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Last active April 17, 2019 11:02
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A JSON sample of my cv
"name" : "Justice Yeboah",
"email" : "",
"phone_number" : "07495063057",
"Java, Kotlin, SQL, Python, C++, JavaScript, PHP",
"MySQL, SQLite, Room, Realm, GreenDao",
"RESTful, JSON, XML, SOAP, GSON, Servlets, JSP, AWS",
"Android Studio, Eclipse, Visual Studio, NetBeans",
"Dagger, RxJava, Retrofit, Architecture Components, AWS, Parse, Play Services",
"Git, Subversion, Jenkins, Circle CI",
"Agile, Scrum, Kanban, TDD, BDD"
"experience_summary" : [
"4+ years of continuous experience developing android apps for smartphones, tablets and wearables using java and kotlin",
"3 years of experience developing web apps using Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, SQL",
"3 years of experience with C#, Python and Unity",
"Proficient with RxJava, Dagger, Retrofit, Mockito, Espresso and Junit",
"Design custom views and animations",
"Skilled in designing, implementing and integrating SQL databases",
"Utilised various version control tools such as Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, Subversion",
"Debugged using Android Profiler, Layout Inspector, Lint, MAT, DDMS, Debugger and Stetho",
"Have worked with both TDD and BDD environments",
"Have experience working in security focused apps",
"Have implemented Augmented Reality within Android",
"Utilised several sensors like GPS, Bluetooth, Gyroscope",
"Used MVP, MVVM, Clean and Viper for structuring codebases",
"Performed extensive unit, instrumented, behavioural, usability testing",
"Followed SOLID principles while coding",
"Excited and eager to work with a fast-moving platform like Android"
"work_history" : [
"company_name": "JD Sports",
"role": "Lead Android Developer",
"from" : "April 2018",
"to" : "Present",
"logo": "",
"app_description": "JD Sports offers top fashion brands, equipments and accessories with 360-degree product tours",
"main_responsibilities" : [
"Worked on the project exclusively using Kotlin, leading a cross-functional team and mentoring juniour developers",
"Lead an independent effort to use ARCore for analysing performance threasholds for upcoming Augmented Reality implementation",
"Worked with AWS SDK to utilise Amazon's backend services",
"Configured Urban Airship and Firebase for Remote Notification, Tracking and Analysis",
"Collaborated with the design team for the UI overhaul of the app and created fluid animations to add a flair of Material Design to the UI",
"Added Unit Tests and Instrumental test and used different Dagger modules for live and test builds to enable easier mocking and control of dependencies",
"Planned and distributed tasks to the team, performed code reviews and conducted several training sessions on Kotlin for other developers",
"Used Android Profiler and other profiling tools to substantially improve app's performance"
"company_name": "My Very",
"role": "Senior Android Developer",
"from" : "February 2017",
"to" : "April 2018",
"logo": "",
"app_description" : "MyVery is your ultimate digital department store. With over 800 brands including our own exclusive ranges from gorgeous fasion, to top electrical and beauty products",
"main_responsibilities" :[
"Served as the lead and directed the vision of the project by liasing with marketing, development and product owners",
"Used MVVM with Databing, RxJava, Reactive Stream to create a vastly improved and concise codebase and upgraded the Green Robot event bus into a reactive paradigm",
"Transitioned parts of the codebase to Kotlin and created BDD tests with Cucumber",
"Used Retrofit, OkHttp for API calls and LeakCanary for crash analysis",
"Used Firebase Analytics for behavioural analysis and event conversion tracking",
"Upgraded the app to utilise Material Design with components ranging from FABs, Collapsing Toolbars, Snackbars to Shared Element Transitions",
"Used Realm for local persistence and Dagger for Dependency Injection",
"Implemented unit test and instrumented tests and configured the CI pipeline",
"Upgraded layouts to Constraint Layouts and used features such as barriers and chains to create responsive, flat layouts"
"company_name": "Boots",
"role": "Senior Android Developer",
"from" : "May 2016",
"to" : "February 2017",
"logo": "",
"app_description" : "The app allows users to find their nearest stores, relevant offers and keep track of their health in one place",
"main_responsibilities" :[
"Worked with a team of junior and mid-level developers and used TDD",
"Worked on Store Locator and used location services and GPS hardware to identify the nearest stores and best offers for the user with customised markers",
"Implemented Calendar integration to set up easy-to-use reminders for commonly used tasks",
"Used RxJAVA to handle concurrency, error handling and transitioned most parts of the app to a reactive model",
"Implemented the permissions model and modularised the codebase leveraging Dagger to react to on-the-fly permission changes and corresponding feature availability",
"Transitioned the codebase to use MVP architecture to make it more testable and used Roboelectric, Espresso and Mockito for the tests",
"Used Fabric for crash reporting and analytics",
"Used Picasso for image handling and caching, Retrofit and OkHttp for network communication and payment SDKs for online ordering",
"Upgraded the app to use Firebase services and used Fabric for crash analysis",
"Used Joda time to leverage a consistent time API"
"BSC Hons Computer Science in Brunel University",
"BTech IT and Computing in Ocklands College"
"interests" : [
"Play Table Tennis, Fotbal and Basketball",
"An avid gamer",
"Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Have integrated Oculus SDK as a hobby project"
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