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Last active May 23, 2020 13:00
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#ifdef USE_AVX256
#pragma GCC target ("avx2")
#define NDEBUG
#pragma GCC target ("avx512f,avx512bw")
#pragma GCC optimize ("unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC optimize ("O4")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
using namespace std;
#define rep(i, from, to) for (int i = from; i < (to); ++i)
#define trav(a, x) for (auto& a : x)
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define sz(x) (int)(x).size()
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
typedef vector<int> vi;
struct GC {
char buf[1 << 17];
size_t bc = 0, be = 0;
char peek() {
if (bc >= be) {
bc = 0, buf[0] = 0;
be = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin);
return buf[bc]; // returns 0 on EOF
char operator()() {
if (bc >= be) {
bc = 0, buf[0] = 0;
be = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin);
return buf[bc++]; // returns 0 on EOF
} gc;
int read() {
char c;
while ((c = gc()) < 40);
int a = c - '0';
while ((c = gc()) >= 40) a = a * 10 + c - '0';
return a;
static char printbuf[1'000'000 * 8];
static int printbufi = 0;
static void printchar(char c) {
printbuf[printbufi++] = c;
static void print(int x) {
char buf[20];
int qr = 0;
if (!x) printchar('0');
else {
if (x < 0) printchar('-'), x = -x;
while (x) buf[qr++] = (char)(x % 10 + '0'), x /= 10;
while (qr) printchar(buf[--qr]);
#ifdef USE_AVX256
typedef __m256i M;
#define MM(op) _mm256_ ## op
#define MM_ANDNOT(a,b) _mm256_andnot_si256(a,b)
#define ZERO MM(setzero_si256)()
#define MM_SHUFFLE_MASK(a,b,c,d) \
_mm256_set_epi32(a,b,c,d, a,b,c,d)
#define M_WORDS 4
typedef __m512i M;
#define MM(op) _mm512_ ## op
#define MM_ANDNOT(a,b) _mm512_andnot_si512(a,b)
#define ZERO MM(setzero_si512)()
#define MM_SHUFFLE_MASK(a,b,c,d) \
_mm512_set_epi32(a,b,c,d, a,b,c,d, a,b,c,d, a,b,c,d)
#define M_WORDS 8
#define ONE MM(set1_epi32)(-1)
#define M_BITS (M_WORDS * 64)
union U {
M m;
uint64_t words[M_WORDS];
uint16_t shorts[4*M_WORDS];
// m >> 1
U srl1(U u) {
u.words[i] = (u.words[i] >> 1) | (u.words[i + 1] << 63);
u.words[M_WORDS-1] >>= 1;
return u;
// m << 1
U sll1(U u) {
for (int i = M_WORDS-1; i >= 1; i--)
u.words[i] = (u.words[i] << 1) | (u.words[i - 1] >> 63);
u.words[0] <<= 1;
return u;
void setbit(U& u, unsigned bit) {
u.words[bit >> 6] |= 1ULL << (bit & 63);
bool getbit(U& u, unsigned bit) {
return u.words[bit >> 6] & (1ULL << (bit & 63));
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, U u) {
rep(i,0,M_BITS) os << (getbit(u, i) ? '1' : '0');
return os;
template <class F>
void generic_for_each(F&& f) {}
template <class F, class Arg, class... Args>
void generic_for_each(F&& f, Arg& arg, Args&... args) {
generic_for_each(f, args...);
struct State {
int a, b;
int evs[8];
int evi;
int pos;
int tp;
M prev, acc;
M affected;
M ones, twos, fours, eights;
struct Temp {
// Persistent state from State
M prev, acc, affected;
M ones, twos, fours, eights;
// Temporary state
M cur, next, local;
Temp() {}
Temp(State& s) :
prev(s.prev), acc(s.acc),
ones(s.ones), twos(s.twos), fours(s.fours), eights(s.eights)
void writeBack(State& s) {
s.prev = prev;
s.acc = acc;
s.affected = affected;
s.ones = ones;
s.twos = twos;
s.fours = fours;
s.eights = eights;
struct Op {
enum { IS_POPCNT = 0, NEED_NEXT = 0 };
struct Op1 : Op {
void handle(Temp& t) {
t.cur = MM_ANDNOT(t.affected, t.cur);
struct Op2 : Op {
void handle(Temp& t) {
t.cur |= t.affected;
struct Op3 : Op {
enum { NEED_NEXT = 1 };
void handle(Temp& t) {
#ifdef USE_AVX256
