update,
print $stdout "-- PM id #${id} has been removed\n"
if ($interactive && !$en);
print $stdout "*** (was the PM already deleted?)\n"
if ($interactive && $en);
return 0;
# subscribe or unsubscribe to a channel ID (only the latter is implemented)
sub uorschannel {
my $cid = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $mode = shift; # XXXX ignored
my $update = &urlp($chansubbyidurl,,$cid);
# implement subscriptions
my @method = @wdnd;
my ($en, $em) = &central_cd_dispatch("", $interactive, $update,
if ($interactive) {
if (!$en) {
print $stdout
"-- PM channel closed for channel ID #$cid\n";
print $stdout "-- it will not appear in /pmscan\n";
print $stdout
"-- it may be automatically reopened by activity\n";
} else {
print $stdout "*** already closed?\n";
return 0;
# create or destroy a favourite
sub cordfav {
my $id = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $mode = shift; # un or ''
my $basefav = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $verb = shift;
my $update = &urlp($basefav, $whoamid, $id);
my @method = ($mode eq 'un') ? @wdnd : @wpnd;
my ($en, $em) = &central_cd_dispatch("", $interactive, $update,
print $stdout "-- favourite $verb for post id #${id}: \"$text\"\n"
if ($interactive && !$en);
print $stdout "*** (was the favourite already ${verb}?)\n"
if ($interactive && $en);
return 0;
# follow or unfollow a user
sub foruuser {
my $uname = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $uid = shift;
my $basef = shift;
my $verb = shift;
my $update = &urlp($basef, $uid); # actually uid
my @method = ($mode eq 'un') ? @wdnd : @wpnd;
my ($en, $em) = &central_cd_dispatch("",
$interactive, $update, @method);
print $stdout "-- ok, you have $verb following user $uname.\n"
if ($interactive && !$en);
return 0;
# block or unblock a user (also used for muting)
sub boruuser {
my $uname = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $uid = shift;
my $basef = shift;
my $verb = shift;
my $variant = shift || "blocking";
my $update = &urlp($basef, $uid); # actually uid
my @method = ($mode =~ /^un/) ? @wdnd : @wpnd;
my ($en, $em) = &central_cd_dispatch("", $interactive, $update,
print $stdout "-- ok, you have $verb $variant user $uname.\n"
if ($interactive && !$en);
return 0;
# enable or disable reposts for a user
sub rtsonoffuser {
my $uname = shift;
my $interactive = shift;
my $selection = shift;
my $verb = ($selection) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
my $tval = ($selection) ? 'true' : 'false';
my ($en, $em) = &central_cd_dispatch(
$interactive, $frupdurl);
print $stdout "-- ok, you have ${verb} reposts for user $uname.\n"
if ($interactive && !$en);
return 0;
#### Texnut internal API utility functions ####
# ... which your API *can* call
# gets and returns the contents of a URL (optionally pass a POST body)
sub graburl {
my $resource = shift;
my $data = shift;
return &backticks($baseagent,
'/dev/null', undef, $resource, $data,
1, @wind);
# format a post based on user options
sub standardpost {
my $ref = shift;
my $nocolour = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $sn = &descape($ref->{'user'}->{'username'});
my $post = &descape($ref->{'content'}->{'text'});
my $colour;
my $g;
my $h;
# wordwrap really ruins our day here, thanks a lot, T@augmentedfourth
# have to insinuate the ansi sequences after the string is wordwrapped
# figure out the desired colour based on the classes provided. some
# colours take priority over others. otherwise, pick the first
# colour that's actually a colour.
unless ($nocolour) {
$colour = $ref->{'_texnut_classes'};
# test for major classes: me, reply
if ($colour =~ /me/) {
$colour = $CCme;
} elsif ($colour =~ /reply/) {
$colour = $CCreply;
} elsif ($colour =~ /follow/) {
$colour = $CCfollow;
} else {
my $w;
my $thecolour = $CCdefault; # default major class
# try to find the first colour that is NOT "OFF."
FIRSTCOLOUR: foreach $w (split(/\//, $colour)) {
if (${"CC$w"} ne $OFF && length(${"CC$w"})) {
$thecolour = ${"CC$w"};
$colour = $thecolour;
$g = $colour;
$colour = $OFF . $colour;
} else {
$g = $colour = '';
# prepend screen name "badges"
$sn = "\@$sn" if ($ref->{'reply_to'} > 0);
$sn = "+$sn" if (length($ref->{'_texnut_latitude'}) &&
$sn = "&$sn" if ($ref->{'_texnut_has_entity_links'});
$sn = "#$sn" if ($ref->{'_texnut_has_hashtags'}); # future work
$sn = "%$sn" if (length($ref->{'repost_of'}->{'id'}));
$sn = "*$sn" if ($ref->{'source'}->{'name'} =~ /Texnut/ && $texnutistas);
$sn = "~$sn" if ($ref->{'thread_id'} > 0 &&
# prepend reposting information if this was a repost
$post = '>> @'.&descape($ref->{'repost_of'}->{'user'}->{'username'})
. ': '.$post
if ($ref->{'repost_of'}->{'id'});
# prepend list information, if this post originated from a list
$sn = "($ref->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'payload'})$sn"
if (length($ref->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'payload'}) &&
$ref->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'type'} eq 'list');
if (length($post)) {
if ($post =~ s#^/me ##) {
$post = "[<$sn> $post]";
} else {
$post = "<$sn> $post";
} else {
$post = "{<$sn> deleted this post}";
# append star count
$h = $ref->{'repost_of'}->{'counts'}->{'bookmarks'} || $ref->{'counts'}->{'bookmarks'};
$h += 0; $post = "(*${h}) $post" if ($h);
# append reply count (maybe later)
# append repost count
$h = $ref->{'repost_of'}->{'counts'}->{'reposts'} || $ref->{'counts'}->{'reposts'};
$h += 0;
$post = "(x${h}) $post" if ($h && !$nonewrps);
# T@br3nda's modified timestamp patch
if ($timestamp) {
my ($time, $ts) = &$wraptime($ref->{'created_at'});
$post = "[$ts] $post";
# pull it all together
$post = &wwrap($post, ($wrapseq <= 1) ? ((&$prompt(1))[1]+$indent)
: $indent)
if ($wrap); # remember to account for prompt length on #1
$post =~ s/^([^<]*)<([^>]+)>/${g}\1<${EM}\2${colour}>/
unless ($nocolour);
$post =~ s/\n*$//;
$post .= ($nocolour) ? "\n" : "$OFF\n";
# highlight anything that we have in track
if(scalar(@tracktags)) { # I'm paranoid
foreach $h (@tracktags) {
$h =~ s/^"//; $h =~ s/"$//; # just in case
$post =~ s/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])($h)([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)/\1${EM}\2${colour}\3/ig
unless ($nocolour);
# T@smb's underline/bold patch goes on last (modified for lists)
unless ($nocolour) {
# only do this after the < > portion.
my $k = index($post, ">");
my $botsub = substr($post, $k);
my $topsub = substr($post, 0, $k);
$botsub =~
$post = $topsub . $botsub;
return $post;
# do the same, but for the interactive menu (called by defaulthandle)
sub standardpostinteractive {
my $post_ref = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $dclass = ($verbose) ? "{$class,$post_ref->{'id'}} " : '';
my $sn = &descape($post_ref->{'user'}->{'username'});
my $post = &descape($post_ref->{'content'}->{'text'});
my $menu_select = $post_ref->{'_texnut_menu_select'};
$menu_select = (length($menu_select) && !$script)
? (($menu_select =~ /^z/) ?
"${EM}${menu_select}>${OFF} " :
"${menu_select}> ")
: '';
my $spost = &standardpost($post_ref, 0,
length($menu_select . $dclass));
return ($menu_select . $dclass . $spost);
# this is done by pmscan and pmrefresh so that the caches are ready to go
sub pmchanneltocontext {
my $context = shift;
my %new_context;
my %uids;
my @unames;
my @unames2;
# if the channel has a mutable ACL, we're going to have problems
# when we cache this since the user permission lists could change,
# so warn the user. channels should ALWAYS be
# immutable, per @berg, and that's all we support.
# &sto("** warning: channel found with mutable ACL\n".
# "** this might affect your ability to read or write messages\n")
# if ($context->{'acl'}->{'read'}->{'immutable'} eq 'false' ||
# $context->{'acl'}->{'write'}->{'immutable'} eq 'false');
# take the union of reader and writer UIDs from the context channel
map { $uids{$_}++ } (@{ $context->{'acl'}->{'read'}->{'user_ids'} });
map { $uids{$_}++ } (@{ $context->{'acl'}->{'write'}->{'user_ids'} });
map { $uids{$_}++ } (@{ $context->{'acl'}->{'full'}->{'user_ids'} });
$uids{$context->{'user'}->{'id'}}++ if ($context->{'user'});
$uids{$whoamid}++ if ($context->{'acl'}->{'read'}->{'you'} eq 'true' ||
$context->{'acl'}->{'write'}->{'you'} eq 'true');
# assign owner and usernames
$new_context{'user'} = $context->{'user'}->{'username'} if ($context->{'user'});
my $haz_annos = $context->{'raw'};
if (ref($haz_annos) eq 'HASH'
&& ref($haz_annos->{''}) eq 'ARRAY'
&& scalar(@{ $haz_annos->{''} }) > 0) {
$new_context{'chat_name'} = $haz_annos->{''}[0]->{'name'};
@unames = map { &get_user_by_id($_) } (keys %uids);
# it is possible for errors to make @unames fail. if it has null
# names, return an undef
return undef if(scalar(grep { !length($_) } @unames));
$new_context{'users'} = \@unames;
$new_context{'id'} = $context->{'id'};
return \%new_context;
sub users_not_me {
# take a list of usernames, remove mine from it
return grep { lc($_) ne $whoami } (@_);
# format a PM based on standard user options
sub standardpm {
my $ref = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $nocolour = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my %uids;
my ($time, $ts) = &$wraptime($ref->{'created_at'});
my $text = &descape($ref->{'content'}->{'text'});
my $wasdel = (length($text)) ? "" : " was deleted";
my $sns = &descape($ref->{'user'}->{'username'});
my $pmvchat = $context->{'chat_name'} ?
(&descape($context->{'chat_name'}) . "(" . length($context->{'users'}) . ")")
: join(' ', grep { lc($sns) ne $_ } @{ $context->{'users'} });
# remove the sender from the list of users since they always get it
$sns .= "->" . $pmvchat;
$sns = "+$sns" if (length($ref->{'_texnut_latitude'}) &&
$sns = "&$sns" if ($ref->{'_texnut_has_entity_links'});
$sns = "*$sns" if ($ref->{'source'}->{'name'} =~ /Texnut/ &&
my $g = &wwrap("[PM${wasdel}]".
"[$sns/$ts] $text", ($wrapseq <= 1) ?
((&$prompt(1))[1]+$indent) : $indent);
# $g =~ s/^\[PM ([^\/]+)\//${CCpm}[PM ${EM}\1${OFF}${CCpm}\//
# unless ($nocolour);
$g = "${CCpm}$g" unless ($nocolour);
$g =~ s/\n*$//;
$g .= ($nocolour) ? "\n" : "$OFF\n";
$g =~ s/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])\@(\w+)/\1\@${UNDER}\2${OFF}${CCpm}/g
unless ($nocolour);
return $g;
sub standardpminteractive {
my $pm_ref = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $menu_select = $pm_ref->{'_texnut_menu_select'};
my $spm = &standardpm($pm_ref, $context, 0, length($menu_select)+1);
$spm =~ s/\[PM/\[PM $menu_select/; # no g, no i
return $spm;
# do precalculations on a PM channel to get a distilled context
# format an event record based on standard user options (mostly for
# streaming API, perhaps REST API one day)
sub standardevent {
my $ref = shift;
my $nocolour = shift;
my $g = '>>> ';
my $verb = &descape($ref->{'event'});
# T@episod has promised me he will document all of the events.
# still waiting ...
if (length($verb)) { # delete is different.
my $tar_sn = '@'.&descape($ref->{'target'}->{'username'});
my $sou_sn = '@'.&descape($ref->{'source'}->{'username'});
if ($verb eq 'bookmark' || $verb eq 'unbookmark') {
my $txt = &descape($ref->{'target_object'}->{'content'}->{'text'});
$g .=
"$sou_sn just ${verb}d ${tar_sn}'s post: \"$txt\"";
} elsif ($verb eq 'follow') {
$g .= "$sou_sn is now following $tar_sn";
} elsif ($verb eq 'user_update') {
$g .= "$sou_sn updated their profile (/whois $sou_sn to see)";
# these need to be fleshed out
} elsif ($verb eq 'list_member_added') {
$g .= "$sou_sn added $tar_sn to a list";
} elsif ($verb eq 'list_member_removed') {
$g .= "$sou_sn removed $tar_sn from a list";
} elsif ($verb eq 'list_user_subscribed') {
$g .= "$sou_sn is now following a list from $tar_sn";
} elsif ($verb eq 'list_user_unsubscribed') {
$g .= "$sou_sn is no longer following a list from $tar_sn";
} elsif ($verb eq 'list_create') {
$g .= "$sou_sn created a new list";
} elsif ($verb eq 'list_destroyed') {
$g .= "$sou_sn destroyed a list";
} elsif ($verb eq 'list_updated') {
$g .= "$sou_sn updated a list";
} else {
# try to handle new types of events we don't
# recognize yet
$verb .= ($verb =~ /e$/) ? 'd' : 'ed';
$g .= "$sou_sn $verb $tar_sn (basic)";
} elsif ($ref->{'delete'}) {
# this is the best we can do -- it's already on the screen!
# we don't want to make it easy which post it is, since that
# would be embarrassing, so just say a delete occurred.
$g .=
"post ID# ".$ref->{'delete'}->{'status'}->{'id'}.
