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Created March 26, 2020 19:46
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recursively finds "hidden" .DS_store files then prompts to delete
# delete-all-ds_store.command
# @100ideas - 26 mar 2020 - MIT LICENSE
# recursively finds "hidden" .DS_store files under the directory
# from which this command is run, then offers delete prompt
# if you have just downloaded this file, open, drag
# this file into the terminal window and drop it to insert the file's
# path into the command line. Then add 'chmod +x ' to the left side of
# the command line and hit enter. Should look something like:
# $ chmod +x ~/Users/USERNAME/Downloads/delete-all-ds_store.command
# this updates the permissions on this script so it can be executed.
# to use:
# 1. open,
# 2. navigate to the folder containing the .DS_Store files to be removed
# - note: use the 'cd' command to change directories
# - note: use the 'ls' command to list directory contents
# - 'ls .' -> list current dir contents
# - 'ls ../PARENT_FOLDER/SIBLING_FOLDER' -> list contents of
# sibling folder ('..' means relative to parent folder)
# - note: use the '~' tilde symbol as a unix shortcut for your HOME
# directory
# - note: use the 'pwd' command to print the full path of the
# (current) "working" directory your terminal is "in"
# - example: to get to the folder 'TPS_Reports/' stored on your
# Desktop, type `cd ~/Desktop/TPS_Reports`
# 3. drag-and-drop this 'delete-all-ds_store.command' file into the
# terminal and hit enter
# - alternatively, execute the script providing the path to it on disk,
# then hit enter. Example: if the script is in the parent
# directory, execute "../delete-all-ds_store.command"
# filename='.DS_MOCK_*'
echo ""
echo ""
echo "============.DS_Store-SEARCH-N-DESTROY====================="
echo "searching for '$filename' files in current directory and children:"
echo ""
echo "search command:"
echo " find . -name \"$filename\" -type f -print"
found=$(find . -name "$filename" -type f -print)
found_count="$(echo "$found" | wc -l | tr -d '[:space:]')"
echo ""
if [[ -z "$found" ]]; then
echo 'found 0 results, exiting...'
echo "found $found_count files under"
echo " $(PWD) "
echo ""
echo "$found"
echo ""
echo "to DELETE type 'Y', any other key quits..."
echo ""
# read a single character
while read -r -n1 key; do
# if input == ESC key
if [[ $key == 'Y' ]]; then
echo ""
echo "deleting..."
echo ""
find . -name "$filename" -type f -delete -print
echo ""
echo "... files deleted. exiting..."
echo "... delete operation cancelled; exiting..."
echo ""
echo "========================FINISHED==========================="
echo ""
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