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Created March 23, 2013 07:52
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An experimental, likely insultling, katakana/hiragana orthography for Lojban
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Parsec
import System.Console.CmdArgs
type Map = Map.Map
dakuten = '\xFF9E'
dakuten' = '\x3099'
handakuten = '\xFF9F'
handakuten' = '\x309A'
chooonpu = '\x30FC'
stop = '\x3002'
comma = '\x3001'
interpunct = '\x00B7'
-- There are actually 198, but 200 is easier to write
type Hyakuyonjuuon = Map Char (Map String String)
headerHor = ["-", "a", "i", "u", "e", "o", "y", "ai", "ei", "oi", "au"]
headerVer = "-iupbfvtdszcjkgxmnlr"
row' :: (String -> String) -> [String] -> Map String String
row' f = Map.fromList . zip
. map f
row :: [Char] -> (String -> String) -> [Char] -> Map String String
row [ic, uc] = flip $ flip row' . (\[a, i, y, e, o] ->
[[y], [a], [i], [y,uc], [e], [o], [y,chooonpu]
, [a,ic], [e,ic], [o,ic], [a,uc]
dd (root:rest) = root:dakuten:rest
d' (root:rest) = root:dakuten':rest
hh (root:rest) = root:handakuten:rest
h' (root:rest) = root:handakuten':rest
showHyakuyonjuuon kana = concatMap ('\t':) headerHor
: [ rid : (showLine $ fromJust $ Map.lookup rid kana) | rid <- headerVer ]
where showLine l = concatMap ('\t':)
[ fromJust $ Map.lookup cid l | cid <- headerHor ]
hiragana = Map.fromList
[ '-' >< row' id ["", "", "", "", "", ""
, [chooonpu], "あぃ", "えぃ", "おぃ", "あぅ"]
, 'i' >< row' id ["", "", "ゆぃ", "ゆぅ", "ゆぇ", ""
, 'ゆ':[chooonpu], "やぃ", "ゆぇぃ", "よぃ", "やぅ"]
, 'u' >< row' id ["", "", "", "ゐぅ", "", ""
, 'ゐ':[chooonpu], "わぃ", "ゑぃ", "をぃ", "わぅ"]
, 'p' >< kRow h' x
, 'b' >< kRow d' x
, 'f' >< kRow hh m
, 'v' >< kRow dd m
, 't' >< kRow id t
, 'd' >< kRow d' t
, 's' >< kRow id s
, 'z' >< kRow d' s
, 'c' >< kRow hh s
, 'j' >< kRow hh t
, 'k' >< kRow id k
, 'g' >< kRow d' k
, 'x' >< kRow id x
, 'm' >< kRow id m
, 'n' >< kRow id n
, 'r' >< kRow id r
, 'l' >< kRow dd r
where kRow = row "ぃぅ"
k = "かきくけこ"
s = "さしすせそ"
t = "たちつてと"
n = "なにぬねの"
x = "はひふへほ"
m = "まみむめも"
r = "らりるれろ"
katakana = Map.fromList
[ '-' >< row' id ["", "", "", "", "", ""
, [chooonpu], "アィ", "エィ", "オィ", "アゥ"]
, 'i' >< row' id ["", "", "ユィ", "ユゥ", "ユェ", ""
, 'ユ':[chooonpu], "ヤィ", "ユェィ", "ヨィ", "ヤゥ"]
, 'u' >< row' id ["", "", "", "ヰゥ", "", ""
, 'ヰ':[chooonpu], "ワィ", "ヱィ", "ヲィ", "ワゥ"]
, 'p' >< kRow h' x
, 'b' >< kRow d' x
, 'f' >< kRow hh m
, 'v' >< kRow dd m
, 't' >< kRow id t
, 'd' >< kRow d' t
, 's' >< kRow id s
, 'z' >< kRow d' s
, 'c' >< kRow hh s
, 'j' >< kRow hh t
, 'k' >< kRow id k
, 'g' >< kRow d' k
, 'x' >< kRow id x
, 'm' >< kRow id m
, 'n' >< kRow id n
, 'r' >< kRow id r
, 'l' >< kRow dd r
where kRow = row "ィゥ"
k = "カキクケコ"
s = "サシスセソ"
t = "タチツテト"
n = "ナニヌネノ"
x = "ハヒフヘホ"
m = "マミムメモ"
r = "ラリルレロ"
translate' :: Hyakuyonjuuon -> Char -> String -> Maybe String
translate' kana r c = Map.lookup r kana >>= Map.lookup c
translate :: Hyakuyonjuuon -> Char -> String -> String
translate = ((.).(.).(.)) fromJust translate'
-- A really simple transcriber; does not validate morphology
consonentP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
consonentP = oneOf $ drop 3 headerVer
