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Forked from jewzaam/
Created February 4, 2016 16:02
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##Yet another gist to provide Graphite support for Dashing Pull data from Graphite and present in Dashing. Support both graph and number widget.

Quick install:

dashing install 5088efcc94de2fecad5e

Set the graphite host/port and names of metrics in jobs/graphite.rb

# Set the graphite host and port (ip or hostname)

# Job mappings. Define a name and set the metrics name from graphite
job_mapping = {
    'host1-load-1min' => '*.*.host1.load.onemin',
    'host2-load-1min' => '*.*.host1.load.onemin'

Configure your dashboard to use your data. Example dashboards/sample.erb:

    <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
        <div data-id="host1-load-1min" data-view="Graph" data-title="Host1 Load 1min" data-moreinfo="Last 4h"></div>
    <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
        <div data-id="host2-load-1min" data-view="Meter" data-title="Host2 Load 1min" data-min="0" data-max="100" data-moreinfo="Last 4h"></div>

As always, fork and tweak to suit your needs

require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
require 'date'
# Pull data from Graphite and make available to Dashing Widgets
# Heavily inspired from Thomas Van Machelen's "Bling dashboard article"
# Set the graphite host and port (ip or hostname)
INTERVAL = '30s'
# Job mappings. Define a name and set the metrics name from graphite
job_mapping = {
'host1-load-1min' => '*.*.host1.load.onemin',
'host2-load-1min' => '*.*.host1.load.onemin'
# Extend the float to allow better rounding. Too many digits makes a messy dashboard
class Float
def sigfig_to_s(digits)
f = sprintf("%.#{digits - 1}e", self).to_f
i = f.to_i
(i == f ? i : f)
class Graphite
# Initialize the class
def initialize(url)
@url = url
# Use Graphite api to query for the stats, parse the returned JSON and return the result
def query(statname, since=nil)
since ||= '1h-ago'
print "SOURCE: #{@url}/render?format=json&target=#{statname}&from=#{since}\n"
response = URI.parse("#{@url}/render?format=json&target=#{statname}&from=#{since}").read
result = JSON.parse(response, :symbolize_names => true)
return result.first
# Gather the datapoints and turn into Dashing graph widget format
def points(name, since=nil)
since ||= '-1min'
stats = query name, since
datapoints = stats[:datapoints]
points = []
count = 1
( { |el| not el[0].nil? }).each do|item|
points << { x: count, y: get_value(item)}
count += 1
value = ( { |el| not el[0].nil? }).last[0].sigfig_to_s(2)
return points, value
def get_value(datapoint)
value = datapoint[0] || 0
return value.round(2)
def value(name, since=nil)
since ||= '-10min'
stats = query name, since
last = (stats[:datapoints].select { |el| not el[0].nil? }).last[0].sigfig_to_s(2)
return last
job_mapping.each do |title, statname|
SCHEDULER.every INTERVAL, :first_in => 0 do
# Create an instance of our Graphite class
# Get the current points and value. Timespan is static atm
points, current = q.points "#{statname}", "-1hour"
# Send to dashboard, tested supports for number, meter and graph widgets
send_event "#{title}", { current: current, value: current, points: points }
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