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Created October 11, 2022 22:04
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// MARK: Power of Extensions
// [Swift Book](
// MARK: - [Extension Syntax](
extension Bool {
// MARK: - [Computed Properties](
extension Bool {
var isFalse: Bool { self == false }
extension Array {
var isNotEmpty: Bool { first != nil }
// MARK: - [Initializers](
extension Bool {
init(value: Int, equals otherValue: Int) {
self = value == otherValue
// MARK: - [Methods](
extension Bool {
mutating func flip() {
self = .random()
// MARK: - [Subscripts](
extension Array {
subscript(filter: (Element) -> Bool) -> Self {
let filtered = Array([1, 2, 3])[
{ value in
value.isMultiple(of: 2)
// MARK: - [Nested Types](
extension Bool {
indirect enum Token {
case equalTo, lessThan, greaterThan
case or(Token, Token), and(Token, Token)
func or(_ other: Token) -> Token {
.or(self, other)
func and(_ other: Token) -> Token {
.and(self, other)
func evaluate<Value: Comparable>(
value: Value,
otherValue: Value
) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .equalTo: return value == otherValue
case .lessThan: return value < otherValue
case .greaterThan: return value > otherValue
case let .or(lhs, rhs):
return lhs.evaluate(value: value, otherValue: otherValue) ||
rhs.evaluate(value: value, otherValue: otherValue)
case let .and(lhs, rhs):
return lhs.evaluate(value: value, otherValue: otherValue) &&
rhs.evaluate(value: value, otherValue: otherValue)
init(value: Int, is token: Token, _ otherValue: Int) {
self = token.evaluate(value: value, otherValue: otherValue)
// MARK: - [Adding Protocol Conformance with an Extension](
import SwiftUI
struct CoolView: View {
var body: some View {
// ...
extension String: View {
public var body: some View { Text(self) }
// MARK: - Generics and the Where Clause
// [Extending a Generic Type](
// [Extensions with a Generic Where Clause](
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
var isEqual: Bool {
reduce(into: Self()) { partialResult, element in
guard partialResult.contains(element).isFalse else {
.count <= 1
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