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Created May 25, 2019 18:54
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An Example Of Animating SCNText With A Typewriter Like Effect
//1. Timer To Animate Our Text
var animationTimer: Timer?
//2. Variable To Store The Current Time
var time:Int = 0
/// Animates The Presentation Of SCNText To Give An Appearance Of A Typing Effect
/// - Parameters:
/// - textGeometry: SCNText
/// - text: String
/// - completed: () -> Void
func animateTextGeometry(_ textGeometry: SCNText, withText text: String, completed: @escaping () -> Void ){
//1. Get All The Characters From The Text
let characters = Array(text)
//2. Run The Animation
animationTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.3, repeats: true) { [weak self] timer in
//a. If The Current Time Doesnt Equal The Count Of Our Characters Then Continue To Animate Our Text
if self?.time != characters.count {
let currentText: String = textGeometry.string as! String
textGeometry.string = currentText + String(characters[(self?.time)!])
self?.time += 1
//b. Invalide The Timer, Reset The Variables & Escape
self?.time = 0
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