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Created March 14, 2015 05:14
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditor;
public class BitmapFontTextCreator
// デフォルトカスタムフォントパス
const string DEFAULT_FONT_PATH = "Assets/CustomFont/customfont.fontsettings";
// デフォルトフォントカラー
static readonly Color32 DEFAULT_COLOR = new Color32(50, 50, 50, 255);
[MenuItem("GameObject/UI/Bitmap Font Text", false, 2003)]
static void CreateBitmapFontText ()
if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) {
Debug.LogWarning("Please select the GameObject on hierarchy.");
if (Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponentInParent<Canvas>() == null) {
Debug.LogWarning("Please select the GameObject under the ui canvas.");
Transform parent = Selection.activeGameObject.transform;
// Text生成
var go = new GameObject("BitmapFontText");
go.transform.SetParent(parent, false);
var uiText = go.AddComponent<Text>();
uiText.fontSize = 0;
uiText.color = DEFAULT_COLOR;
uiText.text = "New Bitmap Font Text";
// BitmapFontScaler追加
// デフォルトのカスタムフォントを設定
var font = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath<Font>(DEFAULT_FONT_PATH);
if (font != null) {
uiText.font = font;
[MenuItem("GameObject/UI/Bitmap Font Text", true)]
static bool CreateBitmapFontTextEnable ()
if (Selection.activeGameObject == null || Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponentInParent<Canvas>() == null) {
return false;
return true;
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