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Checking for JIRA Ticket in Merge Request Title and updating transition in CI Pipeline
echo "Check if the Merge Request is Draft..."
if [[ "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE" =~ "Draft" ]]; then
echo "The Merge Request is in draft. No JIRA action will be taken."
exit 0
echo "Check if the Merge Request title contains a JIRA ticket number..."
if [[ "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE" =~ \[(TT-[0-9]+)\] ]]; then
echo "JIRA ticket number found: ${JIRA_ISSUE}"
echo "No JIRA ticket number found in the Merge Request title."
exit 0 # We do nothing if no ticket is found
echo "Update JIRA ticket ${JIRA_ISSUE} in JIRA..."
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"transition": {"id": "7"}
}' \
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