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Created August 22, 2024 17:33
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Halo Pull Requests Evolved
  1. Guardian of the Sacred Rule (For branch_protection_rule) - "Protector of the code's purity, you enforce the sanctity of the branch."
  2. The Divine Architect (For branch_protection_rule.created) - "Creator of the sacred laws, you establish the rules that shape the branch’s destiny."
  3. Breaker of Chains (For branch_protection_rule.deleted) - "Releaser of bonds, you remove the constraints, allowing freedom to reign."
  4. The Oracle's Edit (For branch_protection_rule.edited) - "Modifier of the divine decree, your changes resonate through the codebase."
  5. Watcher of the Sentinel (For check_run) - "Overseer of the vigilant, ensuring the integrity of every check."
  6. Final Judgment (For check_run.completed) - "Deliverer of the verdict, your assessment is the final word in the trials."
  7. Genesis of the Watch (For check_run.created) - "Initiator of the watchful, your command brings the sentinel to life."
  8. Invoker of the Sentinel (For check_run.requested_action) - "You call upon the sentinels, directing their gaze where it is most needed."
  9. The Reclaimer's Demand (For check_run.rerequested) - "Seeker of perfection, you demand the sentinel to recheck and verify."
  10. Keeper of the Watch (For check_suite) - "Guardian of the checks, ensuring all tests are aligned with the sacred order."
  11. Judgment Day (For check_suite.completed) - "On the final day, your assessment brings truth to light."
  12. Summoner of the Trials (For check_suite.requested) - "Caller of the trials, you summon the tests to prove worthiness."
  13. Redeemer's Call (For check_suite.rerequested) - "In pursuit of excellence, you call upon the tests once more."
  14. Seer of Shadows (For code_scanning_alert) - "Your vigilance unveils hidden threats lurking in the code’s depths."
  15. Guardian of the Branch (For code_scanning_alert.appeared_in_branch) - "Protector of the lineage, your warnings safeguard the branch from corruption."
  16. Vanquisher of Darkness (For code_scanning_alert.closed_by_user) - "You extinguish the threat, ensuring the sanctity of the code remains intact."
  17. The Divine Warning (For code_scanning_alert.created) - "Your alert is a divine message, warning of impending dangers."
  18. Healer of the Code (For code_scanning_alert.fixed) - "You mend the flaws, restoring the code to its former glory."
  19. Resurrector of the Fallen (For code_scanning_alert.reopened) - "You bring the threat back into the light, ensuring it does not linger."
  20. Bearer of the Curse (For code_scanning_alert.reopened_by_user) - "You acknowledge the unvanquished, reopening the struggle against the dark."
  21. Voice of the Ancients (For commit_comment) - "Your words echo through the corridors of the code, guiding future generations."
  22. Scribe of the Scrolls (For commit_comment.created) - "You inscribe the sacred texts, adding wisdom to the code’s history."
  23. Creator of Worlds (For create) - "From the void, you bring forth new realms, laying the foundation of creation."
  24. Eraser of Time (For delete) - "You remove what once was, erasing history to prepare for new beginnings."
  25. Guardian of the Gates (For dependabot_alert) - "Your vigilance protects the gates from the vulnerabilities that threaten the realm."
  26. Watcher of the Vulnerable (For dependabot_alert.created) - "You alert the defenders of the realm, revealing where the barriers are weakest."
  27. Defender of the Realm (For dependabot_alert.dismissed) - "You judge the threats unworthy, dismissing them from the gates of the kingdom."
  28. Restorer of Order (For dependabot_alert.fixed) - "You repair the breaches, ensuring the walls of the code remain unbroken."
  29. Harbinger of Doom (For dependabot_alert.reintroduced) - "The threat returns, but you stand ready to confront it once more."
  30. The Phoenix's Call (For dependabot_alert.reopened) - "From the ashes, the threat rises again, but your vigilance never wavers."
  31. Keeper of the Keys (For deploy_key) - "Holder of the sacred keys, you unlock the potential within the repository."
  32. Bearer of the Key (For deploy_key.created) - "You forge the key that opens the gateway to the repository."
  33. Remover of the Seal (For deploy_key.deleted) - "You revoke the access, sealing the repository from prying eyes."
  34. Herald of the Covenant (For deployment) - "Your actions deploy the code, bringing the covenant to life in the realm."
