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Created August 28, 2018 00:22
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import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Progress, Grid, Button, Icon, Dimmer, Loader } from "semantic-ui-react";
import getAccount, { BoxOffice, Movie } from "../../utils/contracts";
import { Link } from "../../routes";
import Layout from "../../components/Layout";
import MovieDetails from "../../components/contents/MovieDetails";
import MovieStats from "../../components/contents/MovieStats";
import TokenDetails from "../../components/contents/TokenDetails";
import BuyTickets from "../../components/forms/BuyTickets";
import Withdrawals from "../../components/contents/Withdrawals";
import makeShorter, { toDollars } from "../../utils/offchainwork";
class BoxOfficeMovie extends Component {
static async getInitialProps(props) {
const boxOffice = await BoxOffice.deployed();
const [listingFee, withdrawFee, feesCollected, feesDonated ] = await boxOffice.getBoxOfficeStats();
const movie = await;
const [ filmmaker, createdTime, salesEndDate, availableTickets, price, movieName, ticketSymbol, logline, poster, trailer ] = await movie.getFilmSummary();
const [ sales, fund, audienceTotal, availableSupply, ticketSupply ] = await movie.getFilmStats();
const account = await getAccount();
const ticketBalance = await movie.balanceOf(account);
return {
feesCollected: [ feesCollected.toNumber(), await toDollars(feesCollected) ],
fund: [ fund.toNumber(), await toDollars(fund) ],
film: {
createdTime: createdTime*1000,
token: {
availableSupply: [ availableSupply.toNumber(), makeShorter(availableSupply) ],
ticketSupply: [ ticketSupply.toNumber(), makeShorter(ticketSupply) ],
fundingGoal: [ price*ticketSupply, await toDollars(price*ticketSupply) ]
wallet: {
ticketBalance: [ ticketBalance.toNumber(), makeShorter(ticketBalance) ]
stats: {
salesEndDate: salesEndDate*1000,
price: [ price.toNumber(), await toDollars(price) ],
availableTickets: [availableTickets.toNumber(), makeShorter(availableTickets) ],
ticketsSold: [ ticketSupply - availableSupply, makeShorter(ticketSupply - availableSupply) ],
sales: [ sales.toNumber(), await toDollars(sales) ]
state = {
withdrawals: [],
dimmed: false
dimPage = () => this.setState({ dimmed: true });
async componentDidMount() {
const boxOffice = await BoxOffice.deployed();
boxOffice.FundWithdrawn(null, { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: "latest" }, (err, res) => this.setState({ withdrawals: [res.args, ...this.state.withdrawals] }));
render() {
return (
<Dimmer.Dimmable blurring={this.state.dimmed} dimmed>
<Layout page="movie" movie={} dimPage={this.dimPage} feesCollected={this.props.feesCollected} fund={} {...this.props.wallet}>
<Dimmer active={this.state.dimmed} page>
<Loader size="massive" >Connecting to Ethereum</Loader>
<Grid style={{ marginTop: "20px" }}>
<Grid.Column width={7}>
<MovieDetails movie={} {} />
<Grid.Column width={9} textAlign="center">
<MovieStats {...this.props.stats} />
<Button.Group fluid style={{ marginTop: "30px"}}>
<BuyTickets dimPage={this.dimPage} movie={} {} {...this.props.token} {...this.props.stats} />
<Link route={`/theater/${}`}><Button onClick={event => this.dimPage()} color="teal" icon labelPosition="left"><Icon name="image" />Watch Movie</Button></Link>
<TokenDetails {...this.props.token} />
<Progress color="yellow" title={`${this.props.stats.ticketsSold[0]/this.props.token.ticketSupply[0]*100}%`} percent={this.props.stats.ticketsSold[0]/this.props.token.ticketSupply[0]*100|0} progress />
<Grid.Column width={16}>
<Withdrawals movie={} fund={} withdrawals={this.state.withdrawals} />
export default BoxOfficeMovie;
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