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Last active May 8, 2019 20:04
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import numpy as np
def compute_di_score(features,Y):
Computes DI Score of a Neural Network Output
For convolution layer, the DI score of each channel is computed
For fully connected layer, the DI score of each node is computed
features: shape: convolution: Ne,H,W,Nf
fully connected: Ne,Nf
Ne = number of example
Nf = number of channels/filters
Y: shape: Ne,n_class
One hot encoded array. Each row contains one example.
dis: shape: (Nf,), di sore of each of the filters.
fshape = len(features.shape)
#Taking the features to Appropriate Shape
if fshape==4:
Ne,H,W,Nf = features.shape
features = features.transpose(3,0,1,2) #Nf, Ne, H,W
features = features.reshape(Nf,Ne,-1) #Nf, Ne, HxW
features = features.transpose(0,2,1) # Nf, HxW, Ne
d = H*W
elif fshape==2:
Ne,Nf = features.shape
features = features.transpose(1,0) #Nf, Ne
features = np.expand_dims(features,axis=1)
d = 1
#Normalizing the Y
Y = Y.T
N_number = np.sqrt(np.array([np.sum(y_one_hot,axis=1)]).T)
Y = Y/N_number
dis = np.zeros(Nf)
rho = 10**-8
for i in range(Nf):
X = features[i,:,:]
dis[i] = np.trace(np.linalg.inv(*np.eye(d)).dot(X).dot(Y.T).dot(Y).dot(X.T))
return dis
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