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Created November 13, 2020 17:46
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Toy reinforcement learning on an array
Reinforcement learning is performed on a 1-dimensional
finite state space ("array") of k elements:
S = {1,...,k}
There are two possible actions: move right (a = 1), or move left (a = -1),
(except at the boundaries s = 1 or s = k). This defines the action
A = {-1, 1}
The reward for moving to the right is +1, and the reward for
moving to the left is -1. At the boundary the reward for attempting
to traverse outside the array is 0, and the state returned upon attempting
such action is the original state.
Define a function f: S * A -> S
representing deterministic state traversal for a given action.
Also define a function g: S * A -> R (real line) for the reward
for a given action in a given state.
The value iteration algorithm is used.
The resulting optimal policy is to move to the right in all states,
except in the last (rightmost) one, where the optimal policy requires
moving back to the next most rightmost state, then moving again to the
rightmost state. So the optimal policy will result in cycling
between the last two states; for any initial state i, the sequence
traversed for the optimal policy is:
i, i+1, i+2, ...., k-1, k, k-1, k, k-1, k (etc).
from collections import defaultdict
class ArrayReinforcementLearning(object):
k = 5 # number of states
gamma = 0.1 # gamma factor in value iteration algorithm
tolerance = 0.01 # tolerance for value iteration convergence for each state
# f and g are state and reward maps, respectively
f = {(1, -1) : 1, (1, 1) : 2, (2, -1) : 1, (2, 1) : 3,
(3, -1) : 2, (3, 1) : 4, (4, -1) : 3, (4, 1) : 5,
(5, -1) : 4, (5, 1) : 5}
g = {(1, -1) : 0, (1, 1): 1, (2, -1) : -1, (2, 1) : 1,
(3, -1) : -1, (3, 1) : 1, (4, -1) : -1, (4, 1) : 1,
(5, -1) : -1, (5, 1) : 0}
states = [i + 1 for i in range(k)]
actions = [-1, 1]
def __init__(self):
""" Initialize with an array of state values
all zero.
v[s] = V(s): = value of state s
q[(s,a)] = Q(s,a) := value of action a in state s.
self.v = [0.0] * ArrayReinforcementLearning.k
self.q = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
def learn(self):
""" Performs the value iteration algorithm. Returns the
optimal state values."""
prev_v = [-10000.0] * ArrayReinforcementLearning.k
while not all(
[abs(prev_v[i] - self.v[i]) < ArrayReinforcementLearning.tolerance
for i in range(len(self.v))]):
prev_v = self.v
for s in ArrayReinforcementLearning.states:
max_value = 0.0
max_value_action = -1
for a in ArrayReinforcementLearning.actions:
self.q[(s,a)] = ArrayReinforcementLearning.g[(s,a)] + \
ArrayReinforcementLearning.gamma * \
if self.q[(s,a)] > max_value:
max_value = self.q[(s,a)]
max_value_action = a
self.v[s-1] = max_value
return self.v
def optimal_policy(self):
"""Returns the optimal policy pi: S -> A
as a map <s, a>. """
pi = {}
for s in ArrayReinforcementLearning.states:
max_value = 0.0
max_value_action = -1
for a in ArrayReinforcementLearning.actions:
res = ArrayReinforcementLearning.g[(s,a)] + \
ArrayReinforcementLearning.gamma * \
if res > max_value:
max_value_action = a
pi[s] = max_value_action
return pi
def main():
arl = ArrayReinforcementLearning()
v = arl.learn()
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print v
pi = arl.optimal_policy()
print pi
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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todo: redo in javascript with ui

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