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Created January 12, 2015 15:52
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PolygonColliderの多すぎる頂点を減らす。ベースはEngidia SCP - Eduard Bosch (さんのRemoveInternalShapes
* Author: Engidia SCP - Eduard Bosch (
* File: RemoveInternalShapes.cs
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class ReduceVertexPolygonCollider2D
[MenuItem ("GameObject/Reduce Vertex of PolygonCollider", true)]
static bool ValidateRemoveShapes ()
foreach (GameObject objects in Selection.gameObjects) {
PolygonCollider2D collider = objects.GetComponent<PolygonCollider2D> ();
return (collider != null && collider.pathCount >= 1);
return false;
[MenuItem ("GameObject/Reduce Vertex of PolygonCollider")]
static void RemoveShapes ()
foreach (GameObject objects in Selection.gameObjects) {
PolygonCollider2D collider = objects.GetComponent<PolygonCollider2D> ();
if (collider == null) {
Undo.RecordObject (collider, "Remove Interior Shapes");
var path1 = GetOutlinePath (collider);
var path2 = RemovePlane (path1);
var path3 = RemoveClosePolygon (path2);
collider.SetPath (0, path3);
static Vector2[] GetOutlinePath (PolygonCollider2D collider)
int lExteriorShape = 0;
float lLeftmostPoint = Mathf.Infinity;
for (int i=0, length=collider.pathCount; i<length; ++i) {
Vector2[] lPath = collider.GetPath (i);
foreach (Vector2 lPoint in lPath) {
if (lPoint.x < lLeftmostPoint) {
lExteriorShape = i;
lLeftmostPoint = lPoint.x;
collider.pathCount = 1;
return collider.GetPath (lExteriorShape);
static Vector2 [] RemoveClosePolygon (Vector2[] lPath)
List<Vector2> verticesList = new List<Vector2> (lPath);
foreach (var node in lPath) {
if (verticesList.Exists (item => Vector3.Distance (node, item) < 0.3f && item != node)) {
verticesList.Remove (node);
return verticesList.ToArray ();
static Vector2[] RemovePlane (Vector2[] lPath)
var verticesList = new List<Vector2> (lPath);
for (int i=1; i<lPath.Length - 1; i+= 2) {
var first = lPath [i - 1];
var second = lPath [i];
var third = lPath [i + 1];
var angle1 = Vector2.Angle (first, second);
var angle2 = Vector2.Angle (second, third);
if (Mathf.Abs (angle1 - angle2) < 30) {
verticesList.Remove (second);
return verticesList.ToArray ();
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tsubaki commented Jan 12, 2015


PolygonCollider2Dがアタッチされているオブジェクト選択中にGameObject>Reduce Vertex of PolygonColliderでポリゴンが削減される。

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