" deleted by server";
} else {
# we have no idea what this is. just BS our way out.
$g .= "unknown server event received (non-fatal)";
if ($timestamp) {
my ($time, $ts) = &$wraptime($ref->{'created_at'});
$g = "[$ts] $g";
$g = &wwrap("$g\n", ($wrapseq <= 1) ? ((&$prompt(1))[1]) : 0);
# highlight screen names
$g =~
unless ($nocolour);
return $g;
# for future expansion: this is the declared API callable method
# for executing a command as if the console had typed it.
sub ucommand {
die("** can't call &ucommand during multi-module loading.\n")
if ($multi_module_mode == -1);
# your application can also call &grabjadn to get a hashref
# corresponding to parsed JSON from an arbitrary resource.
# see that function later on.
# don't change these here. instead, use and set there.
# note that these are all anonymous subroutine references.
# anything you don't define is overwritten by the defaults.
# it's better'n'superclasses.
# NOTE: defaultaddaction, defaultmain and defaultprompt
# are all defined in the "console" section above for
# clarity.
# this first set are the multi-module aware ones.
# the standard iterator for multi-module methods
sub multi_module_dispatch {
my $default = shift;
my $dispatch_chain = shift;
my $rv_handler = shift;
my @args = @_;
local $dispatch_ref; # on purpose; get_key/set_key may need it
# $*_call_default is a global
$did_call_default = 0;
$this_call_default = 0;
$multi_module_context = 0;
if ($rv_handler == 0) {
$rv_handler = sub {
return 0;
# fall through to default if no dispatch chain
if (!scalar(@{ $dispatch_chain })) {
return &$default(@args);
foreach $dispatch_ref (@{ $dispatch_chain }) {
# each reference has the code, and the file that specified it.
# set up a multi-module context and run that function. if the
# default ever gets called, we log it to tell the multi-module
# handler to call the default at the end.
my $rv;
my $irv;
my $caller = (caller(1))[3];
$caller =~ s/^main::multi//;
$multi_module_context = 1; # defaults then know to defer
$this_call_default = 0;
$store = $master_store->{ $dispatch_ref->[0] };
print "-- calling \$$caller in $dispatch_ref->[0]\n"
if ($verbose);
my $code_ref = $dispatch_ref->[1];
$rv = &$rv_handler(@irv = &$code_ref(@args));
$multi_module_context = 0;
if ($rv & 4) {
# rv_handler indicating to call default and halt
# if it was called.
return &$default(@args) if ($did_call_default);
if ($rv & 2) {
# rv_handler indicating to make new @args from @irv
@args = @irv;
if ($rv & 1) {
# rv_handler indicating to halt early. do so.
return (wantarray) ? @irv : $irv[0];
$multi_module_context = 0;
return &$default(@args) if ($did_call_default);
return (wantarray) ? @irv : $irv[0];
# these are the stubs that call the dispatcher.
sub multiaddaction {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultaddaction, \@m_addaction, sub{
# return immediately on the first extension to accept
return (shift>0);
}, @_);
sub multiconclude {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultconclude, \@m_conclude, 0, @_);
sub multipmconclude {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultpmconclude, \@m_pmconclude, 0, @_);
sub multipmhandle {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultpmhandle, \@m_pmhandle, sub {
my $rv = shift;
# skip default calls.
return 0 if ($this_call_default);
# if not a default call, and the PM was refused for
# processing by this extension, then the PM is now
# suppressed. do not call any other extensions after this.
# even if it ends in suppression, we still call the default
# if it was ever called before.
return 5 if ($rv == 0);
# if accepted in any manner, keep calling.
return 0;
}, @_);
sub multieventhandle {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaulteventhandle, \@m_eventhandle, sub {
my $rv = shift;
# skip default calls.
return 0 if ($this_call_default);
# if not a default call, and the event was refused for
# processing by this extension, then the event is now
# suppressed. do not call any other extensions after this.
# even if it ends in suppression, we still call the default
# if it was ever called before.
return 5 if ($rv == 0);
# if accepted in any manner, keep calling.
return 0;
}, @_);
sub multiexception {
# this is a secret option for people who want to suppress errors.
if ($exception_is_maskable) {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultexception, \@m_exception, sub {
my $rv = shift;
# same logic as handle/pmhandle, except return -1-
# to mask from subsequent extensions.
return 0 if ($this_call_default);
return 5 if ($rv);
return 0;
}, @_);
} else {
\&defaultexception, \@m_exception, 0, @_);
sub multishutdown {
return if ($shutdown_already_called++);
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultshutdown, \@m_shutdown, 0, @_);
sub multicollectsave {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultcollectsave, \@m_collectsave, 0, @_);
sub multiuserhandle {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultuserhandle, \@m_userhandle, sub{
# skip default calls.
return 0 if ($this_call_default);
# return immediately on the first extension to accept
return (shift>0);
}, @_);
sub multilisthandle {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultlisthandle, \@m_listhandle, sub{
# skip default calls.
return 0 if ($this_call_default);
# return immediately on the first extension to accept
return (shift>0);
}, @_);
sub multihandle {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaulthandle, \@m_handle, sub {
my $rv = shift;
# skip default calls.
return 0 if ($this_call_default);
# if not a default call, and the post was refused for
# processing by this extension, then the post is now
# suppressed. do not call any other extensions after this.
# even if it ends in suppression, we still call the default
# if it was ever called before.
return 5 if ($rv==0);
# if accepted in any manner, keep calling.
return 0;
}, @_);
sub multiheartbeat {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultheartbeat, \@m_heartbeat, 0, @_);
sub multiprecommand {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultprecommand, \@m_precommand, sub {
return 2; # feed subsequent chains the result.
}, @_);
sub multiprepost {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultprepost, \@m_prepost, sub {
return 2; # feed subsequent chains the result.
}, @_);
sub multipostpost {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultpostpost, \@m_postpost, 0, @_);
sub multiposttype {
&multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultposttype, \@m_posttype, sub {
# if this module DID NOT call default, exit now.
return (!$this_call_default);
}, @_);
sub flag_default_call { $this_call_default++; $did_call_default++; }
# now the actual default methods
sub defaultexception {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $msg_code = shift;
return if ($msg_code == 2 && $muffle_server_messages);
my $message = "@_";
$message =~ s/\n*$//sg;
if ($timestamp) {
my ($time, $ts) = &$wraptime(scalar(localtime));
$message = "[$ts] $message";
$message =~ s/\n/\n[$ts] /sg;
&send_removereadline if ($termrl);
$wrapseq = 1;
print $stdout "${MAGENTA}${message}${OFF}\n";
&send_repaint if ($termrl);
$laststatus = 1;
sub defaultshutdown {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
sub defaultcollectsave {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
sub defaultlisthandle {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $list_ref = shift;
print $streamout "*** for future expansion ***\n";
return 1;
sub defaulthandle {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $post_ref = shift;
my $class = shift;
&sto(&standardpostinteractive($post_ref, $class));
return 1;
sub defaultuserhandle {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $user_ref = shift;
&userline($user_ref, $streamout);
my $desc = &strim(&descape($user_ref->{'content'}->{'text'}));
my $klen = ($wrap || 79) - 9;
$klen = 10 if ($klen < 0);
$desc = substr($desc, 0, $klen)."..." if (length($desc) > $klen);
print $streamout (' "' . $desc . '"' . "\n") if (length($desc));
return 1;
sub userline { # used by both $userhandle and /whois
my $my_json_ref = shift;
my $fh = shift;
# add to the user cache in foreground as these are discovered
unless ($is_background) {
my $k = lc(&descape($my_json_ref->{'username'}));
$user_cache{$k} = $my_json_ref->{'user'}->{'id'};
$user_id_cache{$user_cache{$k}} = $k;
my $species = ucfirst($my_json_ref->{'type'});
$species = (length($species) && $species ne 'Human') ?
" ($species)" : "";
my $muted =
($my_json_ref->{'you_blocked'} eq 'true') ?
"${EM}(Blocked)${OFF} " :
($my_json_ref->{'you_muted'} eq 'true') ?
"${EM}(Muted)${OFF} " : '';
print $fh <<"EOF";
${CCprompt}@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'name'}) ]}${OFF} (@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'username'}) ]}) (f:$my_json_ref->{'counts'}->{'following'}/$my_json_ref->{'counts'}->{'followers'}) (p:$my_json_ref->{'counts'}->{'posts'})${species} ${muted}
sub sendnotifies { # this is a default subroutine of a sort, right?
my $post_ref = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $sn = &descape($post_ref->{'user'}->{'username'});
my $post = &descape($post_ref->{'content'}->{'text'});
# interactive? first time?
unless (length($class) || !$last_id || !length($post)) {
my $subclass;
$class = $post_ref->{'_texnut_classes'};
NOTIFYNOTIFY: foreach $subclass (split(/\//, $class)) {
if ($notify_list{$subclass}) {
# only send one notify (the first one)
# but include the entire list of classes
&standardpost($post_ref, 1), $post_ref)
sub defaultposttype {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $ref = shift;
my $sn = shift;
my $post = shift;
my $subclasses = '';
my $h;
# fast path: me never has subclasses
unless ($anonymous) {
if (lc($sn) eq $whoami) {
# if it's me speaking, colour the line yellow
return 'me'; # this never has subclasses
$subclasses = ($ref->{'user'}->{'you_follow'} eq 'true' ||
$ref->{'user'}->{'is_follower'} eq 'true')
? '/follow'
: '/alien';
# add on other subclasses
# identify if there are search terms here (causes less problems
# than trying to fix the payload in &refresh)
if(scalar(@tracktags)) {
POSTTYPETTRACKTAG: foreach $h (@tracktags) {
if ($post =~ /(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])($h)([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)/i) {
$subclasses .= '/search';
$subclasses .= '/subthread'
if ($ref->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'type'} eq 'subthread');
$subclasses .= '/list' if ($ref->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'type'} eq 'list');
# now replies: second highest precedence
unless ($anonymous) {
if ($post =~ /\@$whoami(\b|$)/i) {
# if I'm in the post, colour red
return "reply$subclasses";
# not me or reply
# if we have subclasses, promote them
return (length($subclasses)) ? substr($subclasses, 1) :
# we don't, return default. in practice, this won't appear.
sub defaultconclude {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $dont_collapse = shift;
if ($filter_attribs{'count'}) {
unless ($dont_collapse) {
$last_filtered += $filtered;
if (!$last_id || $last_filtered >= $filtercountmin) {
my $s = ($last_filtered == 1) ? '' : 's';
&std("-- (filtered $last_filtered post$s)\n")
if ($last_filtered);
$last_filtered = 0;
} else {
# always report foreground or if demanded
$filtered += $last_filtered; # can shift!
