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Last active March 14, 2018 12:06
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LoadModelAsync method for the Windows Machine Learning, EmotionRecognition sample.
public class EmotionRecognizer
// ....
public async Task LoadModelAsync()
// Load Model
var modelFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(
new Uri($"ms-appx:///Assets/FERPlus.onnx"));
model = await LearningModelPreview.LoadModelFromStorageFileAsync(modelFile);
// Retrieve model input and output variable descriptions (we already know
// the model takes an image in and outputs a tensor)
var inputFeatures = model.Description.InputFeatures.ToList();
var outputFeatures = model.Description.OutputFeatures.ToList();
inputImageDescriptor =
feature => feature.ModelFeatureKind == LearningModelFeatureKindPreview.Image)
as ImageVariableDescriptorPreview;
outputTensorDescriptor =
feature => feature.ModelFeatureKind == LearningModelFeatureKindPreview.Tensor)
as TensorVariableDescriptorPreview;
catch (Exception)
model = null;
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