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Created August 26, 2014 23:43
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var loopback = require('loopback');
var path = require('path');
var app = module.exports = loopback();
app.set('restApiRoot', '/api');
var ds = loopback.createDataSource('soap',
connector: require('../index'),
remotingEnabled: true,
// wsdl: '' // The url to WSDL
wsdl: path.join(__dirname, './weather.wsdl')
// Unfortunately, the methods from the connector are mixed in asynchronously
// This is a hack to wait for the methods to be injected
ds.once('connected', function () {
// Create the model
var WeatherService = ds.createModel('WeatherService', {});
// Refine the methods
WeatherService.forecast = function (zip, cb) {
WeatherService.GetCityForecastByZIP({ZIP: zip || '94555'}, function (err, response) {
console.log('Forecast: %j', response);
var result = (!err && response.GetCityForecastByZIPResult.Success) ?
response.GetCityForecastByZIPResult.ForecastResult.Forecast : [];
cb(err, result);
}; = function (zip, cb) {
function(done) {
WeatherService.GetCityWeatherByZIP({ZIP: zip || '94555'}, function (err, response) {
console.log('Weather: %j', response);
// var result = response.GetCityWeatherByZIPResult.Temperature;
var result = response;
done(err, result);
function(done) {
WeatherService.GetCityWeatherByZIP({ZIP: zip || '95131'}, function (err, response) {
console.log('Weather: %j', response);
// var result = response.GetCityWeatherByZIPResult.Temperature;
var result = response;
done(err, result);
}], function(err, results) {
// The results is now an array of results from each calls
cb(err, results[0]);
// Map to REST/HTTP
WeatherService.forecast, {
accepts: [
{arg: 'zip', type: 'string', required: true,
http: {source: 'query'}}
returns: {arg: 'result', type: 'object', root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/forecast'}
loopback.remoteMethod(, {
accepts: [
{arg: 'zip', type: 'string', required: true,
http: {source: 'query'}}
returns: {arg: 'result', type: 'object', root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/weather'}
// Expose to REST
// LoopBack REST interface
// API explorer (if present)
try {
var explorer = require('loopback-explorer')(app);
app.use('/explorer', explorer);
app.once('started', function (baseUrl) {
console.log('Browse your REST API at %s%s', baseUrl, explorer.route);
} catch (e) {
'Run `npm install loopback-explorer` to enable the LoopBack explorer'
if (require.main === module) {
app.start = function () {
return app.listen(3000, function () {
var baseUrl = '';
app.emit('started', baseUrl);
console.log('LoopBack server listening @ %s%s', baseUrl, '/');
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