  35. Executor of the Covenant (For deployment.created) - "You initiate the deployment, setting the code on its path to fulfillment."
  36. Sentinel of the Deployment (For deployment_protection_rule) - "Protector of the deployed, you ensure the code’s safe passage into production."
  37. Guardian's Demand (For deployment_protection_rule.requested) - "You invoke the sentinel to review the deployment, guarding against potential harm."
  38. Watcher of the Battlefield (For deployment_status) - "You monitor the progress, ensuring the deployment proceeds without failure."
  39. Battlefield Herald (For deployment_status.created) - "You announce the status of the deployment, keeping all eyes on the battlefield."
  40. Custodian of the Discourse (For discussion) - "You oversee the discourse, ensuring all voices are heard and heeded."
  41. Answer of the Gods (For discussion.answered) - "Your response is a divine decree, bringing clarity to the discourse."
  42. Keeper of Categories (For discussion.category_changed) - "You shift the focus, ensuring the discourse remains relevant to its category."
  43. Sower of Discourse (For discussion.created) - "You plant the seed of discussion, allowing ideas to take root and grow."
  44. Eraser of the Scrolls (For discussion.deleted) - "You remove the discourse from history, erasing its impact on the present."
  45. Editor of Truths (For discussion.edited) - "You alter the course of the discussion, refining the truth within the dialogue."
  46. The Divine Label (For discussion.labeled) - "You assign the divine label, marking the discourse with its true purpose."
  47. Locksmith of the Gods (For discussion.locked) - "You seal the discourse, ensuring its finality."
  48. Pinnacle of Thought (For discussion.pinned) - "You elevate the discourse, placing it on a pedestal for all to see."
  49. Transcendent Voice (For discussion.transferred) - "You guide the discussion to its rightful place, ensuring its message reaches the intended audience."
  50. Guardian of the Unspoken (For discussion.unanswered) - "You stand vigilant over unanswered questions, awaiting the divine response."
  51. Unveiler of Truths (For discussion.unlabeled) - "You remove the label, revealing the discourse’s true essence."
  52. Breaker of Chains (For discussion.unlocked) - "You unseal the discourse, allowing the conversation to continue."
  53. Dismantler of Pedestals (For discussion.unpinned) - "You lower the discourse, allowing new ideas to take its place."
  54. Voice of the Community (For discussion_comment) - "Your words reflect the thoughts and feelings of the community, adding depth to the discussion."
  55. Scribe of the Discourse (For discussion_comment.created) - "You inscribe your thoughts into the discourse, shaping the conversation."
  56. Silencer of the Chorus (For discussion_comment.deleted) - "You remove a voice from the conversation, silencing the echo in the discourse."
  57. Editor of the Scrolls (For discussion_comment.edited) - "You refine your words, ensuring clarity and precision in the discourse."
  58. The Covenant's Forge (For fork) - "You replicate the repository, forging a new path from the original covenant."
  59. Revoker of Blessings (For github_app_authorization.revoked) - "You revoke the blessings, ensuring the app no longer holds power within the realm."
  60. Architect of Knowledge (For gollum) - "You shape the wiki, adding knowledge and insight to the collective wisdom."
  61. Harbinger of the Installed (For installation) - "Your actions bring the app into the fold, integrating it with the repository."
  62. Herald of New Beginnings (For installation.created) - "You initiate the installation, marking the start of a new partnership."
  63. The Purge of the Unworthy (For installation.deleted) - "You remove the installation, cleansing the repository of the unworthy."
  64. Bearer of New Powers (For installation.new_permissions_accepted) - "You grant new powers, expanding the capabilities of the installed app."
  65. Enforcer of Silence (For installation.suspend) - "You suspend the app, ensuring its silence within the repository."
  66. Restorer of the Suspended (For installation.unsuspend) - "You restore the app, allowing it to resume its duties."
  67. Guardian of the Repository (For installation_repositories) - "You oversee the app's influence across multiple repositories."
  68. Expander of the Realm (For installation_repositories.added) - "You add new repositories to the app's influence, expanding its reach."
  69. Reducer of the Realm (For installation_repositories.removed) - "You remove repositories from the app's influence, reducing its reach."