my $s = ($filtered == 1) ? '' : 's';
&std("-- (filtered $filtered post$s)\n")
if ($filtered);
$last_filtered = 0;
$filtered = 0;
sub defaultpmhandle {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $pm_ref = shift;
my $pm_context = shift;
my $sns = &descape($dm_ref->{'sender'}->{'username'});
&sto(&standardpminteractive($pm_ref, $pm_context));
return 1;
sub sendpmnotifies {
my $pm_ref = shift;
my $pm_context = shift;
&notifytype_dispatch('PM', &standardpm($pm_ref, $pm_context, 1),
[ $pm_ref, $pm_context ]) if ($notify_list{'pm'} && $last_pm);
sub defaulteventhandle {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $event_ref = shift;
# in this version, we silently filter delete events, but your
# extension would still get them delivered.
return 1 if ($event_ref->{'delete'});
return 1;
sub defaultpmconclude {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
sub defaultheartbeat {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
# not much sense to multi-module protect these.
sub defaultprecommand { return ("@_"); }
sub defaultprepost { return ("@_"); }
sub defaultpostpost {
(&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context);
my $line = shift;
return if (!$termrl);
# populate %readline_completion if readline is on
while($line =~ s/^\@(\w+)\s+//) {
if ($line =~ /^[pP]\s+(\w+)\s+/) {
sub defaultautocompletion {
my ($text, $line, $start) = (@_);
my $qmtext = quotemeta($text);
my @proband;
my @rlkeys;
# handle / completion
if ($start == 0 && $text =~ m#^/#) {
return sort grep(/^$qmtext/i, '/history',
'/print', '/quit', '/bye', '/again', '/pmagain',
'/wagain', '/whois', '/thump', '/pm', '/pmscan',
'/refresh', '/repostsof', '/set', '/help', '/pmclose',
'/reply', '/url', '/thread', '/repost', '/replyall',
'/replies', '/ruler', '/exit', '/me', '/vcheck',
'/orepost', '/erepost', '/frepost', '/liston',
'/listoff', '/starsof', '/replyg', '/replyh',
'/lists', '/withlist', '/add', '/padd', '/push',
'/pop', '/followers', '/friends', '/lfollow',
'/lleave', '/listfollowers', '/listfriends',
'/unset', '/verbose', '/short', '/follow', '/unfollow',
'/doesfollow', '/search', '/tron', '/troff',
'/delete', '/deletelast', '/dump', '/global',
'/personal', '/save', '/mute', '/unmute', '/muted',
'/track', '/trends', '/block', '/unblock', '/blocked',
'/fave', '/faves', '/unfave', '/eval');
@rlkeys = keys(%readline_completion);
# handle @ completion. this works slightly weird because
# readline hands us the string WITHOUT the @, so we have to
# test somewhat blindly. this works even if a future readline
# DOES give us the word with @. also handles /pm, /wa, /wagain,
# /a, /again, etc.
if (($line =~ m#^(/pm|/wa|/wagain|/a|/again|/doesfollow|/df) #i) ||
($start == 1 && substr($line, 0, 1) eq '@') ||
# this code is needed to prevent inline @ from flipping out
($start >= 1 && substr($line, ($start-2), 2) eq ' @')) {
@proband = grep(/^\@$qmtext/i, @rlkeys);
if (scalar(@proband)) {
@proband = map { s/^\@//;$_ } @proband;
return @proband;
# definites that are left over, including @ if it were included
if(scalar(@proband = grep(/^$qmtext/i, @rlkeys))) {
return @proband;
# heuristics
# URL completion (this doesn't always work of course)
if ($text =~ m#https?://#) {
return (&urlshorten($text) || $text);
# "I got nothing."
return ();
#### built-in notification routines ####
# growl for Mac OS X
sub notifier_growl {
my $class = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $ref = shift; # not used in this version
if (!defined($class) || !length($notify_tool_path)) {
# we are being asked to initialize
$notify_tool_path = &wherecheck("trying to find growlnotify",
"growlnotify must be installed to use growl notifications. check your\n" .
"documentation for how to do this.\n")
unless ($notify_tool_path);
if (!defined($class)) {
return 1 if ($script || $notifyquiet);
$class = 'Growl support activated';
$text =
'You can configure notifications for Texnut in the Growl preference pane.';
# handle this in the background for faster performance.
# to avoid problems with SIGCHLD, we fork ourselves twice (mmm!),
# leaving an orphan which init should grab (we need SIGCHLD for
# proper backticks, so it can't be IGNOREd).
my $gchild;
if ($gchild = fork()) {
# the parent harvests the child, which will die immediately.
waitpid($gchild, 0);
return 1;
} elsif (!defined ($gchild)) {
print $stdout "warning: failed growl fork: $!\n";
return 1;
# this is the child. spawn, then exit and abandon our own child,
# which init will reap. the problem with teen pregnancy is mounting.
$in_backticks = 1;
my $hchild;
if ($hchild = fork()) {
} elsif (!defined ($hchild)) {
print $stdout "warning: failed growl fork: $!\n";
# this is the subchild, which is abandoned at a fire sta^W^W^Winit.
open(GROWL, "|$notify_tool_path -n 'Texnut' 'Texnut: $class'");
binmode(GROWL, ":utf8") unless ($seven);
print GROWL $text;
# alloy/terminal-notifier for OS X 10.8+, mostly based on Growl
sub notifier_osxnc {
my $class = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $ref = shift; # not used in this version
if (!defined($class) || !length($notify_tool_path)) {
# we are being asked to initialize
$notify_tool_path = &wherecheck("trying to find terminal-notifier in /Applications",
"terminal-notifier must be installed to use OS X notifications. check your\n" .
"documentation for how to do this.\n")
unless ($notify_tool_path);
if (!defined($class)) {
return 1 if ($script || $notifyquiet);
$class = 'OS X Notification Center support activated';
$text = 'PowerPC forever!';
# handle this in the background for faster performance.
# to avoid problems with SIGCHLD, we fork ourselves twice (mmm!),
# leaving an orphan which init should grab (we need SIGCHLD for
# proper backticks, so it can't be IGNOREd).
my $gchild;
if ($gchild = fork()) {
# the parent harvests the child, which will die immediately.
waitpid($gchild, 0);
return 1;
} elsif (!defined ($gchild)) {
print $stdout "warning: failed notifier fork: $!\n";
return 1;
# this is the child. spawn, then exit and abandon our own child,
# which init will reap. the problem with teen pregnancy is mounting.
$in_backticks = 1;
my $hchild;
if ($hchild = fork()) {
} elsif (!defined ($hchild)) {
print $stdout "warning: failed notifier fork: $!\n";
# this is the subchild, which is abandoned at a fire sta^W^W^Winit.
# make it be quiet when we remove old posts.
my $r = ($class eq 'PM') ? "" : "-remove Texnut -group Texnut";
open(OSXNC, "|$notify_tool_path -title 'Texnut' -subtitle '$class' -activate $r >/dev/null 2>&1");
binmode(OSXNC, ":utf8") unless ($seven);
print OSXNC $text;
# libnotify for {Linux,whatevs}
# this is EXPERIMENTAL, and requires this patch to notify-send:
# why it has not already been applied is fricking beyond me, it makes
# sense. would YOU want arbitrary characters on the command line
# separated only from overwriting your home directory by a quoting routine?
sub notifier_libnotify {
my $class = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $ref = shift; # not used in this version
if (!defined($class) || !defined($notify_tool_path)) {
# we are being asked to initialize
$notify_tool_path = &wherecheck("trying to find notify-send",
"notify-send must be installed to use libnotify, and it must be modified\n".
"for standard input. see the documentation for how to do this.\n")
unless ($notify_tool_path);
if (!defined($class)) {
return 1 if ($script || $notifyquiet);
$class = 'libnotify support activated';
$text =
'Congratulations, your notify-send is correctly configured for Texnut.';
# figure out the time to display based on length of post
my $t = 2000+100*length($text); # about 100-120wpm read speed
"|$notify_tool_path -t $t -f - 'Texnut: $class'");
binmode(NOTIFYSEND, ":utf8") unless ($seven);
$text =~ s/\&/\&amp;/g;
print NOTIFYSEND $text;
return 1;
#### implement user cache ####
# fetch id for a user from the cache or the server
sub get_user {
my $user = lc(shift);
return $whoamid if ($user eq $whoami);
return $user_cache{$user} if ($user_cache{$user});
my $json_ref = &grabjadn("${uidurl}\@${user}", 0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
# try to cache failure, but not transient failure
return undef if (!$json_ref || ref($json_ref) ne 'HASH' ||
$user_id_cache{$json_ref->{'id'}} = $user;
return ($user_cache{$user} = $json_ref->{'id'});
sub get_user_by_id {
my $uid = lc(shift);
return $whoami if ($user eq $whoamid);
return $user_id_cache{$uid} if ($user_id_cache{$uid});
my $json_ref = &grabjadn("${uidurl}${uid}", 0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
# try to cache failure, but not transient failure
return undef if (!$json_ref || ref($json_ref) ne 'HASH' ||
$user_cache{$json_ref->{'username'}} = $uid;
return ($user_id_cache{$uid} = $json_ref->{'username'});
#### IPC routines for communicating between the foreground + background ####
# this is the central routine that takes a rolling post code, figures
# out where that post is, and returns something approximating a post
# structure (or the actual post structure itself if it can).
$last_fetched_code = '';
$last_fetched_ref = undef;
sub get_post {
my $code = lc(shift);
# this needs a better way to be invalidated by the background.
#return $last_fetched_ref if ($last_fetched_code eq $code);
# if the code is all numbers, treat it like an id, and try
# to get it from the server. we have similar code in get_pm.
# implement querying the id_cache here. we need IPC for it, though.
return &grabjadn(&urlp("$idurl?include_post_raw=1",,$code), 0, 0, 0, undef, 1)
if ($code =~ /^[0-9]+$/);
return undef if ($code !~ /^z?[a-z][0-9]$/);
my $source = ($code =~ /^z/) ? 1 : 0;
my $k = '';
my $l = '';
my $w = {'user' => {}};
if ($is_background) {
if ($source == 1) { # foreground only
return undef;
return $store_hash{$code};
return $store_hash{$code} if ($source); # foreground c/foreground twt
print $stdout "-- querying background: $code\n" if ($verbose);
kill $SIGUSR2, $child if ($child);
print C "pipet $code ----------\n";
while(length($k) < 8192) {
sysread(W, $l, 8192);
$k .= $l;
return undef if ($k !~ /[^\s]/);
$k =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces
print $stdout "-- background store fetch: $k\n" if ($verbose);
($w->{'_texnut_menu_select'}, $w->{'id'}, $w->{'reply_to'},
$w->{'user'}->{'username'}, $w->{'created_at'},
$l) = split(/\s/, $k, 18);
($w->{'source'}->{'name'}, $k) = split(/\|/, $l, 2);
$w->{'content'}->{'text'} = pack("H*", $k);
$w->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'payload'} = pack("H*", $w->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'payload'});
return undef if (!length($w->{'content'}->{'text'})); # unpossible
$w->{'created_at'} =~ s/_/ /g;
print $stdout "-- successfully retrieved from background\n"
if ($verbose);
$last_fetched_code = $code;
$last_fetched_ref = $w;
return $w;
# this is a variation. it follows the post back, even through reposts, to
# get the original ID. it calls get_post, and if it gets back a repost_of,
# it calls get_post on that, until it gets something that is not a repost.
sub get_original_post {
my $ref = &get_post; # with the same args
while(defined($ref) && length($ref->{'repost_of'}->{'id'})) {
$ref = &get_post($ref->{'repost_of'}->{'id'});
return $ref;
# this gets the *context* of a PM (i.e., the distilled internal representation
# of a channel). the context could be in the foreground or the background.
sub get_pm_context {
my $code = lc(shift);
my $k = '';
my $l = '';
my $m = '';
my $w = { };
my @u;
return undef if (length($code) < 3 || $code !~ s/^p//);
if ($code =~ /^z/) {
return undef if ($is_background);
return $pm_context_hash{$code};
return $pm_context_hash{$code} if ($is_background);
print $stdout "-- querying background: $code\n" if ($verbose);
kill $SIGUSR2, $child if ($child);
print C "piped $code ----------\n";
while(length($k) < 8192) {
sysread(W, $l, 8192);
$k .= $l;
return undef if ($k !~ /[^\s]/);
$k =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces
print $stdout "-- background store fetch: $k\n" if ($verbose);
($w->{'id'}, $w->{'user'}, $m, $k) = split(/\s+/, $k, 4);
@u = split(/\|/, $m);
$w->{'users'} = \@u;
return $w;
