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Last active June 1, 2016 14:40
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Desktop mouse coordinates with Löve
-- desktop coordinate related functions
-- by zorg @ 2015-2016
-- license: ISC
-- This library implements a somewhat robust method of allowing the usage of desktop mouse coordinates in Löve.
-- Main usage would be the implementation of borderless dragging (in windows at least, where it's not possible otherwise)
-- This may not yet be perfect, since window dimensions and position and the inner canvas/frame/viewport dimensions and positioning
-- may be offset differently by different OS-es, so testing needed still. Also doesn't have that much use on android or ios.
-- Use LuaJIT FFI to load in SDL2.
local ffi = require("ffi")
local sdl = ffi.os == "Windows" and ffi.load("SDL2") or ffi.C
-- We need this for borderless dragging, in windows at least; still need to test on nix and osx.
-- Note that for this to work, the user needs to give screen position hints to the application.
typedef uint32_t Uint32;
typedef struct SDL_Rect
int x, y;
int w, h;
} SDL_Rect;
Uint32 SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(int *x, int *y); /*needs SDL 2.0.4 or higher*/
int SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(void);
int SDL_GetDisplayBounds(int displayIndex, SDL_Rect* rect);
-- Function holder table
local t = {}
-- Given a display, and a coordinate inside that display, return a point in desktop-space.
t.toGlobalPosition = function(D,x,y,d) -- Displaylist, horizontal pos., vertical pos., display
assert(D[d] ~= nil, "Given display index doesn't exist!")
return D[d][1]+x, D[d][2]+y
-- Given a point in desktop-space, return display-local coordinates and the display's index.
t.toScreenPosition = function(D,x,y) -- Displaylist, horizontal pos., vertical pos.
local X,Y,d = 0,0,0
local minx, miny, maxx, maxy = 1/0,1/0,0,0
-- Get width and height of the viewport, the area inside the window, because we will need it for the other bounds...
-- TODO: Which to use...
local w,h =
--local w,h,_ = love.window.getMode()
-- Check boundary conditions per-display.
-- May not be perfectly sound, logically speaking (for non-convex arrangements)
for i=1,#D do
if minx > D[i][1] then minx = D[i][1] end
if miny > D[i][2] then miny = D[i][2] end
if maxx < D[i][1]+D[i][3] then maxx = D[i][1]+D[i][3] end
if maxy < D[i][2]+D[i][4] then maxy = D[i][2]+D[i][4] end
-- If out of bounds, return false, and the bound we were near to.
if x < minx then
return -1, 0, false
if x+w > maxx then
return 1, 0, false
if y < miny then
return 0, -1, false
if y+h > maxy then
return 0, 1, false
-- Check which display we're actually in, and return the coordinates as such.
for i=1,#D do
if x >= D[i][1] and x < D[i][1]+D[i][3] and y >= D[i][2] and y < D[i][2]+D[i][4] then
return x-D[i][1], y-D[i][2], i
-- Point doesn't exist on any screen; should not be possible to set to this anyway.
return 0, 0, false
-- Return the mouse position on the desktop.
t.getGlobalMousePosition = function()
local x, y ="int[1]", 0),"int[1]", 0)
local err = sdl.SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(x,y)
if err ~= 1 then return false end -- Not on the desktop.
return x[0], y[0]
-- Metatable for the above functions.
local mt = {__index = t}
-- Constructor; we could have just went with an init function and made the module stateful, but this works just as well.
local new = function()
-- The array of displays (xOffset, yOffset,width,height)
local D = {}
-- How many displays the computer has.
local n = sdl.SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays()
-- Get the position and size data from all displays.
for i = 1, n do
local rect ="SDL_Rect[1]")
sdl.SDL_GetDisplayBounds(i-1, rect)
D[i] = {}
D[i][1] = rect[0].x
D[i][2] = rect[0].y
D[i][3] = rect[0].w
D[i][4] = rect[0].h
-- Allows to use the above 3 functions with the D displaylist. (with the colon (:) syntax)
return setmetatable(D, mt}
return new
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