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Created September 25, 2015 16:40
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Thor: version: 1.0.0
God of Thunder, son of Odin and smasher of WebSockets!
Thou shall:
- Spawn 4 workers.
- Create all the concurrent/parallel connections.
- Smash 1000 connections with the mighty Mjölnir.
The answers you seek shall be yours, once I claim what is mine.
Connecting to ws://localhost:3000
Opened 100 connections
Opened 200 connections
Opened 300 connections
Opened 400 connections
Opened 500 connections
Opened 600 connections
Opened 700 connections
Opened 800 connections
Opened 900 connections
Online 12424 milliseconds
Time taken 12424 milliseconds
Connected 993
Disconnected 0
Failed 7
Total transferred 47.89MB
Total received 3.41MB
Durations (ms):
min mean stddev median max
Handshaking 351 633 242 534 1674
Latency 0 262 186 269 1277
Percentile (ms):
50% 66% 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 98% 100%
Handshaking 534 690 785 802 1114 1129 1184 1187 1674
Latency 269 327 367 413 536 593 645 668 1277
Received errors:
7x connect ECONNRESET
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