# this is the analogous function for a rolling PM code. note that this
# is not much good without a channel context.
sub get_pm {
my $code = lc(shift);
my $k = '';
my $l = '';
my $w = { };
return undef if ($code !~ s/^p//);
# this is the aforementioned "similar code" (see get_post).
if ($code =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
# this end point gives us an array, even though we ask
# just for one.
my $ref = &grabjadn("${msbyidurl}?ids=$code",
0, 0, 0, undef, 1);
return undef if (ref($ref) ne 'ARRAY');
return $ref->[0];
return undef if (length($code) < 2);
if ($code =~ /^z/) {
return undef if ($is_background);
return $pm_store_hash{$code};
return $pm_store_hash{$code} if ($is_background);
print $stdout "-- querying background: $code\n" if ($verbose);
kill $SIGUSR2, $child if ($child); # prime pipe
print C "pipep $code ----------\n"; # internally two alphanum, recall
while(length($k) < 8192) {
sysread(W, $l, 8192);
$k .= $l;
return undef if ($k !~ /[^\s]/);
$k =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces
print $stdout "-- background store fetch: $k\n" if ($verbose);
($w->{'_texnut_menu_select'}, $w->{'id'}, $w->{'channel_id'},
$l) = split(/\s/, $k, 10);
$w->{'content'}->{'text'} = pack("H*", $l);
return undef if (!length($w->{'content'}->{'text'})); # not possible
$w->{'source'}->{'name'} =~ s/\|/ /g;
return $w;
# this function requests a $store key from the background. it only works
# if foreground.
sub getbackgroundkey {
if ($is_background) {
print $stdout "*** can't call getbackgroundkey from background\n";
return undef;
my $key = shift;
my $l;
my $k;
print C substr("ki $key ---------------------", 0, 19)."\n";
my $ref = (length($dispatch_ref->[0])) ? ($dispatch_ref->[0]) :
print C substr(unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $ref).$space_pad, 0, 8192);
while(length($k) < 8192) {
sysread(W, $l, 8192);
$k .= $l;
$k =~ s/[^0-9a-fA-F]//g;
print $stdout "-- background store fetch: $k\n" if ($verbose);
return pack("H*", $k);
# this function sends a $store key to the background. it only works if
# foreground.
sub sendbackgroundkey {
if ($is_background) {
print $stdout "*** can't call sendbackgroundkey from background\n";
my $key = shift;
my $value = shift;
if (ref($value)) {
print $stdout "*** send_key only supported for scalars\n";
if (!length($value)) {
print C substr("kn $key ---------------------", 0, 19)."\n";
} else {
print C substr("ko $key ---------------------", 0, 19)."\n";
my $ref = (length($dispatch_ref->[0])) ? ($dispatch_ref->[0]) :
print C substr(unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $ref).$space_pad, 0, 8192);
return if (!length($value));
print C substr(unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $value).$space_pad, 0, 8192);
sub hold {
$holdhold ^= 1;
print C "hold---------------\n" unless ($synch);
sub thump { print C "update-------------\n"; &sync_semaphore; }
sub sthump { print C "updateno-----------\n"; &sync_semaphore; }
sub pmthump { print C "pmthump------------\n"; &sync_semaphore; }
sub ensure_held {
return if ($holdhold || $synch);
sub ensure_not_held {
return if (!$holdhold || $synch);
sub sync_n_quit {
if ($child) {
print $stdout "waiting for child ...\n" unless ($silent);
print C "sync---------------\n";
waitpid $child, 0;
$child = 0;
print $stdout "exiting.\n" unless ($silent);
exit ($? >> 8);
# setter for internal variables, with all the needed side effects for those
# variables that are programmed to trigger internal actions when changed.
sub setvariable {
my $key = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $interactive = 0+shift;
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//; # mostly to avoid problems with /(p)add
if ($key eq 'script') { # this can never be changed by this routine
print $stdout "*** script may only be changed on init\n";
return 1;
if ($key eq 'tquery' && $value eq '0') { # undo tqueries
$tquery = undef;
$key = 'track';
$value = $track; # falls thru to sync
if ($opts_can_set{$key} ||
# we CAN set read-only variables during initialization
($multi_module_mode == -1 && $valid{$key})) {
if (length($value) > 1023) {
# can't transmit this in a packet
print $stdout "*** value too long\n";
return 1;
} elsif ($opts_boolean{$key} && $value ne '0' &&
$value ne '1') {
print $stdout "*** 0|1 only (boolean): $key\n";
return 1;
} elsif ($opts_urls{$key} &&
$value !~ m#^(http|https|gopher)://#) {
print $stdout "*** must be valid URL: $key\n";
return 1;
} else {
KEYAGAIN: $$key = $value;
print $stdout "*** changed: $key => $$key\n"
if ($interactive || $verbose);
# handle special values
&generate_ansi if ($key eq 'ansi' ||
$key =~ /^colour/);
&generate_shortdomain if ($key eq 'shorturl');
&tracktags_makearray if ($key eq 'track');
&threads_compile($value, 0) if ($key eq 'threads');
&filter_compile if ($key eq 'filter');
&notify_compile if ($key eq 'notifies');
&list_compile if ($key eq 'lists');
&dontautoreply_compile if ($key eq 'dontautoreply');
&filterflags_compile if ($key eq 'filterflags');
&filterclients_compile if ($key eq 'filterclients');
$filterrps_sub = &filterlist_compile(
$filterrps_sub, $value)
if ($key eq 'filterrps');
$filterusers_sub = &filterlist_compile(
if ($key eq 'filterusers');
$filteratonly_sub = &filterlist_compile(
$filteratonly_sub, $value)
if ($key eq 'filteratonly');
$filterthreads_sub = &filterlist_compile(
$filterthreads_sub, $value)
if ($key eq 'filterthreads');
$neverfilter_sub = &filterlist_compile(
$neverfilter_sub, $value)
if ($key eq 'neverfilter');
&filterats_compile if ($key eq 'filterats');
# transmit to background process sync-ed values
if ($opts_sync{$key}) {
&synckey($key, $value, $interactive);
if ($key eq 'superverbose') {
if ($value eq '0') {
$key = 'verbose';
$value = $supreturnto;
$supreturnto = $verbose;
# virtual keys
} elsif ($key eq 'tquery') {
my $ivalue = &tracktags_tqueryurlify($value);
if (length($ivalue) > 139) {
print $stdout
"*** custom query is too long (encoded: $ivalue)\n";
return 1;
} else {
$tquery = $value;
&synckey($key, $ivalue, $interactive);
} elsif ($valid{$key}) {
print $stdout
"*** read-only, must change on command line: $key\n";
return 1;
} else {
print $stdout
"*** not a valid option or setting: $key\n";
return 1;
return 0;
sub synckey {
my $key = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $interactive = 0+shift;
my $commchar = ($interactive) ? '=' : '+';
return if (!$child);
print $stdout "*** (transmitting to background)\n"
if ($interactive || $verbose);
kill $SIGUSR2, $child;
print C
(substr("${commchar}$key ", 0, 19) . "\n");
print C (substr(($value . $space_pad), 0, 8192));
sleep 1;
# getter for internal variables. right now this just returns the variable by
# name and a couple virtuals, but in the future this might be expanded.
sub getvariable {
my $key = shift;
if ($valid{$key}) {
return $$key;
if ($key eq 'effpause' ||
$key eq 'rate_limit_rate' ||
$key eq 'rate_limit_left') {
my $value = '';
my $buf = '';
kill $SIGUSR2, $child if ($child);
print C (substr("?$key ", 0, 19) . "\n");
while (length($value) < 8192) {
sysread(W, $buf, 8192);
$value .= $buf;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
return $value;
return undef;
# compatibility stub for extensions calling the old wraptime
sub wraptime { return &$wraptime(@_); }
#### url management (/url, /short) ####
sub generate_shortdomain {
my $x;
my $y;
undef $shorturldomain;
($shorturl =~ m#^http://([^/]+)/#) && ($x = $1);
# chop off any leading hostname stuff (like api., etc.)
while(1) {
$y = $x;
$x =~ s/^[^\.]*\.//;
if ($x !~ /\./) { # a cut too far
$shorturldomain = "http://$y/";
print $stdout "-- warning: couldn't parse shortener service\n"
if (!length($shorturldomain));
sub openurl {
my $comm = $urlopen;
my $url = shift;
if (lc($url) eq '' || lc($url) eq '') {
unless ($openappnettoo) {
print $stdout
"-- (incidental pnut link, suppressed, -openappnettoo to disable)\n";
$url = "".&url_oauth_sub($url)
if ($url =~ m#^gopher://# && $comm !~ /^[^\s]*lynx/);
$urlshort = $url;
$comm =~ s/\%U/'$url'/g;
print $stdout "($comm)\n";
sub urlnoproto { my $url = shift; $url =~ s/^[^:]+://; return $url; }
sub urlshorten {
my $url = shift;
my $rc;
my $cl;
$url = "".&url_oauth_sub($url)
if ($url =~ m#^gopher://#);
return $url if ($url =~ /^$shorturldomain/i); # stop loops
$url = &url_oauth_sub($url);
$cl = "$simple_agent \"${shorturl}$url\"";
print $stdout "$cl\n" if ($superverbose);
chomp($rc = `$cl`);
return ($urlshort = (($rc =~ m#^http://#) ? $rc : undef));
##### optimizers -- these compile into an internal format #####
# compile and verify $threads
sub threads_compile {
my $value = shift;
my $auto = shift;
my $w;
my $errors = 0;
%threads_match = ();
foreach $w (split(/[\s,]+/, $value)) {
if ($w =~ /[^0-9]/) {
&std("** ignoring bogus thread id #$w\n")
unless ($auto);
$errors++; next;
if ($threads_match{$w}++) {
&std("** ignoring duplicate thread id #$w\n")
unless ($auto);
$errors++; next;
(@subscribed_threads) = keys(%threads_match);
return $errors;
# utility routine for tquery support
sub tracktags_tqueryurlify {
my $value = shift;
$value =~ s/([^ a-z0-9A-Z_])/"%".unpack("H2",$1)/eg;
$value =~ s/\s/+/g;
$value = "text=$value" if ($value !~ /=/);
return $value;
# tracking subroutines
# run when a string is passed
sub tracktags_makearray {
@tracktags = ();
$track =~ s/^'//; $track =~ s/'$//; $track = lc($track);
if (!length($track)) {
@trackstrings = ();
my $k;
my $l = '';
my $q = 0;
my %w;
my (@ptags) = split(/\s+/, $track);
# filter duplicates and merge quoted strings
foreach $k (@ptags) {
if ($q && $k =~ /"$/) { # this has to be first
$l .= " $k";
$q = 0;
} elsif ($k =~ /^"/ || $q) {
$l .= (length($l)) ? " $k" : $k;
$q = 1;
} else {
$l = $k;
if ($w{$l}) {
print $stdout
"-- warning: dropping duplicate track term \"$l\"\n";
} elsif (uc($l) eq 'OR' || uc($l) eq 'AND') {
print $stdout
"-- warning: dropping unnecessary logical op \"$l\"\n";
} else {
$w{$l} = 1;
push(@tracktags, $l);
$l = '';
print $stdout "-- warning: syntax error, missing quote?\n" if ($q);
$track = join(' ', @tracktags);
# run when array is altered (based on T@kellyterryjones' code)
sub tracktags_compile {
@trackstrings = ();
return if (!scalar(@tracktags));
my $k;
my $l = '';
# limit track tags to a certain number of pieces
TAGBAG: foreach $k (@tracktags) {
push(@trackstrings, "text=".&url_oauth_sub($k))
if (length($k));
if(0) {
# when ADN supports logical operators, use this code for
# the loop
if (length($l)+length($k) > 150) { # balance of size/querytime
push(@trackstrings, "text=".&url_oauth_sub($l))
unless (!length($l));
$l = '';
$l = (length($l)) ? "${l} OR ${k}" : "${k}";
push(@trackstrings, "text=".&url_oauth_sub($l)) if (length($l));
# notification multidispatch
sub notifytype_dispatch {
return if (!scalar(@notifytypes));
my $nt; foreach $nt (@notifytypes) { &$nt(@_); }
# notifications compiler
sub notify_compile {
if ($notifies) {
my $w;
undef %notify_list;
foreach $w (split(/\s*,\s*/, $notifies)) {
$notify_list{$w} = 1;
$notifies = join(',', keys %notify_list);
