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Last active October 28, 2016 01:06
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Side Note:
I've never used attrs before, so thought it would be fun to try them out
see for an explanation of attrs
Runtime Complexity:
I originaly wrote as nexted for loops, which is O(n^2), but switched to
using combinations to reduce runtime somewhat to O(n choose k)
I'm not sure there's anyway to get faster than that, since it seems you have
to know what all the possible combinations of points are to know about all
possible lines.
For the future, could add support for verticle lines, but didnt seem necessary
for this exercise...
import itertools
# pip install attrs
import attr
from attr.validators import instance_of
# classes #
class P(object):
x coord
y coord
x = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(float))
y = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(float))
class Line(object):
WARNING: does not support verticle lines. ie x = 2
slope = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(float))
yi = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(float)) # y intercept
def create_from_points(cls, p1, p2):
create a line from two points
if the two points are on a verticle line return None
rise, run = (p2.y - p1.y), (p2.x - p1.x)
if run == 0:
# does not support verticle lines...
return None
slope = rise / run
yi = p1.y - slope * p1.x
return cls(slope, yi)
# solution #
def _find_lines(points):
finds all possible combinations of lines for a given set of points
args: points = List of Points (Class P)
returns: dictionary (K = Line, Value = set of points)
_find_lines[P(0., 0.), P(1., 1.), P(3., 4.), P(2., 2.)]() =>
Line(slope=1.0. yi=0.0): set([P(x=0.0, y=0.0),
P(x=1.0, y=1.0),
P(x=2.0, y=2.0)])
lines = {}
p_combinations = itertools.combinations(points, 2)
for p1, p2 in p_combinations:
l = Line.create_from_points(p1, p2)
exists = lines.get(l, False) if l else False # skip if none is returned, which implies a verticle line
if exists:
lines[l] = lines[l] | set([p1, p2])
lines[l] = set([p1, p2])
return lines
def lines_with_more_than_n_points(points, n_points=2):
returns the lines that have greater than n_points from a list of points
lines = _find_lines(points)
return [line for line, points in lines.iteritems() if len(points) > n_points]
# tests #
def test(points, expected):
assert lines_with_more_than_n_points(points) == expected
test([], [])
test([P(0., 0.)], [])
test([P(0., 0.), P(1., 1.)], [])
test([P(0., 0.), P(1., 1.), P(2., 2.)], [Line(slope=1.0, yi=0.0)])
test([P(0., 0.), P(1., 1.), P(2., 3.)], [])
test([P(0., 0.), P(1., 1.), P(2., 2.), P(3., 4.)], [Line(slope=1.0, yi=0.0)]) # Provided example
test([P(0., 0.), P(1., 1.), P(2., 2.), P(0., 3.), P(1., 6.), P(2., 9.)],
[Line(slope=3.0, yi=3.0), Line(slope=1.0, yi=0.0)])
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