t.cur |= & t.affected;
t.cur = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(t.cur,, t.affected, 0xF8);
struct Op4 : Op {
void handle(Temp& t) {
M old = t.cur;
#ifdef USE_AVX256
t.cur |= t.prev & t.affected;
t.cur = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(t.cur, t.prev, t.affected, 0xF8);
t.prev = old;
struct Op5 : Op {
enum { NEED_NEXT = 1 };
void handle(Temp& t) {
#ifdef USE_AVX256
t.cur = MM_ANDNOT(MM_ANDNOT(, t.affected), t.cur);
t.cur = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(t.cur,, t.affected, 0xD0);
struct Op6 : Op {
void handle(Temp& t) {
M old = t.cur;
#ifdef USE_AVX256
t.cur = MM_ANDNOT(MM_ANDNOT(t.prev, t.affected), t.cur);
t.cur = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(t.cur, t.prev, t.affected, 0xD0);
t.prev = old;
// Harley-Seal popcount from
void CSA(M& h, M& a, M b, M c) {
#ifdef USE_AVX256
const M u = a ^ b;
h = (a & b) | (u & c);
a = u ^ c;
M a2 = a;
a = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(c, b, a2, 0x96);
h = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(c, b, a2, 0xE8);
M popcount(const M v) {
const M m1 = MM(set1_epi8)(0x55);
const M m2 = MM(set1_epi8)(0x33);
const M m4 = MM(set1_epi8)(0x0F);
const M t1 = MM(sub_epi8)(v, (MM(srli_epi16)(v, 1) & m1));
const M t2 = MM(add_epi8)(t1 & m2, (MM(srli_epi16)(t1, 2) & m2));
const M t3 = MM(add_epi8)(t2, MM(srli_epi16)(t2, 4)) & m4;
return MM(sad_epu8)(t3, ZERO);
struct Op7 : Op {
enum { IS_POPCNT = 1 };
void handle16(Temp& t, U* data) {
M twosA, twosB, foursA, foursB, eightsA, sixteensA;
M ones = data[0].m, twos, fours, eights;
CSA(twos, ones, data[1].m, data[2].m);
CSA(twosA, ones, data[3].m, data[4].m);
CSA(twosB, ones, data[5].m, data[6].m);
CSA(fours, twos, twosA, twosB);
CSA(twosA, ones, data[7].m, data[8].m);
CSA(twosB, ones, data[9].m, data[10].m);
CSA(foursA, twos, twosA, twosB);
CSA(twosA, ones, data[11].m, data[12].m);
CSA(twosB, ones, data[13].m, data[14].m);
CSA(foursB, twos, twosA, twosB);
CSA(eights, fours, foursA, foursB);
CSA(twosA, t.ones, ones & t.affected, data[15].m & t.affected);
CSA(foursA, t.twos, twos & t.affected, twosA);
CSA(eightsA, t.fours, fours & t.affected, foursA);
CSA(sixteensA, t.eights, eights & t.affected, eightsA);
t.acc = MM(add_epi64)(t.acc, MM(slli_epi64)(popcount(sixteensA), 4));
void handle16_2(Temp& t1, Temp& t2, U* data) {
M twosA, twosB, foursA, foursB, eightsA, sixteensA;
M ones = data[0].m, twos, fours, eights;
CSA(twos, ones, data[1].m, data[2].m);
CSA(twosA, ones, data[3].m, data[4].m);
CSA(twosB, ones, data[5].m, data[6].m);
CSA(fours, twos, twosA, twosB);
CSA(twosA, ones, data[7].m, data[8].m);
CSA(twosB, ones, data[9].m, data[10].m);
CSA(foursA, twos, twosA, twosB);
CSA(twosA, ones, data[11].m, data[12].m);
CSA(twosB, ones, data[13].m, data[14].m);
CSA(foursB, twos, twosA, twosB);
CSA(eights, fours, foursA, foursB);
CSA(twosA, t1.ones, ones & t1.affected, data[15].m & t1.affected);
CSA(foursA, t1.twos, twos & t1.affected, twosA);
CSA(eightsA, t1.fours, fours & t1.affected, foursA);
CSA(sixteensA, t1.eights, eights & t1.affected, eightsA);
t1.acc = MM(add_epi64)(t1.acc, MM(slli_epi64)(popcount(sixteensA), 4));
CSA(twosA, t2.ones, ones & t2.affected, data[15].m & t2.affected);
CSA(foursA, t2.twos, twos & t2.affected, twosA);
CSA(eightsA, t2.fours, fours & t2.affected, foursA);
CSA(sixteensA, t2.eights, eights & t2.affected, eightsA);
t2.acc = MM(add_epi64)(t2.acc, MM(slli_epi64)(popcount(sixteensA), 4));
// pshufb-based popcnt, see
void handle(Temp& t) {
const M lowMask = MM(set1_epi8)(0xF);
const M popcntLookup = MM_SHUFFLE_MASK(