  70. Renamer of Legends (For installation_target.renamed) - "You rename the target, reshaping its identity within the repository."
  71. Commentator of the Code (For issue_comment) - "You add your voice to the issue, guiding the resolution with your insights."
  72. Scribe of the Issue (For issue_comment.created) - "You inscribe your thoughts onto the issue, contributing to the solution."
  73. Silencer of the Issue (For issue_comment.deleted) - "You remove your comment, silencing your voice in the issue's history."
  74. Refiner of Words (For issue_comment.edited) - "You refine your comment, ensuring clarity and precision in your message."
  75. Bearer of the Burden (For issues.assigned) - "You are chosen to carry the burden, taking on the responsibility of the issue."
  76. Bringer of Closure (For issues.closed) - "You bring the issue to its end, ensuring it is resolved and completed."
  77. Eraser of History (For issues.deleted) - "You delete the issue, erasing it from the annals of the repository."
  78. Reclaimer of Time (For issues.demilestoned) - "You remove the milestone, altering the timeline of the issue."
  79. Refiner of the Burden (For issues.edited) - "You refine the issue, bringing it closer to resolution."
  80. Labeler of Destiny (For issues.labeled) - "You mark the issue with its true purpose, guiding its resolution."
  81. Locksmith of Issues (For issues.locked) - "You seal the issue, ensuring it remains closed to further discussion."
  82. Milestone's Call (For issues.milestoned) - "You set the milestone, marking the issue's place in the timeline."
  83. Bringer of New Burdens (For issues.opened) - "You open the issue, adding a new challenge to the repository."
  84. Pinnacle of Issues (For issues.pinned) - "You pin the issue, elevating it above others in importance."
  85. Resurrector of Burdens (For issues.reopened) - "You reopen the issue, bringing it back to life for further resolution."
  86. Keeper of the Issues (For issues.transferred) - "You transfer the issue, ensuring it reaches the correct repository for resolution."
  87. Liberator of Burdens (For issues.unassigned) - "You unassign the issue, freeing the chosen one from its burden."
  88. Unlabeler of Destiny (For issues.unlabeled) - "You remove the label, allowing the issue to find its true purpose."
  89. Unlocker of Issues (For issues.unlocked) - "You unseal the issue, allowing discussion to continue."
  90. Unpinnacle of Issues (For issues.unpinned) - "You unpin the issue, lowering it in importance."
  91. Creator of Symbols (For label.created) - "You create the label, defining the issue's purpose with a symbol."
  92. Eraser of Symbols (For label.deleted) - "You delete the label, removing its meaning from the issue."
  93. Editor of Symbols (For label.edited) - "You refine the label, ensuring its meaning is clear and precise."
  94. Patron of the Marketplace (For marketplace_purchase) - "You engage in the marketplace, supporting the tools that enhance the repository."
  95. Renouncer of Deals (For marketplace_purchase.cancelled) - "You cancel the purchase, withdrawing your support from the marketplace."
  96. Negotiator of the Marketplace (For marketplace_purchase.changed) - "You change the purchase, renegotiating the terms of the deal."
  97. Seer of Future Transactions (For marketplace_purchase.pending_change) - "You foresee the change, awaiting its finalization."
  98. Renouncer of Pending Deals (For marketplace_purchase.pending_change_cancelled) - "You cancel the pending change, halting the transaction before completion."
  99. Purchaser of the Divine (For marketplace_purchase.purchased) - "You complete the purchase, adding new power to the repository."
  100. Protector of the Brotherhood (For member) - "You oversee the members of the repository, ensuring their duties are fulfilled."
  101. Initiator of the Brotherhood (For member.added) - "You add a new member, expanding the strength of the repository."
  102. Editor of Bonds (For member.edited) - "You refine the membership, ensuring the bond is strong and clear."
  103. Exiler of the Fallen (For member.removed) - "You remove the member, casting them out from the repository."
  104. Custodian of Membership (For membership) - "You oversee the membership, ensuring the right people hold the power."
  105. Welcomer of the Worthy (For membership.added) - "You add a member to the repository, strengthening its resolve."
  106. Exiler of the Unworthy (For membership.removed) - "You remove a member from the repository, ensuring only the worthy remain."
