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Created August 28, 2019 08:21
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Mocking / Spongebob text converter
function Get-MockingText {
This function changes a normal text string to a TeXt sTrInG LiKe tHiS
InTeRnEt cUlTuRe dEmAnDs a qUiCkEr aNd eAsIeR WaY Of tYpInG ThInGs lIkE ThIs. HeNcE ThIs fUnCtIoN.
.PARAMETER InputObject
TeXt tO ChAnGe tO MoCkInG TeXt.
Get-MockingText -InputObject 'describe what this call does'
DeScRiBe wHaT ThIs cAlL DoEs
'describe what this call does' | Get-MockingText
DeScRiBe wHaT ThIs cAlL DoEs
URLs to related sites
Strings, ints, chars
if ($string){$inputobject=$string}
for ($i=0;$i-le$($inputobject.length);$i++) {
try {$newString+=$($inputobject[$i].ToString().ToUpper())
} catch {$newString+=$($inputobject[$i])}
try {$newString+=$($inputobject[$i].ToString().ToLower())
} catch {$newString+=$($inputobject[$i])}
write-output -InputObject $newString
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