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Created February 7, 2019 10:43
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jenkins pipeline groovy script (with telegram)
def failureReport = { text -> "\r\n------------ Finish Report ------------\r\n${text}------------ Finish Report Report ------------\r\n" }
def botUrl = "${env.BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage"
def bot = { text -> sh "curl -s -X POST ${botUrl} -d chat_id=${env.BOT_CHAT_ID} -d text='#${env.BUILD_ID} ${text}'" }
node {
bot("build starting")
def mvnHome
stage('Preparation') {
if (env.USE_GIT_PULL == "true") {
git branch: env.GIT_BRANCH, credentialsId: 'gitlab', url: env.GIT_URL
mvnHome = tool 'maven'
stage('Build') {
if (env.USE_BUILD == "true") {
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore -DtargetName=local-web clean install"
stage('Deploy') {
def sites = readJSON file: "deploy-sites.json"
def report = ""
for (item in sites) {
def info = "${} = ${}:${item.port}"
if (item.enable) {
try {
println("deploy starting ==> ${info}")
sh "curl -v -u ${env.USERNAME}:${env.PASSWORD} 'http://${}:${item.port}/manager/text/undeploy?path=/&update=true'"
sh "curl -v -u ${env.USERNAME}:${env.PASSWORD} -T target/local-web.war 'http://${}:${item.port}/manager/text/deploy?path=/&update=true'"
} catch(ex) {
println("deploy failure ==> ${info}")
//throw ex
report = report + "failure >>> ${info}\r\n"
} else {
println("deploy ignore ==> ${info}")
report = report + "ignore >>> ${info}\r\n"
if (report != "") {
report = failureReport(report)
println report
bot("build finish${report}")
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