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Created July 7, 2024 10:40
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Vimiun is a Chrome extension that provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.


Navigating the Page

Keybinding Action
[[ Follow the link labeled previous or <
]] Follow the link labeled next or >
` Go to a mark
Alt + f Open multiple links in a new tab
d Scroll a half page down
D Scroll a half page up
F Open a link in a new tab
f Open a link in the current tab
G Scroll to the bottom of the page
gd Download link URL
gf Select the next frame on the page
gF Select the page's main/top frame
gg Scroll to the top of the page
gi Focus the first text input on the page
gJ Scroll a full page down
gK Scroll a full page up
go Open a link in a new tab & switch to it
gU Go to root of current URL hierarchy
gu Go up the URL hierarchy
h Scroll left
i Enter insert mode
j Scroll down
k Scroll up
l Scroll right
m Create a new mark
P Open a link in incognito window
pp Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab
pP Open the clipboard's URL in a new tab
r Reload the page
V Enter visual line mode
v Enter visual mode
yf Copy a link URL to the clipboard
yy Copy the current URL to the clipboard
zH Scroll all the way to the left
zL Scroll all the way to the right

Using the Vomnibar

Keybinding Action
b Open a bookmark
B Open a bookmark in a new tab
ge Edit the current URL
gE Edit the current URL and open in a new tab
o Open URL, bookmark or history entry
t / O Open URL, bookmark or history entry in a new tab
T Search through your open tabs

Using Find

Keybinding Action
/ Enter find mode
N Cycle backward to the previous find match
n Cycle forward to the next find match

Navigating History

Keybinding Action
J Go forward in history
K Go back in history

Manipulating Tabs

Keybinding Action
<< Move tab to the left
>> Move tab to the right
^ / ~ Go to previously-visited tab
Alt + m Mute or unmute current tab
Alt + p Pin or unpin current tab
g$ Go to the last tab
g0 Go to the first tab
gh Create new tab
H / gT Go one tab left
L / gt Go one tab right
qH Close tabs on the left
qL Close tabs on the right
qo Close all other tabs
qd / x Close current tab
W Move tab to new window
u / X Restore closed tab
yt Duplicate current tab


Keybinding Action
? Show help
gs View page source

Search Engines

Keybinding Action
am Amazon
aw Arch Linux
bn Bing
dd DuckDuckGo
gg Google
gh GitHub
gho GitHub Open
ghp GitHub PRs
ghr GitHub Repo
mp Google Maps
rd Reddit
rds Reddit Sub
rt Rotten Tomatoes
so Stack Overflow
sp Spotify
tw Twitter
jr JIRA Ticket
ud Urban Dictionary
wk Wikipedia
yt YouTube
ytm YouTube Music
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