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Last active August 11, 2020 19:08
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demonstrating auto-regressive model (motivating full generative model) as trained convolutional layer
epoch loss: 78.85499735287158
epoch loss: 0.0008048483715437094
epoch loss: 7.917497569703835e-06
epoch loss: 7.784523854692527e-08
epoch loss: 1.082900831506084e-09
epoch loss: 3.153994704296892e-10
epoch loss: 3.153994704296892e-10
epoch loss: 3.153994704296892e-10
epoch loss: 3.153994704296892e-10
epoch loss: 3.153994704296892e-10
Parameter containing:
tensor([[[ 0.5000, -0.4000]]], requires_grad=True)
success: trained weights match model.
testing trained model predictions ...
success: predictions agreed.
This script demonstrates the essential ideas
for training a full generative model (for example, Wavenet) for timeseries
by way of convolutional layers. The weights of the trained model are shown to agree.
Assuming a finite paste time dependence and linear dependence
it becomes an auto-regressive model. This can be trained by
convolutional layers but the time series has to be appropriately
lined up at input and output layers.
The general rules (assuming a left-padding).
# 1) shift output left one index (so an index isn't tied to itself)
# 2) ignore first k - 1 indices
# 3) ignore last index in both input and output
# aka output is the range k-1:-1,
# input is the range k:
Note this means the kernel size is actually one less than what one may expect,
since an index isn't tied to itself.
What it looks like in this example with k = 2. The first k - 1 (= 1 for k = 2 in this case)
and last index are ignored for calculating the loss.
(ig) (ig)
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
* * * * *
/ | / | / | / | / |
* * * * *
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4
(ig) (ig)
Example auto-regressive model:
AR(2) process x_t = a x_t-1 + b xt-2 + noise
stationary if a in [-2, 2], b in [-1, 1]
This trained model then allows prediction, outputting the next timestep value x5. Iterate to
generate a sequence of predictions.
import random
A, B = -0.4, 0.5
def gen_ar():
n_samples = 100
x0, x1 = 50, 60.
x2 = B * x0 + A * x1
for i in range(n_samples):
x0 = x1
x1 = x2
x2 = B * x0 + A * x1 + random.gauss(0, 10 ** -5)
yield x2
def train_convolutional():
# to do: train convolutional model directly with analytic gradient descent.
def test_prediction(model):
import torch
print("testing trained model predictions ...")
window = []
window_sz = 5 + 1
seq_end = 10**3
i = 0
for e in gen_ar():
if len(window) > window_sz:
del window[0]
torch_window = torch.FloatTensor(window[:window_sz - 1]).reshape(1, 1, window_sz - 1)
prediction = model(torch_window)
x5_pred = prediction[0][0][3].data.item()
x5_actual = window[-1]
rel_error = abs(x5_pred - x5_actual) / abs(x5_pred)
#print(f'rel. error: {rel_error}')
assert rel_error < 1e-3, 'prediction error!'
if i > seq_end:
i += 1
print("success: predictions agreed.")
def train_conv_pytorch():
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
# arbitrarily choose to send in chunks of length 5
# so long as greater than k, ok
n = 5
# dependence on 2 prior terms
# will shift output to the left one index
# so that an index is not tied to itself
k = 2
def left_pad_k(x, m):
return F.pad(x,
pad=[m, 0],
def ar_loss_criterion(output, input, k):
# 1) shift output left one index
# 2) ignore first k - 1 indices
# 3) ignore last index in both input and output
# aka output is the range k-1:-1,
# input is the range k:
modified_out = output[:, :, k-1:-1]
modified_in = input[:, :, k:]
return torch.nn.MSELoss()(modified_out,
model = torch.nn.Conv1d(
data = []
i = 0
for e in gen_ar():
if i % 5 == 0:
i += 1
torch_data = torch.FloatTensor(data).unsqueeze(1)
assert torch_data.shape == (20, 1, 5)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),
num_epochs = 10**3
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
epoch_loss = 0.
for j in range(4):
chunk = torch_data[j*5:(j+1)*5, :, :]
chunk_lp = left_pad_k(chunk, k-1)
y = model(chunk_lp)
loss = ar_loss_criterion(y, chunk, k)
epoch_loss += loss.item()
if epoch % 100 == 0:
print(f'epoch loss: {epoch_loss}')
b_conv = model.weight[0][0][0].data.numpy()
a_conv = model.weight[0][0][1].data.numpy()
assert abs(b_conv - B) / B < 10**-5, "trained weight B does not match model"
assert abs(a_conv - A) / A < 10 ** -5, "trained weight A does not match model"
print("success: trained weights match model.")
except Exception(e):
return model
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = train_conv_pytorch()
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