vowelAtomP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
vowelAtomP = oneOf "aiueoy"
hP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
hP = oneOf "\'`"
vowelP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
vowelP = try diphthong <|> fmap (:[]) vowelAtomP
where diphthong = choice $ map string ["ai", "ei", "oi", "au"]
fullVowelP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m [String]
fullVowelP = vowelP `sepBy1` hP
transcribeVowels :: Hyakuyonjuuon -> [String] -> String
transcribeVowels kana = concatMap (translate kana '-')
tryVowelP :: Stream s m Char => Hyakuyonjuuon -> Char -> ParsecT s u m String
tryVowelP kana c = do
vs <- fullVowelP
return $ translate kana c (head vs)
++ concatMap (translate kana '-') (tail vs)
tsIUP :: Stream s m Char => Hyakuyonjuuon -> ParsecT s u m String
tsIUP kana = do
iu <- oneOf "iu"
[ do
vs <- fullVowelP
return $ translate kana iu (head vs)
++ transcribeVowels kana (tail vs)
, return (translate kana '-' [iu])
tsConsonentP :: Stream s m Char => Hyakuyonjuuon -> ParsecT s u m String
tsConsonentP kana = do
c <- consonentP
let nv = translate kana c "-"
[ try $ tryIUP nv
, tsVowelP' kana c
, return nv
where tryIUP :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m String
tryIUP nv = do
iu <- oneOf "iu"
vs <- fullVowelP
return $ nv
++ translate kana iu (head vs)
++ transcribeVowels kana (tail vs)
-- We assume we have done an i-u check before reaching this
tsVowelP' :: Stream s m Char => Hyakuyonjuuon -> Char -> ParsecT s u m String
tsVowelP' kana c = do
vs <- fullVowelP
if vs `elem` [["ai"], ["ei"], ["oi"], ["ou"]]
then choice
[ do
let [v, iu] = head vs
vs <- fullVowelP
return $ translate kana c [v]
++ translate kana iu (head vs)
++ transcribeVowels kana (tail vs)
, return $ translate kana c $ head vs
else return $ translate kana c (head vs)
++ transcribeVowels kana (tail vs)
tsVowelP :: Stream s m Char => Hyakuyonjuuon -> ParsecT s u m String
tsVowelP = flip tsVowelP' '-'
specialP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
specialP = fmap (:[]) $ choice
[ char '.' >> return stop
, char ';' >> return comma
, char ',' >> return interpunct
transcribeP :: Stream s m Char => Hyakuyonjuuon -> ParsecT s u m String
transcribeP kana = fmap concat $ many $ spaces >> choice
[ specialP
, tsConsonentP kana
, tsIUP kana
, tsVowelP kana
(.:) = (.).(.)
transcribe kana str = case parse (transcribeP kana) "" str of
Left err -> show err
Right res -> res
data Args = Args
{ katakanaA :: Bool
, chartA :: Bool
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
argAs = Args
{ katakanaA = False
&= name "katakana"
&= help "Display in katakana instead of hiragana"
, chartA = False
&= name "chart"
&= help "Display full translation chart and quit"
&= program "PonjoLojbo"
&= versionArg[ignore]
&= summary
"A translator from standard Lojban orthography to Zearen's kana scheme"
main = do
args' <- cmdArgs argAs
let kana = if katakanaA args' then katakana else hiragana
if chartA args'
then mapM_ putStrLn $ showHyakuyonjuuon kana
else getLine >>= putStrLn . transcribe kana
a >< b = (a, b)
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