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Last active July 3, 2019 20:32
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"@type": "oa:Annotation",
"@context": "",
"@id": "8bfa51d3-65de-458e-8370-f69d4f8348e3", //this should be a URI to the annotation
// for the next section
// "on" should become on array (it is in Mirador)
// each element of that array (you currently have only one) will need a "purpose"
// purpose for annotation on text is "commenting"
// purpose for annotation on the image is "painting" (we don't have that one yet, it's OK)
"on": { //I think instead of "on" it should be "target" but Ben disagrees. "on" matches Mirador.
// see example 18 here:
"purpose": "commenting" //add this line, see example 18 here:
"within": {
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Manifest"
}, //legit
"selector": {
"value": "xywh=2971,453,28,39",
"@type": "oa:FragmentSelector",
"item": {
"type": "RangeSelector",
"startSelector": {
"@type": "XPathSelector",
"value": "//*[@id='13d3b867-d668-4294-b56a-df3e8860016c']" //looks good
"endSelector": {
"@type": "XPathSelector",
"value": "//*[@id='8bfa51d3-65de-458e-8370-f69d4f8348e3']" //how are you deciding what this is? the "next" span element? How do you get that?
//this endSelector is *exclusive* so it excludes the current span
"refinedBy": { //change this to 2 "refinedBys", each of which is a child of it's respective selector
// the "start" portion applies to the "startSelector"
// the "end" portion applies to the "endSelector"
"@type": "TextPositionSelector",
"start": 2,
"end": 18
"@type": "oa:SpecificResource", //SpecificResources can be either a body or a target, so we have to specify.
//Ben thinks "on" is fine for target, so this may be fine.
// can we move type up by purpose -- just a style change, but I think it's clearer.
"full": "$1" // we don't see "full" in the OA spec, but it is in Mirador. Sigh. Keep it.
// is there a blank line here?
"motivation": "sc:commenting",
"resource": { // again, this is what Mirador does, but I think it should be body.
//See example 18 here:
"chars": "My super smart annotation.",
"format": "text/html",
"@type": "dctypes:Text",
"language": "en"
"annotatedBy": {
"name": "Ford Prefect"
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