const M vec = t.cur & t.affected;
const M lo = vec & lowMask;
const M hi = MM(srli_epi16)(vec, 4) & lowMask;
const M popcnt1 = MM(shuffle_epi8)(popcntLookup, lo);
const M popcnt2 = MM(shuffle_epi8)(popcntLookup, hi);
t.local = MM(add_epi8)(t.local, popcnt1);
t.local = MM(add_epi8)(t.local, popcnt2);
void handleNth(Temp& t) {
t.acc = MM(add_epi64)(t.acc, MM(sad_epu8)(t.local, ZERO));
template<class F>
static void withOp(int tp, F&& f) {
switch (tp) {
case 1: f(Op1()); break;
case 2: f(Op2()); break;
case 3: f(Op3()); break;
case 4: f(Op4()); break;
case 5: f(Op5()); break;
case 6: f(Op6()); break;
case 7: f(Op7()); break;
default: assert(0);
constexpr int pad = 2;
constexpr int PREFIX_PAD = 8;
constexpr int N_MAX = 1'000'000;
constexpr int nblocks = max((N_MAX + M_BITS-1) / M_BITS, pad * 2 + 5);
static State states[pad];
static U prefixes[M_BITS+1 + PREFIX_PAD*2];
static U* blocks;
// static int nblocks;
static int nops;
void computeAffected(State& s) {
int at = s.pos;
if (at < s.evs[s.evi])
while (at >= s.evs[s.evi])
// Compute mask for which of the entries corresponding to bits
// 0..63 should be updated when iterating over the range
// [s.evs[s.evi-1], s.evs[s.evi]). Because of how "evs" was
// constructed, this will be constant over that range (if we
// interpret infinities correctly) and we can sample a random
// point "at" in the interval for computing it.
// The mask should have bit i set if:
// a <= i * nblocks + at < b
// (a - at) / nblocks <= i < (b - at) / nblocks
// ceil((a - at) / nblocks) <= i < ceil((b - at) / nblocks)
// We assume this range is contained in [-PREFIX_PAD, M_BITS + PREFIX_PAD].
auto ceildiv = [](int a) {
// a can be negative, causing a badly rounded division, but not by very
// much. Compensate by adding PREFIX_PAD*b.
return (a + PREFIX_PAD*nblocks + nblocks-1) / nblocks - PREFIX_PAD;
int low = ceildiv(s.a - at);
int high = ceildiv(s.b - at);
assert(low <= high);
assert(-PREFIX_PAD <= low);
assert(high <= M_BITS + PREFIX_PAD);
s.affected = MM_ANDNOT(prefixes[PREFIX_PAD + low].m, prefixes[PREFIX_PAD + high].m);
void advanceOneSmall(State& s, int goal) {
int at = s.pos;
assert(at < goal);
int from = at, to = min(goal, s.evs[s.evi]);
assert(from < to);
Temp t(s);
withOp(, [&](auto op) {
rep(i,from,to) {
t.local = ZERO;
t.cur = blocks[i].m;
if constexpr (op.NEED_NEXT) = blocks[i+1].m;
if constexpr (op.IS_POPCNT) op.handleNth(t);
else blocks[i].m = t.cur;
s.pos = to;
void advanceSmall(State& s, int goal) {
while (s.pos != goal)
advanceOneSmall(s, goal);
void advanceOneLargePopcounts(State& s1, State& s2, int goal) {
int at = s1.pos;
assert(at < goal);
assert(at == s2.pos);
int from = at, to = min({goal, s1.evs[s1.evi], s2.evs[s2.evi]});
assert(from < to);
Temp t1(s1);
Temp t2(s2);
Op7 op;
int i = from;
while (i + 16 <= to) {
op.handle16_2(t1, t2, &blocks[i]);
i += 16;
// Remainder (TODO: use Harley-Seal here as well)
t1.local = ZERO;
t2.local = ZERO;
while (i < to) {
t1.cur = t2.cur = blocks[i].m;
s1.pos = to;
s2.pos = to;
void advanceLargePopcounts(State& s1, State& s2, int goal) {
while (s1.pos != goal)
advanceOneLargePopcounts(s1, s2, goal);
constexpr bool onlyPopcount() { return true; }
template<class Op, class... Ops>
constexpr bool onlyPopcount(Op op, Ops... ops) {
return op.IS_POPCNT && onlyPopcount(ops...);
template<class... Ops>
void runLockstepLoop(int start, int goal, Ops... ops) {
constexpr int nops = (int) sizeof...(ops);
assert(start < goal);
// Ideally we'd use an array here:
// Temp temps[nops];
// but that confuses GCC's alias analysis. Work around this by declaring
// two separate variables.
