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(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

Torsten Scholak tscholak

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
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runarorama / day1.markdown
Last active December 8, 2019 12:42
Advent of Code (Unison Edition), day 1

Advent of Code 2019, in Unison

Spoilers for Advent of Code 2019 follow.

Day 1: The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation

Fuel required to launch a given module is based on its mass. Specifically, to find the fuel required for a module, take its mass, divide by three, round down, and subtract 2.

This describes a simple function. There seems to be an oversight in the problem statement that modules with very low mass have a negative fuel requirement. I'm going to assume that's not right, and that instead of integer subtraction, we want natural number subtraction (sometimes called "monus"). In Unison, we can use the Nat type instead of integers, so we don't have to consider negatives. The subtraction operation is called drop:

dysinger /
Last active March 7, 2023 14:51
How I installed Encrypted ZFS root on NixOS
vaibhavsagar / default.nix
Created June 15, 2019 15:28
A `default.nix` for Semantic
nixpkgs-src = builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "0cj4h39fhrm0nzxgfcjxy457zhi2rajpgm6abas816srmr4bb6nn";
semantic-src = builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "0bk7f96fm9928nc2yv85cwchk43xh4yikbiqg7ngba5q6gj7xy04";
pkgs = import nixpkgs-src { config.allowBroken = true; };
jmoy / Friends.thy
Last active June 10, 2022 20:56
Solving a puzzle using the Isabelle proof assistant
sectionA Simple Graph Problem
We shall prove the following: "In a finite group of people, some of whom are friends with some
of the others there must be at least two people who have the same number of friends."
theory Friends
imports Main
porglezomp / Leftpad.idr
Last active August 13, 2024 22:22
Taking on Hillel's challenge to formally verify leftpad (
-- Note: There is a more complete explanation at
import Data.Vect
-- `minus` is saturating subtraction, so this works like we want it to
eq_max : (n, k : Nat) -> maximum k n = plus (n `minus` k) k
eq_max n Z = rewrite minusZeroRight n in rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral n in Refl
eq_max Z (S _) = Refl
eq_max (S n) (S k) = rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc (n `minus` k) k in rewrite eq_max n k in Refl
-- The type here says "the result is" padded to (maximum k n), and is padding plus the original
xgrommx / HRecursionSchemes.hs
Last active December 9, 2021 07:30
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DataKinds, PolyKinds, GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, KindSignatures #-}
module HRecursionSchemes where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Const
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen hiding ((<>))
sellout / metamorphism.hs
Last active January 3, 2023 16:06
Trying to generalize [metamorphisms]( away from lists.
-- | A “flushing” 'stream', with an additional coalgebra for flushing the
-- remaining values after the input has been consumed. This also allows us to
-- generalize the output away from lists.
:: (Cursive t (XNor a), Cursive u f, Corecursive u f, Traversable f)
=> Coalgebra f b -> (b -> a -> b) -> Coalgebra f b -> b -> t -> u
fstream ψ g ψ' = go
go c x =
let fb = ψ c
kritzcreek /
Last active May 24, 2021 18:36
Collections of random numbers in PureScript

Generating collections of random numbers in PureScript

A problem that I've seen beginners run into in Haskell or PureScript a couple of times now is how to generate a List of random numbers. It's a common requirement for little games (which make for great first projects) to generate these, and it definitely seems to be a stumbling block.

Why are random numbers hard?

Randomness is considered a side effect in purely functional languages, which means that to generate them you usually need access to Eff/IO, which in turn means we need to deal with Monads. And while generating a single random number is usually pretty easy with do-notation, the typical intuition beginners have built when going from single values to a collection is to use map, but that fails.

Type-Directed-Search to the rescue

dbarnes / OSX Sierra + Titan Xp eGPU. Tensorflow 1.2.1. + CUDA 8 + cuDNN
Last active March 28, 2020 19:23
OSX Sierra + Titan Xp eGPU. Tensorflow 1.2.1. + CUDA 8 + cuDNN 6

OSX Sierra + Titan Xp eGPU. Tensorflow 1.2.1. + CUDA 8 + cuDNN 6

This gist summarises the tensorflow related steps I took to get the above combo working.

When its all tested in c++ I'll update the instructions fully (and add anything I forgot below).

But in summary ( with the current master dd06643cf098ed362212ce0f76ee746951466e81 ):

I have uploaded the pip wheel which I believe should work if you have the same setup but no promises (built for compute capability 3.5, 5.2, 6.0 and named tensorflow-gpu). Install with (not sure dropbox allows this direct linking):