  107. Guardian of the Merged (For merge_group) - "You oversee the merge group, ensuring the combined code is strong."
  108. Herald of the Merged (For merge_group.checks_requested) - "You request the checks for the merge group, ensuring its integrity."
  109. Keeper of the Meta (For meta) - "You oversee the meta, ensuring the repository's foundation is secure."
  110. Eraser of the Meta (For meta.deleted) - "You delete the meta, removing its influence from the repository."
  111. Creator of Milestones (For milestone) - "You create the milestone, marking the path forward."
  112. Bringer of Completion (For milestone.closed) - "You close the milestone, marking the end of a journey."
  113. Creator of Paths (For milestone.created) - "You create the milestone, laying down the path for others to follow."
  114. Eraser of Paths (For milestone.deleted) - "You delete the milestone, erasing the path forward."
  115. Refiner of Milestones (For milestone.edited) - "You refine the milestone, ensuring the path is clear."
  116. Opener of Paths (For milestone.opened) - "You open the milestone, beginning a new journey."
  117. Blocker of the Unworthy (For org_block) - "You block the unworthy, protecting the organization from harm."
  118. Shield of the Organization (For org_block.blocked) - "You block the user, protecting the organization from potential threats."
  119. Lifter of the Blockade (For org_block.unblocked) - "You unblock the user, allowing them to rejoin the organization."
  120. Keeper of the Organization (For organization) - "You oversee the organization, ensuring it remains strong and united."
  121. Eraser of the Organization (For organization.deleted) - "You delete the organization, dissolving its influence."
  122. Bringer of New Members (For organization.member_added) - "You add a member to the organization, strengthening its foundation."
  123. Herald of Invitation (For organization.member_invited) - "You invite a new member, extending the organization's reach."
  124. Exiler of the Fallen (For organization.member_removed) - "You remove a member from the organization, ensuring its purity."
  125. Renamer of the Organization (For organization.renamed) - "You rename the organization, reshaping its identity."
  126. Herald of the Packages (For package) - "You oversee the packages, ensuring they are worthy of the repository."
  127. Publisher of the Sacred (For package.published) - "You publish the package, releasing its power to the world."
  128. Refiner of the Sacred (For package.updated) - "You update the package, ensuring its power remains strong."
  129. Architect of the Temple (For page_build) - "You build the page, creating a temple of knowledge for all to see."
  130. Pinger of the Gods (For ping) - "You send the signal, ensuring the gods are aware of your presence."
  131. Architect of the Project (For project) - "You create the project, laying the foundation for future endeavors."
  132. Bringer of Completion (For project.closed) - "You close the project, marking the end of a journey."
  133. Architect of the Future (For project.created) - "You create the project, shaping the future of the repository."
  134. Eraser of the Project (For project.deleted) - "You delete the project, erasing its influence from the repository."
  135. Refiner of the Project (For project.edited) - "You refine the project, ensuring its path is clear."
  136. Restorer of the Project (For project.reopened) - "You reopen the project, bringing it back to life."
  137. Architect of the Cards (For project_card) - "You oversee the project cards, ensuring they are properly aligned."
  138. Transmuter of the Cards (For project_card.converted) - "You convert the card, changing its form and purpose."
  139. Creator of the Cards (For project_card.created) - "You create the project card, adding a new element to the project."
  140. Eraser of the Cards (For project_card.deleted) - "You delete the project card, removing its influence from the project."
  141. Refiner of the Cards (For project_card.edited) - "You refine the project card, ensuring its message is clear."
  142. Mover of the Cards (For project_card.moved) - "You move the project card, ensuring it is in the correct place."
  143. Architect of the Columns (For project_column) - "You oversee the project columns, ensuring they support the project's goals."
  144. Creator of the Columns (For project_column.created) - "You create the project column, adding structure to the project."
  145. Eraser of the Columns (For project_column.deleted) - "You delete the project column, removing its influence from the project."
  146. Refiner of the Columns (For project_column.edited) - "You refine the project column, ensuring its purpose is clear."
  147. Mover of the Columns (For project_column.moved) - "You move the project column, ensuring it aligns with the project's goals."
  148. Architect of the Items (For projects_v2_item) - "You oversee the project items, ensuring they contribute to the project's success."
  149. Keeper of the Archives (For projects_v2_item.archived) - "You archive the project item, preserving its legacy for future generations."
