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Last active June 29, 2017 09:13
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Finding out type of prepend.Out
case class Record[A](userId: UUID, createdAt: LocalDateTime, version: Long, data: A)
type MetaData = UUID :: LocalDateTime :: Long :: HNil
def length[R <: HList](record: Record[A])
(implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, R],
prepend: Prepend[R, MetaData]) = {
val data =
val meta = record.userId :: record.createdAt :: record.version :: HNil
val toWrite = data ::: meta
// next line fails, missing Length[prepend.Out], but prepend.Out cannot be used in the implicit arg list.
// What should be an alternate, but valid type signature of prepend.Out?
val natLen = toWrite.length
// Not gotten here, but probably yet another signature issue in waiting.
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