Temp temp1(states[0]), temp2;
if constexpr (nops == 2) temp2 = Temp(states[1]);
#define TEMP(ind) (ind ? temp2 : temp1)
rep(i,0,nops) assert(states[i].pos == start + (nops-1 - i));
constexpr int CHUNK = 16;
int i = start;
for (; i + CHUNK <= goal; i += CHUNK) {
int ind = 0;
generic_for_each([&](auto op) {
Temp& t = TEMP(ind);
if constexpr (op.IS_POPCNT) {
op.handle16(t, &blocks[i + (nops-1 - ind)]);
} else {
rep(it,0,CHUNK) {
int j = i + it + (nops-1 - ind);
t.cur = blocks[j].m;
if constexpr (op.NEED_NEXT) = blocks[j+1].m;
blocks[j].m = t.cur;
}, ops...);
temp1.local = ZERO;
temp2.local = ZERO;
for (; i < goal; ++i) {
int ind = 0;
generic_for_each([&](auto op) {
int j = i + (nops-1 - ind);
Temp& t = TEMP(ind);
t.cur = blocks[j].m;
if constexpr (op.NEED_NEXT) = blocks[j+1].m;
if constexpr (!op.IS_POPCNT) blocks[j].m = t.cur;
}, ops...);
int ind = 0;
generic_for_each([&](auto op) {
if constexpr (op.IS_POPCNT) op.handleNth(TEMP(ind));
}, ops...);
if constexpr(nops == 2) temp2.writeBack(states[1]);
rep(i,0,nops) states[i].pos = goal + (nops-1 - i);
template<class... Ops>
void loopLockstep(int goal, Ops&... ops) {
constexpr int nops = sizeof...(ops);
if constexpr (nops == 0) return;
int pos = states[nops-1].pos;
while (pos < goal) {
int to = goal;
rep(i,0,nops) {
to = min(to, states[i].evs[states[i].evi] - (nops-1 - i));
runLockstepLoop(pos, to, ops...);
pos = to;
template<class... Ops>
static void recLockstep(int goal, Ops&&... ops) {
constexpr int i = sizeof...(ops);
if constexpr (i > pad) {
} else if (i == nops) {
loopLockstep(goal, ops...);
} else if constexpr (i < pad) {
withOp(states[i].tp, [&](auto op) {
recLockstep(goal, ops..., op);
} else {
int main() {
// Given a bit array A of size N, performs Q operations of the types:
// 1. for every i in [a, b), set A[i] = 0
// 2. for every i in [a, b), set A[i] = 1
// 3. for every i in [a, b) set A[i] = A[i] | A[i+1]
// 4. for every i in [a, b) set A[i] = A[i] | A[i-1]
// 5. for every i in [a, b) set A[i] = A[i] & A[i+1]
// 6. for every i in [a, b) set A[i] = A[i] & A[i-1]
// 7. compute popcount of [a, b)
int N = read(), Q = read();
string str(N, '0');
while (!isdigit(gc.peek())) gc();
rep(i,0,N) {
str[i] = gc();
// nblocks = max((N + M_BITS-1) / M_BITS, pad * 2 + 5);
prefixes[0+PREFIX_PAD].m = ZERO;
rep(i,0,M_BITS) {
prefixes[i+1+PREFIX_PAD] = prefixes[i+PREFIX_PAD];
setbit(prefixes[i+1+PREFIX_PAD], i);
rep(i,0,PREFIX_PAD) prefixes[i].m = ZERO;
rep(i,0,PREFIX_PAD) prefixes[PREFIX_PAD+M_BITS+1 + i].m = ONE;
// Order the bits so that block i -- a 256-bit AVX vector -- consists of
// bits nblocks*j + i for j = 0..255. With that representation, shifting
// left/right by one bit becomes shifting left/right by one block, except
// at the edges. Picture: (with W = nblocks)
// 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ... | W-1
// W | W+1 | W+2 | W+3 | W+4 | | 2*W-1
// ...
