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Created January 9, 2024 12:41
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Good Hackathon Techniques

  • Break the work into as many small pieces as possible and let one person handle each unique piece
  • Think super small microservices with a gateway to connect them all
  • Mock everything first and set it up for real afterwards
  • Have a CI/CD plan set up ahead of time so that builds and deploys to smoothly. <3 Docker
  • Bring people with the following skillsets
    • UI / UX Frontend Developer (This person is almost always required and will have constant work the whole hackathon)
    • Mobile Developer (May or may not be the same as the UI / UX Developer)
    • Backend Developer (It is frequently useful to run your own api for data collation or processing)
    • Machine Learning / AI / NLP (These skills help elevate a project to the next level)
    • Integrations guy (Integrations with Slack, Alexa, Google Home, ect are low effort high reward if you know how to do them)
  • Sleep at least 3-5 hours each night. It's worth the lost time in increased productivity
  • If you can take a break to go get food. Like the sleep, an hour break for dinner to get away is worth it
  • Define your idea before starting to code
  • Start by laying out the demo and work backwards from the demo to the code
  • Write the minimum required code
  • Take time to do a stand up every 1 or two hours to make sure all developers are aligned on priorities
  • Spend at least 3 hours laying out the demo and practicing the presentation
  • Work toward the judging criteria keeping in mind the judges biases
  • Rotate the QA role periodically so that everyone can see how the app is coming together
  • Set up starter code before the hackathon so that you have examples to pull from when spinning things up quickly
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