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Last active April 3, 2022 15:56
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// Imports
import java.util.function.Supplier;
// This is the basic class of a Java program.
public class Main {
// Classes can hold values, these values are called fields.
// Fields are declared with a type and a name.
// Fields can use modifiers:
// public: can be accessed from anywhere
// private: can only be accessed from within the class
// protected: can be accessed from within the class and from subclasses
// static: belongs to the class, not to an instance
// final: cannot be changed
// there are a few more:
private int field1; // uninitialized
private final int field2 = 2; // initialized
protected final int field3 = 3; // initialized, protected and final
// Classes use a constructor to initialize their fields.
// Constructors are declared with the same name as the class.
// Constructors can have parameters.
// Constructors can use modifiers:
Main(int field1) {
this.field1 = field1;
// Constructers can be overloaden
// That means there can be multiple constructors with the same name
// but with different parameters.
Main(int field1, int field2) {
this.field1 = field1;
System.out.println("field2 = " + field2);
// This is the main method of a Java program.
// Every program needs it to run.
// The argument String[] args is the argument list of the program.
// eg: $ java Main "Hello" "World"
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Printing stuff in Java
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
// It also works with other types
// Declaring variables in Java
// The default pattern is:
int x; // an uninitialized integer (as primitive)
int y = 42; // an initialized integer (as primitive)
Integer z; // an uninitialized integer (as object)
Integer w = 42; // an initialized integer (as object)
// modifiers for variables:
// final
// (see
// Examples:
int a = 1;
final int b = 2;
// Java also supports the var keyword, which will infer the type
// note that var can only be used if a variable type can be inferred
// so "var x;" is not allowed
var c = 3;
// reassigning a final variable is not allowed
// a = 3; // error: reassignment of final variable 'a'
// creating a new object works with the new keyword
// Note that you should not create Integers like that
var d = new Integer(4);
// This is a method of a Java program.
// The pattern is:
// void is a special return type indicating that the method does not return anything
// Methods can be overloaden, just like constructors
void controlFlow() {
// Control flow in Java
// if-else
if (true) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
// There is also a special if syntax
// ModBlock x = new ModBlock();
// if (x instanceof Block block) {
// // no need to cast x to Block
// // do something
// }
// switch (old)
switch (42) {
case 1:
// do something
case 2:
// do something else
// do something else
// switch (new) also called enhanced switch
switch (42) {
case 1 -> System.out.println("1");
case 2 -> System.out.println("2");
default -> System.out.println("default");
// while
while (true) {
// do something
// break for getting out
// do-while
do {
// do something
} while (true);
// for
// int could be var here
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// do something
// for-each
for (String s : new String[]{"Hello", "World"}) {
// do something
// Method modifiers:
// public - accessible from everywhere
// private - accessible only from the class
// protected - accessible from the class and subclasses
// static - the method is not connected to an object but to the class itself
// final - the method cannot be overridden in subclasses
// there are a few more
public int publicMethod() {
return 42;
private int privateMethod() {
return 42;
protected int protectedMethod() {
return 42;
int defaultMethod() {
return 42;
final int finalMethod() {
return 42;
// This method can be called like that:
// Main.publicMethod();
// instead of the others like:
// var foo = new Main();
// foo.publicMethod();
static int staticMethod() {
return 42;
// static final makes no sense
// private final makes no sense
// but this is how methods use many modifiers
static final private int staticFinalPrivateMethod() {
return 42;
// Methods can hold classes too
private int methodWithClass() {
class InnerClass {
// ...
return 42;
// Nested functions are not allowed
// void methodWithFunction() {
// void innerFunction() {
// }
// }
// Anonymous functions are allowed
// but are objects of functional interfaces, such as Runnable, Supplier, etc.
void anonymousFunction() {
// Sometimes also called lambda expressions
Runnable r = () -> {
// do something
var i = 2;
// Lambdas can capture their environment
// This also uses the ternary operator
// an inline if
Supplier<String> s = () -> i > 0 ? "Less" : "More";
// The stream API uses lambdas extensively
var stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3);
// forEach is a method of the stream
// it takes a lambda as a parameter and calls it for each element
// Here we use the System.out::println method reference because its shorter and more readable than
// (e) -> System.out.println(e);
// This is called point-free style
// this is with the full lambda
stream.forEach(e -> System.out.println(e));
// There can ever be one class per file
// for completion purposes, we will have more in here
// classes can also be nested
// Classes can have the following modifiers:
// static (only nested), final, abstract
class OuterClass {
// Nested classes can be static
// static classes can be initialized without the outer class
class NestedClass {
// ...
// There are other types of classes
// interfaces
// records
// enums
// Enums are enumerations
enum MyEnum {
High(5); // semi-colon needed if methods follow
private int value;
MyEnum(int value) {
this.value = value;
// Enums can have methods
public int getValue() {
return value;
// Records are similar to classes
// They can have fields and methods
// Records are immutable
// They are basically data-classes
record Record(int x, int y) {
void someMethod() {
// ...
// Interfaces allow for multiple inheritance
interface Interface1 {
// Normally methods in interfaces are abstract and have to be implemented by their inheriting classes
void doSomething();
interface Interface2 {}
// This is how inheritance works
class A {
// This is a method
void stuff() {
// ...
class B extends A implements Interface1, Interface2 {
// Implementing the interface
public void doSomething() {
// Overriding the method
void stuff() {
// ...
// Java also supports generics
class Wrapper<T> {
// Fields can now access T
T value;
// ...
// The constructor can now access T
Wrapper(T value) {
this.value = value;
// Methods can now access T
void doSomething(T value) {
// ...
// and also return T
T getValue() {
return value;
void exampleUse() {
// This is how you use the generic type
Wrapper<String> s = new Wrapper<>("Hello");
// This is the same with another type
Wrapper<Integer> i = new Wrapper<>(42);
// or even nested
Wrapper<Wrapper<String>> w = new Wrapper<>(new Wrapper<>("Hello"));
w.doSomething(new Wrapper<>("World"));
// Variance works with the keywords extends and super
// In class declaration this means T must be a subtype of Number
// for more see here:
class Variance<T extends Number> {
// Covariance works the following:
// T and Number are classes
// if T is a subtype of Number then
// Wrapper<T> is a subtype of Wrapper<Number>
void covariance(Wrapper<? extends T> w) {
// ...
// Contravariance works the following:
// T and Number are classes
// if T is a subtype of Number then
// Wrapper<Number> is a subtype of Wrapper<T>
void contravariance(Wrapper<? super T> w) {
// ...
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