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Last active December 12, 2021 12:44
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Convert from UST file to MusicXML file.
#! /usr/bin/python
import argparse
import sys
from tqdm import tqdm
from os.path import expanduser
import utaupy as up
import music21 as m21
def convert_lyric(lyric, table):
ret = None
for key, value in table.items():
if lyric == "".join(value):
ret = key
if ret == None: # Not found
ret = lyric
# print(ret)
return ret
def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Convert ust file to musicxml",
parser.add_argument("input_filename", type=str, help="Input UST filename")
parser.add_argument("output_filename", type=str, help="Output MusicXML filename")
parser.add_argument("table_path", type=str, help="Table file path")
parser.add_argument("--title", type=str, help="Title")
parser.add_argument("--composer", type=str, help="Composer")
parser.add_argument("--lyricist", type=str, help="Lyricist")
parser.add_argument("--convert", action="store_true", help="Convert lyrics according to table file")
parser.add_argument("--cv", action="store_true", help="Convert VCV to CV")
return parser
args = get_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
input_filename = expanduser(args.input_filename)
output_filename = expanduser(args.output_filename)
table_path = expanduser(args.table_path)
is_convert = args.convert
is_cv =
title = args.title
composer = args.composer
lyricist = args.lyricist
ust = up.ust.load(input_filename)
d_table = up.table.load(table_path, encoding="utf_8")
current_tempo = None
m21_s =
m21_s.insert(0, m21.metadata.Metadata())
m21_s.metadata.title = title
m21_s.metadata.composer = composer
m21_s.metadata.lyricist = lyricist
for ust_note in tqdm(ust.notes):
if current_tempo != ust_note.tempo:
mm = m21.tempo.MetronomeMark(number=ust_note.tempo)
current_tempo = ust_note.tempo
m21_note = None
lyric = ust_note.lyric
if is_cv and len(lyric) > 2:
lyric = lyric.split(" ")[1]
# print(lyric)
if lyric != "R":
m21_note = m21.note.Note()
m21_note.pitch = m21.pitch.Pitch(ust_note.notename)
if is_convert:
m21_note.lyric = convert_lyric(lyric, d_table)
m21_note = m21.note.Rest()
m21_note.duration = m21.duration.Duration(ust_note.length * 0.001 * 125 / 60.0)
m21_s.write("musicxml", fp=output_filename)
くぁ k w a
くぃ k w i
くぅ k w u
くぇ k w e
くぉ k w o
くゎ k w a
ぐぁ g w a
ぐぃ g w i
ぐぅ g w u
ぐぇ g w e
ぐぉ g w o
ぐゎ g w a
ゔょ by o
ゔゅ by u
ゔゃ by a
ゔぉ v o
ゔぇ v e
ゔぃ v i
ゔぁ v a
ん N
わ w a
ろ r o
れ r e
る r u
りょ ry o
りゅ ry u
りゃ ry a
りぇ ry e
り r i
ら r a
よ y o
ゆ y u
や y a
も m o
め m e
む m u
みょ my o
みゅ my u
みゃ my a
みぇ my e
み m i
ま m a
ぽ p o
ぼ b o
ほ h o
ぺ p e
べ b e
へ h e
ぷ p u
ぶ b u
ふぉ f o
ふぇ f e
ふぃ f i
ふぁ f a
ふ f u
ぴょ py o
ぴゅ py u
ぴゃ py a
ぴぇ py e
ぴ p i
びょ by o
びゅ by u
びゃ by a
びぇ by e
び b i
ひょ hy o
ひゅ hy u
ひゃ hy a
ひぇ hy e
ひ h i
ぱ p a
ば b a
は h a
の n o
ね n e
ぬ n u
にょ ny o
にゅ ny u
にゃ ny a
にぇ ny e
に n i
な n a
どぅ d u
ど d o
とぅ t u
と t o
でょ dy o
でゅ dy u
でゃ dy a
でぇ dy e
でぃ d i
で d e
てょ ty o
てゅ ty u
てゃ ty a
てぃ t i
て t e
づ z u
つぉ ts o
つぇ ts e
つぃ ts i
つぁ ts a
つ ts u
っ cl
ぢ j i
ちょ ch o
ちゅ ch u
ちゃ ch a
ちぇ ch e
ち ch i
だ d a
た t a
ぞ z o
そ s o
ぜ z e
せ s e
ずぃ z i
ず z u
すぃ s i
す s u
じょ j o
じゅ j u
じゃ j a
じぇ j e
じ j i
しょ sh o
しゅ sh u
しゃ sh a
しぇ sh e
しぃ s i
し sh i
ざ z a
さ s a
ご g o
こ k o
げ g e
け k e
ぐ g u
く k u
ぎょ gy o
ぎゅ gy u
ぎゃ gy a
ぎぇ gy e
ぎ g i
きょ ky o
きゅ ky u
きゃ ky a
きぇ ky e
き k i
が g a
か k a
お o
え e
うぉ w o
うぇ w e
うぃ w i
う u
いぇ y e
い i
あ a
ん n
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