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Forked from drnextgis/
Last active February 25, 2024 17:02
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Convert MOD14 hdf into csv
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import with_statement
from optparse import OptionParser
import os, sys, fnmatch, shutil, datetime
def echo_err(parser,msg):
print("*** " + msg)
def main():
usage = 'usage: %prog --directory=PATH --sattelite=MOD|MYD'
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('-d', '--directory', action='store', dest='rootPath')
parser.add_option('-s', '--sattelite', action='store', dest='sattelite', help='MOD|MYD')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
rootPath = options.rootPath
sattelite = options.sattelite
if rootPath == None:
rootPath = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.exists(rootPath):
echo_err(parser,"Path not found")
if sattelite == None:
echo_err(parser,"Sattelite name is required")
if ((sattelite != 'MOD') and (sattelite != 'MYD')):
echo_err(parser,"Sattelite name is invalid")
if sattelite == 'MOD':
satPattern = 'MOD14*.hdf'
sensor = 'TERRA'
if sattelite == 'MYD':
satPattern = 'MYD14*.hdf'
sensor = 'AQUA'
fldList = 'FP_line,FP_sample,FP_latitude,FP_longitude,FP_R2,FP_T21,FP_T31,FP_MeanT21,FP_MeanT31,FP_MeanDT,FP_MAD_T21,FP_MAD_T31,FP_MAD_DT,FP_power,FP_AdjCloud,FP_AdjWater,FP_WinSize,FP_NumValid,FP_confidence'
fldlistout = 'line,sample,latitude,longitude,R2,T21,T31,MeanT21,MeanT31,MeanDT,MAD_T21,MAD_T31,MAD_DT,power,AdjCloud,AdjWater,WinSize,NumValid,confidence,sat,granule,year,month,day,daynumber,date,time,version'
tempRoot = 'temp'
csvRoot = 'csv'
tempExt = 'txt'
csvExt = 'csv'
csvtExt = 'csvt'
tempPath = os.path.join(rootPath,tempRoot)
csvPath = os.path.join(rootPath,csvRoot)
tempPattern = '*.'+tempExt
'''Create directory for temporary files'''
if os.path.exists(tempPath):
if os.path.exists(csvPath):
'''Extract data into temporary ASCII files'''
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootPath):
hdfFiles = fnmatch.filter(files, satPattern)
if (len(hdfFiles) != 0):
for fileName in hdfFiles:
inputFile = os.path.join(root,fileName)
tempFile = os.path.join(tempPath, fileName[0:-3]+tempExt)
print("extracting from ......" + inputFile)
os.system('hdp dumpsds -n %s -o %s -d %s' % (fldList, tempFile, inputFile))
if os.path.getsize(tempFile) == 0:
'''Convert temporary files into CSV'''
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tempPath):
tempFiles = fnmatch.filter(files, tempPattern)
if (len(tempFiles) != 0):
for fileName in tempFiles:
groups = []
group = []
inputFile = os.path.join(root,fileName)
csvFile = os.path.join(csvPath, fileName[0:-3]+csvExt)
csvtFile = os.path.join(csvPath, fileName[0:-3]+csvtExt)
csvt = open(csvtFile,'wb')
for line in (x.strip() for x in file(inputFile).readlines()) :
if line :
else :
cnt = len(" ".join(group).split())
groups.append(" ".join(group).split())
group[:] = []
'''Manual adding additional fields'''
'''Sensor name'''
group.append(" ".join([sensor]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
'''Granule name'''
group.append(" ".join([fileName[0:-4]]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
group.append(" ".join([datetime.datetime.strptime(fileName[7:14], '%Y%j').strftime('%Y')]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
group.append(" ".join([datetime.datetime.strptime(fileName[7:14], '%Y%j').strftime('%m')]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
group.append(" ".join([datetime.datetime.strptime(fileName[7:14], '%Y%j').strftime('%d')]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
'''Day number'''
group.append(" ".join([datetime.datetime.strptime(fileName[7:14], '%Y%j').strftime('%j')]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
group.append(" ".join([datetime.datetime.strptime(fileName[7:14], '%Y%j').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
group.append(" ".join([datetime.datetime.strptime(fileName[15:19], '%H%M').strftime('%H:%M')]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
group.append(" ".join([fileName[20:23]]*cnt))
groups.append(" ".join(group).split(' '))
group[:] = []
with file(csvFile, "wb") as out:
for group in zip(*groups) :
out.write(", ".join(group) + "\n")
if os.path.exists(tempPath):
if __name__=="__main__":
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