# lists compiler
# we don't check the validity of lists here; /liston and /listoff do that.
sub list_compile {
my @oldlistlist = @listlist;
my %already;
undef @listlist;
if ($lists) {
my $w;
my $u;
my $l;
foreach $w (split(/\s*,\s*/, $lists)) {
$w =~ s/^@//;
if ($w =~ m#/#) {
($u, $l) = split(m#\s*/\s*#, $w, 2);
} else {
$l = $w;
if (!length($u) && $anonymous) {
print $stdout "*** must use fully specified lists when anonymous\n";
@listlist = @oldlistlist;
return 0;
$u ||= $whoami;
if ($l =~ m#/#) {
print $stdout "*** syntax error in list $u/$l\n";
@listlist = @oldlistlist;
return 0;
if ($already{"$u/$l"}++) {
print $stdout "*** duplicate list $u/$l ignored\n";
} else {
push(@listlist, [ $u, $l ]);
$lists = join(',', keys %already);
return 1;
# -dontautoreply compiler
sub dontautoreply_compile {
my $s = $dontautoreply;
undef %dontautoreply_;
$s =~ s/^\s*['"]?\s*//;
$s =~ s/\s*['"]?\s*$//;
return if (!length($s));
%dontautoreply_ = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s*,\s*/, $s);
# -filterflags compiler (replaces old -filter syntax)
sub filterflags_compile {
my $s = $filterflags;
undef %filter_attribs;
$s =~ s/^\s*['"]?\s*//;
$s =~ s/\s*['"]?\s*$//;
return if (!length($s));
%filter_attribs = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s*,\s*/, $s);
# this is a generic compiler for filter expressions consisting of a simple
# list without regexes, so they are fast and the same code suffices. emit
# code to compile that's just one if-expression after another.
sub filterlist_compile {
my $old = shift;
my $s = shift;
undef $k;
$s =~ s/^\s*['"]?\s*//;
$s =~ s/\s*['"]?\s*$//;
return $k if (!length($s));
my @us = map { $k=lc($_); "\$sn eq '$k'" } split(/\s*,\s*/, $s);
my $uus = join(' || ', @us);
my $uuus = <<"EOF";
\$k = sub {
my \$sn = shift;
return 1 if ($uus);
return 0;
# print $stdout $uuus;
eval $uuus;
if (!defined($k)) {
print $stdout "** bogus name in list (error = $@)\n";
return $old;
return $k;
# -filterats compiler. this takes a list of usernames and then compiles a
# whole bunch of regexes.
sub filterats_compile {
undef $filterats_c;
my $s = $filterats;
$s =~ s/^\s*['"]?\s*//;
$s =~ s/\s*['"]?\s*$//;
return 1 if (!length($s)); # undef
my @us = map { $k=lc($_); "\$x=~/\\\@$k\\b/i" } split(/\s*,\s*/, $s);
my $uus = join(' || ', @us);
my $uuus = <<"EOF";
\$filterats_c = sub {
my \$x = shift;
return 1 if ($uus);
return 0;
# print $stdout $uuus;
eval $uuus;
if (!defined($filterats_c)) {
print $stdout "** bogus name in user list (error = $@)\n";
return 0;
return 1;
# -filter compiler. this is the generic case.
sub filter_compile {
undef %filter_attribs unless (length($filterflags));
undef $filter_c;
if (length($filter)) {
my $tfilter = $filter;
$tfilter =~ s/^['"]//;
$tfilter =~ s/['"]$//;
# note attributes (compatibility)
while ($tfilter =~ s/^([a-z]+),//) {
my $atkey = $1;
print $stdout
"** $atkey filter parameter should be in -filterflags\n";
my $b = <<"EOF";
\$filter_c = sub {
local \$_ = shift;
return ($tfilter);
#print $b;
eval $b;
if (!defined($filter_c)) {
print $stdout ("** syntax error in your filter: $@\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub filterclients_compile {
undef $filterc_c;
if (length($filterclients)) {
my $tfilter = $filterclients;
$tfilter =~ s/^['"]//;
$tfilter =~ s/['"]$//;
my $b = <<"EOF";
\$filterc_c = sub {
local \$_ = shift;
return ($tfilter);
#print $b;
eval $b;
if (!defined($filterc_c)) {
&std("** syntax error in your filterclients: $@\n");
return 0;
return 1;
#### common system subroutines follow ####
sub updatecheck {
my $update_url = shift;
my $no_mirrors = shift;
my $vcheck_url = (
)[rand(($no_mirrors) ? 0 : 2)];
my $vrlcheck_url = (
)[rand(($no_mirrors) ? 0 : 2)];
my $vs = '';
my $vvs;
my $tverify;
my $inversion;
my $bversion;
my $rcnum;
my $download;
my $maj;
my $min;
my $s1, $s2, $s3;
my $update_trlt = undef;
if ($termrl && $termrl->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::TTYtter') {
my $trlv = $termrl->Version;
print $stdout
"-- checking Term::ReadLine::TTYtter version: $vrlcheck_url\n";
$vvs = `$simple_agent $vrlcheck_url`;
print $stdout "-- server response: $vvs\n" if ($verbose);
($vvs, $s1, $s2, $s3) = split(/--__--\n/s, $vvs);
$s1 = undef if ($s1 !~ /^\*/) ;
$s2 = undef if ($s2 !~ /^\*/) ;
$s3 = undef if ($s3 !~ /^\*/) ;
# right now we're only using $inversion (no betas/rcs).
($tverify, $inversion, $bversion, $rcnum, $download,
$bdownload) = split(/;/, $vvs, 6);
if ($tverify ne 'trlt') {
$vs .= "-- warning: unable to verify Term::ReadLine::TTYtter version\n";
} else {
if ($trlv < 0+$inversion) {
$vs .= "** NEW Term::ReadLine::TTYtter VERSION AVAILABLE: $inversion **\n" .
"** GET IT: $download\n";
$update_trlt = $download;
} else {
$vs .= "-- your version of Term::ReadLine::TTYtter is up to date ($trlv)\n";
print $stdout "-- checking Texnut version: $vcheck_url\n";
$vvs = `$simple_agent $vcheck_url`;
print $stdout "-- server response: $vvs\n" if ($verbose);
($vvs, $s1, $s2, $s3) = split(/--__--\n/s, $vvs);
$s1 = undef if ($s1 !~ /^\*/) ;
$s2 = undef if ($s2 !~ /^\*/) ;
$s3 = undef if ($s3 !~ /^\*/) ;
($tverify, $inversion, $bversion, $rcnum, $download, $bdownload) =
split(/;/, $vvs, 6);
if ($tverify ne 'texnut') {
$vs .= "-- warning: unable to verify Texnut version\n";
} else {
if ($my_version_string eq $bversion) {
$vs .=
"** REMINDER: you are using a beta version (${my_version_string}b${Texnut_RC_NUMBER})\n";
$vs .=
"** NEW Texnut RELEASE CANDIDATE AVAILABLE: build $rcnum **\n" .
"** get it: $bdownload\n$s2"
if ($Texnut_RC_NUMBER < $rcnum);
$vs .= "** (this is the most current beta)\n"
if ($Texnut_RC_NUMBER == $rcnum);
$vs .= "$s1$s3";
if ($Texnut_RC_NUMBER < $rcnum) {
if ($update_url) {
$vs .=
"-- %URL% is now $bdownload (/short shortens, /url opens)\n";
$urlshort = $bdownload;
} elsif (length($update_trlt) && $update_url) {
$urlshort = $update_trlt;
$vs .= "-- %URL% is now $urlshort (/short shortens, /url opens)\n";
return $vs;
if ($my_version_string eq $inversion && $Texnut_RC_NUMBER) {
$vs .=
"** FINAL Texnut RELEASE NOW AVAILABLE for version $inversion **\n" .
"** get it: $download\n$s2$s1";
if ($update_url) {
$vs .=
"-- %URL% is now $bdownload (/short shortens, /url opens)\n";
$urlshort = $bdownload;
return $vs;
($inversion =~/^(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/) && ($maj = 0+$1,
$min = 0+$2);
if (0+$Texnut_VERSION < $maj ||
(0+$Texnut_VERSION == $maj &&
$Texnut_PATCH_VERSION < $min)) {
$vs .=
"** NEWER Texnut VERSION NOW AVAILABLE: $inversion **\n" .
"** get it: $download\n$s2$s1";
if ($update_url) {
$vs .=
"-- %URL% is now $download (/short shortens, /url opens)\n";
$urlshort = $download;
return $vs;
} elsif (0+$Texnut_VERSION > $maj ||
(0+$Texnut_VERSION == $maj &&
$Texnut_PATCH_VERSION > $min)) {
if ($no_mirrors) {
$vs .=
"** unable to identify your version of Texnut\n$s1";
} else {
$vs .=
"** unable to identify your version of Texnut; trying again without mirrors\n$s1" . &updatecheck($update_url, 1);
} else {
$vs .=
"-- your version of Texnut is up to date ($inversion)\n$s1";
# if we got this far, then there is no Texnut update, but maybe a
# T:RL:T update, so we offer that as the URL
if (length($update_trlt) && $update_url) {
$urlshort = $update_trlt;
$vs .= "-- %URL% is now $urlshort (/short shortens, /url opens)\n";
return $vs;
sub generate_otabcomp {
if (scalar(@j = keys(%readline_completion))) {
# print optimized readline. include all that we
# manually specified, plus/including top @s, total 10.
@keys = sort { $readline_completion{$b} <=>
$readline_completion{$a} } @j;
$factor = $readline_completion{$keys[0]};
foreach(keys %original_readline) {
$readline_completion{$_} += $factor;
print $stdout "*** optimized readline:\n";
@keys = sort { $readline_completion{$b} <=>
$readline_completion{$a} } keys
@keys = @keys[0..14] if (scalar(@keys) > 15);
print $stdout "-readline=\"@keys\"\n";
sub end_me {
print $stdout "-- end_me: @_\n" if ($verbose);
exit; } # which falls through to, via END, ...
sub killkid {
print $stdout "\n\ncleaning up.\n" unless ($status || $script);
# do not save state here. this can be called by END if there is a
# critical shutdown. the console is responsible for calling savestate
# after it successfully exits.
unless ($savequit || $script || $status) {
print $stdout "no autosave (set savequit=1 to enable).\n";
if (length($track)) {
print $stdout "*** you were tracking:\n";
print $stdout "-track='$track'\n";
if (length($filter)) {
print $stdout "*** your current filter expression:\n";
print $stdout "-filter='$filter'\n";
# for streaming assistance
if ($child) {
kill $SIGHUP, $child; # warn it about shutdown
sleep 2 if ($dostream);
kill 9, $curlpid if ($curlpid);
kill 9, $child;
&$shutdown unless (!$shutdown);
sub generate_ansi {
my $k;
$BLUE = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[34;1m" : '';
$RED = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[31;1m" : '';
$GREEN = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[32;1m" : '';
$YELLOW = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[33m" : '';
$MAGENTA = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[35m" : '';
$CYAN = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[36m" : '';
$EM = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[1m" : '';
$UNDER = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[4m" : '';
$OFF = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[0m" : '';
foreach $k
(qw(prompt me pm reply warn search list default follow alien)) {
${"colour$k"} = uc(${"colour$k"});
if (!defined($${"colour$k"})) {
print $stdout
"-- warning: bogus colour '".${"colour$k"}."'\n";
} else {
eval("\$CC$k = \$".${"colour$k"});
eval '$termrl->hook_use_ansi' if ($termrl);
sub urlp {
my $url = shift;
my $user = shift || $whoamid;
my $id = shift || $user || 0;
$url =~ s/\%U/$user/g;
$url =~ s/\%I/$id/g;
return $url;
# always POST
sub postjson {
my $url = shift;
my $postdata = shift; # add _method=DELETE for delete
my $data;
# this is copied mostly verbatim from grabjson
chomp($data = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, $url,
$postdata, 0, @wend));
my $k = $? >> 8;
$data =~ s/[\r\l\n\s]*$//s;
$data =~ s/^[\r\l\n\s]*//s;
if (!length($data) || $k == 28 || $k == 7 || $k == 35) {
&$exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n");
return undef;
# old non-JSON based error reporting code still supported
if ($data =~ /^\[?\]?<!DOCTYPE\s+html/i || $data =~ /^(Status:\s*)?50[0-9]\s/ || $data =~ /^<html>/i || $data =~ /^<\??xml\s+/) {
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
if (&is_fail_whale($data)) {
&$exception(2, "*** warning: PNUT Fail Whale\n");
} else {
&$exception(2, "*** warning: PNUT error message received\n" .
