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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Save 13protons/609aec08388c110f432f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Angular module that allows controllers to inspect screensize by bootstrap breakpoint names.

Angular Bootstrap Screen Size

An angular module to report on bootstrap's reponsive grid breakpoints. The injected html snipped uses bootstrap's named breakpoints so your script doesn't need to know anything about the actual css dimensions.


  1. Include ScreenSize as a dependency of your app
  2. Reference ScreenSizeFactory in your controler's DI list
    .module('yourMod', ['ScreenSize'])
    .controller('yourModCtrl, function(ScreenSizeFactory){


var screenSize =; // returns 'xs', 'sm', 'md', or 'lg'
if( ScreenSizeFactory.if('md') ){
  //do something only at the 'md' screen size

## Gotchya

This may cause tests to fail for controllers that depend on `ScreenSizeFactory` when use a headless environment like PhantomJS. 

> 2015 @alanguir
Angular Bootstrap Screen Size
An angular module to report on bootstrap's reponsive grid breakpoints. The injected html snipped uses bootstrap's named breakpoints so your script doesn't need to know anything about the actual css dimensions.
2015 @alanguir
angular.module('ScreenSize', [])
.run(function (){
angular.element(document).find('body').append('<div id="_breakpoints"><span class="visible-xs-block" data-name="xs"></span><span class="visible-sm-block" data-name="sm"></span><span class="visible-md-block" data-name="md"></span><span class="visible-lg-block" data-name="lg"></span></div>')
.factory('ScreenSizeFactory', function(){
var canary = angular.element(document).find('#_breakpoints span');
var factory = {};
if(false && typeof($.filter) == 'function'){
//things are a bit simpler with jQuery = function(){
return $('#_breakpoints span').filter(":visible").data('name');
} else {
// no jquery? that's ok, we can still figure it out = function(){
var name = '';
angular.forEach(canary, function(val, i){
if(val.offsetParent) {
name = angular.element(val).data('name');
return name;
factory.if = function(name){
return == name
return factory;
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