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Last active September 1, 2018 04:04
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/StandardToken.sol";
/** @title A Box Office Movie that inherits ERC20 */
contract BoxOfficeMovie is StandardToken {
uint8 public constant decimals = 0;
string public name;
string public symbol;
address public boxOffice;
address public filmmaker;
address[] public audienceMembers;
uint public createdTime;
uint public salesEndDate;
uint public availableTickets;
uint public price;
uint public sales;
uint public fund;
string public logline;
string public poster;
string public trailer;
event FilmUpdated(
uint salesEndDate,
uint availableTickets,
uint price,
string movieName,
string ticketSymbol,
string logline,
string poster,
string trailer
event TicketSpent(
address indexed holder
modifier onlyBoxOffice {
require(msg.sender == boxOffice);
modifier onlyFilmmaker {
require(msg.sender == filmmaker);
modifier onlyTicketHolder {
require(balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0);
/** @dev Instantiates a ERC20 token per movie
* @param _filmmaker Address of filmmaker
* @param _salesEndDate End date of ticket sales
* @param _availableTickets Quantity of tickets available during sales period
* @param _price Price of each ticket
* @param _ticketSupply Total supply of tickets
* @param _movieName Title of movie
* @param _ticketSymbol Token symbol of ticket
* @param _logline Logline of movie
* @param _poster IPFS hash of movie poster
* @param _trailer YouTube id of video trailer
address _filmmaker,
uint _salesEndDate,
uint _availableTickets,
uint _price,
uint _ticketSupply,
string _movieName,
string _ticketSymbol,
string _logline,
string _poster,
string _trailer
boxOffice = msg.sender;
filmmaker = _filmmaker;
createdTime = now;
sales = 0;
fund = 0;
salesEndDate = _salesEndDate;
availableTickets = _availableTickets;
price = _price;
totalSupply_ = _ticketSupply;
name = _movieName;
symbol = _ticketSymbol;
logline = _logline;
poster = _poster;
trailer = _trailer;
balances[filmmaker] = totalSupply_;
allowed[filmmaker][boxOffice] = totalSupply_;
/** @dev Updates movie and token details
* @param _salesEndDate End date of ticket sales
* @param _availableTickets Quantity of tickets available during sales period
* @param _price Price of each ticket
* @param _movieName Title of movie
* @param _ticketSymbol Token symbol of ticket
* @param _logline Logline of movie
* @param _poster IPFS hash of movie poster
* @param _trailer YouTube id of video trailer
* @return Boolean for testing in solidity
function updateFilm(
uint _salesEndDate,
uint _availableTickets,
uint _price,
string _movieName,
string _ticketSymbol,
string _logline,
string _poster,
string _trailer
returns (bool)
if (_salesEndDate > now) salesEndDate = _salesEndDate;
if (_availableTickets <= totalSupply_) availableTickets = _availableTickets;
if (_price > 0) price = _price;
if (bytes(_movieName).length > 0) name = _movieName;
if (bytes(_ticketSymbol).length > 0) symbol = _ticketSymbol;
if (bytes(_logline).length > 0) logline = _logline;
if (bytes(_poster).length > 0) poster = _poster;
if (bytes(_trailer).length > 0) trailer = _trailer;
emit FilmUpdated(
return true;
/** @dev Spends a movie ticket
* @return Boolean for testing in solidity
function spendTicket()
returns (bool)
require(balances[msg.sender] >= 1);
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(1);
balances[boxOffice] = balances[boxOffice].add(1);
emit TicketSpent(msg.sender);
emit Transfer(msg.sender, boxOffice, 1);
return true;
/** @dev Purchases movie tickets
* @param buyer Address of buyer
* @param quantity Number of tikcets to purchase
* @return Boolean for testing in solidity
function buyTickets(address buyer, uint quantity) external onlyBoxOffice returns (bool) {
require(balances[filmmaker] >= quantity);
balances[filmmaker] = balances[filmmaker].sub(quantity);
balances[buyer] = balances[buyer].add(quantity);
availableTickets = availableTickets.sub(quantity);
sales = sales.add(quantity.mul(price));
fund = fund.add(quantity.mul(price));
emit Transfer(filmmaker, buyer, quantity);
return true;
/** @dev Withdraws from fund to pay expense
* @param amount Amount in wei to pay
* @return Boolean for testing in solidity
function withdrawFund(uint amount) external onlyBoxOffice returns (bool) {
require(fund >= amount);
fund = fund.sub(amount);
return true;
/** @dev Retrieves movie and token details
* @return _filmmaker Address of filmmaker
* @return _salesEndDate End date of ticket sales
* @return _availableTickets Quantity of tickets available during sales period
* @return _price Price of each ticket
* @return _movieName Title of movie
* @return _ticketSymbol Token symbol of ticket
* @return _logline Logline of movie
* @return _poster IPFS hash of movie poster
* @return _trailer YouTube id of video trailer
function getFilmSummary() public view returns (
address _filmmaker,
uint _createdTime,
uint _salesEndDate,
uint _availableTickets,
uint _price,
string _movieName,
string _ticketSymbol,
string _logline,
string _poster,
string _trailer
) {
_filmmaker = filmmaker;
_createdTime = createdTime;
_salesEndDate = salesEndDate;
_availableTickets = availableTickets;
_price = price;
_movieName = name;
_ticketSymbol = symbol;
_logline = logline;
_poster = poster;
_trailer = trailer;
/** @dev Retrieves movie statistics
* @return Total ticket sales
* @return Balance from ticket sales and withdrawals
* @return Total tickets spent
* @return Total tickets available
* @return Total supply of tickets
function getFilmStats() public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint) {
return (sales, fund, balanceOf(boxOffice), balanceOf(filmmaker), totalSupply_);
/** @dev Retrieves audience members
* @return Addresses of audience members
function getAudienceMembers() public view returns (address[]) {
return audienceMembers;
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