(($data =~ /<title>PNUT:\s*([^<]+)</) ?
"*** \"$1\"\n" : ''));
return undef;
if ($data =~ /^rate\s*limit/i) {
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
"*** warning: exceeded API rate limit for this interval.\n" .
"*** no updates available until interval ends.\n");
return undef;
if ($k > 0) {
"*** warning: unexpected error code ($k) from user agent\n");
return undef;
# handle things like 304, or other things that look like HTTP
# error codes
if ($data =~ m#^HTTP/\d\.\d\s+(\d+)\s+#) {
$code = 0+$1;
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
# 304 is actually a cop-out code and is not usually
# returned, so we should consider it a non-fatal error
if ($code == 304 || $code == 200 || $code == 204) {
&$exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n");
return undef;
"*** warning: unexpected HTTP return code $code from server\n");
return undef;
# test for error/warning conditions with trivial case
if ($data =~ /^\s*\{\s*(['"])(warning|error)\1\s*:\s*\1([^\1]*?)\1/s
|| $data =~ /(['"])(warning|error)\1\s*:\s*\1([^\1]*?)\1\}/s) {
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
&$exception(2, "*** warning: server $2 message received\n" .
"*** \"$3\"\n");
return undef;
return &parsejson($data);
# always GET
sub grabjson {
my $data;
my $url = shift;
my $last_id = shift;
my $is_anon = shift;
my $count = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $get_raw = shift;
my $before_id = shift;
my $kludge_search_api_adjust = 0;
my $my_json_ref = undef; # durrr hat go on foot
my $i;
my $tdata;
my $seed;
#undef $/; $data = <STDIN>;
# we may need to sort our args for more flexibility here.
my @xargs = (); my $i = index($url, "?");
if ($i > -1) {
# throw an error if "?" is at the end.
push(@xargs, split(/\&/, substr($url, ($i+1))));
$url = substr($url, 0, $i);
# count needs to be removed for the default case due to show, etc.
push(@xargs, "count=$count") if ($count);
# timeline control. this speeds up parsing since there's less data.
push (@xargs, "since_id=${last_id}") if ($last_id);
# request raw unless told not to
#push (@xargs, "include_raw=1") if ($get_raw);
# cap the IDs to prior to before_id if specified
push (@xargs, "before_id=$before_id") if ($before_id);
my $resource = (scalar(@xargs)) ?
[ $url, join('&', sort @xargs) ] : $url;
chomp($data = &backticks($baseagent,
'/dev/null', undef, $resource, undef,
$is_anon + $anonymous, @wind));
my $k = $? >> 8;
$data =~ s/[\r\l\n\s]*$//s;
$data =~ s/^[\r\l\n\s]*//s;
if (!length($data) || $k == 28 || $k == 7 || $k == 35) {
&$exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n");
return undef;
# old non-JSON based error reporting code still supported
if ($data =~ /^\[?\]?<!DOCTYPE\s+html/i || $data =~ /^(Status:\s*)?50[0-9]\s/ || $data =~ /^<html>/i || $data =~ /^<\??xml\s+/) {
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
if (&is_fail_whale($data)) {
&$exception(2, "*** warning: ADN Fail Whale\n");
} else {
&$exception(2, "*** warning: ADN error message received\n" .
(($data =~ /<title>ADN:\s*([^<]+)</) ?
"*** \"$1\"\n" : ''));
return undef;
if ($data =~ /^rate\s*limit/i) {
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
"*** warning: exceeded API rate limit for this interval.\n" .
"*** no updates available until interval ends.\n");
return undef;
if ($k > 0) {
"*** warning: unexpected error code ($k) from user agent\n");
return undef;
# handle things like 304, or other things that look like HTTP
# error codes
if ($data =~ m#^HTTP/\d\.\d\s+(\d+)\s+#) {
$code = 0+$1;
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
# 304 is actually a cop-out code and is not usually
# returned, so we should consider it a non-fatal error
if ($code == 304 || $code == 200 || $code == 204) {
&$exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n");
return undef;
"*** warning: unexpected HTTP return code $code from server\n");
return undef;
$my_json_ref = &parsejson($data);
if(0) {
# normalize the data into a standard form.
# single posts such as from statuses/show aren't arrays, so
# we special-case for them.
if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'HASH' &&
$my_json_ref->{'you_bookmarked'} &&
$my_json_ref->{'source'} &&
((0+$my_json_ref->{'id'}) ||
length($my_json_ref->{'id'}))) {
$my_json_ref = &normalizejson($my_json_ref);
if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach $i (@{ $my_json_ref }) {
$i = &normalizejson($i,$kludge_search_api_adjust,$tag);
$laststatus = 0;
return $my_json_ref;
# like grabjson, but unwraps the JSON response envelope
sub grabjadn {
my $url = shift;
my $last_id = shift;
my $is_anon = shift;
my $count = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $get_raw = shift;
my $before_id = shift;
#my $my_json_ref = &grabjson; # passes all args
my $my_json_ref = &grabjson($url, $last_id, $is_anon, $count, $tag,
$get_raw, $before_id);
return ($my_json_ref) if ($undef);
# normalize posts and PMs
if ($my_json_ref->{'data'}) {
if (ref($my_json_ref->{'data'}) eq 'HASH' &&
$my_json_ref->{'data'}->{'source'} &&
length($my_json_ref->{'data'}->{'id'}) &&
($my_json_ref->{'data'}->{'you_reposted'} ||
$my_json_ref->{'data'}->{'channel_id'})) {
$my_json_ref->{'data'} =
if (ref($my_json_ref->{'data'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
my $i;
foreach $i (@{ $my_json_ref->{'data'} }) {
$i = &normalizejson($i, 0, $tag);
# attempt to put 'meta' in 'data', if 'data' is a hashref
# otherwise, the consumer will have to call grabjson directly.
$my_json_ref->{'data'}->{'meta'} = $my_json_ref->{'meta'}
if ($my_json_ref->{'meta'} &&
ref($my_json_ref->{'data'} eq 'HASH'));
return (wantarray) ?
($my_json_ref->{'data'}, $my_json_ref->{'meta'})
: $my_json_ref->{'data'};
return (wantarray) ? (undef, $my_json_ref)
: ($my_json_ref); # it will have a meta tag that is an error
# takes a post structure and normalizes it according to settings.
# what this currently does is the following gyrations:
# - if there is no id, see if we can convert id into one. if
# there is loss of precision, warn the user. same for
# reply_to. (this is currently disabled)
# - if the calling function has specified a tag, tag the posts, since
# we're iterating through them anyway. the tag should be a hashref payload.
# - if the post is a repost, unwrap it so that the full post text is
# revealed (unless -nonewrps).
# - figure out all post classes using &$posttype, if this appears to be posts.
sub normalizejson {
my $i = shift;
my $kludge_search_api_adjust = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $rt;
# tag the post
if (defined($tag)) {
# copy the tag, assuming that _tag and _payload are scalar.
# this avoids a lot of problems with reference aliasing!
# force new strings to be made as well.
$i->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'type'} = "$tag->{'type'}";
$i->{'_texnut_tag'}->{'payload'} = "$tag->{'payload'}";
# set entities flag for performance/marking
my $haz_entilinks = $i->{'content'}->{'entities'}->{'links'};
$i->{'_texnut_has_entity_links'} = 1 if (ref($haz_entilinks) eq 'ARRAY'
&& scalar(@{ $haz_entilinks }));
# scan raw
if (ref($i->{'raw'}) eq 'HASH') {
my $haz_geo = $i->{'raw'}->{'io.pnut.core.geolocation'};
my $haz_oembed = $i->{'raw'}->{'io.pnut.core.oembed'};
if (scalar(@{ $haz_geo })) {
$i->{'_texnut_latitude'} =
$i->{'_texnut_longitude'} =
if (scalar(@{ $haz_oembed })) {
# treat oembed URLs as entity links
$i->{'_texnut_has_entity_links'} = 1;
# do things that only apply to posts.
# This is not accurate anymore, since messages have thread_id as well
if ($i->{'thread_id'}) {
# precompute classes since we have a full JSON object.
$i->{'_texnut_classes'} =
&$posttype($i, &descape($i->{'user'}->{'username'}),
if(0) {
# id -> id if needed
if (!length($i->{'id'})) {
my $k = "" + (0 + $i->{'id'});
if ($k !~ /[eE][+-]/) {
$i->{'id'} = $k;
} else {
# desperately try to convert
$k =~ s/[eE][+-]\d+$//;
$k =~ s/\.//g;
# this is a hack, so we warn.
"*** impending doom: ID overflows Perl precision; stubbed to $k\n");
$i->{'id'} = $k;
# irtsid -> irtsid (if there is one)
if (!length($i->{'reply_to'}) &&
$i->{'reply_to'}) {
my $k = "" + (0+$i->{'reply_to'});
if ($k !~ /[eE][+-]/) {
$i->{'reply_to'} = $k;
} else {
# desperately try to convert
$k =~ s/[eE][+-]\d+$//;
$k =~ s/\.//g;
# this is a hack, so we warn.
"*** impending doom: IRT-ID overflows Perl precision; stubbed to $k\n");
$i->{'reply_to'} = $k;
# normalize geo. if this has a source and it has a
# favorited, then it is probably a post and we will
# add a stub geo hash if one doesn't exist yet.
if ($kludge_search_api_adjust ||
($i->{'favorited'} && $i->{'source'})){
$i = &fix_geo_api_data($i);
# hooray! this just tags it
if ($kludge_search_api_adjust) {
$i->{'class'} = "search";
# normalize newRTs
# if we get newRTs with -nonewrps, oh well
if (!$nonewrps && ($rt = $i->{'repost_of'})) {
# This should not be needed for Pnut.
#$i->{'repost_of'} = &destroy_all_tco($rt);
#$i->{'text'} =
#"RT \@$rt->{'user'}->{'username'}" . ': ' . $rt->{'content'}->{'text'};
return $i;
# process the JSON data ... simplemindedly, because I just write utter crap,
# am not a professional programmer, and don't give a flying fig whether
# kludges suck or no. this used to be part of grabjson, but I split it out.
sub parsejson {
my $data = shift;
my $my_json_ref = undef; # durrr hat go on foot
my $i;
my $tdata;
my $seed;
my $bbqqmask;
my $ddqqmask;
my $ssqqmask;
# test for single logicals
return {
'ok' => 1,
'result' => (($1 eq 'true') ? 1 : 0),
'literal' => $1,
} if ($data =~ /^['"]?(true|false)['"]?$/);
# first isolate escaped backslashes with a unique sequence.
$bbqqmask = "BBQQ";
$seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($data =~ /$bbqqmask$seed/);
$bbqqmask .= $seed;
$data =~ s/\\\\/$bbqqmask/g;
# next isolate escaped quotes with another unique sequence.
$ddqqmask = "DDQQ";
$seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($data =~ /$ddqqmask$seed/);
$ddqqmask .= $seed;
$data =~ s/\\\"/$ddqqmask/g;
# then turn literal ' into another unique sequence. you'll see
# why momentarily.
$ssqqmask = "SSQQ";
$seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($data =~ /$ssqqmask$seed/);
$ssqqmask .= $seed;
$data =~ s/\'/$ssqqmask/g;
# here's why: we're going to turn doublequoted strings into single
# quoted strings to avoid nastiness like variable interpolation.
$data =~ s/\"/\'/g;
# and then we're going to turn the inline ones all back except
# ssqq, which we'll do last so that our syntax checker still works.
$data =~ s/$bbqqmask/\\\\\\\\/g; # eight, because eval eats the escapes
$data =~ s/$ddqqmask/"/g;
print $stdout "$data\n" if ($superverbose);
# trust, but verify. I'm sure ADN wouldn't send us malicious
# or bogus JSON, but one day this might talk to something that would.
# in particular, need to make sure nothing in this will eval badly or
# run arbitrary code. that would really suck!
# first, generate a syntax tree.
$tdata = ""+$data;
1 while $tdata =~ s/'[^']*'//; # empty strings are valid too ...
