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Created April 18, 2018 05:40
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pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '3', artifactNumToKeepStr: '3'))
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'apiTests', defaultValue: 'ApiTestsIT', description: 'API tests')
string(name: 'cuke', defaultValue: 'RunCukesIT', description: 'cucumber tests')
string(name: 'context', defaultValue: 'safebear', description: 'application context')
string(name: 'domain', defaultValue: '', description: 'domain of the test environment')
string(name: 'test_hostname', defaultValue: '', description: 'hostname of the test environment')
string(name: 'test_port', defaultValue: '8888', description: 'port of the test env')
string(name: 'test_username', defaultValue: 'tomcat', description: 'username of tomcat')
string(name: 'test_password', defaultValue: 'tomcat', description: 'password of tomcat server')
triggers { pollSCM('* * * * *')}
stages {
stage('Build with unit testing'){
sh 'mvn clean package'
post {
success {
echo 'Now Archiving...'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/target/*.war'
always {
junit "**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml"
stage('Static Analysis'){
steps {
sh 'mvn checkstyle:checkstyle'
post {
success {
checkstyle canComputeNew: false, defaultEncoding: '', healthy: '', pattern: '', unHealthy: ''
stage('deploy to Test') {
steps {
sh "mvn cargo:redeploy -Dcargo.hostname=${params.test_hostname} -Dcargo.servlet.port=${params.test_port} -Dcargo.username=${params.test_username} -Dcargo.password=${params.test_password}"
stage('integration tests'){
steps {
sh "mvn -Dtest=${params.apiTests} test -Ddomain=${params.domain} -Dport=${params.test_port} -Dcontext=${params.context}"
post {
always {
junit "**/target/surefire-reports/*ApiTestsIT.xml"
stage('cucumber bdd tests'){
sh "mvn -Dtest=${params.cuke} test -Ddomain=${params.domain} -Dport=${params.test_port} -Dcontext=${params.context}"
post {
allowMissing : false,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild : false,
keepAll : false,
reportDir : 'target/cucumber',
reportFiles : 'index.html',
reportName : 'BDD report',
reportTitles : ''
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