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Last active August 25, 2024 07:10
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Bash Utilities
# You can import this script in your current bash using the following command
# source <(curl -s
# You can also put these lines in your .bashrc or .bash_profile to automatically install the utils if they do not exist
# -----------------------------
# if ! [ -f "${BASH_UTILS_FILE}" ]; then
# curl -o "$BASH_UTILS_FILE"
# fi
# -----------------------------
# To update the git-utils you can then just execute
# $ rm ~/
# and reopen the shell
# This funciton reads an environment variable's content from stdin so that it will not occur in the shell's history.
# It is useful when you need to export a variable with sensitive content like a private gpg key or passphrase.
# In some situations you have to press CTRL-D two times, e.g. when no new line is entered.
# See
function exportSecret(){
local env_var_name="$1"
if [ -z "${env_var_name}" ]; then
>&2 echo "Pass the environment variable name as the first argument."
>&2 echo "Enter the secret value and finish with CTRL-D. Abort with CTRL-C."
IFS='' read -s -r -d '' ${env_var_name} < <(cat)
export ${env_var_name}
# Executes an isolated bash shell that does not load any rc or profile files and uses the PS1 provided by ISOLATED_PS1.
# The isolated bash will not record a history.
# This is useful if you want to do operations with sensitive data. Just exit the shell and even sensitive data that
# you put in environment variables is deleted. Such as gpg keys or passphrases.
alias bash-isolated='bash --rcfile <(echo "export PS1=\"$ISOLATED_PS1\";unset HISTFILE")'
# Change this line to the default isolated bash PS1
export ISOLATED_PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[35m\]$MSYSTEM\[\e[0m\] \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\] \[\e[31m\](ISOLATED)\[\e[0m\]\n$ '
# Delte a history range.
local start="$1"
local end="$2"
if [ -z "$start" ]; then echo "Usage: histdel START_INDEX [END_INDEX]"; return; fi
if [ -z "$end" ]; then
end=$(history 1 | awk '{print $1}')
for h in $(seq $end -1 $start); do
history -d $h
history -w # force write
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