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Kaspar manz xeophin

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XavierGimenez / .block
Last active July 13, 2023 08:18
Chord Diagram with vega.js
license: bsd-3-clause
# The packages we'll be using
packages <- c("rvest","dplyr","tidyr","pipeR","ggplot2","stringr","data.table")
# From those packages, which ones are not yet installed?
newPackages <- packages[!(packages %in% as.character(installed.packages()[,"Package"]))]
# If any weren't already installed, install them now
if(length(newPackages)) install.packages(newPackages)
# Now make sure all necessary packages are loaded
tmslnz / apple-system-font.css
Created July 12, 2015 18:01
Specify Apple System Font in CSS
/* From */
* { font-family: -apple-system-font, HelveticaNeue, LucidaGrande; }
/* Dynamic Type feature */
* { font-family: -apple-system-headline1, HelveticaNeue, LucidaGrande; }
* { font-family: -apple-system-headline2, HelveticaNeue, LucidaGrande; }
* { font-family: -apple-system-body, HelveticaNeue, LucidaGrande; }
* { font-family: -apple-system-subheadline1, HelveticaNeue, LucidaGrande; }
* { font-family: -apple-system-subheadline2, HelveticaNeue, LucidaGrande; }
Su-Shee / gist:450ccbf2f665094aae50
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
quick & dirty vim syntax highlighting for "bad writing style" in german
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
" indication for missing a proper subject or object 'who is doing what?'
syn keyword authorAnonym man
ikriz / PostBuildTrigger.cs
Created February 21, 2014 21:56
Example PostProcessBuild Script referenced at
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
public static class PostBuildTrigger
private static DirectoryInfo targetdir;
private static string buildname;
private static string buildDataDir;
leon /
Created February 4, 2014 09:49
angularjs $q decorator for spread

Use it like this

$q.all([ promise1, promise2 ]).then($q.spread(function (promise1Result, promise2Result) {


simonista / .vimrc
Last active September 19, 2024 11:34
A basic .vimrc file that will serve as a good template on which to build.
" Don't try to be vi compatible
set nocompatible
" Helps force plugins to load correctly when it is turned back on below
filetype off
" TODO: Load plugins here (pathogen or vundle)
" Turn on syntax highlighting
syntax on
TomByrne / MultiExporter.jsx
Last active June 14, 2024 09:48
An Illustrator script for exporting layers and/or artboards into separate files (PNG8 / PNG24 / EPS / PDF / SVG / JPG / FXG).See
// MultiExporter.jsx
// Version 0.1
// Version 0.2 Adds PNG and EPS exports
// Version 0.3 Adds support for exporting at different resolutions
// Version 0.4 Adds support for SVG, changed EPS behaviour to minimise output filesize
// Version 0.5 Fixed cropping issues
// Version 0.6 Added inner padding mode to prevent circular bounds clipping
// Copyright 2013 Tom Byrne
// Comments or suggestions to
valryon / .gitignore
Last active January 10, 2017 14:24
Unity .gitignore
# =============== #
# Unity generated #
# =============== #
# ===================================== #
# Visual Studio / MonoDevelop generated #

Build your own private, encrypted, open-source Dropbox-esque sync folder


  • One or more clients running a UNIX-like OS. Examples are given for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, although all software components are available for other platforms as well (e.g. OS X). YMMV
  • A cheap Ubuntu 12.04 VPS with storage. I recommend Backupsy, they offer 250GB storage for $5/month. Ask Google for coupon codes.

Software components used:

  • Unison for file synchronization
  • EncFS for folder encryption