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Last active December 20, 2015 10:30
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Save trjordan/6115602 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hubot plugin for AppNeta PathView.
# Description:
# Display network path performance from PathView Cloud.
# Dependencies:
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# hubot (pathview|pvc) me <start> (to)? <finish> - Return the performance of matching PathView Cloud paths
# Author:
# Eronarn
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /(pathview|pvc) me (\w*)\s*(to)?\s*(\w*)/i, (msg) ->
# Get start and finish parameters.
start = msg.match[2]
finish = msg.match[4]
# Get PVC credentials.
subdomain = process.env.HUBOT_PVC_SUBDOMAIN
account = process.env.HUBOT_PVC_ACCOUNT
password = process.env.HUBOT_PVC_PASSWORD
# Get the base64-encoded auth string.
auth = new Buffer(account+":"+password).toString('base64')
# Make a call to the PVC API.
.header('Authorization', 'Basic '+auth)
.get() (err, res, body) ->
if err
msg.send "didn't work, bro <img src="" alt=":(" class="wp-smiley"> #{err}"
# Get an array of paths.
paths = JSON.parse body
# Sort paths by name.
paths.sort (a,b) ->
if a.pathName.toUpperCase() >= b.pathName.toUpperCase() then 1 else -1
# Format paths.
print = (path) ->
since = Date(new Date().valueOf() - path.serviceQualityTime);
msg.send("#{path.pathName} @ #{}: #{path.serviceQuality} since #{since}")
print path for path in paths
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