$tdata =~ s/-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*([eE][+-][0-9]+)?//g;
# have to handle floats *and* their exponents
$tdata =~ s/(true|false|null)//g;
$tdata =~ s/\s//g;
print $stdout "$tdata\n" if ($superverbose);
# now verify the syntax tree.
# the remaining stuff should just be enclosed in [ ], and only {}:,
# for example, imagine if a bare semicolon were in this ...
if ($tdata !~ s/^\[// || $tdata !~ s/\]$// || $tdata =~ /[^{}:,]/) {
$tdata =~ s/'[^']*$//; # cut trailing strings
if (($tdata =~ /^\[/ && $tdata !~ /\]$/)
|| ($tdata =~ /^\{/ && $tdata !~ /\}$/)) {
# incomplete transmission
&$exception(10, "*** JSON warning: connection cut\n");
return undef;
# it seems that :[], or :[]} should be accepted as valid in the syntax tree
# since identica uses this as possible for null properties
# ,[], shouldn't be, etc.
if ($tdata =~ /(^|[^:])\[\]($|[^},])/) { # oddity
&$exception(11, "*** JSON warning: null list\n");
return undef;
# at this point all we should have are structural elements.
# if something other than JSON structure is visible, then
# the syntax tree is mangled. don't try to run it, it
# might be unsafe. this exception was formerly uniformly
# fatal. it is now non-fatal as of 2.1.
if ($tdata =~ /[^\[\]\{\}:,]/) {
&$exception(99, "*** JSON syntax error\n");
print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($verbose);
--- data received ---
--- syntax tree ---
return undef;
# syntax tree passed, so let's turn it into a Perl reference.
# have to turn colons into ,s or Perl will gripe. but INTELLIGENTLY!
1 while
($data =~ s/([^'])'\s*:\s*(true|false|null|\'|\{|\[|-?[0-9])/\1\',\2/);
# finally, single quotes, just before interpretation.
$data =~ s/$ssqqmask/\\'/g;
# now somewhat validated, so safe (?) to eval() into a Perl struct
eval "\$my_json_ref = $data;";
print $stdout "$data => $my_json_ref $@\n" if ($superverbose);
# do a sanity check
if (!defined($my_json_ref)) {
&$exception(99, "*** JSON syntax error\n");
print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($verbose);
--- data received ---
--- syntax tree ---
return $my_json_ref;
sub fix_geo_api_data {
my $ref = shift;
$ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'} = undef
if ($ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'} eq 'null' ||
$ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[0] eq '' ||
$ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[1] eq '');
$ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'} ||= [ "undef", "undef" ];
return $ref;
sub is_fail_whale {
# is this actually the dump from a fail whale?
my $data = shift;
return ($data =~ m#<title>PNUT.+Over.+capacity.*</title>#i ||
($data =~ m#<strong>Currently Under Maintenance</strong># && 1
#$data =~ m#''#) ||
) ||
$data =~ m#[\r\l\n\s]*DB_DataObject Error: Connect failed#s);
sub is_json_error {
# is this actually a JSON error message? if so, extract it
my $data = shift;
if ($data =~ /meta/ && $data =~ /code/ && $data =~ /error/) {
my $dref = &parsejson($data);
return $data if (!$dref || ref($dref) ne 'HASH');
$dref = $dref->{'meta'};
return undef if ($dref->{'code'} eq '200'); # weird
return $dref->{'error_message'} ||
$dref->{'error_slug'} ||
$dref->{'code'} ||
return undef;
sub backticks {
# more efficient/flexible backticks system
my $comm = shift;
my $rerr = shift;
my $rout = shift;
my $resource = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $dont_do_auth = shift;
my $buf = '';
my $undersave = $_;
my $pid;
my $args;
($comm, $args, $data) = &$stringify_args($comm, $resource,
$data, $dont_do_auth, @_);
print $stdout "$comm\n$args\n$data\n" if ($superverbose);
if(open(BACTIX, '-|')) {
while(<BACTIX>) {
$buf .= $_;
} close(BACTIX);
$_ = $undersave;
return $buf; # and $? is still in $?
} else {
$in_backticks = 1;
&sigify(sub {
"** user agent not honouring timeout (caught by sigalarm)\n");
}, qw(ALRM));
alarm 120; # this should be sufficient
if (length($rerr)) {
open(STDERR, ">$rerr");
if (length($rout)) {
open(STDOUT, ">$rout");
if(open(FRONTIX, "|$comm")) {
print FRONTIX "$args\n";
print FRONTIX "$data" if (length($data));
} else {
"backticks() failure for $comm $rerr $rout @_: $!\n");
$rv = $? >> 8;
exit $rv;
sub wherecheck {
my ($prompt, $filename, $fatal) = (@_);
my (@paths) = split(/\:/, $ENV{'PATH'});
my $setv = '';
push(@paths, '/usr/bin'); # the usual place
@paths = ('') if ($filename =~ m#^/#); # for absolute paths
print $stdout "$prompt ... " unless ($silent);
foreach(@paths) {
if (-r "$_/$filename") {
$setv = "$_/$filename";
1 while $setv =~ s#//#/#;
print $stdout "$setv\n" unless ($silent);
if (!length($setv)) {
print $stdout "not found.\n";
if ($fatal) {
print $stdout $fatal;
return $setv;
sub screech {
print $stdout "\n\n${BEL}${BEL}@_";
if ($is_background) {
kill 9, $parent;
kill 9, $$;
} elsif ($child) {
kill 9, $child;
kill 9, $$;
die("death not achieved conventionally");
# &in($x, @y) returns true if $x is a member of @y
sub in { my $key = shift; my %mat = map { $_ => 1 } @_;
return $mat{$key}; }
sub descape {
my $x = shift;
my $mode = shift;
# protect double backslashes
my $bbqqmask = "BBQQ";
$seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($data =~ /$bbqqmask$seed/);
$bbqqmask .= $seed;
$x =~ s/\\\\/$bbqqmask/g;
# remove trailing newline
$x =~ s/\\n$//;
# \/ -> /
$x =~ s/\\\//\//g;
# handle backslashed entities and newlines
if ($newline) {
$x =~ s/\\r//sg;
$x =~ s/\\t/ /g;
if ($x =~ /\\n/) {
# add a leading newline for ASCII art and such things
my $nlc = 0;
++$nlc while $x =~ s/\\n/\n/s;
$x = "\n$x" if ($nlc > 2);
$x =~ s#$bbqqmask#\\#sg;
# try to do something sensible with unicode
if ($mode) { # this probably needs to be revised
$x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/"&#" . hex($1) . ";"/eg;
} else {
# intermediate form if HTML entities get in
$x =~ s/\&\#([0-9]+);/'\u' . sprintf("%04x", $1)/eg;
$x =~ s/\\u202[89]/\\n/g;
# canonicalize Unicode whitespace
1 while ($x =~ s/\\u(00[aA]0)/ /g);
1 while ($x =~ s/\\u(200[0-9aA])/ /g);
1 while ($x =~ s/\\u(20[25][fF])/ /g);
if ($seven) {
# known UTF-8 entities (char for char only)
$x =~ s/\\u201[89]/\'/g;
$x =~ s/\\u201[cCdD]/\"/g;
# 7-bit entities (32-126) also ok
$x =~ s/\\u00([2-7][0-9a-fA-F])/chr(((hex($1)==127)?46:hex($1)))/eg;
# dot out the rest
$x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/./g;
$x =~ s/[\x80-\xff]/./g;
} else {
# try to promote to UTF-8
# ADN uses UTF-16 for high code points, which
# Perl's UTF-8 support does not like as surrogates.
# try to decode these here; they are always back-to-
# back surrogates of the form \uDxxx\uDxxx
$x =~
# decode the rest
$x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
$x = &uforcemulti($x);
#$x =~ s/\&quot;/"/g;
#$x =~ s/\&apos;/'/g;
#$x =~ s/\&lt;/\</g;
#$x =~ s/\&gt;/\>/g;
#$x =~ s/\&amp;/\&/g;
return $x;
# used by descape: turn UTF-16 surrogates into a Unicode character
sub deutf16 {
my $one = hex(shift);
my $two = hex(shift);
# subtract 55296 from $one to yield top ten bits
$one -= 55296; # $d800
# subtract 56320 from $two to yield bottom ten bits
$two -= 56320; # $dc00
# experimentally, ADN uses this endianness below (we have no BOM)
# see RFC 2781 4.3
return chr(($one << 10) + $two + 65536);
sub max { return ($_[0] > $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; }
sub min { return ($_[0] < $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; }
sub prolog { my $k = shift;
return "" if (!scalar(@_));
my $l = shift; return (&$k($l) . &$k(@_)); }
# this is mostly a utility function for /eval. it is a recursive descent
# pretty printer.
sub a {
my $w;
my $x;
return '' if(scalar(@_) < 1);
if(scalar(@_) > 1) { $x = "(";
foreach $w (@_) {
$x .= &a($w);
return $x."), ";
$w = shift;
if(ref($w) eq 'SCALAR') { return "\\\"". $$w . "\", "; }
if(ref($w) eq 'HASH') { my %m = %{ $w };
return "\n\t{".&prolog(\&a, %m)."}, "; }
if(ref($w) eq 'ARRAY') { return "\n\t[".&prolog(\&a, @{ $w })."], "; }
return "\"$w\", ";
sub ssa { return (scalar(@_) ? ("('" . join("', '", @_) . "')") : "NULL"); }
sub strim { my $x=shift; $x=~ s/^\s+//; $x=~ s/\s+$//; return $x; }
sub wwrap {
return shift if (!$wrap);
my $k;
my $klop = ($wrap > 1) ? $wrap : ($ENV{'COLUMNS'} || 79);
$klop--; # don't ask me why
my $lop;
my $buf = '';
my $string = shift;
my $indent = shift; # for very first time with the prompt
my $needspad = 0;
my $stringpad = " " x 3;
$indent += 4; # for the menu select string
$lop = $klop - $indent;
$lop -= $indent;
W: while($k = length($string)) {
$lop += $indent if ($lop < $klop);
($buf .= $string, last W) if ($k <= $lop && $string !~ /\n/);
($string =~ s/^\s*\n//) && ($buf .= "\n",
$needspad = 1,
next W);
if ($needspad) {
$string = " $string";
$needspad = 0;
# I don't know if people will want this, so it's commented out.
#($string =~ s#^(http://[^\s]+)# #) && ($buf .= "$1\n",
# next W);
($string =~ s/^(.{4,$lop})\s/ /) && ($buf .= "$1\n",
next W); # i.e., at least one char, plus 3 space indent
($string =~ s/^(.{$lop})/ /) && ($buf .= "$1\n",
next W);
"-- pathologic string somehow failed wordwrap! \"$string\"\n";
return $buf;
1 while ($buf =~ s/\n\n\n/\n\n/s); # mostly paranoia
$buf =~ s/[ \t]+$//;
return $buf;
# these subs look weird, but they're encoding-independent and run anywhere
sub uforcemulti { # forces multi-byte interpretation by abusing Perl
my $x = shift;
return $x if ($seven);
$x = "\x{263A}".$x;
return pack("${pack_magic}H*", substr(unpack("${pack_magic}H*",$x),6));
sub ulength { my @k; return (scalar(@k = unpack("${pack_magic}C*", shift))); }
sub uhex {
# URL-encode an arbitrary string, even UTF-8
# more versatile than the miniature one in &updatest
my $k = '';
my $s = shift;
foreach(split(//, $s)) {
my $j = unpack("H256", $_);
while(length($j)) {
$k .= '%' . substr($j, 0, 2);
$j = substr($j, 2);
return $k;