  150. Transmuter of the Items (For projects_v2_item.converted) - "You convert the project item, changing its form and purpose."
  151. Creator of the Items (For projects_v2_item.created) - "You create the project item, adding a new element to the project."
  152. Eraser of the Items (For projects_v2_item.deleted) - "You delete the project item, removing its influence from the project."
  153. Refiner of the Items (For projects_v2_item.edited) - "You refine the project item, ensuring its purpose is clear."
  154. Reorderer of the Items (For projects_v2_item.reordered) - "You reorder the project items, ensuring they are properly aligned."
  155. Restorer of the Items (For projects_v2_item.restored) - "You restore the project item, bringing it back to life."
  156. Herald of the Public (For public) - "You make the repository public, sharing its power with the world."
  157. Keeper of the Pulls (For pull_request) - "You oversee the pull requests, ensuring they are worthy of merging."
  158. Assigner of Duties (For pull_request.assigned) - "You assign the pull request, ensuring the right person handles the task."
  159. Guardian of the Merge (For pull_request.auto_merge_disabled) - "You disable auto-merge, ensuring the code is carefully reviewed before merging."
  160. Enabler of the Merge (For pull_request.auto_merge_enabled) - "You enable auto-merge, trusting the code to merge automatically."
  161. Closer of Paths (For pull_request.closed) - "You close the pull request, marking the end of a journey."
  162. Draft of the Divine (For pull_request.converted_to_draft) - "You convert the pull request to draft, ensuring it is not yet ready for merging."
  163. Reclaimer of Time (For pull_request.demilestoned) - "You remove the milestone, altering the timeline of the pull request."
  164. Dequeuer of the Merge (For pull_request.dequeued) - "You dequeue the pull request, delaying its merge."
  165. Editor of the Pull (For pull_request.edited) - "You edit the pull request, ensuring its purpose is clear."
  166. Enqueuer of the Merge (For pull_request.enqueued) - "You enqueue the pull request, preparing it for merging."
  167. Labeler of the Pull (For pull_request.labeled) - "You label the pull request, marking its purpose."
  168. Locksmith of the Pull (For pull_request.locked) - "You lock the pull request, ensuring it remains unchanged."
  169. Milestone's Call (For pull_request.milestoned) - "You set the milestone, marking the pull request's place in the timeline."
  170. Opener of Paths (For pull_request.opened) - "You open the pull request, beginning a new journey."
  171. Herald of the Review (For pull_request.ready_for_review) - "You mark the pull request as ready for review, inviting others to assess it."
  172. Resurrector of Pulls (For pull_request.reopened) - "You reopen the pull request, bringing it back to life for further review."
  173. Remover of the Request (For pull_request.review_request_removed) - "You remove the review request, deciding it is no longer necessary."
  174. Seeker of Wisdom (For pull_request.review_requested) - "You request a review, seeking the wisdom of your peers."
  175. Synchronizer of the Pull (For pull_request.synchronize) - "You synchronize the pull request, ensuring it is up-to-date with the base branch."
  176. Liberator of Duties (For pull_request.unassigned) - "You unassign the pull request, freeing the assignee from their task."
  177. Unlabeler of the Pull (For pull_request.unlabeled) - "You remove the label, allowing the pull request to find its true purpose."
  178. Unlocker of the Pull (For pull_request.unlocked) - "You unlock the pull request, allowing it to be changed again."
  179. Keeper of the Review (For pull_request_review) - "You oversee the pull request review, ensuring it is thorough and fair."
  180. Dismisser of the Review (For pull_request_review.dismissed) - "You dismiss the review, deciding its verdict is not final."
  181. Editor of the Review (For pull_request_review.edited) - "You edit the review, refining its feedback."
  182. Submitter of the Verdict (For pull_request_review.submitted) - "You submit the review, delivering your verdict on the pull request."
  183. Commentator of the Review (For pull_request_review_comment) - "You add your voice to the pull request review, guiding the resolution with your insights."
  184. Scribe of the Review (For pull_request_review_comment.created) - "You inscribe your thoughts onto the pull request review, contributing to the solution."
  185. Silencer of the Review (For pull_request_review_comment.deleted) - "You remove your comment, silencing your voice in the review's history."
