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Last active December 24, 2015 06:48
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  • Save shoota/6759158 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shoota/6759158 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
node.jsでstringとObjectの相互置換の書き方 # 「オブジェクト -> 文字列」では、関数オブジェクトが表示されない。 # 「文字列 -> オブジェクト」では、外側のブレース括弧も必要で、stringの書き方に注意する。 要するにJSONの仕様に厳密な表現しか受け付けない(っぽい)。そもそもデータコンテナフォーマットですし。
// execute at node.js v.0.10.19
var toStrObj={}; = "shoota";
toStrObj.age = 29;
toStrObj.body = {locale:'Japan',sex:'m',hasChildren:true}; = function(){console.log('hello');};
var toStr = JSON.stringify(toStrObj);
// required outer brace, e.g '{}'.
//var toObjString = '"name":"shuta","age":29,"body":{"locale":"America","sex":"m","hasChildren":false}';
var toObjString = '{"name":"shuta","age":29,"body":{"locale":"America","sex":"m","hasChildren":false}}';
var toObj = JSON.parse(toObjString);
var s = === 'm' ? 'He ' : 'She ';
var sentence = toObj.body.hasChildren ? 'has' : 'do not have';
console.log( + " is " +toObj.age+" years old.");
console.log(s + sentence + ' any children.');
% node jsontest.js
shuta is 29 years old.
He do not have any children.
Process finished with exit code 0
var re = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(toStrObj));;
// TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'talk'
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