# take a string and return up to $linelength CHARS plus the rest.
sub csplit { return &cosplit(@_, sub { return length(shift); }); }
# take a string and return up to $linelength BYTES plus the rest.
sub usplit { return &cosplit(@_, sub { return &ulength(shift); }); }
sub cosplit {
# this is the common code for &csplit and &usplit.
# this is tricky because we don't want to split up UTF-8 sequences, so
# we let Perl do the work since it internally knows where they end.
my $orig_k = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $maxlength = shift || $linelength;
my $lengthsub = shift;
my $z;
my @m;
my $q;
my $r;
$mode += 0;
$k = $orig_k;
# optimize whitespace
$k =~ s/^\s+//;
$k =~ s/\s+$//;
$k =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$z = &$lengthsub($k);
return ($k) if ($z <= $maxlength); # also handles the trivial case
# this needs to be reply-aware, so we put @'s at the beginning of
# the second half too (and also Ps for PMs)
$r .= $1 while ($k =~ s/^(\@[^\s]+\s)\s*// ||
$k =~ s/^(P\s+[^\s]+\s)\s*//); # we have r/a, so while
$k = "$r$k";
my $i = $maxlength;
$i-- while(($z = &$lengthsub($q = substr($k, 0, $i))) > $maxlength);
$m = substr($k, $i);
# if we just wanted split-on-byte, return now (mode = 1)
if ($mode) {
# optimize again in case we split on whitespace
$q =~ s/\s+$//;
$m =~ s/^\s+//;
return ($q, "$r$m");
# else try to do word boundary and cut even more
if (!$autosplit) { # use old mechanism first: drop trailing non-alfanum
($q =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9]+)$//) && ($m = "$1$m");
# optimize again in case we split on whitespace
$q =~ s/\s+$//;
return (&cosplit($orig_k, 1, $lengthsub))
if (!length($q) && !$mode);
# it totally failed. fall back on charsplit.
if (&$lengthsub($q) < $maxlength) {
$m =~ s/^\s+//;
return($q, "$r$m")
($q =~ s/\s+([^\s]+)$//) && ($m = "$1$m");
return (&cosplit($orig_k, 1, $lengthsub)) if (!length($q) && !$mode);
# it totally failed. fall back on charsplit.
return ($q, "$r$m");
### OAuth methods, including our own homegrown SHA-1 and HMAC ###
### no Digest:* required! ###
### these routines are not byte-safe and need a use bytes; before you call ###
# this is a modified, deciphered and deobfuscated version of the famous Perl
# one-liner SHA-1 written by John Allen. hope he doesn't mind.
sub sha1 {
my $string = shift;
print $stdout "string length: @{[ length($string) ]}\n"
if ($showwork);
my $constant = "D9T4C`>_-JXF8NMS^\$#)4=L/2X?!:\@GF9;MGKH8\\;O-S*8L'6";
my @A = unpack('N*', unpack('u', $constant));
my @K = splice(@A, 5, 4);
my $M = sub { # 64-bit warning
my $x;
my $m;
($x = pop @_) - ($m=4294967296) * int($x / $m);
my $L = sub { # 64-bit warning
my $n = pop @_;
my $x;
((($x = pop @_) << $n) | ((2 ** $n - 1) & ($x >> 32 - $n))) &
my $l = '';
my $r;
my $a;
my $b;
my $c;
my $d;
my $e;
my $us;
my @nuA;
my $p = 0;
$string = unpack("H*", $string);
do {
my $i;
$us = substr($string, 0, 128);
$string = substr($string, 128);
$l += $r = (length($us) / 2);
print $stdout "pad length: $r\n" if ($showwork);
($r++, $us .= "80") if ($r < 64 && !$p++);
my @W = unpack('N16', pack("H*", $us) . "\000" x 7);
$W[15] = $l * 8 if ($r < 57);
foreach $i (16 .. 79) {
&$L($W[$i - 3] ^ $W[$i - 8] ^ $W[$i - 14] ^ $W[$i - 16], 1));
($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = @A;
foreach $i (0 .. 79) {
my $qq = ($i < 20) ? ($b & ($c ^ $d) ^ $d) :
($i < 40) ? ($b ^ $c ^ $d) :
($i < 60) ? (($b | $c) & $d | $b & $c) :
($b ^ $c ^ $d);
$t = &$M($qq + $e + $W[$i] + $K[$i / 20] + &$L($a, 5));
$e = $d;
$d = $c;
$c = &$L($b, 30);
$b = $a;
$a = $t;
@nuA = ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e);
print $stdout "$a $b $c $d $e\n" if ($showwork);
$i = 0;
@A = map({ &$M($_ + $nuA[$i++]); } @A);
} while ($r > 56);
my $x = sprintf('%.8x' x 5, @A);
@A = unpack("C*", pack("H*", $x));
return($x, @A);
# heavily modified from MIME::Base64
sub simple_encode_base64 {
my $result = '';
my $input = shift;
pos($input) = 0;
while($input =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) {
$result .= substr(pack("u", $1), 1);
$result =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;
my $padding = (3 - length($input) % 3) % 3;
$result =~ s/.{$padding}$/("=" x $padding)/e if ($padding);
return $result;
# from RFC 2104/RFC 2202
sub hmac_sha1 {
my $message = shift;
my @key = (@_);
my $opad;
my $ipad;
my $i;
my @j;
# sha1 blocksize is 512, so key should be 64 bytes
print $stdout " KEY HASH \n" if ($showwork);
($i, @key) = &sha1(pack("C*", @key)) while (scalar(@key) > 64);
push(@key, 0) while(scalar(@key) < 64);
$opad = pack("C*", map { ($_ ^ 92) } @key);
$ipad = pack("C*", map { ($_ ^ 54) } @key);
print $stdout " MESSAGE HASH \n" if ($showwork);
($i, @j) = &sha1($ipad . $message);
print $stdout " FINAL HASH \n" if ($showwork);
$i = pack("C*", @j); # output hash is 160 bits
($i, @j) = &sha1($opad . $i);
$i = &simple_encode_base64(pack("C20", @j));
return $i;
# simple encoder for OAuth modified URL encoding (used for lots of things,
# actually)
# this is NOT UTF-8 safe
sub url_oauth_sub {
my $x = shift;
$x =~ s/([^-0-9a-zA-Z._~])/"%".uc(unpack("H*",$1))/eg; return $x;
# simple json encoder
sub encodejson {
my $x = shift;
# Unicode-encode the literal \s, it's easier to handle.
# do this like parsejson does using a unique sequence.
my $bbqqmask = "BBQQ";
my $seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($x =~ /$bbqqmask$seed/);
$bbqqmask .= $seed;
1 while ($x =~ s/\\/$bbqqmask/);
$x =~ s/$bbqqmask/'\\\u005c'/eg;
# \n and \"
$x =~ s/\n/\\\\n/sg;
#$x =~ s/"/\\\\"/g;
# \u escape everything else, even stuff that might not need to be.
$x = &uforcemulti($x);
$x =~ s/([^-0-9a-zA-Z._~\\ ])/'\\\u'.sprintf("%04x", ord($1))/eg;
return $x;
# default method of getting password: ask for it. only relevant for Basic Auth,
# which is no longer the default.
sub defaultgetpassword {
# original idea by @jcscoobyrs, heavily modified
my $k;
my $l;
my $pass;
$l = "no termios; password WILL";
if ($termios) {
$k = $termios->getlflag;
$termios->setlflag($k ^ &POSIX::ECHO);
$l = "password WILL NOT";
print $stdout "enter password for $whoami ($l be echoed): ";
chomp($pass = <$stdin>);
if ($termios) {
print $stdout "\n";
return $pass;
# this returns an immutable token corresponding to the current authenticated
# session. in the case of Basic Auth, it is simply the user:password pair.
# it does not handle OAuth -- that is run by a separate wizard.
# the function then returns (token,secret) which for Basic Auth is token,undef.
# most of the time we will be using tokens in a keyfile, however, so this
# function runs in that case as a stub.
sub authtoken {
my @foo;
my $pass;
my $sig;
my $return;
my $tries = ($hold > 3) ? $hold : 3;
# give up on token if we don't get one
return (undef,undef) if ($anonymous);
return ($tokenkey,$tokensecret)
if (length($tokenkey) && length($tokensecret));
@foo = split(/:/, $user, 2);
$whoami = $foo[0];
die("choose -user=username[:password], or -anonymous.\n")
if (!length($whoami) || $whoami eq '1');
$pass = length($foo[1]) ? $foo[1] : &$getpassword;
die("a password must be specified.\n") if (!length($pass));
return ($whoami, $pass);
# this is a sucky nonce generator. I was looking for an awesome nonce
# generator, and then I realized it would only be used once, so who cares?
# *rimshot*
sub generate_nonce { unpack("H9000", pack("u", rand($$).$$.time())); }
# this signs a request with the token and token secret. the result is undef if
# Basic Auth. payload should already be URL encoded and *sorted*.
# this is typically called by stringify_args to get authentication information.
sub signrequest {
# this horrible kludge is needed to account for both 5.005, or for
# 5.6+ installs with no stdlibs and just a bare Perl, both of which
# we support. I hope Larry Wall will forgive me for messing with
# compiler internals next time I see him at church.
BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00000008 unless ($] < 5.006); }
my $resource = shift;
my $payload = shift;
# when we sign the initial request for an token, we obviously
# don't have one yet, so mytoken/mytokensecret can be null.
my $nonce = &generate_nonce;
my @keybytes;
my $sig_base;
my $timestamp = time();
return undef if ($authtype eq 'basic');
# stub for oAuth 2.0
return undef if (!length($oauthkey) || !length($oauthsecret));
(@keybytes) = map { ord($_) }
split(//, $oauthsecret.'&'.$mytokensecret);
if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY' || length($payload)) {
# split into _a and _b payloads lexically
my $payload_a = '';
my $payload_b = '';
my $payload_c = ''; # this is for a special case
my $w;
my $aorb = 0;
my $verifier = '';
my $method = "GET";
my $url;
if (length($payload)) {
$method = "POST";
# this is a bit problematic since it won't be
# sorted. we'll deal with this as we need to.
if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY') {
$url = &url_oauth_sub($resource->[0]);
$payload .= "&" . $resource->[1];
} else {
$url = &url_oauth_sub($resource);
} elsif (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY') {
$url = &url_oauth_sub($resource->[0]);
$payload = $resource->[1];
} else {
$url = &url_oauth_sub($resource);
# this is pretty simplistic but it's really all we need.
# the exception is oauth_verifier: that has to be wormed
# into the middle, and we assume it's just that.
if ($payload !~ /^oauth_verifier/) {
foreach $w (split(/\&/, $payload)) {
$aorb = 1 if
($w =~ /^[p-z]/ || $w =~ /^o[b-z]/);
$w = &url_oauth_sub("${w}&");
if ($aorb) {
$payload_b .= $w;
} else {
$payload_a .= $w;
} else {
$payload_c = &url_oauth_sub($payload) . "%26";
$payload_a = $payload_b = '';
$payload =~ s/^oauth_verifier=//;
$verifier = ' oauth_verifier=\\"' . $payload . '\\",';
$payload_b =~ s/%26$//;
$sig_base = $method . "&" .
$url . "&" .
(length($payload_a) ? $payload_a : '').
"oauth_consumer_key%3D" . $oauthkey . "%26" .
"oauth_nonce%3D" . $nonce . "%26" .
"oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26" .
"oauth_timestamp%3D" . $timestamp . "%26" .
(length($mytoken) ?
("oauth_token%3D" . $mytoken . "%26") : '') .
$payload_c .
"oauth_version%3D1.0" .
(length($payload_b) ? ("%26" . $payload_b) : '');
} else {
$sig_base = "GET&" .
&url_oauth_sub($resource) . "&" .
"oauth_consumer_key%3D" . $oauthkey . "%26" .
"oauth_nonce%3D" . $nonce . "%26" .
"oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26" .
"oauth_timestamp%3D" . $timestamp . "%26" .
(length($mytoken) ?
("oauth_token%3D" . $mytoken . "%26") : '') .
$payload_c . # could be part of it
"oauth_version%3D1.0" ;
print $stdout
"token-secret: $mytokensecret\nconsumer-secret: $oauthsecret\nsig-base: $sig_base\n"
if ($superverbose);
return ($timestamp, $nonce,
&url_oauth_sub(&hmac_sha1($sig_base, @keybytes)),
# this takes a token request and "tries hard" to get it.
sub tryhardfortoken {
my $url = shift;
my $body = shift;
my $tries = shift;
my $rawtoken;
$tries ||= 3;
while($tries) {
my $i;
$rawtoken = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef,
$url, $body, 0, @wend);
print $stdout ("token = $rawtoken\n")
if ($superverbose);
my (@keyarr) = split(/\&/, $rawtoken);
my $got_token = '';
my $got_secret = '';
foreach $i (@keyarr) {
my $key;
my $value;
($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $i);
$got_token = $value if ($key eq 'oauth_token');
$got_secret = $value if ($key eq 'oauth_token_secret');
if (length($got_token) && length($got_secret)) {
print $stdout " SUCCEEDED!\n";
return ($got_token, $got_secret);
print $stdout ".";
print $stdout " FAILED!: \"$rawtoken\"\n";
die("unable to fetch token. here are some possible reasons:\n".
" - root certificates are not updated (see documentation)\n".
" - you entered your authentication information wrong\n".
" - your computer's clock is not set correctly\n" .
" - ADN farted\n" .
"fix these possible problems, or try again later.\n");
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