// 255*W | ... | | N-1 | 0 | ... | 0
// blocks[0] | blocks[1] | blocks[2] | | | ... | blocks[W-1]
blocks = (U*)_mm_malloc((nblocks + 2 * pad) * sizeof(U), sizeof(U)) + pad;
rep(i,0,N) {
int bit = i / nblocks, block = i % nblocks;
assert(bit < M_BITS);
if (str[i] == '1') setbit(blocks[block], bit);
int qi = 0;
while (qi < Q) {
nops = min(Q - qi, pad);
qi += nops;
// Explicitly compute the edge wrap-around and store it as padding
// around the actual blocks.
rep(i,0,pad) {
blocks[i - pad] = sll1(blocks[nblocks + i - pad]);
blocks[nblocks + i] = srl1(blocks[i]);
rep(i,0,nops) {
int tp = read(), a = read(), b = read();
if (tp == 3 || tp == 5) b--;
if (tp == 4 || tp == 6) a++;
assert(0 <= a && a <= b && b <= N);
if (tp == 3 || tp == 5) assert(b < N);
if (tp == 4 || tp == 6) assert(a > 0);
// tp = 7;
State& s = states[i]; = tp;
s.a = a;
s.b = b;
// s.affected = ZERO;
if (tp == 7) {
s.acc = ZERO;
s.ones = ZERO;
s.twos = ZERO;
s.fours = ZERO;
s.eights = ZERO;
s.pos = 0;
} else {
// One too much, just to compute "prev". It only results in unused
// padding being incorrect.
s.prev = ZERO;
s.pos = -nops + i;
s.evi = 0;
int* evs = s.evs;
evs[0] = INT_MIN;
evs[1] = 0;
evs[2] = a % nblocks;
evs[3] = b % nblocks;
evs[4] = nblocks;
int nevs = 5;
if (tp != 7) for (int x : {evs[2], evs[3]}) for (int delta : {-nblocks, nblocks}) {
int y = x + delta;
if (-pad <= y && y <= nblocks + pad) evs[nevs++] = y;
assert(nevs <= 7);
evs[nevs++] = INT_MAX;
sort(evs + 1, evs + nevs - 1);
if (nops == 2 && states[0].tp == 7 && states[1].tp == 7) {
advanceLargePopcounts(states[0], states[1], nblocks);
} else {
// Initial part
rep(i,0,nops) {
advanceSmall(states[i], nops-1 - i);
// Middle part, in lock-step, until where states with tp == 7 need to stop
int goal = nblocks - nops + 1;
if (nops == 2 && states[0].tp != 7)
// Final part
rep(i,0,nops) {
int to = nblocks + (states[i].tp == 7 ? 0 : nops-1 - i);
advanceSmall(states[i], to);
rep(i,0,nops) if (states[i].tp == 7) {
State& s = states[i];
M acc = s.acc;
acc = MM(add_epi64)(acc, MM(slli_epi64)(popcount(s.eights), 3));
acc = MM(add_epi64)(acc, MM(slli_epi64)(popcount(s.fours), 2));
acc = MM(add_epi64)(acc, MM(slli_epi64)(popcount(s.twos), 1));
acc = MM(add_epi64)(acc, popcount(s.ones));
ll sum = 0;
U u;
u.m = acc;
rep(j,0,M_WORDS) sum += u.words[j];
print((int) sum);
fwrite(printbuf, printbufi, 1, stdout);
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