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Created April 16, 2023 16:17
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Converting a function generator to a class-iterator
from __future__ import annotations
import string
from typing import Iterator
non_word_boundaries = set(string.digits + string.ascii_letters + '_')
class SplitSentence:
def __init__(self, sentence: str):
self.sentence = sentence
self.idx = -1
self.word = ''
self.c: str | None = None
def __iter__(self) -> SplitSentence:
return self
def __next__(self) -> str:
if (c := self.c) is not None:
self.c = None
return c
while self.idx + 1 < len(self.sentence):
self.idx += 1
c = self.sentence[self.idx]
if c in non_word_boundaries:
self.word += c
if word := self.word:
self.word = ''
self.c = c
return word
return c
if word := self.word:
self.word = ''
return word
raise StopIteration
def split_sentence(sentence: str) -> Iterator[str]:
word = ''
for c in sentence:
if c in non_word_boundaries:
word += c
if word: # to avoid adding empty strings
yield word
word = ''
yield c
if word: # check if there is a word that we haven't added yet
yield word
def main():
s = 'Hello, I love learning Py, aka: Python, and I plan to learn about Go as well. golang'
out = list(split_sentence(s))
out = list(SplitSentence(s))
def test():
s = 'Hello, I love learning Python, and I plan to learn about Go as well. golang'
assert list(split_sentence(s)) == list(SplitSentence(s))
s = 'Hello, I love learning Python, and I plan to learn about Go as well. golang.'
assert list(split_sentence(s)) == list(SplitSentence(s))
s = 'Hello, I love learning Python, and I plan to learn about Go as well. golang '
assert list(split_sentence(s)) == list(SplitSentence(s))
s = 'Hello, I love learning Python, and I plan to learn about Go as well. golang '
assert list(split_sentence(s)) == list(SplitSentence(s))
s = 'Hello, I love learning Python, and I plan to learn about Go as well. golang ... .'
assert list(split_sentence(s)) == list(SplitSentence(s))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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