  186. Refiner of Words (For pull_request_review_comment.edited) - "You refine your comment, ensuring clarity and precision in your message."
  187. Keeper of the Threads (For pull_request_review_thread) - "You oversee the review threads, ensuring they are properly resolved."
  188. Resolver of the Thread (For pull_request_review_thread.resolved) - "You resolve the thread, bringing the discussion to a close."
  189. Unresolver of the Thread (For pull_request_review_thread.unresolved) - "You mark the thread as unresolved, reopening the discussion."
  190. Keeper of the Push (For push) - "You oversee the pushes, ensuring they are worthy of the repository."
  191. Herald of the Registry (For registry_package) - "You oversee the registry packages, ensuring they are properly managed."
  192. Publisher of the Registry (For registry_package.published) - "You publish the registry package, releasing its power to the world."
  193. Refiner of the Registry (For registry_package.updated) - "You update the registry package, ensuring its power remains strong."
  194. Herald of the Release (For release) - "You oversee the releases, ensuring they are properly managed."
  195. Creator of the Release (For release.created) - "You create the release, marking a significant milestone in the repository."
  196. Eraser of the Release (For release.deleted) - "You delete the release, removing its influence from the repository."
  197. Refiner of the Release (For release.edited) - "You refine the release, ensuring its contents are clear and accurate."
  198. Harbinger of the Prerelease (For release.prereleased) - "You create a prerelease, preparing the world for what's to come."
  199. Publisher of the Release (For release.published) - "You publish the release, making it available to all."
  200. Announcer of the Released (For release.released) - "You announce the release, marking its official arrival."
  201. Revoker of the Release (For release.unpublished) - "You unpublish the release, removing it from public view."
  202. Keeper of the Repository (For repository) - "You oversee the repository, ensuring it is properly maintained."
  203. Preserver of the Repository (For repository.archived) - "You archive the repository, preserving its contents for future generations."
  204. Creator of the Repository (For repository.created) - "You create the repository, laying the foundation for future development."
  205. Eraser of the Repository (For repository.deleted) - "You delete the repository, removing its influence from the world."
  206. Editor of the Repository (For repository.edited) - "You edit the repository, ensuring its information is up-to-date."
  207. Privatizer of the Repository (For repository.privatized) - "You privatize the repository, restricting access to it."
  208. Publicizer of the Repository (For repository.publicized) - "You publicize the repository, sharing its contents with the world."
  209. Renamer of the Repository (For repository.renamed) - "You rename the repository, reshaping its identity."
  210. Transferrer of the Repository (For repository.transferred) - "You transfer the repository, ensuring it reaches the correct organization."
  211. Restorer of the Repository (For repository.unarchived) - "You unarchive the repository, bringing it back to life."
  212. Dispatcher of the Divine (For repository_dispatch) - "You trigger the repository dispatch, setting events in motion."
  213. Importer of the Divine (For repository_import) - "You import the repository, bringing in new knowledge and power."
  214. Watcher of Vulnerabilities (For repository_vulnerability_alert) - "You oversee the repository's vulnerabilities, ensuring they are properly managed."
  215. Creator of Alerts (For repository_vulnerability_alert.create) - "You create a vulnerability alert, bringing attention to potential dangers."
  216. Dismisser of Alerts (For repository_vulnerability_alert.dismiss) - "You dismiss the vulnerability alert, deciding the threat is not significant."
  217. Restorer of Alerts (For repository_vulnerability_alert.reopen) - "You reopen the vulnerability alert, ensuring the threat is properly managed."
  218. Resolver of Alerts (For repository_vulnerability_alert.resolve) - "You resolve the vulnerability alert, neutralizing the threat."
  219. Keeper of Secrets (For secret_scanning_alert) - "You oversee the secret scanning alerts, ensuring no secrets are exposed."
  220. Creator of Alerts (For secret_scanning_alert.created) - "You create a secret scanning alert, bringing attention to potential exposures."
  221. Restorer of Alerts (For secret_scanning_alert.reopened) - "You reopen the secret scanning alert, ensuring the exposure is properly managed."
  222. Resolver of Alerts (For secret_scanning_alert.resolved) - "You resolve the secret scanning alert, neutralizing the exposure."
