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Created April 22, 2013 16:20
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Save 2grep/5436448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. comment on TSA-2013-0004-0001
As a military physician who majored in Physics, and was deployed in support of Operation Tomadachi, and thus reviewed the literature on population exposure to radiation, who prior to my medical training, served as an anti-terrorism officer on a nuclear aircraft carrier, before during, and after 9/11, I am very concerned about this rule for economic, medical, and security reasons. - -
In a time when we are sequestering funds, when air traffic controllers are being taken off duty, this bloated pig of an agency is asking for yet more billions without divulging a shred of evidence to the public that these machines have caught any terrorists. The opportunity cost of this spending is enormous. The Boston Marathon bombers could have been caught by a better funded FBI, every school child could have a free lunch. - -
In a time of an aging population, suffering from waning immune surveillance, this bloated pig of an agency is generating fear to justify their billions by irradiating citizens, particularly those most likely to vote yet most vulnerable to the effects of this radiation. This bloated pig of an agency trots out the words of science and standards, while neatly sidestepping the fundamental issue that radiation causes disease statistically. Of course, any one person is very likely to be safe from this. But our obligation is not only to the individual, but to all people. And ionizing radiation will cause cancer. - -
This bloated pig of an agency also generates fear to justify their billions by selling the world as a dangerous place. But anyone knows that the best security system is a good neighborhood. Good neighborhoods are based on good relationships, and those relationships aren't built on a basis of fear. Good neighbors build relationships with development, community programs, and cooperation. - -
AIT is a wasteful, dangerous, insecure technology with no evidence of utility in the field despite many machine years of use. It is time to retire these machines.
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