  223. Revoker of Alerts (For secret_scanning_alert.revoked) - "You revoke the secret scanning alert, deciding the exposure is no longer relevant."
  224. Keeper of Locations (For secret_scanning_alert_location) - "You oversee the locations of secret scanning alerts, ensuring they are properly managed."
  225. Creator of Locations (For secret_scanning_alert_location.created) - "You create a secret scanning alert location, bringing attention to a specific area of concern."
  226. Herald of Security (For security_advisory) - "You oversee the security advisories, ensuring the repository remains secure."
  227. Performer of Security (For security_advisory.performed) - "You perform the security advisory, ensuring the necessary actions are taken."
  228. Publisher of Security (For security_advisory.published) - "You publish the security advisory, making the information available to all."
  229. Refiner of Security (For security_advisory.updated) - "You update the security advisory, ensuring its information is accurate."
  230. Revoker of Security (For security_advisory.withdrawn) - "You withdraw the security advisory, deciding it is no longer necessary."
  231. Patron of the Sponsorship (For sponsorship) - "You oversee the sponsorships, ensuring the repository is properly supported."
  232. Renouncer of Sponsorship (For sponsorship.cancelled) - "You cancel the sponsorship, withdrawing your support."
  233. Creator of Sponsorship (For sponsorship.created) - "You create the sponsorship, providing support to the repository."
  234. Editor of Sponsorship (For sponsorship.edited) - "You edit the sponsorship, ensuring its terms are clear."
  235. Seer of Future Sponsorships (For sponsorship.pending_cancellation) - "You foresee the cancellation of a sponsorship, awaiting its finalization."
  236. Renouncer of Pending Sponsorships (For sponsorship.pending_tier_change) - "You foresee the change in sponsorship tier, awaiting its finalization."
  237. Changer of Tiers (For sponsorship.tier_changed) - "You change the tier of the sponsorship, ensuring it aligns with the repository's needs."
  238. Bearer of the Star (For star) - "You oversee the stars, ensuring the repository shines brightly."
  239. Creator of the Star (For star.created) - "You create the star, marking the repository as worthy of recognition."
  240. Eraser of the Star (For star.deleted) - "You delete the star, removing its influence from the repository."
  241. Keeper of the Status (For status) - "You oversee the status, ensuring the repository's health is properly managed."
  242. Architect of the Team (For team) - "You oversee the teams, ensuring they are properly organized and managed."
  243. Adder of Strength (For team.added_to_repository) - "You add a team to the repository, strengthening its resolve."
  244. Creator of the Team (For team.created) - "You create the team, laying the foundation for future success."
  245. Eraser of the Team (For team.deleted) - "You delete the team, removing its influence from the repository."
  246. Editor of the Team (For team.edited) - "You edit the team, ensuring its structure is clear."
  247. Remover of Strength (For team.removed_from_repository) - "You remove the team from the repository, weakening its resolve."
  248. Adder of the Sacred (For team_add) - "You add the team, ensuring the repository is properly supported."
  249. Watcher of the Stars (For watch) - "You oversee the watches, ensuring the repository is properly monitored."
  250. Starter of the Watch (For watch.started) - "You start the watch, ensuring the repository is properly monitored."
  251. Dispatcher of the Workflow (For workflow_dispatch) - "You trigger the workflow, setting events in motion."
  252. Keeper of the Job (For workflow_job) - "You oversee the workflow jobs, ensuring they are properly managed."
  253. Bringer of Completion (For workflow_job.completed) - "You complete the workflow job, marking the end of a journey."
  254. Keeper of Progress (For workflow_job.in_progress) - "You monitor the workflow job, ensuring it is properly managed."
  255. Queuer of the Job (For workflow_job.queued) - "You queue the workflow job, preparing it for execution."
  256. Watcher of the Queue (For workflow_job.waiting) - "You oversee the queued workflow jobs, ensuring they are properly managed."
  257. Keeper of the Run (For workflow_run) - "You oversee the workflow runs, ensuring they are properly managed."
  258. Bringer of Completion (For workflow_run.completed) - "You complete the workflow run, marking the end of a journey."
  259. Keeper of Progress (For workflow_run.in_progress) - "You monitor the workflow run, ensuring it is properly managed."
  260. Requester of the Run (For workflow_run.requested) - "You request the workflow run, setting events in motion."
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